Unit 3 MC

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According to the gate control theory of pain, which of the following contains a neurological gate that controls the transmission of pain messages to the brain?

(C) the spinal cord


a coiled bony fluid filled tube in the cochlear fluid trigger never impulses


grouping nearby figures together

Tracey was in pain from an ear infection, which her doctor said was in her inner ear. Which of the following is the most likely location of the infection?

the cochlea

what is the purpose of the eardrum?

To transmit sound from the air to the bones of the middle ear

Human tactile sense is actually a mix of which of the following distinct skin senses?

Pressure, warmth, cold, pain

Hair cells line the surface of the

basilar membrane.

Ms. Shields, a recent stroke victim, cannot consciously perceive the large book on the coffee table in front of her. Yet, when urged to identify the book, she correctly reads aloud the printed title on the book cover. Her response best illustrates


As your teacher dims the lights to show a movie clip, you still perceive your friend's shirt as red. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?

color consistancy

retinal receptor cells that are concentrated near the center of the retina and that function in daylight or in well-lit conditions. color sensations.


Which factor appears to be important for the development of depth perception in infancy?

crawling experience

In response to a harmful stimulus, ________ initiate neural impulses leading to the sensation of pain.


The axons of ganglion cells converge to form

optic nerve


pain receptors

how do we see

retinal processing, feature detection, parallel prossecing, reginiton

Which of the following concepts refers to the diminished sensitivity to a stimulus that occurs due to constant exposure to that stimulus?

sensory adaptation

We tend to perceive more pain when others around us also report feeling pain. This research finding indicates that pain perception is affected by both biological and what other influences?


Audiotapes of soothing ocean sounds accompanied by faint and imperceptible verbal messages designed to increase a desire to lose weight best illustrate

subliminal stimulation.

receiving messages below one's absolute threshold for conscious awareness

subliminal stimulation.


the tendency to complete figures that are incomplete

shape constancy

the tendency to interpret the shape of an object as being constant, even when its shape changes on the retina

brightness constancy

the tendency to perceive the apparent brightness of an object as the same even when the light conditions change

Young-Helmholtz Theory

the theory that the retina contains three different color receptors—one most sensitive to red, one to green, one to blue—which, when stimulated in combination, can produce the perception of any color.

The effect of prior experience and current expectations on perception best illustrates the importance of

top-down processing

Which of the following is the correct order of the eye-to-brain pathway of vision?

Retina, optic nerve, thalamus, occipital lobe

Denise has damaged her auditory nerve and now has difficulty understanding what people are saying. Which of the following descriptions explains how that damage impairs her hearing?

Sound messages fail to be transmitted directly to the brain.

Which of the following best explains why we have difficulty locating sounds that are directly overhead?

When the sound is directly overhead, it reaches both ears simultaneously.

While playing tennis you need to know where your limbs are located so you can move them into the right positions to run or swing your racket. Which of the following senses provides this information?


Which of the following play the biggest role in our feeling dizzy and unbalanced after a thrilling roller coaster ride?

semicircular canals

As you look at an apple, its reflected light travels to the eye. The rods and cones absorb the light and help transmit the information to the brain. This process best illustrates


Which of the following is the process of detecting environmental stimuli and converting them into signals that can be detected by the nervous system?


A cochlear implant would be most helpful for those who suffer

sensorineural hearing loss.

Opponent-process cells have been located in the



the central focal point in the retina, around which the eye's cones cluster

Orville is talking with his friends at a cafeteria table when suddenly he is distracted by hearing his name at a neighboring table. Orville's shift of attention most clearly illustrates which psychological concept?

the cocktail party phenomenon

Kimmie stood on the sidewalk rather than crossing the street because she saw that the approaching car was quite close to her. Which of the following concepts is best illustrated in this example?

depth perception

Which of the following scenarios is the best example of synesthesia?

Anastasia sees swirls of color when she hears music because stimulation of one sensory pathway leads to the experience of another sensation.

Marlene had an infection that led to deafness in her left ear. Which of the following will be the most likely impact of losing her hearing in her left ear?

She will have trouble locating the source of sounds.

Which of the following anatomical structures is involved in the vestibular sense?

(A) semicircular canals

Which of the following examples best illustrates the concept of interposition?

Because the chair partially obscured his view of the sofa, Brendan perceived the chair as being closer than the sofa.

Dr. Ramen recruited 100 adults to participate in her study. The taste buds of each participant were measured, and the participants tasted a number of foods. She found there was a relationship between the size of a participant's taste buds and the number of foods that a participant could taste. What research method did Dr. Ramen use, and what was she most likely studying?

Correlational; the sensitivity of supertasters

Which of the following best illustrates the most predictable effect of schemas on perception?

Grant has more difficulty recognizing a penguin as a bird than he does a blue jay.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the opponent-process theory of color vision?

Kayla sees afterimages of opposing colors when she stares at a poster for a long time.

Which of the following is the best definition for absolute threshold?

The lowest strength of a stimulus that a person can detect 50% of the time

Bryan perceived a duck instead of other animals when viewing an ambiguous image because he watched a documentary about ducks the previous night. Which of the following best explains why Bryan perceived a duck?

Top-down processing, because he constructed the image of the duck piece by piece, starting with his sensory receptors.

A researcher wants to study the human sense of taste over a life span. The researcher has a group of participants taste foods that are salty, bitter, sweet, sour, and umami. Which study would best allow the researcher to test the sensation of taste as people age, and what is the likely outcome?

The researcher follows the same group of people over the course of 40 years. The researcher also measures the number of the people's taste buds throughout the 40 years. The researcher finds that as people grow older, their sense of taste diminishes and their number of taste buds decreases.

hammer, anvil, stirrup

Three bones of the middle ear


a ring of muscle tissue that forms the colored portion of the eye around the pupil and controls the size of the pupil opening

Our sense of taste originally was thought to involve only the following four sensations

bitter, sweet, sour, and salty.

When Jason briefly turned to summon the waiter, his wife quickly switched her glass of red wine with his glass of white wine. Jason's failure to notice that his chosen wine had been replaced best illustrates

change blindness.

The ability to pay attention to only one voice at a time is called

coctail party effect

The coiled, fluid-filled tube in which sound waves trigger nerve impulses is called the


moncular cues

depth cues, such as interposition and linear perspective, available to either eye alone

The organization of two-dimensional retinal images into three-dimensional perceptions is called

depth preception

Imagine your friend walking toward you in the hall at school. As your friend gets closer, the image cast on your retina

gets larger

conduction hearing loss.

hearing loss caused by damage to the mechanical system that conducts sound waves to the cochlea

place theory

in hearing, the theory that links the pitch we hear with the place where the cochlea's membrane is stimulated

frequency theory

in hearing, the theory that the rate of nerve impulses traveling up the auditory nerve matches the frequency of a tone, thus enabling us to sense its pitch

In one experiment, most of the participants who viewed a videotape of men tossing a basketball remained unaware of an umbrella-toting woman sauntering across the screen. This illustrated

inattentional blindness.

The brain's release of endorphins reduces


The human ability to speedily recognize familiar objects best illustrates the value of

parallel processing

The process by which we select, organize, and interpret sensory information in order to recognize meaningful objects and events is called


Helena did not recognize her English teacher when she unexpectedly saw him while traveling in Paris, even though she knew him well back in the classroom. The fact that Helena can recognize her teacher back home more easily than in Paris best demonstrates what concept?

perceptual set

In a study on taste, what would researchers need to do to test participants' ability to distinguish umami from similar sensations?

place disks soaked in MSG on the participants' tongues. Then replace those disks with disks that have been soaked in water. Compare the participants' reactions.

Margo insists that her dreams frequently enable her to perceive and predict future events. Margo is claiming to possess the power of


The light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the rods and cones, is the


retinal receptors that detect black, white, and gray; necessary for peripheral and twilight vision, when cones don't respond


gate-control theory

the theory that the spinal cord contains a neurological "gate" that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass on to the brain. The "gate" is opened by the activity of pain signals traveling up small nerve fibers and is closed by activity in larger fibers or by information coming from the brain.


we perceive smooth, continuous patterns rather than discontinuous ones

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