Unit 11 US History

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When was Clinton impeached?


When did the Second Iraq war happen?


Who were the presidents from 1990- the present?

41st- George Bush 42nd- Bill Clinton 43rd- George W. Bush 44th- Barack Obama 45th- Donald Trump 46th- Joe Biden

Who was the 44th President of the United States?

Barack Obama. He served 2 terms with Joe Biden being the Vice president. He was the first black president. He was a Democrat.

Who was the 42nd president of the United States?

Bill Clinton was president from 1992-2000 for two terms. His wife is Hillary Clinton.

What was the Contract with America?

Bill Clinton was trying to give economic and political reforms.

What happened to help communication during Obama's administration?

Communication: Satellite technology is now used for communication such as Television, cell phones, and GPS.

When was Saddam Hussein executed?

December 2006

What was George W. Bush's reasoning for invading Iraq?

Disarm Iraq, end Saddam Hussein's support of terrorism, and Liberate the Iraq People.

Who was Sonia Sotomayor

First Hispanic Supreme Court Justice

What was NAFTA 1994?

GOAL: eliminate trade barriers between the US, Mexico, and Canada... eliminated tariffs (taxes on exports)

Who was the Panamanian protege when George HW Bush was president?

General Manuel Noriega was a friend of the US but then got connected to drug trafficking, bringing drugs to the US. Then-president George HW Bush and the US invaded Panama in 1989 because of this.

Who is George HW Bush?

George Herbert Walker Bush was president from 1988-1992. He was president at the end of the Cold War. Cell phones were invented in 1990. Because they were so big, you had to leave your cell phone in your car. Technology at that time was starting to get going. Not everyone had a cell phone, though. There was a competition between cell phone companies during this time. In 1989 the US invaded the country Panama. The US helped build the Panama canal.

What bad decision did Bill Clinton make?

He got a little too friendly with Intern Monica Lewinsky. He lied by not saying he did it on oath

Who was Saddam Hussein?

He started using chemical warfare and was the dictator of Iraq. He wanted to invade Kuwait.

What should you remember about 2008?

Hillary ran against Obama.

What natural disaster happened during the presidency of George W. Bush?

Hurricane Katrina

Levees were built to ________

Keep water out and funnel silt out.

What was the Balkans War?

Located in Southeast Europe. It used to be united as one country called Yugoslavia. Now those countries are independent. Serbia was the strongest country and did not extend independence to the other nations. Croatia fought for borders because they were surrounded by other countries. Bosnians always tried to fight for independence from Serbia. Croatia was orthodox Christians, and Bosnians were Islamic. Clinton used Air Force to bomb areas held by the Serbs.

What was the law George W. Bush passed?

No Child Left Behind Law- Law requires testing students in reading and Math grades 3-8.


business or organization that operates on an international scale

Who was George W. Bush?

Presidenet from 2000-2008. Son of George HW. Bush. President during 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina

We started the 1990s in a ___

Recession. Nobody wanted to pay taxes etc.

What was the Persian Gulf war of 1990-1991?

Saddam Hussein was the dictator of Iraq. Hussein thought Kuwait was a part of Iraq, and he invaded Kuwait for the land and oil. George HW Bush helped Kuwait by sending about 400,000 soldiers during that 2-3 year period. Operation Desert storm.

Who was Hillary Clinton?

She was the Secretary of State under Obama, and Bill Clinton's wife.

George W. Bush declared war on _________?


What was Obama famous for what he did?

The Affordable Health Care Act or Obama Care

What war did Unit 11 take place in?

The Cold War ended, ends the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) started to break out. Now the US is known as the most powerful country in the world.

George Bush passed what law after 9/11?

The US Patriot Act.


To accuse government officials of misconduct in office

What will we be talking about in Unit 11?

We will talk about foreign and domestic policies. We will talk about the Persian Gulf War, the Balkan Crisis, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Next, we will talk about 9/11, Obama being the first black president in 2008. Immigration, rising costs of healthcare, and rights for minority populations are issues at this time. Finally, we will discuss globalization and changing technology and business practices affecting US economics.


a condition of economic decline characterized by a decline in trade and industrial output

multinational corporation

a corporation that owns businesses in two or more countries

What is Perjury?

lying under oath


moving to a foreign country ... people move looking for better lifestyle

3rd party

not one of the two prominent political parties

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