Understanding Students with Disabilities

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Identify and define six principles associated with the physical growth of children

1) General to specific: Movements become more defined with development 2) Differentiation and integration: Differentiation is locating or isolating specific body parts and gain control over them 3) Growth variations: Various body parts grow at different rates 4) Optimal tendencies: Growth tends to seek optimal realization of its potential 5) Sequential growth: Development proceeds in a ordered sequence 6) Critical periods: Just as the first few years are critical for brain development, ages 1.5 - 5 years are critical for motor development

Summarize some highlights of preoperational stage of cognitive development in children according to Piaget's theory

2 to 7 yers progress from the sensorimotor stage of infancy to his second, preoperational stage. His idea that children later develop the cognitive ability to perform and reverse mental operations, or use logical thought processes. Key trait of this stage is egocentrism. Preoperational children learn to represent things symbolically using language and images

Explain the meanings of animism and magical thinking in the context of Piaget's preoperational stage in his theory of cognitive development

2- 7 years, as egocentric, illogical, and intuitive. He found one common feature of thinking is animism that is, attributing human properties to inanimate objects

Relate some of the typical developments in the language of 5 year old children

5 year olds are able to count verbally to 10 and know numerical concepts of 4 or more

Give some examples of toddlers' and young children's emotional and social developmental needs and how adults can help meet these to promote emotional, social, and linguistic development

Adults can help by putting emotions into words. They can also provide modeling by verbally articulating their own emotions.

Identify five structures that develop prenatally in the human brain following closure of the neural tube, and explain the rationale for the sequence of brain development.

After the neural tube closes at around 4 weeks in gestation, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain differentiate.

Discuss some aspects of cellular prenatal and postnatal brain development, including numbers, timing, and processes of cell growth and death

All of the brain cells a human will ever have are produced by the end of the second trimester of gestation. As many as 250,000 cells per minute are formed between the 10th and 26th week after conception

Identify some of the etiologies and characteristics of multiple disabilities in babies and young children

Any combination of more than one disabling condition. Anything causing neurological damage before, during, or shortly after birth can result in multiple disabilities

Describe some salient aspects of the emotional and social development of toddlers 1 to 2 years old, including in which types of play they typically engage

As babies become toddlers, they begin to develop self awareness. They are not as likely to play interactively as young children at later ages. Instead, they are most likely to engage in parallel play

Characterize some of the elements of emotional and social development in 3 - 4 year old children, including play, and give some examples. Give some examples of how adults can support children's early friendships.

As toddlers grow older, they begin playing more interactively with peers. They also engage in pretend play. Most 3 to 4 year olds are developing better abilities to share and take turns with peers than 1 to 2 year olds but they are still learning.

Describe some main features of child language development from 6 to 12 months of age

At 6 months, most babies vocalize expressively, especially babbling. From 7 to 12 months, babies listen when spoken to, start enjoying games like peekaboo and patty- cake, and recognize names of familiar people or things like mommy, daddy, car, phone, key and so on. By 12 months, babies understand simple directions, especially when accompanied by physical or vocal cues

Define prematurity or preterm birth. Identify some signs and symptoms of prematurity in infants.

Babies born before 37 weeks gestation are classified as premature or preterm. Premature infants can have difficultly with breathing, as their lungs are not fully developed, and with regulating their body temperatures. Premature infants may be born with pneumonia, respiratory distress, extra air or bleeding in the lungs, jaundice, sepsis or infection, hypoglycemia, severe intestinal inflammation, bleeding into the brain or white matter brain damage or anemia.

Summarize some key points of Piaget's theory of cognitive development regarding his first stage, which he called sensorimotor.

Birth to 2 years of age, babies are in the sensorimotor stage, which focuses on learning through sensory input and motor output.

Describe some ways that blindness in babies and young children affects their emotional and social development, including self - concept, relationships, and self help skills.

Blind babies and children are more dependent than others on adults, affecting development. With control of their inner realities but not of their outer environments, blind children may withdraw, seeking and responding less to social interaction.

Discuss some of the impacts of blindness upon the cognitive development of infants and young children

Blind children have more difficulty determining and confirming characteristics of things, hence defining concepts and organizing them into more abstract levels; their problem solving is active but harder, and they construct different realities than sighted children. Blind babies typically acquire object permanence a year later than normal

Identify some factors that can contribute to speech and language impairments in young children.

Brain injuries, neurological disorders, viral diseases, and some medications can also cause problems with developing language and speech. Cerebral palsy causes neuromuscular weakness and incoordination of speech. Inadequate speech - language modeling. Vocal abuse in children can cause vocal nodules or polyps, causing voice disorders. Stuttering can be related to maturation, anxiety or stress, auditory feedback defects, or unknown causes.

Explain some ways that adults can use the language development of 3 to 4 year olds to promote their social and emotional skills in sharing and cooperating, following rules, and observing limits and requests.

By 3 years old, most children comprehend and utilize language well enough to understand simple verbal explanations.

Describe some behaviors typifing child perceptual development up to around 18 months old.

Children 9 to 17 months old stop crawling when they reach the edge of a surface. Between 12 & 18 months, toddlers learn to adjust their gaits according to the surfaces they are walking on

Describe some of the characteristics of babies and children with physical and health impairments

Children with cerebral palsy, usually have deficiencies in gross and fine motor development and deficits in speech language development. Physical and health conditions causing severe debilitation in some children not only seriously limit their daily activities but also cause multiple primary disabilities and impair their intellectual functioning

Describe some of the symptoms of pediatric bipolar disorder

Children's mood swings often occur much faster, and children show more symptoms of anger and irritability than other adult manic symptoms. Bipolar children's most common symptoms include frequent mood swings; extreme irritability; protracted tantrums or rages; separation anxiety; oppositional behavior; hyperactivity; impulsivity and distractibility; restlessness and fidgetiness; silly, giddy, or goofy behavior; aggression; racing thoughts; grandiose beliefs or behaviors; risk taking; depressed moods; low self esteem

Identify some of the causes of visual impairments (VI) in babies and young children.

Cleft iris or lens dislocation causing VI can have prenatal origins. Cataracts clouding the eye's lens can be congenital, traumatic, or due to maternal rubella. Infantile glaucoma, causes intraocular fluid buildup pressure and VI. Retinoblastoma, or behind the eye tumors, can cause blindness and fatality; surgical or chemotherapeutic treatment is usually required before age two.

Identify some of the infections that can cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

Congenital cytomegalovirus is passed to fetuses from mothers who may be asymptomatic. Congenital rubella, is also passed to fetuses from unvaccinated and exposed mothers, causing neurological damage including blindness or other eye disorders, deafness, heart defects.

Define behavioral states in the human fetus. Name and characterize four identified fetal behavioral states, including their approximate gestational times

Describe these states as evidence of increased central nervous system integration .Quiet sleet involves a stable heart rate, no eye movements, and occasional startling. Active sleep includes eye movements, gross body movements and heart rate. Quiet awake involves eye movements; no body movements ; no heart rate. Active awake involves eye movements, constant activity, and an unstable and faster heart rate

Identify some factors that can lead to developmental delays in babies and young children

Developmental delays can come from generic or environmental causes or bother. Sensory impairments such as with hearing and vision can also delay many aspects of children's development.

Describe some characteristics in infants and young children that can indicate developmental delays.

Developmental delays mean that a child does not reach developmental milestones at the expected ages. Most babies learn to walk between 12 and 15 months of age, 20 month old who is not beginning to walk is considered as having a developmental delay.

Identify some different types of learning disabilities, and describe some of their respective characteristics.

Dyslexia, the most common LD, means deficiency or inability in reading. Dyscalculia is difficulty doing mathematical calculations. Dysgraphia means difficulties specifically with writing, including omitting words in writing sentences or leaving sentences unfinished. Central Auditory processing disorder causes difficultly perceiving small differences in words despite normal hearing acuity Visual processing disorder affect visual perception despite normal visual acuity

Identify some environmental, nutritional, and metabolic influences that can cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children.

Environmental deprivation syndrome results when developing children are deprived of necessary environmental elements- physical, including adequate nourishment; climate or temperature control; hygiene

Identify some of the contributing factors to and characteristics of the emotional disturbance known as conduct disorder in children

Factors contributing to conduct disorders in children include genetic predispositions, neurological damage, child abuse, and other traumatic experiences. Deliberate property destruction is another characteristic- breaking things or setting fires.

Indicate which part of Erikson's fourth psychosocial stage of development applies to children through 6 years of age. Name this stage and describe its developmental tasks

Fourth stage with what he termed school age. This stage begins around age 5 - 6 coinciding with when children begin formal education. Industry v. inferiority. Children beginning school must learn to follow formal rules.

Describe some chromosomal abnormalities that cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

Fragile X syndrome, a mutation in the FMR1 gene that makes a small part of the gene code repeat on a fragile portion of the X chromosome, causing the commonest form of inherited intellectual disabilities in boys. Prader - Willi syndrome, caused by a missing gene on a part of chromosome 15. Causes small size, floppiness, I.D., reduced or absent sex hormones, and uncontrollable urge to eat everything. Down syndrome, caused by an extra third copy of chromosome 21, which produces varying degrees of intellectual disabilities.

Identify some different reflexes demonstrated by newborn human infants and the corresponding typical developmental time ranges when they are evident, from birth to number of months old

Fro birth to 4 or 5 months, infants demonstrate the rooting reflex when their cheeks or mouth edges are touched. From birth to 4 or 6 months, the sucking reflex is activated by touching their mouths.

Describe some behaviors that show the perceptual development of most children from the ages of 18 to 36 months.

From 18 to 24 months, toddlers are likely to engage in and enjoy rough and tumble play. Around 2 years of age, they learn to handle fragile objects gently. At 2 to 3 years, many children enjoy playing with sand and water by digging, filling pails, and pouring. By age 3, children can identify blankets and other familiar objects by touch alone. Most 3 year olds have developed the ability to use their eyesight to follow the lines that they mark on aper when scribbling.

Name and describe the first stage of a child's emotional and social development in the first 2 years of life according to Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory of development

From birth through 1.5 - 2 years, children are in the stage of Basic trust v. mistrust. The infants develops a sense of basic trust in the world, emerging with a sense of security and optimism toward life

Explain how the senses of smell and taste are found to develop in the human fetus, including the bases for these findings.

From roughly 12 weeks of gestation, the human fetus begins swallowing the amniotic fluid.

Describe some genetic or inherited metabolic disorders that cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

Galactosemia is an inability to process galactose, a simple sugar in lactose, or milk sugar. Hunter syndrome, Hurler syndrome, and Sanfilippo syndrome each cause the lack of different enzymes; all cause an inability to process long sugar molecule chains.

Identify some emotional disturbances in young children classified as anxiety disorders and some of their symptoms.

Generalized anxiety disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, and specific phobias. GAD involves excessive worrying about anything or everything and free floating anxiety. OCD involves obsessive and preoccupied thoughts and compulsive or irresistible actions, including often bizarre rituals PTSD follows traumatic experiences/ events. Symptoms of panic disorder are panic attacks involving extreme fear and physical symptoms like a racing heart, cold hands and feet, pallor, hyperventilation, and feeling unable to move

Describe some typical features of children's emerging language when they are around 2 years old

Generally, 2 year olds can follow 2 step directions. They now understand the concept of words indicating opposites, like hot and cold or stop and go.

Discuss some disabling conditions that generally can result from premature births.

Generally, the lower the birth weight and the more prematurely a child is born, the greater the risk is for complications. Infants born at less than 34 weeks of gestation typically cannot coordinate their sucking and swallowing and may temporarily need feeding or breathing tubes or oxygen. Long term complications of prematurity can include: a chronic long condition; delayed physical growth and development; delayed cognitive development; mental or physical delays or disabilities

Identify the prevalence and some etiologies of hearing impairments in babies and young children

Half or more 50 - 60% of infant hearing losses have genetic origins. Down and other genetically based syndromes or the existence of parental hearing loss. About 25% or more of infant hearing losses are caused by maternal infections during pregnancy

Name and describe the third stage of emotional and social child development according to Erik Erikson's psychosocial developmental theory

He associated the third stage with the ages between 3.5 - 5 to 6 years a period which he termed the play age. Initiative v. guilt. Their imaginations develop. An important social development in this stage is learning to cooperate with others.

Identify some examples of physical and health impairments in babies and young children that cause disabling conditions.

Health problems can be acute, that is short term or temporary but serious, or chronic, that is long term persistent, or recurrent. Some examples of such health and physical impairments include: cerebral palsy, spina bifida, amputations or missing limbs, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, asthma, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, nephritis or kidney disease, leukemia, Tourette syndrome, hemophilia, diabetes, heart disease, AIDS, and lead poisoning.

Identify and define three basic principles of development relevant to human prenatal development

Human development in utero follows three basic principles. 1) cephalocaudal literally, from head to tail. 2) From more basic to more specialized. 3) The order of importance

Describe some of the signs of hearing impairments in babies and young children

If an infant does not display a startle response at loud noises, this is a potential sign of hearing loss. Between birth and 3 or 4 months old, babies should turn toward the source of a sound. A child who does not utter first words like mama or dada by age 1 could have hearing impairment

Briefly summarize human prenatal visual development. Characterize the visual development of a human newborn infant

Infant vision is less developed than other senses upon birth

Describe some examples of ways that adults can support the play activity of young children to support optimal development

It is important to allow young children to choose the topics of play because this allows them to explore their own interest.

Explain how young children progress developmentally, from responding directly to their environments to representing them symbolically, using a few examples

Just as children's cognitive development generally proceeds from more concrete to more abstract, this progression can be seen in their responses to the environment moving from the sensorimotor or behavioral to the symbolic or representational.

Identify some variables having the potential to cause learning disabilities in young children

LDs are basically neurological disorders. Hypoxia and anoxia before, during, or after birth is a cause as are radiation and chemotherapy.

Describe some salient characteristics of normal child language development at 4 to 5 years of age.

Most 4 year olds understand almost everything they hear, speak more clearly, and can answer simple questions about stories they hear. They know familiar animals names. They understand and can use at least four prepositions. They can name common objects in pictures and one or more colors.

Describe some elements of language development demonstrated by children around the age of 6 years old

Most children have mastered vowel sounds and consonants. By 6 years of age, they generally have also mastered the more difficult consonants. Most 6 year olds should have numerical concepts up to 7

Describe some of the characteristics of speech and language impairments in young children

Most phonological disorders are articulatory; that is, children fail to pronounce specific speech sounds or phonemes correctly beyond the normal development age for achieve accuracy. Children with voice disorders can have voices that sound hoarse, raspy, overly nasal, higher - or lower- pitched than normal, overly weak or strident, and whispery or harsh.

Define motor development in children. Identify variables that influence child motor development. Differentially define gross and fine motor development, and give examples of each.

Motor development means children's physical growth and growth in their abilities to use their bodies and bodily skills. Variables influencing motor development include genetic factors. Gross motor development involves use of large muscles for sitting, standing, walking, running, jumping, reaching, throwing, and so on. Fine motor development involves the use of small muscles for self feeding by hand

Describe some of the general characteristics of infants and young children with intellectual disabilities.

Newborns with intellectual disabilities, especially of greater severity, may not demonstrate normal reflexes. Babies with intellectual disabilities are likely to display developmental milestones at later than typical ages. Young children with intellectual disabilities are likely to walk, self feed and speak later than normally developing children.

Differentially define normative versus dynamic development in child physical development. Identify three main directional patterns of physical growth and development in children.

Normative development refers to normal or typical abilities and limits of the majority of children in the same age of cultural groups. Dynamic development refers to physical changes occurring during children's development as they grow older and gain experience. Three patterns: 1) Large muscle to small muscle, or gross motor to fine motor 2) Top to bottom, or head to toe 3) Proximodistal, or inner to outer

List some human prenatal developmental milestones by specific fetal behaviors and their corresponding gestational ages in weeks

Observed by 7 weeks of gestation. Startling and general motions occur at 8 weeks. Hiccups, isolated arm and leg movements begin at 9 weeks; head rotation happens at 9 - 10 weeks. Jaw movements appear at around 10 to 11 weeks.

Identify and define three types of physical movement that children engage in, including examples and which skills are each type contributes to that are important to their physical development

One type of physical movement is 1) Locomotor movement - that is the childs movement of his or her body from on location to another 2) Non locomotor movement refers to the children body movements made while remaining in the same location 3) manipulative movement is the childs controlled usage of the hands and feet with and without objects

Explain the importance of perceptual development in children. Give some examples of activities indicating perceptual development in babies 6 - 9 months old.

Perceptual development is important because it informs the motor activities of babies. Babies 6 - 9 months old will pick up, look at, and mouth objects to explore them

Identify a few features of Piaget's stage of cognitive development called concrete operations, explaining how this stage relates to children . through the age of 6 years

Pre-operational stage is 2 to 7 years and concrete operations begins around age 7, Piaget and others have also found children develop the concrete, operational feature of conservation of number around age 6. Conservation is one type of mental operation. The hallmark of concrete operation sis the ability to perform mental operations and reverse them, but only using concrete objects.

Describe some factors related to diagnosing the emotional disturbances in children classified as psychotic disorders.

Psychosis is a general psychiatric category referring to thought disturbances or disorders. Causes can be from known metabolic or brain disorders or unknown.

Define reflexes in human newborn infants, giving some examples, including those that disappear and those that persist. Explain the important of reflexes in babies

Reflexes are involuntary motor movements that are elicited by sensory or kinetic stimulation

Relate how adults and other children generally monitor and adjust their speech based on auditory feedback and how toddlers differ according to recent research

Researchers have found the 2 year olds do not use this process of responding to the auditory feedback of hearing their own voices to adjust their speech sounds. Some speculate that they may depend on the interaction with their listeners, using visual, nonverbal, and verbal feedback from the other person to assess the accuracy of the speech sounds they produce

Describe some genetic abnormalities and syndromes affecting the nervous system that cause intellectual disabilities in babies and young children

Rett syndrome is a nervous system disorder causing developmental regression, particularly severe in expressive language and hand function. Tay- Sachs disease, and autosomal recessive disorder, is a nervous system disease caused by a defective gene on chromosome 15 resulting in a missing protein for breaking down Tuberous sclerosis, caused by genetic mutations, produces tumors damaging the kidneys, heart, skin, brain and central nervous system.

Name and characterize the second stage of a child's emotional and social development according to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development

Second stage as centering on resolving the nuclear conflict of Autonomy v. shame and self doubt, transpiring between about 1.5 - 2 years and 3.5 - 4 years of age. They begin to assert their independence.

Name and describe the attachment styles identified in toddlers by Mary Ainsworth. Explain how certain attachment styles can be indicative or predictive of emotional disturbance.

Securely attached children show normal separation anxiety when mother leaves and happiness when she returns, avoud strangers when alone but friendly with mother present. Insecure and resistant children show exaggerate separation anxiety, ambivalence and resistance to mother upon returning. Insecure and avoidant children show no separation anxiety or stranger anxiety and littler interest on reunions with mothers. Insecure and disorganized types seem dazed and confused, respond inconsistently, and may mix resistant and ambivalent and avoidant behavior

Identify several types of neurological damage that have been found in children with learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Some children are found to have brain cells of smaller than normal size. In some cases, dysplasia is discovered; that is some brain cells migrate into the wrong area of the brain. In some children with learning and behavioral disorders, blood flow is found to be lower than normal to certain regions in the brain.

Identify some factors that can contribute to emotional disturbances in young children

Some disturbances, for example the major mental illness schizophrenia, seem to run in the families and hence include a genetic component.

Describe some of the characteristics of infants and young children who have sustained traumatic brain injuries

TBI can impair a child's cognitive development and processing. It can impede the language development of children, which is dependent upon cognitive development. Children who have sustained TBI often have difficulties with attention, retention and memory; reasoning, judgement, understanding abstract concepts and thinking abstractly, and problem solving abilities

Give the IDEA's legal definition of traumatic brain injury. Identify some of the things that can cause traumatic brain injuries in babies and young children.

TBI is defined by the IDEA law as "an acquired injury to the brain from external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affect a child's educational performance.

Define the social learning concept of scaffolding, and explain how adults can apply it to supporting the developing skills of toddlers 1 to 2 years old using examples

The concept of scaffolding involves supplying only as much support as a child needs to accomplish a task or activity he or she cannot perform independently and performance becomes more autonomous. The aim is to prevent excessive frustration

Describe the fetal period of human prenatal development, including its time periods during gestation and some of their hallmarks.

The fetal period follows the germinal and embryonic periods. It begins 2 months after conception and continues for an average of 7 months. At 3 months following conception, a fetus is almost 4 inches

Identify the first two or three periods of human prenatal development, their time periods during gestation, and some of their milestones

The first stage of development is the germinal period in the first 2 weeks after conception. Cells divide rapidly and begin to differentiate. With 1 week 100 to 150 cells have formed.

Identify and define the three main stages of cellular development in the human brain before and after birth, including time periods

The first stage which occurs prenatally is complete by the end of the second trimester of gestation, is proliferation, that is the production of nerve cells. The second stage is cellular migration, occurring between the fourth and ninth months of gestation. The third stage myelinization and synaptogenesis. Myelinization is the process whereby myelin, a sheath of fatty tissue develops. Synaptogenesis is the process whereby neurons establish synapses

Summarize the onset time, relative rate, and physical proportionality of human prenatal brain development. Describe how the brain forms during the embryonic period

The human brain begins forming around 18 days after conception. In a 9 week fetus the brain makes up 25% of the body

Discuss some symptoms of childhood onset schizophrenia and how they differ from other symptoms

The incidence of childhood onset schizophrenia is rare, but it does exist. Tantrums, defiance, aggression, and other acting out, externalized behaviors are less frequent in childhood onset schizophrenia than internalized developmental differences. Childhood onset schizophrenia is typically chronic and severe, responds less to medication, and has a more guarded prognosis than adolescent - or adult onset schizophrenia.

Summarize some characteristics of children's language development from conception to 6 months.

They learn to recognize their mother's voice before birth. From birth to 3 months, babies turn toward people speaking and smile at the sounds of their voice. Up to 4 months, they frequently respond to these wheter they are familiar with the speakers voice or not. By 3 months they make sounds differentially expressing pleasure, hinger, pain and so on.

Identify some common emotional and social characteristics of toddlers and young children that affect their ability to resolve conflicts and some technique adults can use to promote this ability

Toddlers and young children have not yet developed much self control and impulse control. Adults can model sharing for them .

Describe some findings related to how human fetuses experience sensation of touch, temperature, and pain

Touch is the earliest fetal sense to develop at around 8 weeks gestation. Fetuses around 8 to 9 weeks move their heads away from touch stimuli to the cheeks or lips. Neural pathways for pain develop around 26 weeks

Characterize the typical language development of children between 3 and 4 years old

Typically 3 year olds comprehend who, what, or where questions and respond when called room. A child should be able to say his or her name, age, and sex when asked

Summarize some of the milestones of children's language development from 1 to 2 years old

Typically, 1 year olds can point to pictures of things named by adults and point to some body . parts on request. They can follow simple directions. By 18 months, most chidlren have expressive vocabularies of around five to twenty words. Children from 18 to 2 years generally speak in utterances of one or two words at a time

Describe some of the developmental characteristics of infants and young children with visual impairments

Visual impairment children tend to utter their first words or subject verb 2 word sentences earlier than other children.

Identify some prescription drugs, substances of abuse, social drugs, and disease in pregnant mothers that can cause intellectual disabilities in developing fetuses and newborn infants.

Warfarin, a prescription anticoagulant drug to thin the blood and prevent excessive clotting, can cause microcephaly (undersized head) and intellectual disabilities in an infant when the mother has taken it during pregnancy. The prescription anti-seizure drug Trimethadione can cause developmental delays in babies when it ha been taken by pregnant mothers. Maternal abuse of solvent chemicals during pregnancy can also cause microcephaly and intellectual disabilities. Maternal crack cocaine abuse during pregnancy can cause severe and profound intellectual disabilities and many other developmental defects. Maternal alcohol abuse can cause fetal alcohol symptoms. Maternal rubella-virus can cause intellectual disabilities as well as visual and hearing impairments and heart defects. Maternal herpes simplex virus can cause microcephaly, intellectual disabilities, and small or no eyes.

Describe some characteristics of the sense of hearing in developing human fetus

by 22 to 24 weeks of gestation, the fetus shows responses to sound by changes in movements. Louder sounds causes greater movement

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