UNIT 1 Quiz Questions

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The degree to which the findings of a study can be generalized to children, settings, times, measures, and characteristics other than the one in a particular study is referred to as:

external validity

Task data are ____ objective source of info about a person than self-report data.

- a more OR - no more than

What are some limitations of the case study method?

- findings from one case study may not generalize to other ppl - NONE of the above; all are limitations of the case study method - it does not provide evidence of causality

In the textbook it is mentioned that personality psychologists try to remain unbiased in their scientific observations. However, selection of a research method/design itself can reflect bias. One's choice in research method they use may be influenced by....

- their own personality - their current skills - their training

Which of the following may impact an assessment's reliability?

- unclear rules for test interpretation - aspects of the test itself psychological state of the person

Which of the following is a common goal of treatment? a.) improved outcomes of social importance b.) improved outcomes relating to family functioning c.) improved outcomes relating to child functioning d.) ALL are common goals

ALL are common goals

Which of the following may be a target of an assessment to collect data on? - conscious thought - average bx - ALL of the above

ALL of the above

The purpose(s) of assessment is/are: a.) prognosis b.) description anf diagnosis c.) treatment planning and evaluation d.) ALL of these

ALL of these

_____ is an example of observational data.

Family reports of an individual's characteristics

____ is an example of life history data.

Police records of a person's number of felonies

______ rates refer to all cases of a disorder, whether new or previously existing, that are observed during a specified time period.


Boundaries b/t abnormal vs normal functioning are...

relatively arbitrary

Which condition is equally common among males and females? a. Childhood depression b. Eating disorders c. Enuresis d. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

a. Childhood depression

Which medication would best be used for a child suffering from ADHD? a. Concerta b. Elavil c. Xanax d. Zyprexa

a. Concerta

Which medication would best be used for a child diagnosed with bipolar disorder? a. Depakote b. Elavil c. Ritalin d. Zyprexa

a. Depakote

Interview questions focused on somatic symptoms for an older child or adolescent with depression could include which of the following? a. Do you get muscle pains and aches? b. Do you get moody? c. Do you have trouble concentrating in school? d. Do you often feel tired?

a. Do you get muscle pains and aches?

Which pairing is least common to comorbid disorders? a. Enuresis and schizophrenia b. Conduct disorder and ADHD c. ASD and intellectual disability d. Depression and anxiety

a. Enuresis and schizophrenia

Which symptom would be characteristic of the anxious/depressed dimension of child psychopathology? a. Feels worthless b. Refuses to talk c. Gets teased d. Strange ideas

a. Feels worthless

20. Which statement about our genetic makeup is false?

a. Genes determine behavior.

58. Which term describes a child's model of relationships in terms of what the child expects from others and how the child relates to others?

a. Internal working model

____ refers to efforts to increase adherence with treatment over time to prevent reoccurrence. a. Maintenance b. Prevention c. Treatment d. Intervention

a. Maintenance

This describes a process of gathering information that is used to understand the nature of an individual's problem, its possible causes, treatment options, and outcomes. a. Problem-solving analysis b. Clinical description c. Taxonomic diagnosis d. Prognostic diagnosis

a. Problem-solving analysis

43. ____ problems refer to weak or absent control structures, whereas ____ problems indicate that existing control structures operative in a maladaptive way.

a. Regulation; dysregulation

What variables can impact scores on measures of psychopathology? a. SES and acculturation b. Educational level c. Previous attendance in therapy d. Ability to remain focused

a. SES and acculturation

41. _______ relates to how children think about themselves and others, resulting in mental representations of themselves, relationships, and their social world.

a. Social cognition

32. ____ has been implicated in several psychological disorders, especially those connected to a person's response to stress and ability to regulate emotions.

a. The HPA axis

26. The ____ gives us the distinct qualities that make us human and allows us to think about the future, to be playful, and to be creative.

a. cerebral cortex

30. The "C" in the "ABCs of behavioral assessment" stands for ____. a. consequences b. causes c. child d. correction

a. consequences

When working with children and families, cultural information is most needed to ____. a. establish a relationship with the child and family b. keep traditional practice in place c. report statistics for census d. determine whether or not to use medication

a. establish a relationship with the child and family

60. The _____ view of child development recognizes the importance of balancing the abilities of individuals with the challenges and risks of their environments.

a. health promotion

The assessment of childhood problems typically makes use of a(n) ____ approach. a. multimethod b. idiographic c. divergent d. single theoretical

a. multimethod

3. Etiology refers to the ____ of childhood disorders.

a. possible root causes

11. The windows of time during which environmental influences on development are enhanced are called ____.

a. sensitive periods

5. Isabella is 3 years old, and frequently demands attention, overreacts, and refuses to go to bed. These behaviors are considered ____.

a. typical because of her age

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) provides a measure of: a. verbal comprehension and working memory. b. personality profile. c. psychological abnormality. d. emotional stability.

a. verbal comprehension and working memory.

The rationale behind computerized text analysis methods is that the language we use to describe ourselves should reveal aspects of personality and predict outcomes of interest, such as extraversion or depression. With this in mind, we can consider text analysis a form of _____.


53. The process of attachment typically begins between ____ of age.

b. 6 to 12 months

An example of a neurodevelopmental disorder would be ____. a. Oppositional Defiant Disorder b. ADHD c. Anxiety Disorders such as Separation Anxiety Disorder d. Feeding and Eating Disorders such as Pica


Which aspect would generally be assessed by behavioral assessment methods? a. Descriptions of the problem b. Anger in school c. Meaning of pictures drawn by child d. Inkblot interpretations

b. Anger in school

56. Luca has been showing aggressive behavior with his peers and has difficulty conducting himself in a normal fashion, and is constantly getting in trouble at school. According to attachment theories, which type of attachment pattern did Luca most likely exhibit as a child?

b. Anxious-avoidant

33. What is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that reduces overall arousal and levels of anger, hostility, and aggression?

b. Benzodiazepine-GABA

47. ____ explain the acquisition of problem behavior on the basis of paired associations between previously neutral stimuli (e.g., homework), and unconditioned stimuli (e.g., parental anger).

b. Classical conditioning models

____ approaches to treatment view child psychopathology as the result of social or environmental circumstances that are imposed on the child and interfere with his or her capacity for personal growth and adaptive functioning. a. Psychodynamic b. Client-centered c. Cognitive-behavioral d. Family

b. Client-centered

29. Mike is having a very difficult time in school. Which gland would produce epinephrine in response to the stress he is experiencing?

b. Cortisol

49. ____ models portray the child's environment as a series of nested and interconnected structures.

b. Ecological

45. Brendan is considered by his caregivers as a "slow-to-warm-up child," who is cautious in approaching novel or challenging situations. Which of the following would describe Brendan's temperament?

b. Fearful or inhibited

Which activity is particularly compatible with the dimensional approach? a. Communicating with other clinicians b. Researching the degree of association between two variables c. Creating a treatment plan based on all of the child behaviors d. Taking the entire package of child behaviors into account when diagnosing

b. Researching the degree of association between two variables

30. Cindy has recently been diagnosed with anorexia. From a biological perspective, which neurotransmitter plays a role in eating disorders?

b. Serotonin

13. What does it mean if a test is normed on a group that is representative of the population? a. The majority culture was taken into consideration. b. The test is as free from cultural bias as possible. c. Age and ethnicity were considered but not biological sex. d. The test yields higher rates of psychopathology for minorities.

b. The test is as free from cultural bias as possible.

The most commonly used intelligence scale today is the ____. a. Stanford-Binet 5 (SB5) b. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) c. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC-II) d. Rorschach inkblot test

b. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)

Mal de ojo is an example of ____. a. a culturally based diagnosis b. a cultural syndrome c. a culturally based treatment technique d. a cultural formulation

b. a cultural syndrome

6. Brett is an aggressive preschooler, who often bites other children and throws toys at his teacher. When Brett finished 3rd grade, he was asked to find another school to attend since he had repeatedly hit his classmates and kicked the principal. Brett's behavioral patterns are an example of

b. abnormal behavior that follows a continuity pattern.

39. Kim had been physically abused when she was 5, and is now a 10-year-old showing signs of "numbing," which is an emotional dysregulation. In Kim's situation, is her behavior

b. adaptive and protective?

54. Infants that explore the environment with little affective interaction with the caregiver are likely to have a(n) ____attachment pattern.

b. anxious-avoidant

Projective tests ____ with children. a. should not be used b. are one of the most commonly used assessment methods c. are one of the least commonly used assessment methods d. have not been designed specifically for use

b. are one of the most commonly used assessment methods

2. Victor is fearful of approaching new situations and often appears inhibited. Victor's mother reports that she struggles with similar difficulties and he may have inherited it from her. This is an example of ____.

b. biological influences

37. ACTH causes the adrenal glands to release ____.

b. cortisol

Analyzing information and drawing conclusions about the nature or cause of a problem refers to ____. a. a clinical description b. diagnosis c. prognosis d. treatment planning, and evaluation

b. diagnosis

21. The problem with family aggregation studies is that they ____.

b. do not control for environmental variables

27. The _________ lobes contain the functions underlying much of our thinking and reasoning abilities.

b. frontal

Unstructured interviews tend to be ____ than semistructured interviews. a. more consistent b. less reliable and more flexible c. more reliable and less flexible d. less biased

b. less reliable and more flexible

38. James often appears to be in a bad mood and he is easily frustrated when given challenging tasks. His temperament would be described as ____.

b. negative affect or irritability

Gathering information about a child's behavior for analysis involves ____. a. making inferences about the child's behavior b. observing the child in real-life settings c. assessing personality d. having the child write a story

b. observing the child in real-life settings

12. ____, The brain develops and grows over a lifetime, but from birth to 11 years, the most dramatic changes occur. Problems or disruptions that occur when a child is young can lead to

b. organic disorders.

Functions assessed in neuropsychological tests are most likely to include ____. a. social b. perceptual c. physical d. personality

b. perceptual

31. The ____ gland oversees the body's regulatory functions by producing several hormones, including estrogen and testosterone.

b. pituitary

14. The developmental psychopathology approach to studying childhood disorders emphasizes the importance of developmental____.

b. processes and tasks

The relationship between assessment and intervention is best viewed as ____. a. separate and unrelated b. related and ongoing c. related but separate d. related but time-limited

b. related and ongoing

35. The neurotransmitter implicated in regulatory problems, such as eating and sleep disorders, is ____.

b. serotonin

44. Temperament ____.

b. shapes a child's approach to the environment and vice versa

The formal assignment of a clinical case to a DSM-5 classification category is referred to as a(n) ____. a. empirical diagnosis b. taxonomic diagnosis c. proper diagnosis d. psychological diagnosis

b. taxonomic diagnosis

All of these are examples of parent- and teacher-rated problems that best discriminate between referred and nonreferred children EXCEPT: . a. unhappy, sad, or depressed b. withdrawn c. impulsive d. stubborn

b. withdrawn

4. What is an underlying assumption with regard to abnormal child behavior?

c. Abnormal development involves continuities and discontinuities.

55. Jace is a baby that often seems nervous in new situations and around new people and is not easily comforted by his mother in these situations. Jace most likely has which attachment pattern?

c. Anxious-resistant

57. Which attachment pattern has been linked to phobias and anxiety problems?

c. Anxious-resistant

25. Which part of the brain is implicated in disorders affecting motor behavior?

c. Basal ganglia

18. Which statement about neural development is false?

c. Brain connections are relatively predetermined and cannot be changed by the environment.

A leading checklist for assessing behavioral problems in children and adolescents is the ____. a. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children b. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children c. Child Behavior Checklist d. Rorschach inkblot test

c. Child Behavior Checklist

____ approaches to treatment view child psychopathology as the result of faulty thought patterns and faulty learning and environmental experiences. a. Behavioral b. Cognitive c. Cognitive-behavioral d. Client-centered

c. Cognitive-behavioral

59. _____ theorists argue that a child's behavior can only be understood in terms of relationships with others.

c. Family systems

Which behavior would be characteristic of someone with issues on the internalizing behavior dimension? a. Hitting another child in anger b. Refusing to sit in a seat at school c. Feeling sad all of the time d. Intentionally hurting another child's feelings

c. Feeling sad all of the time

Which of the following is a criticism of the DSM-5? a. It fails to capture the simplicity of influences on child psychopathology. b. It gives relatively less attention to disorders of infancy and childhood than to those of adulthood. c. It lacks sufficient emphasis on situational and contextual factors. d. It emphasizes underlying causes rather than symptoms.

c. It lacks sufficient emphasis on situational and contextual factors.

What is a common goal of treatment? a. Improved outcomes in intelligence b. Measurable outcomes in family functioning c. Reduced impact of prior undesirable outcomes d. Increased adherence to treatment over time

c. Reduced impact of prior undesirable outcomes

48. ____ theorists emphasize attributional biases, modeling, and cognitions in their explanation of abnormal behavior.

c. Social learning

Which medication would best be used for a child suffering from a severe anxiety disorder? a. Concerta b. Elavil c. Xanax d. Zyprexa

c. Xanax

28. The ____ gland produces epinephrine in response to stress.

c. adrenal

A child's ____ has the most implications for judgments about deviancy and for selecting appropriate assessment and treatment methods. a. peer group b. family history c. age d. academic achievement

c. age

10. A toddler learning to make sounds such as "mememe" and "bagabaga" before learning how to use intelligible language indicates a structure and process to development, otherwise known as the

c. biological perspective.

An advantage of behavior checklists over interviews is that checklists allow a clinician to ____ while interviews typically do not. a. establish rapport b. assess mental status c. compare results to a reference sample d. obtain a measure of mood

c. compare results to a reference sample

7. When developmental psychopathologists view adaptive and maladaptive behaviors as the result of previous interactions and experiences spread over several years, they refer to the process as

c. developmental cascades.

16. The role that a child's primary caretaker has in terms of that child's brain development is crucial, since those early experiences form the part of the brain that is responsible for their__.

c. emotion, personality, and behavior

Research demonstrates that, with respect to aggression, girls ____. a. tend not to engage in aggressive acts b. are more distressed by aggressive acts c. engage in more relational forms of aggression d. are more aggressive than boys

c. engage in more relational forms of aggression

22. Molecular geneticists focus on finding a specific gene for childhood disorder, while behavioral geneticists ____.

c. focus on brain development between 3 and 5 years

Categorical classification systems are based primarily on ____. a. underlying etiologic bases of the disorders classified b. normative data c. informed clinical consensus d. multivariate statistical methods

c. informed clinical consensus

Neuropsychological assessments are primarily used to ____. a. identify underlying brain lesions b. identify genetic abnormalities c. make inferences about central nervous system dysfunction d. diagnose mental deficits

c. make inferences about central nervous system dysfunction

9. Most often, adaptational failure is due to a(n) ____.

c. ongoing interaction between the individual and environment

Interventions are ____. a. unique to the field of psychology b. designed to maintain the status quo c. problem-solving strategies d. typically rejected by children and families

c. problem-solving strategies

The Rorschach test is an example of a(n) ____ test. a. intelligence b. achievement c. projective d. objective

c. projective

Minimum ethical standards for practice include: a. selecting procedures that are in the best interest of the parent. b. making sure involuntary client participation occurs. c. protecting the confidentiality of the therapeutic relationship. d. ensuring parent participation.

c. protecting the confidentiality of the therapeutic relationship.

42. Individual differences in emotion ____ account for differing responses to a stressful environment.

c. reactivity

The over-representation of boys with psychological disorders likely reflects ____. a. functional deficits in the male brain b. media influence c. referral biases d. different socialization practices for males and females

c. referral biases

40. A child who cannot control his temper has problems in emotion ____.

c. regulation

The most universally used assessment procedure with parents and children is ____. a. personality testing b. behavioral observation c. the clinical interview d. intelligence testing

c. the clinical interview

50. John Bowlby's research on attachment showed that a child who has a secure attachment with a caregiver generally leads to

c. the development of a child's positive internal working model.

Which psychological condition is more common among females than males? a. Intellectual disability b. Autistic disorder c. Conduct disorder d. Adolescent depression

d. Adolescent depression

52. According to Bronfenberger's ecological model of environmental influences, which influence plays a role in the child's life?

d. All of the above (church or synagogue, neighborhood play areas, mass media)

36. The child-caregiver role helps children explore their own emotions. Which style of parenting allows for the healthiest development of the child?

d. Authoritative

34. ____ acts like a "switch" in the brain, turning on various circuits associated with certain types of behavior.

d. Dopamine

Which element(s) are typically included in a clinical description? a. Taxonomic diagnosis b. Assessment of prior history c. Treatment and referral plan d. Intensity, frequency, and severity of the problem

d. Intensity, frequency, and severity of the problem

23. Which part of the brain is most responsible for regulating our emotional experiences, expressions, and impulses?

d. Limbic system

Which factor would typically be addressed in the developmental/family history component of the initial interview? a. Child's birth weight b. Age at which the child began eating solid foods c. Mental history of parents and siblings d. Parent responsibilities at problem onset

d. Parent responsibilities at problem onset

Which factor has the least bearing on a clinician's approach to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment? a. Age b. Gender c. Culture d. Popularity

d. Popularity

____ means generating predictions concerning future behavior under specified conditions. a. Assessment b. Diagnosis c. Outcome generation d. Prognosis

d. Prognosis

Which of the following is NOT one of the core principles of therapeutic change identified by Weisz, Bearman et al. 2017)? a. Increasing motivation b. Repairing thoughts c. Solving problems d. Restoring feelings

d. Restoring feelings

Generalizations regarding cultural practices frequently fail to capture ____ differences that exist within and across ethnic groups. a. universal b. biological c. personality d. SES

d. SES

19. Which statement about neural development is true?

d. The prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum are not wired until a person is 5 to 7 years old.

24. Epinephrine is also known as ____.

d. adrenaline

1. Children's problems must be considered in the context of their ____.

d. all of these (individual nature, family dynamics, community/culture)

Culturally competent mental health services include ____. a. matching families with clinicians who have a master's degree b. customizing treatment to the family's values and customs c. relying on knowledge gained through personal experience with that particular culture d. basing treatment on what has been reported about a particular culture

d. basing treatment on what has been reported about a particular culture

46. Sharon is a psychologist who is using the ABA method with her client Katie, a difficult 6-year-old. As an ABA therapist, Sharon would focus on

d. behavior, antecedents, and consequences.

A ____ summarizes the child's unique behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that together make up the features of a given psychological disorder. a. nomothetic description b. symptomatic description c. diagnostic description d. clinical description

d. clinical description

The ____ classification approach assumes that all children possess the same traits to varying degrees. a. trait b. categorical c. feature d. dimensional

d. dimensional

More than 70% of practicing clinicians identify their therapeutic approach as ____. a. behavioral b. cognitive c. humanistic d. eclectic

d. eclectic

51. Attachment theory considers crying (in an infant) to be a behavior that ____.

d. enhances relationships with the caregiver

8. An integrative approach to the psychopathology of a child means that

d. many theories and concepts can be used to explain behavior.

Semistructured interviews tend to be ____ than unstructured interviews. a. less consistent b. more spontaneous c. less reliable d. more consistent and less spontaneous

d. more consistent and less spontaneous

A clearly defined group used to compare an individual child's test score against is called a a. reference group. b. comparative group. c. standard group. d. norm group.

d. norm group.

13. Children's development occurs in a(n) ____ manner.

d. organized and hierarchical

17. Brain maturity occurs in a(n) ____ fashion.

d. organized and hierarchical

The hypothesis behind ________________ is that the child will reveal unconscious fears, needs, and inner conflicts onto ambiguous stimuli of other people and things. a. behavioral observation and recording b. developmental testing c. personality testing d. projective testing

d. projective testing

15. The two terms that are used to explain how a child's interaction with his/her environment can lead to the development of maladaptive behaviors are

d. transaction and transition

The primary purpose of assessment is to ____. a. find correlating causes for the problem b. plan and evaluate treatment c. determine who is responsible for the problem d. treat individual symptoms

d. treat individual symptoms

Intervention focuses on ____. a. noncompliance b. assimilation c. motivation d. treatment

d. treatment

Treatment _______ refers to whether or not a treatment can produce changes under well-controlled conditions.


Research demonstrates that, with respect to aggression, girls _______. a.) tend not to engage in aggressive acts b.) are more distressed by aggressive acts c.) engage in more relational forms of aggression d.) are more aggressive than boys

engage in more relational forms of aggression

Categorical classification systems are based primarily on ____. a.) underlying etiologic bases of the disorders classified b.) normative data c.) informed clinical consensus d.) multivariate statistical methods

informed clinical consensus

Lab research is the most desirable research method (compared to case studies and correlational studies) b/c:

it allows us to establish causality

A measurement or assessment tool would be considered valid to the extent that if....

measures what it's supposed to measure

This is the concept that various outcomes may stem from similar beginnings such as child maltreatment.

multi finality

The assessment of childhood problems typically makes use of a(n) _______ approach. a.) multi-method b.) idiographic c. divergent d.) single theoretical


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