Unit 2

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List 2 reasons you shouldn't use 10 and 2 for steering wheel hand positions.

1) If you place your hands at this position, your arms are now in front of the airbag meaning that the airbag could... a) Break or twist your arms, causing them to fly back towards your face in a crash b) Give you chemical burns as a result of the airbag deployment 2) Additionally, this position causes your arms to tire more easily

List 3 reasons you should use "hand-to-hand" steering.

1) Your arms are no longer in front of the airbags 2) Your arms don't have to cross one another This reduces injuries to the hands, face, or arms 3) Your hands now never leave the steering wheel

List the other locations in a vehicle where airbags may be located.

Airbags may be located in the steering wheel, in front of the passenger seat, and on the side of the car.

What should you check for before entering the vehicle?

Anything that could cause or be a sign of damage to your car. A few of these examples include broken glass or damage to the body or tires that may indicate a robbery or leaking fluids from the car, possibly indicating a faulty system somewhere throughout the vehicle. A few other things to be on the lookout for are objects or other pieces of debris that could damage your tires along with any children or pets who you, most certainly, would not want to run over.

If your steering wheel was a clock at what hours should you position your hands at?

Either 9 and 3 or 8 and 4, primarily, however, you should position your hands at 9 and 3

Why shouldn't you hold a young child in your lap?

First off, holding a child in your lap would be illegal and worthy of punishment and fines. Additionally, your child could experience whiplash from the jolt of the car in an accident and may even be crushed by the force of the airbag inflating during an emergency.

If the child is at least 2 years old and up to 4 years old how should the child seat be installed?

Front-facing (you want your older children to be facing the front of the vehicle)

What is Neutral used for?

Neutral is used to separate the engine from the wheels. When neutral is selected, the pedals won't send direct power to the wheels of the car. Of course, you will still be able to steer the steering wheel and brake while in neutral in emergency situations.

What should you do if the temperature light/gauge indicates overheating?

Overheating in any vehicle is a very serious issue. If this light comes on, you must pull over immediately, turn off any unnecessary systems operating in the car and open the windows to allow the engine to cool down.

What do each of the letters on your gear shift "PRNDL" mean?

P - park, R - reverse, N - neutral, D - drive, L - low

What should you do if the alternator light comes on?

Pull over immediately! If you continue driving, you risk draining the car's electricity to dangerously low levels. This can lead to various problems throughout the vehicle.

If a child is a newborn to 2 years old how should the child seat be installed?

Rear-facing (you want your baby/toddler to be facing the back of the vehicle for maximum protection during a car crash

What is the purpose of the speedometer and odometer?

Speedometer - The speed at which the vehicle is driving. Odometer - How many miles the car has driven in its lifetime (total mileage)

Which pedal is on the left side?

The brake pedal is on the left hand side

How far away should you sit from the steering wheel ? Why?

The driver should attempt to sit as far away from the steering wheel as possible (around 10-12 inches) in order to prevent serious injury linked to the steering wheel in a crash, specifically an injury related to the airbags

Describe how you should position the driver's seat?

The driver's seat should be positioned in a manner that is as far away from the steering wheel as possible in order to prevent serious injury from the steering wheel in a crash. Of course, the driver should still be able to reach the pedals and other controls while in the seat.

Blind-spot monitoring (BSM)

What it does - Blind-spot monitoring alerts you if objects are positioned in your left or right blind spots. This system will often warn the driver through messages on the side view mirrors or even the dashboard. Newer cars may also give audible warnings. How it works - Similar to many of the other features listed in this document, blind-spot monitoring uses sensors to monitor the blind spots to the left and right of your car. Some cars may also factor in turn signals and give additional warnings if you are looking to change lanes. What type of crash does it prevent - Given that this system monitors the left and right blind spots around your car, this system would help to prevent crashes caused by cars switching lanes on the highway and coming into contact with the side of another car.

When a child turns 4 and up to at least age 8 they must ride in what type of child seat? Why?

At this age, the child should be riding in a booster seat. In order for the seat belt to lay in the correct position across their shoulder and down their chest, they must be elevated while riding to assure this safety

Which symbol is the alternator light?


What do you need to know before starting to move?

Before you start moving, you must be certain that any and all obstacles have been cleared from the driveway and that no children or pets are near the vehicle, as these individuals are not yet aware of the danger associated with cars. It is important that you check your surroundings given that you can't see anything behind the driver's seat. Therefore, before moving, you must be certain that there has been no damage to the car that may impose serious threats once on the road and that your driveway has been cleared of any dangerous hazards.

What does the "BGR" stand for in BGR mirror settings?

Blindspot and glare reduction

How should drivers position their seat in a vehicle?

Each and every driver on the road has a seating position that is familiar to them. These positions should be as far away from the steering wheel where one still feels comfortable driving. This should usually be around 10-12 inches.

Describe "hand-over-hand" steering technique and what driving maneuvers it should be used for.

If turning left, you reach the left hand over the right. If turning right, you reach the right hand over the right. This type of turning and steering technique is great for making sharp turns or U-turns as it allows the drivers to move the steering wheel in a fast motion.

What are the limitations of "traditional" mirror settings?

If using "traditional" mirror settings, you can easily see the cars directly behind you but have difficulties viewing the vehicles to the left or right or at a strange angle to the driver's seat. In order to view the blindspots, therefore, you must physically turn around, forcing you to take your eyes off of the road.

Describe "hand-to-hand" steering technique and when you should use that technique.

If you are turning the vehicle to the right hand side, you would bring your right hand downwards and raise your left hand upwards. If turning left, you would bring your left hand downwards and pull your right hand upwards. This is a great technique to use on the highway as your hands don't have to cross over one another.

Why shouldn't you back up using your rear-view mirror?

If you use a rear-view mirror, you are increasing the number of blind spots around your car.

Where should infants and young children ride in a vehicle?

Infants and young children should be positioned in the back seat in a vehicle. Positioning them near the rear of the vehicle increases their chances of survival in a car crash. It is important to note that these positions in a vehicle are considered the safest, which is why it is great to put those you care most about in these positions!

Putting in the ignition key and turning to the ON position allows the driver to:

Input power to the electrical system of the car meaning that the vehicle is now supplied with electricity for operation. Ultimately, it allows the driver to turn on the engine and allow the vehicle to turn on.

What does it mean if the engine oil pressure light comes on?

It warns you that the oil is not circulating at a proper pressure and it warns you if the oil pump is bad or is defective. It may also mean that the oil level is low

What are lower gears used for?

Lower gears restrict the amount of fuel being delivered to the engine while the vehicle is in motion. Because of this, the lower gears help the car reach maximum power without burning out the engine, such as on steep hills (acts as a method of efficiency in certain situations).

What is the purpose of the head restraint?

The head restraint helps prevent major head injuries during times of a car crash. Specifically, it prevents your head from moving too far backwards during an accident that could eventually lead to whiplash

Describe what part of your body the head restraint should be positioned behind?

The head restraint should be level with the top of your head and directly behind the back of your head (you do not want it to be too low or too high)

How should the head restraint be positioned?

The head restraint should be positioned directly behind, and very close to, the back of the passengers head. This assures that the head moves minimally in a car crash, preventing the possibility of whiplash.

Where should the lap belt be positioned on your body?

The lap belt should lay nicely across your hips and should not be centered on your stomach or upper abdomen to prevent serious injury during a crash

Where should the shoulder belt be positioned on your body?

The should belt should lay nicely across your shoulder and run down your chest and parts of your sternum for maximum support in a car crash

When you adjust the angle of the steering wheel the top of the wheel should align with what part of your body?

The top of the wheel should align nicely with your chest (not your face, this would be positioned much too high)

Where are the traditional blind-spots located on a vehicle?

The traditional blind-spots are located on the back and sides (either left or right) of the vehicle or really anywhere that is hard to see from the driver's seat

What are the advantages of using BGR mirror settings?

There are smaller/less blindspots present from the driver's seat and you no longer have to physically turn around to view the blindspots

What is relationship between hand-to-hand and hand-over-hand steering methods. Look up each

They are different from one another

What are hazard flashers used for?

To attract the attention of oncoming traffic to alert them of your presence along the side of the road or another ongoing problem in the vehicle. Additionally, it is great to use flashers when driving significantly below the speed limit.

What offers the best protection in frontal crashes?

Various new safety measures and features help protect individuals during times of crash in the vehicle. A few great examples of the safety measures that offer the most protection during a car crash are airbags and safety belts. These objects are simply, yet have the power to save one's life during a collision.

Electronic Stability control (ESP)

What it does - ESP prevents drivers from losing control of the car, specifically the direction of the car, is a spin out were to occur under bad weather conditions. Additionally, this safety feature reduces the vehicles chances of rolling over in a car crash. Ultimately, it helps drivers gain control of the car. How it works - Similar to other safety features, the ESP consists of a series of sensors to compare the direction of your vehicle in relation to the road and the position of the steering wheel. If it senses an imbalance between these aspects, it begins to correct your car's position back to where it should go. In order to do this, it may adjust the vehicle's speed or apply braking to select wheels to adjust the car's angle. What it helps to mitigate - This safety feature allows drivers to gain control of their vehicle. Because of this, it allows drivers to avoid accidents where they lost control of their vehicle and, subsequently, running into other vehicles on the road. Additionally, it helps drivers stay on the road and avoid veering off.

Back-up camera

What it does - It allows the driver to see the blind area behind the car in order for them to understand what obstacles lie in their path. How it works - A small camera sits just above the license plate. What type of crash does it prevent - Crashing the vehicle into a child/pet/debris or anything that could damage either the car or the object being run into.

Anti-lock brake system (ABS)

What it does - The anti-lock brake system assists in the steering process as you undergo braking during times of emergency. How it works - The ABS system comprises various sensors all around the vehicle. If it begins sensing that your car's tires have begun to lock up on one another, the ABS system releases that brake pressure in order to keep your tires from skidding as you brake in times of emergency. What it helps to mitigate - The ABS system helps protect the vehicle's tires during times of heavy stress (emergency braking). This keeps the tires from losing their traction when necessary and skidding along the roadway.

Automatic Emergency Braking System

What it does - The automatic emergency braking feature scans the road ahead of your car and warns drivers if another vehicle is within a dangerous distance to your own. If the driver in control has a delayed response, the automatic emergency braking system will step in and bring the car to an abrupt stop. How it works - Similar to other features, there are various sensors located at the front of the car. These sensors help detect objects, specifically other vehicles, in front of you and deliver messages through audible recordings or even physical vibrations. Additionally, if the automatic emergency braking system needs to step in to stop the car, it will give you an additional alert of its actions. What it helps to mitigate - The automatic emergency braking system helps reduce crashing, most likely on a highway, where a car rear ends another from behind given that it works to alert the driver of vehicles within a close distance

Forward collision warning system

What it does - The forward collision warning system detects the upcoming road as the vehicle is in motion. This system notifies the driver if the vehicle is heading towards an object that is moving slower than the vehicle or is even stopped. This system prevents forward collisions. How it works - Similar to our other safety systems, the forward collision warning system is composed of various sensors located across the car that detect your distance from another vehicle on the road. Warnings are often delivered audibly or physically, such as a vibration. What it helps to mitigate - Given that this system prevents forward collisions, it helps drivers avoid situations in which their car rear ends another slower moving vehicle, most likely on the highway. This system can also help alert the driver if there are any slower moving objects in front of the vehicle on the path of collision.

Lane Keep Assist

What it does - The lane keep assist features on automobiles helps drivers from simply drifting out of their designated lane by delivering alerts to the driver when drifting is sensed. How it works - This feature reads the painted lines designated on the road. It uses these markings as guidelines to sense the drivers path. Whenever the vehicle enters within a certain distance of these lines, an audible warning is delivered to the driver. What type of crash does it prevent - This system helps to prevent crashes where drivers run into the side of others' cars or even off the road itself through sensing the vehicle's distance to the designated line on the road.

Lane-departure warning

What it does - The lane-departure warning, as mentioned in the lane, warns drivers whenever they begin veering off into a different lane. This system will often deliver audible warning signals or physical vibrations to grasp the attention of the driver in a short notice. How it works - The lane-departure warning system uses the camera located near the rearview mirror to recognize and acknowledge markings on the road. If the vehicle begins drifting in either direction, reducing the space between the car and the marking, the system will deliver a signal to the driver. However, if your turn signal is on, no signal will be delivered. This system relies heavily on clearly painted lines on the road. What type of crash does it prevent - Similar to the lane keep assist, this system helps to prevent crashes where drivers run into the side of others' cars or even off the road itself through sensing the vehicle's distance to the designated line on the road, all assuming that the vehicles turn signal has not been activated.

Cross traffic alert

What it does - This alert system warns you whenever a vehicle is entering your back-up path. Given that many often have difficulties viewing objects behind the car, this system allows drivers to be alerted if an obstacle may be in their way. How it works - Various sensors around your car, specifically the backside, work to detect incoming vehicles on either side of the car. Oftentimes, a warning alarm or flashing light is used to alert the driver. What type of crash does it prevent - Given that this technology allows you to be aware of cars crossing your path as you back up, it prevents crashes where one backs up into another car.

Traction control

What it does - Traction control allows drivers to gain traction on slippery roads. It works while the vehicle is in motion to accelerate and prevent tire slippage on especially slippery surfaces and provides a smoother ride in the vehicle. How it works - This system is computer-controlled and monitors the difference between rotations per minute of your tires and your speed relative to the ground. Additionally, if it detects that one wheel on the car is working or spinning harder than others, it will help to equalize those rates and may even cut engine power to that wheel in certain situations. What it helps to mitigate - This safety system allows drivers to gain a better control of the vehicle they are driving, helping prevent crashes on slippery surfaces. Additionally, it helps drivers avoid runoff.

Adaptive/RADAR cruise control

What it does - When the adaptive cruise control is set on your car, the vehicle will maintain a set speed until turned off. Advanced versions of this cruise control will bring your cat to a halt in traffic jams or accidents. How it works - Various sensors around the car work to get a visual representation of the road around you. These sensors read other cars along with the road path around you. As these sensors get a greater picture of the road, they can begin to maintain a set speed until being turned off. What it helps to mitigate - Cruise control allows drivers to take their foot off the pedal. Especially on longer trips, this feature prevents drivers from losing focus on the road and keeping them more alert for incoming problems.

If we are asked to look at a steering method, what must we look out for?

Whether we are looking at hand-to-hand or hand-over-hand

What should you do if the low oil pressure light comes on?

While low oil pressure is not as serious as an alternator light or temperature gauge symbol, it still requires immediate attention. Given that this light warns you about a bad oil pump or that the oil within the vehicle is not circulating properly, the driver should get this checked as soon as possible in hopes of restoring the correct oil pressure with minimal damage done to the engine.

Why should you check for these things before entering the vehicle?

While some of these things may indicate damage to your car by other individuals, others act as safety hazards that could potentially lead to damaging effects on either your vehicle or those around you. It is important that you check for any signs of damage to ensure that your car will function once on the highway or tires to make sure you won't run off the side of the road. Children and pets around your vehicle don't understand the dangers of such a machine under your control, which is why it is up to you to be on the lookout for those potentially dangerous hazards.

How can you change the position of the shoulder belt?

You can change the position of your seat belt by moving the seat belt adjuster up and down through releasing the seatbelt anchor on your vehicle

When may you want to use lower gears while driving?

a) If you want to slow the car down during downgrades b) If you are carry an especially heavy load c) If you are going up or down a steep incline

Anything just behind the car will be _______ in the driver's seat.


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