UiPath Associate - Descriptors in Studio
Twenty Seven
Consider a Target with two Anchors. How many Target - anchor pairs does the robot generate under the hood? Two Six Nine Twenty Seven
UI Activities
From the given options, which option lets us to see the list of activities used inside a project. UI Activities Actvities Descriptors Project
Either press F3 or find it in the Selection Option Window
How can Image Selection Mode be enabled?
All targeting methods start Identifying the target element simultaneously, and whichever finds the target first, that targeting method will be considered.
In the Unified target method, what is the order in which the robot uses targeting methods to identify the selected UI element? All targeting methods start Identifying the target element simultaneously, and whichever finds the target first, that targeting method will be considered. Selector, Fuzzy Selctor and Image(The priority order is High ->Low) Fuzzy selector, Selectors , Image(The priority order is Low->High) Selector, Fuzzy selector, Image Selector and Native Text(The priority order is High ->Low)
Reusability Centralized UI Libraries Reliability
Key benefits of Object repository are: Reusability Helps in debugging the Selectors Centralized UI Libraries Handles the exceptions generated by the UI Actvities. Reliability
Days between - June 1 to June 9 in the year 2021
Review Question: The following calendar page selector will work for ? "<html app\='chrome.exe' title\='UiPath - Calendar - june ?, 2021' />" Days between - June 1 to June 9 in the year 2021 All days of the first week of june all the june 1 date irrespective of year. Works for all the days in June month
A partial selector (I think it's partial since modern activities use a lot of containers)
Review Question: What is the type of selector that's generated while using the Modern design activities? Modern selector A partial selector A dynamic selector A full selector
False - It's the other way around
T/F: The Fuzzy Selector can only identify one UI element, while the Selector can oftentimes identify Multiple UI elements.
T/F: While fine-tuning the target UI element, you can use variables in the Selector, but not in the Fuzzy selector.
Blue checkmark Indicates the method worked but wasn't the fastest.
Target Element Validation: What does the blue check mark imply?
Duplicate icon implies the method found duplicates and the correct element couldn't be identified by using this method.
Target Element Validation: What does the duplicate icon imply?
The target icon represents that the targeting method was fastest among all others.
Target Element Validation: What does the target icon imply?
Duplicate Matches
Target Element Validation: When configuring and validating selectors, what do yellow highlighted fields indicate?
Under Target Element
The convert to dynamic text target option is available ... In the Target section of the selection option window Under Anchor Elment Context menu of the Activity Under Target Element
Selectors Fuzzy Selectors Image Native Text
The key targeting methods are:
Selectors Fuzzy Selctors Image
Unified Target method uses which targeting methods? Selectors Fuzzy Selctors Image Native Text
Screens are UI Scopes that are either extracted from activities inside the workflow or are generated at element capture time. A Screen groups together multiple UI Elements belonging to the same screen.
What are Screens ?
A UI Application is a targeted application that can have multiple versions and each version can have multiple screens. Versioned applications are used to group Screens and UI Elements. They do not contain Descriptor information.
What are UI Applications?
UI Descriptors are extracted directly from an app using the Capture Elements recorder or from activities in the workflow and added to a structured schema that groups them by Applications, Application Versions, Screens, and UI Elements.
What are UI Descriptors?
A UI Element is the encapsulation of a UI Descriptor, needed to identify the element on the screen, and additional metadata needed to describe the element.
What are UI Elements?
A UI Library is an encapsulation of elements grouped by applications, application versions, and screens. The elements you define can be extracted as a UI Library, and after publishing, can be installed in other projects as a dependency.
What are UI Libraries?
Create and publish a UI Library Import and use the UI Library Update the UI Library Import and update the UI Library
What are the main steps to create and manage an object repository?
Reliability Easy to Update Reusability
What are the three key features of the Object Repository?
The Dynamic Text Target feature addresses the need of targeting elements regardless of their specific content, such as trying to click on the first element in a search list or just trying to click on a dynamic element (e.g., a link that can have different texts). It'll change the attributes to make them dynamic, remove text references, and disable incompatible targeting methods.
What does the Dynamic Text Target feature allow you to do?
The Enforce Element Visibility Property, lets you work with UI elements that are visible when it's enabled. During run-time also, considers only the visible elements.
What does the Enforce Element Visibility property allow you to do?
This feature helps you identify a UI Element in situations where selectors and fuzzy selectors aren't available, by using only image recognition.
What does the Image selection mode feature allow you to do?
Enables native text targeting Useful for legacy applications in which not all elements are available
What does the Native Text option allow you to do?
The red circle-backslash symbol icon means that the method didn't identify any elements.
What does the red circle backslash icon imply?
The Target and Anchor pair is known as Descriptor.
What is a Descriptor?
Target and Anchor pair
What is a Descriptor? The unique ID of an UI element. The "path" to the UI element, starting from the root, all the way to the target element. Target and Anchor pair A container for UI elements.
A Unified Target is made up of at least one target, with optional anchors. So basically one or more UI Elements.
What is a Unified Target?
The Object Repository allows for creating and reusing UI taxonomies inside and across automation projects. With Object Repository you can build a UI API for your application and share it with your team within minutes.
What is the Object Repository
Selection Option window provides Advanced options such as Enforce visibility, Dynamic Text Target, Native text Target and Image selection mode.
What is the Selection Option window for?
This feature helps to find all the matches for the selected element that can be found in the automated application. You can use this option to debug your UI descriptors or selections.
What is the Show All Matches feature?
Enables you to evaluate how effective the selection method is. It inspects with all selected methods and anchors.
What is the Target element validation?
The use of various methods to faciltate UI interactions (selectors, fuzzy selectors, Computer Vision, etc) in harmony to achieve higher reliability.
What is the Unified Target?
Highlights all User Interface or UI Elements identified by selected targeting method.
What is the functionality of Show all matches option? Highlight only duplicate User Interface elements, identified by selected targeting method. Helps in deleting the Anchor element. Makes the selection more reliable. Highlights all User Interface or UI Elements identified by selected targeting method.
AA(Active Accessibility) - for older applications. UIA (Microsoft UI Automation) - for newer applications.
Which is for older and which is for newer applications? AA(Active Accessibility) UIA (Microsoft UI Automation)
By adjusting the matching accuracy of the Fuzzy Selector from the Accuracy slider. By using wildcards (?,*) By using Variable and Argument in the Fuzzy Selector for the required target.
Which three ways can a fuzzy selector be fine tuned?
Show All Matches Target element validation
Which two features allow you to check the reliability of your UI automation based on its current configuration?
Will the option to change the UI framework be available after a target has been selected?
By enabling the Hoverable Element selection
You are building an automation for a webpage, one of the UI elements, which you want to indicate, is available only on hover. How do you select/indicate that particular UI element? By enabling the Hoverable Element selection Using Pause Configuration Option Need to adjust many things in the workflow to achieve this requirement Using Keyboard Shortcuts
You're building automation for the application which is available on the client machine. You don't have direct access to that. Also, you aren't allowed to install Studio on the Client machine on which the application is present.In this scenario, which targeting method can you use to identify the required UI element for processes. Selectors Image Only Anchors Image and Fuzzy selctors
_________ design activities use a Unified Target method to identify UI Elements on the screen. Classic or Modern?