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how many years does one service strip represent?

3 years

Which of your uniforms are Class C uniforms?


What Army Regulations cover the Wear and Appearance of Uniforms?

AR 670-1 and DA PAM 670-1

What are the components of the APFU?

Jacket Pants Trunks T-Shirt Undergarments Footwear Socks Gloves (optional) Fleece cap (optional)

What does UCP and OCP stand for?

Operational Combat Uniform Universal Camouflage Pattern

What is the only insignia authorized for wear on the APFU?

Physical Fitness Badge

What are the components of the female ASU Class B uniform?

Same as Class A, minus coat, and neck tab is optional if wearing short sleeves

What is the wear out date for the UCP?

Sept 30 2019

When must ID tags be worn?

Soldiers will wear identification tags at all times while on duty in uniform unless otherwise directed by the commander.

How is the patrol cap worn?

Straight on the head so that the band creates a straight line across forehead, parallel to the ground. It will fit snugly around the largest part of the head without distortion. It is worn so that no hair is visible on forehead beneath the cap.

How is the Regimental Distinctive Insignia (RDI) work on the female Class A uniform?

The RDI is centered ½ above the nameplate of ¼ inch above any unit awards/foreign badges that are worn. When the coat lapel obscures the RDI, soldiers may wear the RDI aligned to the right edge of the unit awards or nameplate

How is the SSI (Shoulder Sleeve Insignia) and the SSI-FWTS (Former Wartime Service) worn?

The SSI will be worn centered on the Velcro on the left sleeve of the coat. The SSI-FWTS will be worn centered on the Velcro on the right sleeve.

How is the US insignia worn on the female Enlisted Class A uniform?

The bottom of the US insignia disk is centered on the right collar, approximately 5/8 inch up from the notch, with the center line of the insignia parallel to the inside edge of the lapel.

How will the service ribbons be worn on the female Class A uniform?

The ribbons will be centered on the left side, with the bottom row positioned parallel to the bottom edge of the name plate.

Branch insignia will not be worn on the ACU with one exception. Who is allowed to wear it and how is it worn?

Chaplains 1/8 inch above and centered on nametape

What are the components of the female ASU Class A Uniform?

Coat Trousers Skirt Shirt Neck Tab Undergarments Belt Headgear Footwear Hosiery

Soldiers will wear headgear with the Army uniform except under what circumstances?

Headgear is not required if it would interfere with the safe operation of military vehicles; while in or on a privately owned vehicle; indoors unless under arms or directed be a Commander (indoor ceremonies); evening social events (after retreat)

What enlisted ranks do shoulder marks come in?

corporal through sergeant major of the army

Where are tattoos not allowed?

face (except permanent make-up), head, neck (above collar line), hands (except up to one ring tattoo per hand), and wrists

how is the beret properly worn?

headband is straight across forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrows. The flash is positioned over the left eye. excess material is draped over right ear, extending to at least the middle of the ear. Soldiers should not have hairstyles that will cause distortion of the beret - it should be formed to the shape of the head.

Are males and Females authorized to wear piercings on and off-duty?

males - no females - only ear piercings

If Soldiers use dyes, tints, or bleaches in their hair, what color must they use?

natural colors

are males required to shave


how many skill tabs can be worn on the ACU?

no more than 3

Are soldiers authorized to wear commercially purchased black spandex shorts under the APFU trunks? What are the stipulations?

Yes. Must not be visible under the shorts.

Can Commanders authorize the wear of commercial items to be worn with the APFU?

Yes. Running shoes, socks, that are black or white and ankle length. undergarments as long as they are not visible beneath jacket/shirt or pants/shorts

How will service ribbons be worn on the male Class A uniform?

centered 1/8 inch above the left breast pocket

how is the Regimental Distinctive Insignia (RDI) worn on the male Class A Uniform?

centered 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket flap, or 1/4 inch above any unit awards/foreign badges that are worn. If the coat lapel obscures the insignia, soldiers may wear the RDI aligned to the right edge of the unit awards.

how are the skills tabs worn on the ACU?

centered left-to-right on the left shoulder cargo pocket above the SSI

how is the nametape worn on the patrol cap?

centered on the Velcro on the back of the patrol cap

how is the branch insignia worn on the male Enlisted Class A Uniform?

centered on the left collar, with the bottom of the disk approximately 1 inch above the notch with the center line of the insignia parallel to the inside edge of the lapel

what are the components of the male ASU Class A Uniform?

coat trousers shirt necktie undergarments belt headgear footwear socks undershirt

What does ACU and OCP stand for?

Army Combat Uniform Operational Combat Pattern

What is the APFU?

Army Physical Fitness Uniform

Where are the unit awards worn on the female Class A uniform?

Emblems with or without frames are worn centered on the right side of the uniform, with the bottom edge ½ inch above the top edge of the name plate.

how are the unit awards worn on the male Class A Uniform?

Emblems with/without frames are worn centered with the bottom edge of the emblem 1/8 inch above the right breast pocket flag

How is the branch insignia worn on the female Enlisted Class A uniform?

Enlisted females wear their branch insignia on the left collar with the bottom of the disk centered between the outside point and inside edge of the collar, approximately 5/8 inch up from the notch with the center line of the insignia parallel to the inside edge of the lapel.

What are the four categories of badges worn on the Army uniform?

Marksmanship badges and tabs, combat and special skills badges and tabs, identification badges, foreign badges

How are the marksmanship badges worn on the female Class A uniform?

Marksmanship badges are worn on the left side, ¼ inch below the bottom ribbon row or in a similar location if no ribbons are worn.

How are marksmanship badges worn on the male Class A uniform?

Marksmanship badges are worn on the upper portion of the left breast pocket flap or on the lower portion of the pocket flap if special badges are worn

What type of eyeglasses and sunglasses are authorized for wear with the uniform?

They must be conservative. Sunglasses lens colors can only be gray, brown or dark green

What military clothing items can be worn with civilian clothes?

Uniform items authorized for wear with civilian clothing by males are restricted to the gold cuff links, studs, tie bar, mourning band, footwear, socks, gloves, undergarments, black bow-tie, wool scarf, all-weather coat, fleece caps, and physical training uniforms. Uniform items authorized for wear with civilian clothing by females are restricted to the white shirt without insignia of grade, undergarments, footwear, gloves, handbag, clutch purse, wool scarf, all-weather coat, fleece caps, and physical training uniforms.

What jewelry may be worn while in uniform?

Watch, ID bracelet, up to 2 rings, religious medallion on a chain as long as it's concealed, tie clasp with neck tie, earrings (female only) in ASU

When is the only time that commercially designed protective headgear is authorized for wear with uniform?

When operating motorcycles, bicycles, or like vehicles

How is the Physical Fitness Badge properly placed?

When the Physical Fitness Badge is worn, it is sewn on the upper left front side of the APFU t-shirt. On the jacket, it is sewn centered 1/2 inch above the Army logo.

When is the wear of Army uniforms prohibited?

political or commercial interests, or off-duty civilian employment. public events(marches, rallies, speeches, protests, etc.) attending a meeting or event that is function of/ sponsored by, extremist organization. When wearing the uniform would bring discredit upon the Army When specifically prohibited by Army regulations

Who are the only soldiers authorized tp wear the APFU shirt outside their trunks?

pregnant soldiers

what are the components of the male Class B Uniform?

same as class A, minus coat, and necktie is optional if wearing short sleeves.

What type of rank is authorized to be worn on patrol cap?

sewn or pin on rank

when the trouser is bloused, what is the maximum distance that it may extend down the boot?

should not extend below the third eyelet from the top of the boot

What hair holding devices are authorized for wear?

small plain scrunchies, barrettes, combs, pins, clips, rubber bands, and hair/head bands

How is the U.S. insignia disk worn on the male Class A uniform?

the bottom of the US insignia disk is placed appx inch above the notch, centered on the right collar, with the center line of the insignia parallel to the inside edge of the lapel

Describe the name tape/US ARMY tape on the ACU

the lettering is black embroidery on camouflage fabric; 5 inches long, 3/4 inches high

What is the branch insignia worn by Army bands enlisted personnel?

the lyre

How are the service stripes worn on the ASU?

they are centered on the outside bottom half of the left sleeve of the ASU. The service stripe is placed at an angle of 45 degrees with the lower end toward the inside seam of the sleeve, and it is placed 4" from the bottom of the sleeve

Why are the stars worn on the ACU on the top right corner instead of the left?

to give the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward

which direction does the belt tab on the belt extend to on the male class A uniforms?

to the wearer's left

what direction does the belt tab extend to on the female Class A uniform?

to the wearer's right

How will the US Flag insignia be worn on the ACU?

top right shoulder cargo pocket of the ACU

What is the most noticeable difference between the blue ASU trousers of Soldiers in the ranks of PVT to SPC and those worn by NCOs?

trousers worn by PVT to SPC will not have a gold stripe along the legs

What are some examples of activities that Soldiers should not walk while engaged in?

walking while eating, using electronic devices, or smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes

During PT is Long length hair authorized to be in a pony tail?

yes, except when considered a safety hazard

When authorized by the commander, may the APFU be worn on and off post and on and off duty?

yes, soldiers may wear all or part of the APFU with civilian attire off the installation when authorized by the Commander

Can you mix any components of the UCP with an OCP uniform?

yes, the tan tee shirt, belt and boots are authorized with new OCP coat and pants

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