Unit 2.

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a large body of water surrounded by land / озеро Finally today we will go to the ____ and will be swimming!

grocery store

a store that sells food and household supplies There is a nice ______ _____ near my house, I always buy food there!

fizzy drink

a sweet drink without alcohol that has bubbles Dasha doesn't drink Coca Cola. She doesn't like ____ _____.


apartment My brother lives in a ____ in Kyiv.


costing a lot of money; having a high price I can not buy this dress, it's too _____ for me.

red meat

Beef, pork, lamb Anna doesn't like ____ _____. She likes chicken.


man who serves food in a restaurant / офіціант I liked this _____ and his service.


not expensive This T-shirt is really _____! Do you think it is of good quality?

far away

not near I live ___ _____ from my family now. I am in Germany and they are in Ukraine.


slice of meat, usually beef / стейк I'll have a beef ______ with potatoes.


someone who pays for goods or services / клієнт, покупець Our cafe has 500 ________s every day.


the day before ______ our friends came to our house and we had a very nice evening together.


very high temperature It is so _____ in Kyiv now, above 28 degrees!

make an order

зробити замовлення I would like to ____ __ ______ for a large freshly squeezed orange juice.

make a mistake

зробити помилку Usually I _____ 2-3 ______ in my homework tasks.


коли I will tell you _____ I have time and we will go for a walk.


лосось I don't eat fish but I like _____, it's delicious!


одягати, носити Dasha and Anna like to _____ oversized hoodies.


поле My house is located in the middle of _____.


пончик I want to eat, but I only have a doughnut.

in front of

попереду Sorry, I think I was __ ____ __ you. It's my turn.


пояснювати Could you please ______ how to do this exercise?

on foot

пішки I go to my university __ _____.


рази I work out three _____ a week.


разом Let's spend this evening _____!


рахунок Waiter, can I have the _____________ please?


салюти What time do the _____ start?

a glass of

склянка, стакан чогось I drink _ ____ __ water every morning.

How old are you?

скільки тобі років? I'm 27 and ___ ___ __ __?

how much is it?

скільки це коштує? What a beautiful dress! ___ ___ __ __?


смажити I don't _____ meat, I like to roast it.


цибуля I hate when my mother cooks soup with _____.


часник I eat ______ more often than onion. I like it more!

could you please

чи можете Ви, будь ласка ... _____ ____ ______ help me? I'm lost.

may I

чи можу я ... ____ __ go to the toilet?


чому, навіщо _____ do you want to visit Paris?

a piece of

шматочок I'm not hungry. I'll only have _ ____ _ cake.

a slice of

шматочок, слайс I would like a mint tea and __ ____ __ lemon cake

I would like

я б хотіла Paris is a very beautiful city! _ ____ ___ to visit it!


їжа, страва Waiter: Is everything OK with your ____?


A diplomatic center that a nation maintains in a foreign country Anna went to the ______ of Ukraine yesterday to get some documents.

have breakfast

to eat breakfast I don't ____ _________ in the morning, I don't eat it.

go for a walk

to take a walk / гуляти I like to ___ ___ __ ____ every evening with my best friend.


виноград There are many fresh fruit in the market: bananas, apples, oranges and _____.

wake up

вставати, прокидатись I _____ ___ at 7 a.m. every day.

do sport

to practice a sport I ____ _______ on Mondays and Thursdays.


гуляти My friends and I _____ in the park every weekend.


де _____ do you study?


дорога We have very good ______s in Switzerland.


з I like drinking tea ____ sugar.

take away

замовлення з собою We are not going to eat in. We want ___ ____, please.


to see and speak to someone for the first time I ____ a lot of new people these days, because I live in a new city for me.

roast chicken

запечена курочка I would like to order a ____ _______ and a glass of Cola.

pick berries

збирати ягоди In childhood, I used to go to the forest with my grandmother and ____ _______.


без A lot of people drink green tea _____ sugar.


близько Is there any coffee shop _____ here?

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