Unit 1-1 Lesson 4

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The construction industry is projected to expand by nearly ? annually.


The construction industry employs about ? of all the workers in the U.S.A.


Of the thousands of electrical contractors who run union shops in the U.S., over ? once worked at the trade.


Why is management vitally interested in apprentice and Journeyman Electrical Worker training?

All of the above.

Why should the apprentice learn to appreciate contractors and the responsibilities they have? Answer this question by selecting the best answer from the following list.

Because the apprentice's future is directly tied to the contractors' success or failure

The opportunity to succeed in the electrical construction industry exists as a result of a ? effort by the IBEW and ? .

Cooperative / NECA

Labor relations must be studied in college before one becomes a contractor and hires labor to work.


Quality performance by skilled Qualified Electrical Workers is essential to ensuring Americans continue to have a high standard of living, keeping our country competitive, and ? .

Maintaining a nation that runs on electricity

The five steps a contractor must take before going into business include: arrange financing, buy equipment, hire supervisory and nonproductive help, ? , and ? .

Obtain jobs / obtain an adequate supply of skilled labor

Of the steps that a contractor must follow before going into business, which step supports the IBEW?

Obtaining an adequate supply of skilled labor

Costs of doing business that are considered as overhead (operating expenses) include equipment (office), financing, ? , and ? .

Obtaining jobs / supervisory and nonproductive help

The price a customer pays for a common electrical job is broken down into these four major financial categories: labor, material, ? , and ? .

Overhead / profit

The ? of construction workers is one of the most critical factors in shaping our economy and keeping it rolling.


America may be facing not only a ? of labor, but it is also confronting a shortage of ? labor.

Shortage / Skilled

Two things a Qualified Electrical Worker must have in order to succeed in the electrical construction industry are: technical know-how, and ? .

Striving to be an asset to the electrical contractor who employs him or her

An IBEW member should be a good sales representative for the shop and for union labor.


An IBEW member should be a productive worker every day and well trained in all phases of the trade.


Lowering the prime interest rate can lead to increased employment.


Over 10% of the total construction workforce is employed by electrical contractors.


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