Unit 3 Module 2: Quiz Questions

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A research finds two previous studies that examined the same research question but found different results. This disagreement in results suggests that _________ 1. More research is needed to determine why the disagreement exists 2. It would be fruitless to examine the same topic in future studies 3. The designs and methods used in those studies should be avoided


A researcher has determined that their research topic will be the effect of physical activity on learning. As the researcher conducts the literature review, the next step is to identify the _______ 1. Research problem 2. Research purpose 3. Research question 4. Research hypothesis


A researcher is trying to find out whether a sex education program is effective at preventing pregnancy in high school students. The hypothesis for this study is that _______ 1. The sex education program will reduce students' likelihood of becoming pregnant or impregnating a partner. 2. This sex education program is the best way to reduce students' likelihood of becoming pregnant or impregnating a partner. 3. Students who are in the sex education program are at higher risk of becoming pregnant or impregnating a partner than students who are not.


A researcher looking for sources to include in an annotated bibliography comes upon an article in a peer-reviewed journal. What does it mean that the article is "peer reviewed?" 1. Experts in their field of study have read and critiqued the article 2. The researcher has completed an in-depth critique of the article 3. The article has gone through several published journals and is now published in this one.


An educational issue within a broad topic area is known as the "research _________" 1. Problem 2. Question 3. Purpose 4. Hypothesis


In searching for literature to include in a literature review, a peer-revised article is preferred over one that is not peer reviewed because __________ 1. Other knowledgeable professionals have verified the material's quality 2. The researchers are more well-known in the research community 3. Studies were overseen by the appropriate professional associates


Researchers are planning a study that examines whether students' levels of extroversion are related to their class participation. Their main goal in writing the literature review will be to _______________ 1. Provide an overview of the existing research and the current state of knowledge on the relationship between extroversion and class participation 2. Emphasize previous research that agrees with their hypothesis while leaving out any research that contradicts it or is inconclusive 3. Summarize in detail all research that has ever been done on extraversion, class participation, or the relationship between them


What is a main reason for conducting literature reviews in quantitative research? 1. To gain an understanding of the current state of knowledge in the area 2. To determine what statistical test to use 3. To determine who the research participants should be


Which of the following is reflective of literature reviews? 1. They can be included in a research proposal, an empirical journal article, or can be a standalone article. 2. They are often created without established guidelines for content and formatting 3. They are rarely published in journals 4. They are solely a long list of article summaries


A researcher is conducting mixed-methods research to identify activities that teach problem-solving skills to first-grade students. The literature review for this research ___________ 1. Should focus on the literature relevant to the portion of the study that is qualitative 2. Must lead to mixed methods research questions that support using this methodology 3. Will end with the identification of the research topic and statement of the research problem


A researcher suspects, from their observations, that high school students who are high in the personality trait of agreeableness also seem to have high levels of social anxiety. This researcher would hypothesize that ________ 1. Agreeableness is a significant moderator of social anxiety 2. Agreeableness is positively associated with social anxiety 3. Agreeableness is negatively correlated with social anxiety


According to the module, the flowchart of the development of a research idea goes in which order? 1. Research Topic, Hypothesis (for quantitative studies), Research Problem, Research Question, and Research Purpose 2. Research Topic, Research Purpose, Research Question, and Hypothesis (for quantitative research) 3. Research Topic, Research Purpose, Research Question, Hypothesis (for quantitative research), and Research Problem


After reading a literature review for a quantitative study, readers should _____________ 1. Be able to predict the outcomes of the author's studies 2. Believe that the author thoroughly understands the topic 3. Have as much expertise on the topic as the author does


Annotated Bibliographies have many traits, including a reference list of article summaries and which of the following? 1. Following specific rules for organization published by the American Psychological Association 2. Being Working documents that can be used to help write a literature review 3. Being published often in journals 4. Being shared and utilized by other researchers to aid in building their own


If a researcher is examining biological sex difference in relational aggression in kindergarteners, an appropriate hypothesis is that ___________ 1. Children who were born female are encouraged to be more aggressive than children who were born male. 2. Children who were born female tend to exhibit more relational aggression than children who were born male. 3. Being born female makes children show more relational aggression than being born male.


Literature reviews have multiple characteristics, including the tendency to be very focused on a specific research question, and which of the following? 1. They are often created without established guidelines for content and formatting 2. They can be included in a research proposal, an empirical journal article, or can be a standalone article 3. They are rarely published in journals 4. They are solely a long list of article summaries


What are some of the common mistakes you can make when conducting a literature search? 1. Collecting fewer, but stronger, sources to support your topic; collecting data only from websites; reading only second- and third-hand accounts 2. Aiming to collect as many citations as possible; choosing only sources that support your point of view; referencing popular blogs and commercial websites. 3. Aiming to collect as many citations as possible; seeking out similar articles to build your case; creating realistic limits to the topic by narrowing the review 4. Collecting sources from "Google Scholar" rather than a database; choosing only sources that support your point of view; referencing popular blogs and commercial websites


Which statement regarding the purpose of an annotation is correct? 1. The purpose of the annotation is to provide a foundation of knowledge on the topic. 2. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. 3. The purpose of the annotation is to describe a chosen problem and its significance in words 4. The purpose of the annotation is to restate the main argument and discuss strengths of that argument.


You are conducting research on the effect of mindfulness training on employee satisfaction. One of your sources is a two-year old journal article published by an associate of the Mindfulness Center of Atlanta. Which element of source credibility would be questionable in this article? 1. Peer review process 2. Author's perspective 3. Date of Publication 4. Author's Expertise


A researcher is writing a literature review for their quantitative study on the relationship between depression and motivation. In the literature review, the researcher might ____________ 1. Describe the demographic characteristics of the participants in their study 2. Summarize the results of their study and the practice implications of them 3. Identify a commonly used, validated scale that they will use in their study


A researcher wonders if students who participate in school sports tend to be more confident than students who do not. The researcher hypothesizes that _______ 1. Participating in school sports causes students to develop confidence in themselves 2. Confidence is negatively associated with participation in school sports 3. The more confident students are, the more likely they are to participate in school sports


A statement of the intent or the objective of a study is referred to as the "research ___________" 1. Question 2. Problem 3. Purpose 4. Hypothesis


Descriptive, casual, and predictive are three forms of ______________ research questions. 1. Phenomenological 2. Qualitative 3. Quantitative 4. Action


Of the following sources, it is best to cite a/an _______________ in a literature review 1. Published book chapter 2. Online encyclopedia entry 3. Empirical journal article


The literature review is a goal-oriented process. What is the overall goal of a literature review? 1. To create a list of citations for, and a short description of each source 2. To describe every article ever written on the topic being researched 3. To gather the most current info from a body of knowledge on the topic 4. To provide ratings on fictional representations related to the topic being researched


The research question that corresponds to the hypothesis "teacher salaries are positively associated with teacher job satisfaction" is _____________ 1. Why does teachers' satisfaction with their jobs depend on how big their salary is? 2. Will increasing teachers' salaries make them feel more satisfied with their jobs? 3. Is the amount of money a teacher makes related to how satisfied they are with their job?


Unlike quantitative researchers, qualitative researchers sometimes ___________ 1. State their hypothesis after doing the literature review 2. Choose a research topic after doing the literature review 3. Integrate the literature review throughout their study


Which of the following is characteristics of an annotated bibliography? 1. Annotated bibliographies are often shared to be utilized by other researchers in developing their own 2. The American psychological association publishes specific rules for how to write one 3. Annotated bibliographies tend to be working documents that can be used to help write a literature review 4. Annotated bibliographies are often published in journals


Which type of research would not include the statement of a hypothesis? 1. Mixed Methods 2. Action 3. Qualitative 4. Quantitative


________________ is the primary focus of a research problem designed for qualitative studies. 1. Statistically describing an event 2. Evaluating control and experimental groups 3. Understanding a group or phenomenon 4. Predicting a casual relationship


A principal emphasis of quantitative research problems is best expressed by _____________ 1. The interest in understanding a particular group 2. The desire to explore an inner world 3. The interest in describing how individuals experience a phenomenon 4. The need to explain or predict


In qualitative studies, the research problem primarily focuses on ____________ 1. Predicting a causal relationship 2. Statistically describing an event 3. Evaluating control and experimental groups 4. Understanding a group or phenomenon


Quantitative research questions typically come in three forms: casual, predictive, and ______________ 1. Overarching 2. Phenomenological 3. Ethnographic 4. Descriptive


Which of the following orders is the recommended one in the module for the development of a research idea? 1. Research purpose, research topic, research question, hypothesis (for quantitative research) and research problem 2. Research topic, hypothesis (for quantitative research), research problem, research question, and research purpose 3. Research topic, research purpose, research question, hypothesis (for quantitative research) and research problem 4. Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, and hypothesis (for quantitative research)


Annotated Bib or Lit Review? · no agreed-upon guidelines for design

Annotated Bib

True or False? If a source is listed in the annotated bibliography, it must be discussed in the literature review.


True or False? When conducting qualitative research, the literature review should lead to a statement of the study's hypothesis.


True or False? and Why? A research purpose is the major concern or issue addressed in the research.

FALSE: the research purpose is the "major intent or objective of the study and helps narrow the research focus or topic."

Annotated Bib or Lit Review? · Accessible in journals and data bases

Lit Review

Annotated Bib or Lit Review? · Concentrated on the explicit research query

Lit Review

Annotated Bib or Lit Review? · Recognized creation and organizational conventions

Lit Review

What is the "major intent or objective of the study and helps narrow the research focus or topic."

Research Purpose

When reading sources, common themes or topics typically emerge. It is around these topics that you can write a synthesized literature review. Read the Following statement and determine if it is true or false. "One common mistake researchers make in writing a literature review is organizing their review by sources, which results in a review that is simply a list of the information from each source."


True or False? Why? In choosing a research topic, a researcher should consider the fact that effective education involves personalized learning, which allows students to learn at their own pace.

TRUE: the goal of action research is to explore the effectiveness of curriculum development and teaching practice. IT is a cyclical process in which there is reflection on research results and how it affects changes in student outcomes. Results are subject to evaluation and further action.

Fill in the blank: When evaluating journal articles that will go into a literature review, one must be sure that the articles are peer reviewed and ______________


Match the purpose question to: quantitative, qualitative, or action research "What happens when take-home journals are introduced and used with students in the Reading Recover Program?"

action research

Quantitative, Qualitative, or Action Research? "The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of using expert program models on AP Computer Science scores in a small rural high school in Illinois."

action research

Annotated Bib or Lit Review? · broad working documents

annotated Bib

Annotated Bib or Lit Review? · rarely published in print or online

annotated Bib

Fill in the blank A literature review summarizes information from _____________, ____________ and other published material about the research topic of interest. The information gathered through a literature review helps a researcher make decisions throughout the process of planning and designing a research study.

journals articles

Fill in the blank: A ____________ ____________ summarizes information from journals, articles, and other published material about the research topic of interest. The information gathered through a literature review helps a researcher make decisions throughout the process of planning and designing a research study.

literature review

Is it an element of an annotated bibliography? · Record of databases and key words used in search of resources


Is this a good places to search the internet for topic-related lit reviews? · Anecdotes


Is this a good places to search the internet for topic-related lit reviews? · Education blogs


Is this a good places to search the internet for topic-related lit reviews? · Google


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To count the number of papers that have been written on the topic


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To create a fictional representation of the topic


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To describe the literary roots and etymology of the topic


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To ensure the researcher has read every publication that has been printed on the topic


Is it a good example of a research question that can be investigated through action research? · What is the best method for providing faculty development for online instruction?

no (because the researcher would have to make a value judgment)

Is it a good example of a research question that can be investigated through action research? How do homelessness and food insecurity impact student behavior in the elementary classroom?

no (because this is about 2 topics instead of 1: homelessness/food insecurity)

Fill in the blank: When evaluating journal articles that will go into a literature review, one must be sure that the articles are __________ ___________ and academic.

peer reviewed

Fill in the blank A literature review summarizes information from journals, articles, and other published material about the research topic of interest. The information gathered through a literature review helps a researcher make decisions throughout the process of ______________ and ____________ a research study.

planning designing

Match the purpose question to: quantitative, qualitative, or action research "How does the social culture of a school interact with preservice teachers' perceptions of their principal?"


Quantitative, Qualitative, or Action Research? "The purpose of this study is to explore parents' perceptions of the use of internet communications with teachers in a tri-county midwestern school district."


Match the purpose question to: quantitative, qualitative, or action research "How does the overall GPA of football players compare to that of nonplayers during football season?"


Quantitative, Qualitative, or Action Research? "The purpose of this study is to compare the academic achievement of homeschooled students and traditionally schooled students in terms of GPA and SAT scores for entering freshmen students at a public state university in South Florida."


Fill in the blank: The broad subject area that will be studied in the research project is known as the research topic, which is developed into a more specific ________________ _____________

research question

Fill in the blank: The broad subject area that will be studied in the research project is known as the _____________ _____________, which is developed into a more specific research question.

research topic

Fill in the blank: A key characteristics of research questions, which separates them from the research problem is the______________ nature of research questions' subject and scope.


Fill in the blank A literature review _______________ information from journals, articles, and other published material about the research topic of interest. The information gathered through a literature review helps a researcher make decisions throughout the process of planning and designing a research study.


Fill in the blank A literature review summarizes information from journals, articles, and other published material about the research ____________ of interest. The information gathered through a literature review helps a researcher make decisions throughout the process of planning and designing a research study.


Is it a good example of a research question that can be investigated through action research? · How do positive parent phone calls impact engagement among parents of 9th grade students, as measured by the parents' attendance and participation at monthly PTA meetings?


Is it a good example of a research question that can be investigated through action research? · How does instruction that incorporates the Math Motion app Impact 5th grade students' ability to add decimals?


Is it an element of an annotated bibliography? · Bibliographic info of each resource


Is it an element of an annotated bibliography? · Evaluation of each resource


Is it an element of an annotated bibliography? · Summary of each resource


Is this a good places to search the internet for topic-related lit reviews? · Ebscohost


Is this a good places to search the internet for topic-related lit reviews? · Eric


Is this a good places to search the internet for topic-related lit reviews? · Google scholar


Is this a good places to search the internet for topic-related lit reviews? · proquest


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To describe the previous research on the topic


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To develop a reason for the study


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To ground the study in current research and trends


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To offer a synopsis of methodologies used to study the topic


Is this a purpose of a lit review? · To provide criticism of the past research on the topic


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