Unit 18

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When did the Supreme Court rule regarding the application of the 14th amendment?


How is the uprising in China settled?

A combined force of various nations broke the rebellion, and China was ordered to pay 333 million in damage

What was past and then declared Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

A personal income tax

What's events pushed McKinley and the United States toward war with Spain?

An insulting letter about McKinley and the blowing up of the USS Maine

What's where some other progressive leaders?

Charles Evans Hughes in New York State, Hiram Johnson in California, and Joseph W folk in Missouri

What work conditions did progressive seek to change?

Child and women's labor, maximum 10 hour work days, a minimum wage, regulation of monopolies and utilities

What changes to local government to progressive's propose?

Commission government and to the use of professional city managers

What land did the US get as a results of the war and sub sequent treaty?

Cuba , the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and guan. The US also took wake island during this time .

What city was the 1st to adopt a commission form of government?

Galveston Texas

Who won the presidential election of 1892 and who was his opponent?

Grover Cleveland Khama and his opponent was Benjamin Harrison.

According to Sigmund Freud what are the 3 parts of the personality?

I'd, ego, super ego. I'd is the want to, super ego is the ought to, and ego is the person's awareness of reality

When did the panic of 1893 pass?

In 1897

What did plessy versus Ferguson say about the Separate but equal policy?

It Upheld the practice as a valid use of a state's Police powers

What were some factors that lead to the success of the progressive movement to?

It built on the populist movement, it was a middle class, urban movement led by young, well educated people who are politically active.

What is the Wilson Gorman tariff?

It is a tariff passed in 1894 That lowered average rates but only by a small amount.

Who is the populist candidate in the 1892 Election and how many votes did he in?

James B Weaver won 22 electoral votes

When was the Sherman silver Purchase Act repealed?

Late in 1893

How did the major party candidates differ in their campaigning in 1896?

Making Lee gave speeches from his front porch while Brian made an intense tour of the country.

Who was McKinley's campaign Manager?

Mark Hanna

What was the term used to describe writers who exposed if uses and failings in American life?


What were some conditions that progressives wanted to address?

Poor working conditions , corrupt city governments, poor housing

What was a social issue that many progressives worked for ?


Who were the major party nominee is in 1896? Who won?

Republican William McKinley, Democrat william Jennings Bryan . William McKinley

What tactics were used in the South to prevent blacks from voting.

Residency requirements, denial of vote because of conviction for crimes, poll tax, literacy test, party primaries, grandfather clause

What's Wisconsin senator was the leading progressive spokesman?

Robert M Lafollette Who is governor of Wisconsin

What changes in elections did progressive's Propose?

Secret ballot, direct party primaries, initiative, referendum, recall, direct election of US senators, off year elections for States and cities, woman's suffrage

What factors made life difficult for people in Cuba?

Spanish misrule and a downturn in they sugar industry caused by the American tariff

What were two books that helped turn American interests overseas?

Strong's our country and mahan's the influence of sea power

According to Freud what kind of drives influence people?


What country besides Cuba was the target of US attacks during the Spanish-American war?

The Philippines

What's name was given to a group of extreme Chinese nationalist by westerners?

The boxers

What was the new tariff of 1897 And what act was passed in 1900?

The dingley tariff Which raised rates to their highest level in history an average of 52%. The gold standard act of 1900 declared the country would permanently beyond the gold standard

What issues divided democrats?

The gold standard And the tariff

What's hit the country soon after Cleveland took Office and who did he blame it on?

The panic Of 1893 , Cleveland blamed it on the Sherman silver purchase act.

Who furthered the progressive cause the most on the national level?

Theodore roosevelt

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