unit 10 - Manifest Destiny

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In the 1846 Oregon Treaty, the U.S.-British Canada border was set at which line?


The Spot Resolution was introduced by

Abraham Lincoln

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ending the Mexican War provided for

American acquisition of about 1/2 of Mexico and payment of several million dollars in compensation

among the major sources of the tension between Britain and the United States in the 1840s was

American involvement in Canadian rebellions and border disputes

Which group was most influential in strengthening American claims to Oregon?

American missionaries

Which of the following was not among the reasons why Britain strongly supported an independent Texas?

Britain was interested in eventually incorporating Texas into the British Empire

The phrase "spot resolutions" refers to

Congressman Abraham Lincoln's resolution demanding to know the exact spot where American blood had supposedly been shed

the Mexican War resulted in all of the following except

Friendlier relations between the US and Latin American countries (other sources say) acquisition of the Oregon territory (APUSH says)

The main American military campaign that finally captured Mexico City was commanded by

General Winfield Scott

"Manifest Destiny" represented the widespread American belief that

God has destined the United States to expand across the whole North American continent

Early 19th century educators included all of the following EXCEPT

John Dewey

Which of the following would most likely have expressed opposition to the idea of Manifest Destiny?

Members of the Whig Party in Congress during the Mexican War

The immediate cause of the Mexican War was

Mexican refusal to sell California and a dispute over the Texas boundary

Texas was finally admitted to the Union in 1844 as a result of

President Tyler's interpretation of the election of 1844 as a "mandate" to acquire Texas

Most Americans who migrated to Oregon Country were attracted by the

Rich soil of the Willamette River Valley

Polk's 1844 candidacy was most supported by or The nomination of James K. Polk as the democrats' 1844 presidential candidate was secured by

Southern expansionists

Which of the following was NOT a major consequence of the US war with Mexico?

US annexation of Texas

The terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo included

US payment to Mexico in the amount of $15 million

Which group was most opposed to Polk's expansionist program?


the "Aroostook War" involved

a battle between American and Canadian lumberjacks over the northern Maine boundary

The final result of the British-American conflict over the Oregon country in 1844-1846 was

a compromise agreement on a border at the 49th parallel

The major domestic consequence of the Mexican War was

a sharp revival of the issue of slavery

Which of the following is true of American transcendentalists?

argued for the importance of human intuition and individualism

The conflict between President Tyler and Whig leaders like Henry Clay took place over issues of

banking and tariff policy

The British American dispute over the border of Maine was resolved

by a compromise that gave each side some territory

during the early 1840s, Texas maintained its independence by

establishing friendly relations with Britain and other European powers

President Jackson resisted the admission of Texas into the Union in 1836 primarily because he

feared that debate over the admission of Texas would ignite controversy about slavery

Henry Clay lost the election of 1844 to James Polk because

his attempt to straddle the Texas issue lost him votes to the antislavery Liberty party in New York

Which of the following best describes the policy of the government of Mexico toward Texas?

it encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1820s and early 1830s

The turnpikes, canals, and steamboats as new transportation links generally encouraged all of the following EXCEPT

larger voter registration

One argument against annexing Texas to the United States was that the annexation

might give some power to the supporters of slavery

The 1842 border dispute with British Canada was resolved by the (Oregon Trail)

none of the above

The Wilmot Proviso declared that

slavery should be banned in all territory acquired from Mexico

The Wilmot Proviso

symbolized the divisive issue of slavery in the territories

The area in dispute between the US and England in 1845-46 lay between

the 49th parallel and the 54 40 line

In his war message to Congress, President Polk referred to an armed clash between Mexican and American troops near

the Rio Grande

The US went to war with Mexico in 1846 for all of the following reasons except

the Spot Resolution

Which of the following BEST reflected the idea of manifest destiny?

the campaign platform of James Polk in 1844

The Wilmot Proviso specifically provided for

the prohibition of slavery in lands acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War

Britain eventually lost out in the contest for disputed Oregon territory because

the rapidly growing number of American settlers overwhelmed the small British population

All of the following contributed to the conflict between Mexico's government and settlers in Texas in the early 1830's EXCEPT

the support for annexation by John Tyler and James Polk

The provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo included all of these EXCEPT

yield the Mesilla Valley of the Arizona to the US

1848 Presidential Election

• "Old Rough & Ready" General Zachary Taylor (KY Whig slaveholder) defeats Lewis Cass (MI Dem.) and former President Martin Van Buren (NY Free Soil) • Taylor dies of natural causes July 9, 1850 • succeeded by VP Millard Fillmore (NY)

Consequences of the US-Mexico War

• 13,000 American deaths • 50,000 Mexican deaths • $100 mil US cost

Texas War for Independence - Background

• 1836 • 1821 - Mexico becomes independent from Spain which grants Americans the right to settle in Texas ⇢ first American settlement founded by Stephen Austin • April 6, 1830 - American population in Texas exceeds the Mexican population by 2x ⇢ Mexican government declares Texas closed to further American settlement

Santa Fe Trail

• 780 miles from Independence, MO southwest to Santa Fe, NM; started 1821

Cause of the US-Mexican War

• American death in disputed territory

Wilmot Proviso

• August 8, 1846 • proposal by PA Dem. David Wilmot • said slavery should not be allowed in any of the territory acquired from Mexico; passed House (twice), but failed Senate ⇢ assumed they're going to win the war because normally proposals are talked about after battles ⇢

Spot Resolution

• Dec. 22, 1847 • introduced by Abraham Lincoln (IL Whig) • questioned Polk as to the exact location of where the conflict started


• Dec. 28, 1846 • free state, becomes 29th state

Gadsden Purchase

• Dec. 30, 1853 • US buys present-day southern NM and AZ (just south of the Gila River) from Mexico for $10 mil • negotiated by RR contractor James Gadsden of SC (appointed by Pres. Franklin Pierce) • Southern Pacific RR would be completed in 1882 ⇢

Battle of Buena Vista

• Feb. 23, 1847 • Taylor defeats Santa Anna

Manifest Destiny

• God, Glory, Gold • the American belief that it was their God-given right to expand westward across the continent, from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea ⇢ Phrase from NY journalist John L. O'Sullivan in 1845 ⇢ existed 215 years before

What was Manifest Destiny about?

• God, Glory, and Gold

Texas War for Independence - Consequences

• Independent (Lone Star) Republic of Texas (1836 - 1845) with Sam Houston as its first president ⇢ was its own country for 9 years • debate over Texas annexation inside Texas and Congress • Texas admission to Union on Dec. 29, 1845 as slave state (28th state) ⇢ Florida, slave state, becomes the 27th state on March 3

Treaty of Cahuenga

• January 13, 1847 • ended fighting from the revolt against Mexican gov't


• January 26, 1837 • free state, becomes 26th state


• June 15, 1836 • slave state, becomes the 25th state

US-Mexican War - Conduct

• June 15, 1846 • American settlers in CA revolt against Mexican gov't, establishing Bear Flag Republic at Sonoma ⇢ supported by arrival of US Army Captain John C. Fremont (GA) on June 23 ⇢ supported by arrival of US Army General Stephen W. Kearny (Newark, NJ) • Fremond appointed military governor, replaced by Kearny ⇢ NOT who Kearny, NJ is named after. That's his nephew Philip Kearny • March 28, 1847 - US General Winfield Scott captures coastal city of Vera Cruz

Texas War for Independence - Conduct

• March 2, 1836 - Texas Declaration of Independence signed by Sam Houston and others • March 6, 1836 - Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna attacks American settlers at the Alamo in San Antonio ⇢ 200 Americans attempt to defend against 4,000 Mexicans ⇢ Davy Crockett, William Travis, and James Bowie killed • March 27, 1836 - at Goliad, Santa Anna massacres 300 American prisoners from Battle of Coleto Creek • April 21, 1836 - American settlers led by Sam Houston defeat Santa Anna at Battle of San Jacinto, but set him free after he signed the Treaty of Velasco on May 14, recognizing Texan Independence

Polk's war message to Congress

• May 11, 1846 • says Mexico has "invaded our territory and shed the blood of our fellow citizens on our own soil"

U.S.'s declaration of war

• May 13, 1846 • US declares war on Mexico by 173-14 vote in House, and 40-2 in Senate


• May 29, 1848 • free state, becomes 30th state

The US - Mexican War (1846 - 1848) - Background

• November 10, 1845 - Polk sent John Slidell (LA Dem.) to Mexico to negotiate for disputed territory (between Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers) and west to California for $25 million; rejected by Mexico • Jan. 13, 1846 - Polk orders US General Zachary Taylor (KY Whig slaveholder) to occupy disputed territory • April 4, 1846 - Mexico attacks Taylor at Matamoros, killing an American

Battle of Chapultepec

• Sept. 14, 1847 • Scott wins, capturing Mexico City

What state is Polk associated with?

• TN • born in NC

Cause of the Texas War for Independence

• demand by Americans in Texas for independence

Mormon Trail

• from Council Bluffs, IA west to Salt Lake City, UT • Mormon migration begun in 1847, led by Brigham Young

Oregon Trail

• from Independence, MO northwest to fertile Willamette River Valley in Portland, Oregon • started with the Whitmans (missionaries) in 1836 • resulted in border dispute with British (James K. Polk, 1844 velection "54 40' or Fight!") • previously resolved Maine boundary with Britain by Webster-Ashburton Treaty of August 9, 1842 ⇢ Sec. State Daniel Webster and British Minister to Washington Alexander Baring, First Lord Ashburton

California Gold Rush

• gold discovered at Sutter's Mill, CA by James Marshall on Jan. 24, 1848; population was 14,000 • 1849 - huge influx of "forty-niners" raised the population to 100,000 • 1852 population doubled to 200,000 ⇢ people who got rich were ones who already lived in CA and owned businesses • as white population grew, disease and forced labor reduced the Native American population in CA ⇢ huge influx of population = competition for land

*Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago*

• negotiated and signed by Nicholas P. Trist of VA in Mexico on Feb. 2, 1848 ⇢ ratified on March 10 by 38-14 vote • Mexico recognizes Rio Grande River as southern boundary of Texas • US pays for CA, NV, UT, AZ, and NM (500,000 sq mi known as Mexican Cession

Why did the Wilmot Proviso pass the House but not the Senate?

• passed House because northern states had a higher population • failed Senate because of the imbalance of 15 slave and 13 free states

US-Mexican War - Riotto's belief

• the war happened because of pro-slavery dem. party was in power • the war probably wouldn't have happened if northern free state Whigs were in power

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