Under A Painted Sky by Stacey Lee

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It the French wagon circle, why did some of the settlers leave?

After Napoleon, their farmland was destroyed and they hear about the chance to get land in America. p. 249

Cay picks up a flyer at Independence Rock with a picture of the Broken Hand Gang. What is the reward for the capture or killing of one of them?

$200 ea, doa p. 289

How old was Sammy's father when he came to America?

13 p. 35

How old was Tommy when he died?

7 p. 36

What does Sammy teach her companions?

Chinese and french p. 164

How did Sammy's father get a wife?

He arranged with a matchmaker for one to be sent from China. p. 187

How does West get injuried?

He is bitten in the shoulder by a wild stallion p. 219

Why did Issac go west?

He wanted to get out of reach of the those who were hunting runaway slaves. p. 41

What were the names of Annamae's brothers?

Issac and Tommy p. 36

Who was Badge?

Issac p. 335

Why was there a piano on the prairie?

It had been abandoned by a wagon train. p. 246

What is a Moses wagon?

It was used by abolitionists to spirit away slaves

With whom and with which instrument does Sammy have a musical dual?

Jack with a banjo p. 274

How does Sammy lose Lady Tin-Yin?

Paloma slips while crossing the river

Where was Sammy born?

New York p. 37

What does Sammy name the mule given by Mr. MacMartin?

Paloma, the Spanish word for dove p.147

two members of the Broken Hand Gang come upon Sammy. She makes a bargain with them. What is the bargain?

She will give hem some fire and clean water and they won't kill her. p. 310

Why does Sammy agree to Dr. Highwater's request that she play his daughter's violin?

She hopes her father's friend Trask, a clarinetist, would be amongst the wagoneers. p. 270

Jeremiah, one member of the gang has a bullet in his leg. What does Sammy do to help him?

She removes the bullet with her nimble fingers. p. 313

How does Sammy get West to drink the soup?

She spits it in his mouth. p. 232

Which city was considered the step-off point into the Wild West?

St. Jo,

Which River did the wagons cross and how did they cross?

The Missouri by ferry.

What do West and Peety do when Angus MacMartin kicks Sammy in the ribs?

They lasso Ian and Angus and Ian and make them apologise

The flyer also has a picture of a Chinese woman. What is her name?

Young San-Li p. 290

What does Peety give Sammy for her birthday?

a bow and a quiver with 10 arrows. p. 261

What did Annamae and Sammy steal from Ty Yorkshire?

a few dollars, a powder horn, 2 gold rings, a gun, a holster, a hat

What did Mr. MacMartin give Andy and Sammy to say he was sorry for the actions of his sons?

a mule p.147

What is Little Blue?

a winding stream that runs north and south p. 84

How does Sammy escape the stampede?

by climbing a tree p. 109

What did West's father do to him?

he beat him and burned him p. 320

What bone does Sammy break in the final struggle with Angus?

her wrist p. 364

What does Peety give Andy?

his riding gloves

What is a char cloth?

it is used to light fires. p. 46-47

What happened to the tree in which Sammy was perched

it was hit by lightning and caught fire p. 115

What type of bracelet did Sammy's father give her mother?

jade beads

What did Cay mean by unshucked?

naked p 97

Had Cay, West and Peety secured a land grant for panning for gold?

no - they did not know how to get one. p. 283

What was the first dinner Sammy and Annamae had on the trail?


Sammy was not admitted to the music conservatory in New York. What reason did she give?

"A single drop of yolk can ruin a meringue." p. 155

Sammy has dreams about her father when she is in the Harp Falls. What does she dream?

- he talks to her about the fireflies and how we carry around the light of those who have passed - she dreams of a rabbit who takes to up into the sky p. 357-358

Why does West attack Badge?

Because he thinks he has hurt Sammy. p. 317

Why does Burl Johnson accuse the Chinese of putting him out of business?

Because he was beaver trapper and silk hats replaced beaver hats. p. 250

How does Mrs. Calloway recognize that Andy and Sammy are girls?

Because she is a midwife p.144

Why does Annamae hate onions?

Because the slave auctioneer forced an onion into her little brother Tommy's mouth to keep him from crying. p. 245

What are the names of the three men who agree to take the girls with them?

Cay (Cayenne Pepper), West, Peety (Pedro Gonzalez) p. 53

Who came down with cholera?

Cay, Andy and Peety p. 297

What special treat did Sammy's father make for her?

Custard tarts or don tot p. 2

How does Annamae hear about Harp Falls?

From Ginny who worked at La Belle Hotel p. 37

Who sneaks up on Issac, Sammy and Andy?

Ian and Angus MacMartin p. 342

What was the name of the hotel to which Ty Yorkshire sent Sammy?

La Belle Hotel

What is t he point of Sammy's story about Zachariah and Bonita?

Love is eternal despite the fact that Zachariah is a rabbit and Bonita is a snake? p.212

What was the name of the driver in whose wagon the girls hid?

Mr. Calloway p.............34

To whom did the stampeding cattle belong to?

Mr. MacMartin and his sons, Ian and Angus, from Scotland p. 121

To whom did Sammy's father give the bracelet he gave to her mother?

Mr. Trask

How did Ty Yorkshire die?

Sammy hit him with a scrub brush and he fell and hit his head on the edge of the tub. p. 18

How did Sammy cause a distraction before sneaking into a wagon when the girls first fled the hotel?

Sammy put some gun powder into her handkerchief and threw it on the fire. p. 27

What is Lady Tin-Yin?

Sammy's violin p. 91

How does Sammy get the three man who find them the first night to take them with them to Little Blue?

She agrees to share their supper of snake and proves that she can get along with the horse Pincess by giving the horse peppermint candies. p.51-53

How did Sammy's mother die?

She died while giving birth to Sammy because the doctor would not deliver a Chinese baby p. 37

Why were the men who went west called Argonauts?

The Argonauts were a band of heroes in Greek mythology, who in the years before the Trojan War, around 1300 BC,[1] accompanied Jason to Colchis in his quest to find the Golden Fleece. Their name comes from their ship, Argo, named after its builder, Argus. "Argonauts" literally means "Argo sailors". Many of the men who went west were looking for gold rushers - looking for gold p. 47

In which Chinese year was Sammy born?

The year of the snake p.8

Why does Annamae want to go to Harp Falls?

To find her brother Issac who said he would meet her there p. 37

Who set fire to Sammy's father's store, the Whistle? and why?

Ty Yorkshire, for the insurance money p. 330

Who shoots the man with cholera?

West p. 287

Why won't Peety let Sammy shoot the stars?

because his sister Esme was stolen when she was only five and under his watch and he believes she has become a star p. 261

Issac thinks he killed a baby, why?

because the mother ran away and Issac didn't rescue the baby p. 339

What trick did Sammy's father teach her to stave off anxiety and boredom?

count watermelons

What are buffalo chips? Why do Andy and Sammy collect them>

dried manure - use for firewood p. 169

What is bobtail?

first watch during the night. p. 303

What remedies does Sammy use to nurse those with cholera?

she gave them rehydrating salt made out of salt, sugar, water, pepper and she use pressure on Cay's ears p. 300

What cowboy skills do Andy and Sammy learn from Cay, West and Peety?

shooting, roping, hunting, horsemanship, knots

What do Andy and Sammy find partially buried under a tree nearFort Kearny on the Platte River?

the body of a black man p. 193

Sammy tries to shoot the MacMartins but fails why?

the gun got wet and the powder won't burn p. 345

What is the remuda?

the horses ridden by Cay, Peety and West p.67

What does it mean to ride drag?

to be the last horse in a line p. 74

Why does Andy take Princesa and leave the campsite?

to go to Harp Falls

How did Andy use chokeberries for fishing?

to help float the line p. 92

What do Andy and Sammy call their bad memories?

trash p. 245

What is the Chinese principle yuanfen

your fate with someone elses - "Two people with strong yuanfen have a greater chance of meeting in their lifetimes and can become close as family> - like socks, they all end up in the same drawer at some point p. 87

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