Unit 2 The Prophets (Spring 2022)

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when is a remnant of those in Babylon are allowed to return to Jerusalem?

539 BC

When did Jerusalem fall to Babylon?

587 BC

When does Jerusalem fall to the Babylonians?

587 BC

Babylonians destroy Jerusalem and the Southern Kingdom.

597 BC

When did the Northern Kingdom of Israel fall to Assyria?

722 BC

Nebuchadnezzar II

A Babylonian king who conquered Jerusalem, and built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; Neo-Babylonians come to prominence suddenly in the late 600s BCE

Northern kingdom

A kingdom formed by the ten northernmost Tribes of Israel. Separated after the death of Solomon, called Israel, capital Samaria


A message communicated by prophets on behalf of God, usually a message of divine direction or consolation for the prophet's own time. Because some prophetic messages include divine direction, their fulfillment may be in the future


A person God chooses to speak his message of salvation. In the Bible, primarily a communicator of a divine message of repentance to the Chosen People, not necessarily a person who predicted the future. Calling the Chosen People back to proper worship.


A powerful and brutal empire across northern Mesopotamia. In 721 BC, Israel falls when it is conquered by whom?


A prophetic term for the small portion of people who will be saved because of their faithfulness to God.


After the nation of Israel splits into two kingdoms, who leads the northern kingdom?

Name of the wicked King of the northern kingdom?


Assyrian Empire

Ancient empire, modern Syria and Iran, conquered the northern kingdom of Israel 721 BC

During what time period is 2nd Isaiah writing?

At the beginning of the Exile in Babylon 586-516 BC

What empire defeats and conquers the Assyrians?


Where are the Israelite of Southern Kingdom of Judea exiled to?


What kingdom defeats the Assyrians and when?

Babylon in 612


Capital Nineveh; a fierce and cruel nation who showed little mercy to those they conquered


Conquered Israel in late 700s; swift and ruthless; significant incursions into western Palestine by the mid 800s BCE (Qarqar); captured Hosea; destroyed northern kingdom; an instrument of divine judgment for those who will not remain faithful to YHWH

Who allows the Judahites to return to Jerusalem?

Cyrus the Great

Who allowed the Israelites to return to Jerusalem after 70 years of Exile?

Cyrus the Great, King of Persia


Descendants of a mixed population of Israelites who survived the Assyrian deportations and various pagan settlers imported after the northern kingdom fell.


Editors and writers of many Old Testament books. They were doing most of the work during and after the Babylonian Exile. Their work reflects a concern for trying to figure out how the Chosen People had ended up in Exile.

The god smack down is between whom? What happens?

Elijah and the prophets of Baal ´The prophets of Baal dance and chant all day to no avail. Elijah has his sacrifice drenched in water and calls on Yahweh, God answers by consuming the offering and drinking up the water surrounding the altar. The people turn on the prophets of Baal and begin to kill them.

Elijah and the priest of Baal , the Great god smackdown

Elijah challenges the priest of Baal to bring fire down on holocausts offering. The priests of Baal fail after half a day. After soaking the offering with water Eliaja calls upon Yahweh and the offering is consumed in fire.

How diose Elijah die and what is the Jewish story that develops following his death?

Elijah doesn't die but is carried off in a flaming chariot, leaving Elisha behind. The story and the tradition that Elijah will return to announce the coming of the messiah. According to Christians, John the Baptist fulfills the belief.

Who takes the place of Elijah?


What role do prophets play in salvation history?

God called prophets to speak to the people on his behalf. Act as the conscience of the people. They assure them that God has not abandoned them and that they need to look at their lives, personal and communal, and repent and return to God. The prophets call the people back to the proper worship and obedience to the Covenant.


God with us

Wife of Hosea


How does Elijah survive the drought?

He is fed by a widow from Zaraphath. Miraculously here flour and oil never run out during time Elijah is with her.


He successfully challenges the prophets of Baal and Asherah to a head-to-head contest.

What are the miracles of Elisha?

Heals Naaman, an Assyrian commander, of leprosy. Multiplies loaves and fishes


Hebrew; Anointed one or Christos in Greek

What was the message after the Exile?

Hope for future if you remain faithful to covenant.. God will send someone top save/redeem.

Suffering Servant

Image in the prophecies of Isaiah depicting one who is sent by God to suffer and die for the sins of humanity. It is a prophecy of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.

How is Elijah taken to heaven?

In a whirlwind on a chariot

Major Prophets

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel

Who are the major prophets?

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel

golden calves

Jeroboam builds these for the Israelites to worship, eventually leading to his downfall.

What is the Capital of the Southern kingdom of Judah?


What happens to Jerusalem during the 2nd Isaiah?

Jerusalem falls and the Israelites are sent to Babylon

Wife of Ahab


Minor prophets to recall.

Joel, Hosea, Amos, Jonah

In the New Testament who is Elijah?

John the Baptist

What is the message of 1st Isaiah

Judgment is coming repent but comforts the people with a message of hope once they are forgiven


Justice calls for the fair and equitable distribution of life's necessities. The scriptural idea of justice is based on the truth that all humans have dignity and worth and are children of God. God's love for all creation is shown in his emphasis on justice, which is love in action.

Story of Naboth and his vineyard

King Ahab wants a vineyard near one of his palaces, The owner Naboth refuses to give the vineyard to Ahab. Ahab is devastated that he can't get what he wants. Jezebel, seeing how weak Ahab is assures him she will make sure he gains possession of the vineyard. Jezebel makes arrangements for Naboth. Jezebel creates a situation where Naboth is stoned to death by the people of his town.

Persian Empire

Largest ancient empire to date, founded by Cyrus the Great. Conquers Babylonians 539


Many of his miracles foreshadow Jesus' miracles.


Minor writing prophet, who is a peasant, a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores (landscaper)- called to preach in the North.

Do prophets predict the future?

Not necessarily, rather they remind the people of their covenant with God and warn them of pending punishment they may receive if they do not reform


One of the minor writing prophets, contemporary of Amos- from the Northern Kingdom called to preach to the North- uses his real-life experience for his preaching, his marriage to an unfaithful wife.


Owned a vineyard Ahab desired. Jezebel plotted to have him killed so that Ahab could take possession.

Babylonian Exile

Period of time when the Judahites were held captive in Babylon following the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC lasted 40 yrs. Returned in 538

Cyrus the Great

Persian king, allowed the Judahites to return to Jerusalem

When does the 3rd Isaiah take place?

Post exile

What was the general message of the prophets before Babylonian Exile?

Return to God or destruction will follow.

What is the capital of the northern territory?


Non-writing prophets

Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha

Who are the non-writing prophets?

Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha

When will Elijah appear after his death?

Since Elijah was carried away in a whirlwind to heaven people began to believe that he had not died. It further developed into the idea that Elijah would return to earth to announce (herald) the coming Messiah.

What is one of the first messianic prophecies of Isaiah?

That the Messiah is coming and this is the sign, the virgin shall conceive a son and he shall be called Immanuel

Jerusalem falls to who

The Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar

What is destroyed during the Babylonian invasion, the symbol God's presence among us?

The Temple in Jerusalem, Ark of the Covanent

Why are the Major prophets major

The book is long

Why are the Minor prophets minor

The book is short

Southern Kingdom

The land of Judah. The kingdom that contained Jerusalem. Retained the Davidic line, known as Judah.

In general, what were the kings of the north and the south like, what did they do?

The northern kingdom was ruled by kings from different families and was more or less wicked throughout the time before Exile. The Southern kingdom continued to be ruled by descendants of King David some good some not so good. In the end, they too fell into idolatry and wickedness.


The wicked king of Israel. A weak king led by his Phoenician wife Jezebel, he promoted the cult of Baal and persecuted the worshipers of the true God.


The wicked queen of Israel who persecuted the prophets of the True God. She was a Phoenician, and she was fanatically devoted to the Phoenician god Baal.

Why are some prophets called major prophets?

Their books are longer

What prophets do

Those called by God to speak for God

How many authors do scholars suggest wrote the Book of Isaiah?



To foretell or predict; to deliver messages from God

Babylonian Empire

Vast empire, conquered the Assyrians, conquered Jerusalem and destroyed temple, modern Iraq

What are the major themes with the major prophets?

Warn against injustice against the poor, widow, orphan, alien, less fortunate, and marginalized. Warn against idolatry and breaking the covenant. Call the faithful to repentance and return to the Lord. If they do God would bring hope and renewal the finally the Massiah.


Which prophet expresses a special concern for the (poor) anawim?

After the Assyrians destroyed Israel and the northern kingdom they move to take Jerusalem by siege. What happens?

While besieging Jerusalem and about to attack the Assyrian camp is stricken with disease and for4ced to retreat.

How does Elijah experience the presence of God?

Whispering wind on Mt. Carmel


Who becomes king of Israel after the death of Solomon?

What happens to the Israelites post exile?

few Israelites return to Judah, others remain as part of the diapora

What does the 2nd Isaiah include?

messages of Liberation and expiation for sins

What period of time does 1st Isaiah cover


What prophecy of Isaiah points to the coming of the Messiah and his death?

the Servant Songs

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