Unit 3 Psychology CH 11, 13, 14, 15

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__________psychology is the field of study devoted to understanding how physical activities, psychological traits, stress reactions, and social relationships affect overall health and rates of illness.


The neo-Freudian Carl Jung suggested the existence of a collective unconscious that contains images shared by all people, called________________


surface traits (Raymond Cattell)

aspects of personality that can easily be seen by other people in the outward actions of a person

Which of the following culture-bound disorders is most commonly seen in Latin America?

ataque de nervios "attack of nerves"

You are a psychiatrist who specializes in treating schizophrenia. Pierce is experiencing the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, including withdrawal, apathy, and reduced communication. WOTF meds are you apt to prescribe to treat Pierce?

atypical antipsychotics

The person-centered therapist mush show a genuine, open, and honest response to the client. This is called ____________.


The conflict in which a person must choose between two undesirable routes to a goal or goals is an ______________ conflict


Nevaeh takes lithium to control symptoms of here mental disorder. Nevaeh is most likely suffering from _____________

bipolar disorder

In general, anti-psychotic drugs work by____________

blocking dopamine receptors in the brain

Negative changes in thoughts, emotions, and behavior as a result of prolonged stress or frustration are called __________

burn out

According to Lazarus, hassles __________________

can arise from major life changes

When one thinks of "value judgment" in relation to personality, one is thinking about______________


Latent Stage (6-puberty)

child represses sexual thoughts and focuses on same-sex peers

Dr. Engel, a therapist, state, "I promote rational thinking to alleviate distressing feelings and behaviors." Dr. Engel is probley a _______ therapist.


Which of the following methods of acculturation is likely to result in moderate levels of acculturative of stress?

completely adopting the values and customs of the new culture

Since Chelsea is attempting to make a difficult decision regarding whether or not to file for divorce, she is probably experiencing_______________


The Type A behavior pattern is a significant predictor of _________________

coronary heart disease

Ann, who has schizophrenia, believes that she was sent by God to one day rule the world. Her belief is an example of a_________


It is not unreasonable to assume that in ancient times, signs of mental illness were believed to be caused by __________


A person who suffers from bipolar disorder alternates between periods of ____________

depression and manic episodes


dimension of personality in which people tend to withdraw from excessive stimulation

Which type of conflict occurs when a person must choose between two goals that have both positive and negative aspects?

double-approach-avoidance conflict

There were three friends. Maybe you've heard of them! Harry was rational, logical, and cunning. Hermione was rule oriented, moral, and always ethical. Ron was pleasure-seeking, found it hard to delay gratification, and y did what he wanted. According to Freud, Harry was mostly________________


The treatment for severe depression in which in an electric shock is delivered to the patient, resulting in a seizure of the body and the release of a flood of neurotransmitters he brain, is called ____________

electroconvulsive therapy

The coping method that involves changing the way you feel or emotionally react to a stressor is known as __________

emotion focused coping

Ronen is learning deep-breathing techniques to reduce anxiety about having been robbed at knifepoint. This is an example of __________________

emotion-focused coping

For those people in the Middle Ages who believed abnormal behavior resulted from spiritual possession, the treatment of choice was ______________


Desiring to purchase a book and finding that it is out of stock is an example of________________

external frustration which comes from blockage by an outside source

Personality trait theorists Raymond Cattell used the statistical technique called___________

factor analysis


first developed a list of about 200 traits and believed that these traits were part of the nervous system

The technique for treating phobias and other stress disorders in which the person is suddenly exposed to the fear of provoking situation or object in an intense way and is prevented from making the usual avoidance escape response is called __________


The Framingham Heart Study found that the risk of coronary heart disease__________________

for women who work and are also type A is 4 times that of type B women who work

Melissa is diagnosed with schizophrenia. She believes that she is a powerful person who can save the world. Melissa is experiencing delusions of ___________


Edward is admitted to a mental institution because he hears voices talking to him that that no one else can hear, and he sees demons attacking him, though no one else can see anything near him. Edwards symptoms are known as__________


Burning your toast, having trouble opening an email attachment, breaking a glass, and running late for an appointment are all examples of __________


Stress has been shown to put people at a higher risk for______________

heart attack and stroke

In the metaphor of the Angel, The Devil, and me, the devil is the________


There were three friends. Maybe you've heard of them! Harry was rational, logical, and cunning. Hermione was rule oriented, moral, and always ethical. Ron was pleasure-seeking, found it hard to delay gratification, and y did what he wanted. According to Freud, Ron was mostly ____________



in psychoanalysis, the tendency for a patient or client to project positive or negative feelings for important people from the past onto the therapist

Some drugs that combat depression work by________

increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain


individual's expectancy of how effective his or her efforts to accomplish a goal will be in any particular circumstance

Camila is interested in helping her client get a clearer understanding of his motives and actions. She is most likely yo be a _______ therapist.


Person-centered therapy is a type of ________ therapy.


The method of acculturation in which the minority person tries to maintain a sense of original cultural identity while also trying to form a positive relationship with members of the dominant culture is called ___________


Your friend tells you that he sees a Gestalt therapist. You ask him to describe what might happen in one of his therapy sessions. Which of the following is the most likely answer?

"During the session, I sometimes talk to an empty chair."

Kat becomes furious when her favorite hockey player is intentionally hurt by an opponent. According to Freud's model of the mind, Kat's id would unconsciously say:


According to Freud, the second part of the personality is the ego, which gets its name from the Latin word for __________


You are reading an article that critiques Freud's theory. WOTF could be the title?

"Never Use The Dreams of Sexually Frustrated Rich Woman as a Basis for a Theory"


Circumstances in which a psychoanalyst develops personal feelings about a client because of perceived similarity of the client to significant people in the therapist's life.

Sigmund Freud arrives for a therapy session with Albert Ellis. Freud's main complaint is depression; it seems that Freud's writings have not receives the kind of response he had hoped for and expected. WOTF is Ellis most likely to say during the therapy session?

"Why do you expect all your work to be well received, and what difference does it make if some people don't like your ideas?"

Oral Stage (Freud)

0-18 months, infant uses mouth for gratification and exploration

Raymond Cattell originally proposed that there are __________personality Source traits.

16 (This is why his assessment tool is called the 16pf)

Source Traits (Cattell)

16 underlying personality traits that influence surface behavior

Anal Stage (Freud)

18mos - 3 years receives pleasure with the control and release of feces (main conflict is potty training)

In any given year, approximately_________percent of adults over the age of 18 suffer from a mental disorder.

26 - 32

According to Freud the mind had______________ levels.

3: (the preconscious, conscious, & unconscious)

Twin Studies have shown that if one identical twin has either major depression or bipolar disorder, the chances that the other twin will develop a mood disorder are about__________ percent.

40 - 70

________ is a repetitive Behavior or mental act that an individual feels compelled to perform in response to an obsession.

A compulsion

According to Holmes and Rahe, a person who scores over 300 on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale is more likely even people with lower scores to have what kind of experience in the near future?

A higher chance of becoming ill or having an accident

Zach is walking to the front of the classroom in preparation for his history prison to station. He notices his heart starts to beat fast, his palms are sweaty, and he has a general sense of increase in energy. According to the General Adaptation Syndrome, which phase of the stress response is that in?

Alarm phase

Is the correct sequence of stages in the General Adaptation Syndrome?

Alarm, resistance, exhaustion

REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy)

Albert Ellis; Encourages client's to confront and gather evidence to dispute irrational beliefs and faulty assumptions that are believed to result in negative emotional and behavioral consequences.

According to the biological perspective, a person with phobia has elevated activation in which part of the brain?


Hollis has made a career of stealing older people's retirement money by taking advantage of their trust and selling them phony retirement Investments. Hollis explains that he has done nothing wrong - if these people were not so greedy, they would not be so eager to invest in his phony schemes. In his mind, his victims got exactly what they deserved. Hollis's behavior and attitude are typically of someone with ___________ personality disorder.

Antisocial (someone with this disorder has no real conscious and feels no guilt about deceiving or cheating people)

In an _______________conflict a person must choose between two desirable goals.

Approach - approach

Which of the following is the top of conflict that occurs when a person must choose or not choose one goal or event that has both positive and negative aspects?

Approach - avoidance conflict

Tarik must decide between two equally good choices for his weekend activity. He can either go fishing with his dad or go to an amusement park with his friends. This is an example of an_______________ conflict.


Of the five known human sensory systems, which type of Hallucination is the most common?


reciprocal determinism

Bandura's explanation of how the factors of environment, personal characteristics, and behavior can interact to determine future behavior

What is the primary difficulty with applying the criterion of "Social Norm Deviance" to define abnormal behavior?

Behavior that is considered disordered in one culture may be acceptable in another.

Asia is afraid of cats because, when she was a little girl, a cat scared her by jumping out of her closet and onto her face. As a result of this experience. Asia learned to be afraid of cats. Which model of abnormality offers the best explanation of Asia's fear?


Which model of abnormality explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses?


Which of the following traits is associated with people who live to be very old?

Being easy-going

What type of drugs are the traditional anti-anxiety drugs, or minor tranquilizers, such as Valium?


Alison is experiencing severe anxiety. Her psychiatrist attributes her disorder to a chemical imbalance. Her psychiatrist is using the _____________ model of abnormality.


Kristopher shows a pattern of instability in his relationships, self-image, and feelings. As such, he most likely has _________ personality disorder.


How much stress assist in the growth of a tumor?

By causing a reduction in the effectiveness of natural killer cells

Which defense mechanism figured prominently in the theory of Alfred Adler?


collective unconscious

Carl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species' history

Who is credited with developing person-centered therapy?

Carl Rogers

Which of the following terms is used to describe unpredictable, large-scale events that create a great deal of stress and feelings of threat?


__________health psychology is a subfield of Health psychology that focuses on using knowledge gained by researchers in the field to help promote Healthy Lifestyles, help people maintain their health, and prevent or treat illnesses.


Therapy that depends on identifying and changing distorted thinking and unrealistic beliefs is________ therapy.


Which model of abnormality views abnormal behavior as the result of illogical thinking?


Which approach assumes that disorders come from illogical, irrational cognitions, and that changing the thinking patterns to more rational, logical ones will relieve the symptoms of the disorder?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

The____________ measures the amount of stress in a college student's life resulting from major life changes.

College Undergraduate Stress Scale (CUSS)

Electra complex

Conflict during phallic stage in which girls supposedly love their fathers romantically and want to eliminate their mothers as rivals

Fritz Perls

Creator of Gestalt Therapy

What do psychologists call disorders that are found only in particular cultures?

Cultural syndromes

Which of the following is a reason why a deep brain stimulation (DBS) would not be used before techniques like repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS)?

DBS is an invasive technique, while rTMS and tDCS or not.

What is the most recent version of the DSM?

DSM - 5 released in 2013

Which of the following are considered emotional, as opposed to mental, symptoms of stress?

Depression, fear, anger

Dr. Sanchez is a psychologist who is currently evaluating a new client. Dr. Sanchez would most likely refer to the _____________to assist in diagnosing the client's psychological disorder.

Diagnostic and statistical Manual of mental disorders DSM

DSM stands for ______________

Diagnostic and statistical manual

Which of the following are considered mental symptoms of stress?

Difficulty making decisions, loss of sense of humor, difficulty concentrating

In which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing and one body?

Dissociative identity disorder

In which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body?

Dissociative identity disorder

According to Freud, when does the superego develop?

During the preschool years

A sexual____________is a problem with sexual functioning, or the actual physical workings of the sex act.


A patient waiting for an appointment with Sigmund Freud looks around the room to see who else is waiting. Who among the following is MOST likely to have been one of Freud's patients?


What is Freud's term for the executive of the personality that has a realistic plan for obtaining gratification of an individual's desires?


Sigmund Freud's psychosexual stages focus on several parts of the body, identified as __________zones.


According to Hans Selye, resistance to stress is lowest during the __________stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome.


According to Selye, some people might develop illnesses such as a high blood pressure a weakened immune system during the __________________stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome.


Which behavior therapy technique is commonly used to treat anxieties or fears?

Exposure (such as flooding and systematic desensitization)

____________is a form of therapy in which clients are directed to move their eyes rapidly back and forth while engages in brief and repeated imaginal flooding.

Eye-movement desensitizing and reprocessing (EMDR)

When in his wife for having trouble communicating and getting along with one another. Which h type of therapy is most likely to help them with their problems?

Family therapy

Which of the following is a condition in which a person shows little or no emotion?

Flat affect

Josef Breuer

Freud's coworker who devised "free association"

genital stage

Freud's last stage of personality development, from the onset of puberty through adulthood, during which the sexual conflicts of childhood resurface (at puberty) and are often resolved during adolescence).

WOTF is considered to be an individualistic culture?


Which of the following is true regarding gender differences in the diagnosis of depression?

Gender differences are non-existent in college students and single adults.

A disorder in which excessive anxiety and worry occur more days than not for at least six months is called__________ disorder.

Generalized anxiety

Which of the Freudian in stages of personality development begins around puberty?


A type of therapy in which clients meet regularly in a group setting and discuss problems under the guidance of a single therapist is called _____________therapy.


For the bahaviorlist, personality is a set of learned responses or ____________


The ____________perspective is called the "third force" in personality theory.

HUMANISTIC (the 1st 2 are the psychoanalytic theory & behaviorist theory)

Kumiko is studying for her political science test. Her boyfriend, in, asked if she can go to a concert with him. She would love to go but she knows she has to study for the test in order to pass the class. What part of Kumiko's personality will tell her to stay home and study because passing the classes necessary for her to graduate?

Her superego, because it is the part of the he personality that is the moral conscience

Using Hofstede's terms, how would you describe a culture personality in which the majority of the members of the culture except that power is in the hands of few?

High in power distance

Which type A personality characteristic is the key trait that is linked to heart disease?


__________ therapies have been used not only to treat mental disorders but also to help people make career choices, deal with workplace problems, and counsel marries couples.


Which of the following is one reason why living in poverty is stressful?

Increase rate of disabilities due to poor prenatal care. Poverty is associated with lack of prenatal care, which place has a child more at risk for being born with disabilities.

Using Hofstede's dimensions of cultural personality, how would you describe a culture characterized by loose ties between individuals, shared activities among friends, Auto nominee, and equality?


Therapies aimed mainly at understanding one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are referred to as ___________

Insight Therapies

__________refers to frustration that occurs when I go or need cannot be attained due to personal al characteristics.

Internal frustration, also known as personal frustration

An investigation of students housing preferences would probably show that single rooms were preferred by_______, whereas suits were preferred by___________.

Introverts; extroverts

Which of the following statements is true about the DSM - 5?

It describes symptoms and includes a checklist of specific criteria for diagnosis.

Why does the administration of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) often cause memory loss?

It disrupts the process of consolidation

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the term Insanity?

It is a legal, not a psychological, term.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding schizophrenia?

It is a long-lasting psychotic disorder

Which of the following statements is a criticism that one might legitimately make about the humanistic perspective of Personality?

It paints too rosy a picture of humanity, ignoring negative aspects of human nature.

Trevor has to get up early to go to school, but he wants to stay up late and watch television. His parents disapprove of him staying up late, but when they go out for the evening, he disregards their wishes and stays up late anyway. The next day he feels extremely guilty. How would Carl Rogers explain Traverse Gilt?

It results from a psychological conflict between Trevor's personal desire to stay up late and the opinion adopted from his parents that it is wrong to stay up late.

Which of the following people would most likely to receive a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder?

Jared, who enjoy stealing cars and going for Joy rides around his neighborhood. (Antisocial personality disorder is marked by disregard for the rules of society and the rights of others.)


Jung's collective, universal human memories

Tim has been suffering from depression for years, and his physician has recently prescribed a new type of med for these symptoms. The med is effective and has immediate antidepressant benifits, in addition to reducing Tim's thoughts of suicide. Each dose provides benefits that can last from a few days up to a week. This medication, called _____________, is actually an anesthetic.


Khalid has a Type B personality. WOTF is MOST likely?

Khalid is slow to anger.

_____________ refers to the source that a person believes to be exerting control over life's events.


Li Jing is currently very concerned about a recent increase in fighting among her family members. When talking with her therapist, she notes that this has been her biggest concern lately. According to the research into the severity of different hassles, which of the following statements is probably true about Li Jing's age?

Li Jing is an adult research suggests that fighting among family members is the greatest source of stress for adults

Micah has been under a physician's care for depression. Although his symptoms had disappeared and he has suffered no major side effects, he has had to go on a severely restricted diet since his treatment began and be careful about eating certain smoked, fermented, or pickled foods and drink in certain beverages. In addition, he needs to be careful about taking other medications due to the risk of severe high blood pressure. My doctor has probably been treating him with_________


When a patient arrives in the emergency room, he is restless and irritable with unlimited energy and a rapid rate of speech. The attending psychiatrist believes the patient has taking cocaine or amphetamines and I miss him for observation. The next day, the symptoms are the same. What condition with symptoms that are similar to those associated with amphetamine use my the psychiatrist now now consider as a condition that is relevant to the diagnosis?


As part of the initial screening for possible employment, a nuclear power company administers the psychological tests that yield scores on Tendencies toward depression and schizophrenia. What is the name of this psychological test?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

What did Carl Rogers view as a cause of most personal difficulties?

Mismatch between an individual's ideal self and real self

Freud believed that the_____________ was the most important determining factor in human behavior and personality, and this theory was a shock to people in the Victorian era in which Freud lived.

Unconscious mind

Omar has learned to seek attention by engaging in an inappropriate behaviors, namely by watching his brother receive attention for hitting and biting and then imitating his behavior. Omar has learned to seek attention by engaging and inappropriate behaviors by using which of the following techniques?


Disorders characterized by disturbances in Emotion are known as______ disorders.


Charlie is a freshman in college who needs to declare her major. She is interested in history, psychology, medicine, and law. As she thinks about each of these potential Majors, she considers both the positive and negative aspects of each, which caused her to go back and forth in her decision. Charlie is experiencing a________________ conflict.

Multiple approach avoidance

Which term was given to psychoanalysts who broke away from the strict interpretation of Freud's theory and develop theories of their own that were based on Freud's work?


In the classic sitcom "The Odd Couple", it was amazing that Oscar and Felix got along, because Oscar was such a slob and Felix was so obsessively neat. From a Freudian perspective, what could be said about the way these two men made it through the anal stage of development?


Four-year-old Atticus squeezes between his mommy and daddy as they sit together on the couch. He cuddles with Mommy and pushes daddy away. This illustrates which Freudian concept?

Oedipus complex

Which of the following individuals is most likely to experience acculturative stress?

Oladipo, who has moved from Nigeria to the United States

Which of the following is one contributing factor in the increasing occurrence of road rage?


And anxiety disorder characterized by frequent panic attacks that affect a person's ability y to function in day-to-day living is called ________ disorder.


During his college Years, Joseph often experience episodes of intense fear accompanied by the physical sensations of a heart attack. Joseph might have experienced a __________ disorder while in college.


Which of the following terms is used to describe a sudden onset of extreme panic, with various symptoms including racing heart, rapid breathing, and sweating?

Panic attack

The ____________nervous system returns the body to normal, day-to-day functioning after a stressful period.


Phallic (3-6 years)

Pleasure zone in the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings

After returning from the Iraq War, Denver was plagued by Nightmares of the attacks. In addition, he avoided anything associated with the war and was hypervilagent in for danger. He has been home for nearly six months, but the symptoms continue. Denver might have____________ disorder.

Post-traumatic stress

Which assessment technique requires people to respond to unstructured or ambiguous stimuli?



Provision of psychological services using telecommunication technologies

Anton's wife suggests that he talk to a doctor because of his inability to cope with criticism. The doctor suggests that Anton's probably represents the expression of a repressed, unresolved, internal conflict buried in his unconscious mind that has its roots in an X childhood. This view is typical of the __________model of abnormality.


Which field studies the effects of psychological factors such as stress, emotions, thinking, and behavior on the immune system?


Marissa is a graduate student in Psychology at the local University. She is interested in one day specializing in the study of abnormal behavior and psychological dysfunctions. What area of psychology should Marissa focus on his school?


When Pavati orders a hot fudge sundae and a diet soda, she tells herself that the calories from the ice cream really are not a big deal because the diet soda sort of balances it all out. Which of Freud's defense mechanisms is motivating Pavati?


Which personality test on the interpretation of inkblots to understand personality?


In which form of therapy does the therapist take a directive roll, challenging clients when they make "my way or nothing" statements?

Rational emotive behavior therapy

Which of the following is one of the ways in which religion helps people reduce or cope with stress?

Religion can provide a strong social - support system. Membership in a religious organization assist and not feeling alone with one struggles.

__________is the term used to describe a criminal act in which one driver assaults another.

Road rage

Unconditional positive regard is most important to the theory of ___________


WOTF is a projective test?

Rorschach, this is an example of a personality inventory.

In Carl Roger's theory, which term refers to our perception of our abilities, traits, and characteristics?


You are about to undergo delicate brain surgery that requires great skill on the part of the surgeon. As the surgical team wheels you into the operating room, you hope the surgeon has a high level of ______________


You are quite hungry but don't have any money. If you were described as "all id and only id", what would you do?


Which client is the most likely candidate for Aaron Beck's form of cognitive therapy?

Sadie, who suffers from depression

When someone "jumps to conclusions", Beck would say that he or she is suffering from a distortion and thought called____________

arbitrary inference

Mattias moved from Argentina to France. He chose not to learn to speak or write French, continues to maintain his old culture styles of dressing customs, and lives in a neighborhood where only people from Argentina live. Mattias has used which method of entering the majority culture?


Miranda was recently treated with electroconvulsive therapy. She is most likely experiencing which psychological disorder?

Severe depression

What is the term for the network of friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, and others who can offer help to a person in need?

Social - support system

An assessment developed by Holmes and Rahe in 1967 that measures the amount of stress in a person's life resulting from major life changes over one year is called the _____________

Social Readjustment Rating Scale

A famous psychologist argues that there are three factors that influence personality: environment, personality characteristics, and behavior. This psychologist is most likely a______________ psychologist.

Social cognitive learning

People with a good _________are less likely to die from illness or injuries than those without it.

Social support system

What did Raymond Cattell call the traits that underline surface traits?

Source traits

Fears of snakes, thunderstorms, darkness, and water are classified as_______________phobias.

Specific; they are irrational fears of particular objects or situations

Which of the following statements best encapsulates the relationship between stress and physical illness according to Psychoneuroimmunologist?

Stress compromises the body's immune stem, leaving a person vulnerable to illness.

When thinking about GREs, applying to graduate school, in studying for midterms, Marlow starts to have sweaty palms and a racing heart.. It is most probable that Marlo is responding to__________ in her life.


Ramon, a graduate student, has difficulty tap talking to groups. Unfortunately, he has chosen a career in which he must be too large groups of people. The night before a presentation, he tosses and turns, and the resulting lack of sleep makes the situation worse. When he makes a presentation, he often becomes confused and stumbles over his words. As a result, he feels worthless and miserable. Which two criteria of abnormal behavior are most useful in analyzing this is case?

Subjective discomfort and inability to function normally

Research on the effects of stress on the immune system suggests which of the following?

Suppression of immune system functioning by stress can apparently continue even after the stress itself is over.

Which of the following is a therapy based on the principles of classical conditioning?

Systematic desensitization

Research on ___________________ supports the hypothesis that personality differences are due in part to genetic differences.


According to Freud, what is the dominant source of erogenous pleasure during the 1st 18 months of life?


According to Freud, a boy's sexual attachment to his mother and jealousy of his father is called ______________________


In which Freudian stage must boys resolve the Oedipus complex?


The ego operates according to which principal?


WOTF do Abraham Maslow's and Carl Roger's theories have in common?


What is one purpose of the validity scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)?


According to Freud and his followers, what is the most significant event that occurs during the anal stage of psychosexual development?

The child is toilet trained

Which of the following is a legitimate hypothesis that explains why the rate of depression appears to be twice as high for women as compared to men across various cultures?

The different social roles played by women predispose them to depression.

Adam is very frustrated because another customer at the bar is talking to the woman with whom Adam has Just Dance with. According to Berkowitz's reformulation of the frustration-aggression hypothesis, which of the following factors makes Adam unlikely to lash out in a physically aggressive manner?

The other man is much larger and clearly stronger than Adam. Berkowitz noted that if a human source of frustration is larger and stronger than the frustrated person, aggression is an unlikely outcome

Which of the following is one of the main differences between the psychoanalytic view in the social-cognitive view?

The social-cognitive view allows for testing, whereas the psychoanalytic view does not.

An advantage of person-centered therapy?

The therapist has a lower risk of having his or her words misinterpreted by the client.

Which of the following is an advantage of cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies?

They are less expensive and short-term than typical Insight Therapies

Every time Brooklyn cleans her room properly and makes the bed, she receives a marble. When she accumulates 100 marbles, she can get the new video game she wants.. What type of Behavioral program are Brooklyn's parents using?

Token economy

People who respond to last events with a laid-back, relaxed, easy-going attitude and are slow to anger or so said to have a ____________personality.

Type B

Interviews in which the interviewer asks questions about any material that comes up and asks follow-up questions whenever appropriate are known as _____________interviews.


Esme and Chloe are having a conversation about men. "you know," Chloe says, "I think my husband tries to annoy me! Even though he tries to do what I ask, I think that subconsciously he really enjoys taking me me off to see the reactions he'll get. Freud must have been right!" Esme, who was just studying personality psychology in school, corrects Chloe by saying which of the following?

Well Chloe there really is no subconscious in Freud's theory

A physician prescribes a benzodiazepine drug to help alleviate your anxiety. Which drug might you be taking?


antianxiety drugs

Xanax, Valium, Ativan, Benadryl, Vistaril, Ambien, Lunesta

Which of the following do humanistic and psychoanalytic theories have in common?

`They are both hard to test

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

a biomedical therapy for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient

Therapeutic Alliance

a bond of trust and mutual understanding between a therapist and client, who work together constructively to overcome the client's problem

The major goal of insight therapies is to give people ______

a clearer understanding of their feelings, motivations, and actions


a consistent, enduring way of thinking, feeling, or behaving

Dalton goes to a therapist for help in losing weight. He and his therapist develop a written agreement spelling out weekly step-by-step methods for Dalton to use in order to reach his weight goal. The plan specifies rewards for reaching weekly goals and penalties for not achieving them. Dalton's therapist is using which of the following methods?

a contingency contract

The psychodynamic model views anxiety as _____________

a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

a directive, client-centered style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients explore and resolve ambivalence (Hal Arkowitz and William R. Miller)

After being passed up for a promotion and then getting into a heated argument with his son, a man disappears. He shows up two weeks later in another town with no memory of who he is or how he got there. He appears to be suffering from ___________

a dissociative disorder

The behavioral perspective views anxiety as ______________

a learned reaction

person-centered therapy

a nondirective insight therapy based on the work of Carl Rogers in which the client does all the talking and the therapist listens

A relatively consistent characteristic that exists across situations is called __________

a personality trait

Any pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress, causes harm to others, or harms their ability to function in daily life is called_________________

a psychological disorder

Some Asian cultures view mental illness as _____________

a shameful thing that hurts the marriage chances of other family members.

The behavior of schizophrenic or depressed individuals living in psychiatric institutions has been successfully modified through the use of ___________

a token economy

deep brain stimulation (DBS)

a treatment procedure for depression in which a pacemaker powers electrodes that have been implanted in Brodmann Area 25, thus stimulating that brain area


according to Freud, a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage, in which conflicts were unresolved

unconditional positive regard

according to Rogers, an attitude of total acceptance toward another person

Since cognitive therapy focuses on changing thought rather than gaining deep insights into their causes, this kind of therapy is primarily an ___________ therapy.


Sawyer put a quarter in the gumball machine, only to find that the machine was not working. He continued to turn the dial on the machine in the hope that he would retrieve a gumball. Unfortunately, after several minutes of forcibly turning the doll, he still did not retrieve a gumball. As a result, Sawyer kick the machine several times. Kicking the machine is an example of _____________


_________people typically do not live as long as the average life expectancy.


Your aunt has a fear that makes it difficult for her to leave her home. She feels trapped and is unable to work or engage in any kind of activity that requires going outside of her home. You are not surprised when you find out that you're at Aunt has been diagnosed with ___________


If Rosaria is described as good-natured, trusting, and helpful, then she is probably is fairly high on the Big Five Factor known as_____________


What is the name of the culture-bound syndrome that involves a. Of increased agitation and violence?


A personality that consisted of only the ego and the ID would be completely ____________


As Evan and Drew are leaving for a trip, Evan repeatedly asked Drew, "Did we turn off the coffee maker?" For the entire trip, Evan worries about the coffee maker. Evans doubt about turning off the coffee maker is __________

an obsession

Toilet training takes place during which of Freud's psychosexual stages?


People who are attempting to become extremely thin by refusing to eat suffer from _____________

anorexia nervosa

Basic Anxiety (Karen Horney)

anxiety created when a child is born into the bigger and more powerful world of older children and adults

Excessive or unrealistic fearfulness and worry are characteristic of ________

anxiety disorders

Nori is 6 feet tall and desires to become a ballerina. Unfortunately, she is having difficulty being accepted into a ballet troupe because of her height. Nouri is experiencing__________________

internal frustration

WOTF is a barrier to effective therapy when the cultural backgrounds of the client and therapist are different?


What do behavior therapists see as the cause of abnormal or undesirable behaviors?


Mood-stabilizing drugs

lithium, carbamazepine, Depakote, lamotrigine

Your roommate has applied to a number of medical schools. After receiving several rejection letters, she concludes that she is never going to amount to anything in life. Your roommate is engaging in _________


Bilateral anterior cingulotomy has been performed in cases of __________ that have not responded to other therapy techniques.

major depressive disorder

Severe depression that comes on suddenly and seems to have no external cause where too severe for current circumstances is called________________

major depressive disorder

Individuals who choose to neither maintain contact with their original culture nor join the majority culture are considered__________________.


Keiko has a tendency to disregard the compliments that people give her about her work, and she fails to realize her own skills and talents. Back would say that Keiko engages in _________


Expressing empathy, developing discrepancy between a client's present behaviors and values, rolling with resistance, and supporting a client's self-efficacy were the four original pillars of _______

motivational interviewing

The name for one type of immune system cell that helps to fight cancerous tumors is___________

natural killer cell

Studies on the effectiveness of psychotherapy have found that ____________________

no one psychotherapy work for every type of problem

Five Factor Model of Personality

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

What is the correct sequence of Freud's psychosexual stages?

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Physical sources of sexual problems are referred to as ____________

organic factors


part of the personality present at birth and completely unconscious


part of the personality that acts as a moral center


part of the personality that develops out of a need to deal with reality, mostly conscious, rational, and logical


part of the superego that produces guilt, depending on how acceptable behavior is


people who are outgoing and sociable

Sawyer put a quarter in the gumball machine only to find that the machine was not working. He continued to turn the dial on the machine in the hope that he would receive a gumball. Sawyers behavior is called _______________


People's First Response to frustration typically is ___________


Frustration that occurs when a goal or need cannot be attained due to personal characteristics is called ___________

personal frustration

neurotic personalities

personalities typified by maladaptive ways of dealing with relationships in Horney's theory

Ty has such an intense fear of flying insects that he hardly ever goes outside his house during the summer months. Ty is probably suffering from a___________


Aaron Beck

pioneer in Cognitive Therapy. Suggested negative beliefs cause depression.

conditional positive regard

positive regard that is given only when the person is doing what the providers of positive regard wish

A disorder resulting from exposure to a major stressor, with symptoms of anxiety, nightmares, poor sleep, reliving the event, and concentration problems, lasting for more than one month, is called ____________

post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD

An urgent demand or expectation for our behavior that comes from an outside source is called ____________


Clay's father has always wanted him to be a lawyer. He has encouraged Clay to get good grades, graduate college earlier than his peers, and work as hard as he can. Clay does not care about going to law school, but he does show to please his father. Clay is responding to _________________


According to Lazarus, our first task when faced with a potential stressor is to estimate its severity and to determine whether it is a challenge or a threat. This evaluation is referred to as a ___________________

primary appraisal

reality principle (ego)

principle by which the ego functions; the satisfaction of the demands of the id only when negative consequences will not result

Pleasure Principle (Id)

principle by which the id functions; the immediate satisfaction of needs without regard for the consequences

An advantage of group therapy is that it can______________

provide help to individuals who may be unable to afford individual psychotherapy

Dr. Navarro uses a form of psychology that emphasizes revealing the client unconscious conflicts, urges, and desires, which he believes are the cause of his clients disordered d emotions and behavior. Dr. Navarro is most likely using _________


Free association is a technique used in __________ therapy.


Mary-Kate sees a professional once a month to manage the medication she is taking to help alleviate the symptoms of her anxiety disorder. The type of therapy Mary-Kate is undergoing is called ________


bilateral anterior cingulotomy

psychosurgical technique in which an electrode wire is inserted into the anterior cingulate gyrus, with the guidance of magnetic resonance imaging, to destroy a very small portion of that brain area with electric current (MDD and OCD)

The kind of therapy that involves talking things out with a professional is called ______________


According to Carl Rogers, the _______ is how people see their actual traits and abilities.

real self

according to Albert bandura, a person's expectancy about his or her skills and ability to accomplish a goal is known as _______


A group composed of people who have similar problems and who meet together without a therapist or counselor for the purpose of discussion, problem solving, and social and emotional support is called a ________ group.


Sigmund Freud proposed that his patients disorders resulted most often from psychological conflicts related to__________


What is the appropriate definition of psychosurgery?

surgery that is performed on brain tissue to relieve or control severe psychological disorders

prefrontal lobotomy

surgical procedure that severs fibers connecting the frontal lobes of the brain from the underlying thalamus

Hope Has a fear of riding in elevators. She is seeing a therapist who asked her to construct a hierarchy of her fears related to riding in elevators. In addition, her therapist is teaching her to relax while imagining each beer in the hierarchy. Hopes therapist is using_____________

systematic desensitization

psychosexual stages

the childhood stages of development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital) during which, according to Freud, the id's pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones

According to Freud, the reality principle is the way in which__________

the ego tries to delay satisfying the id's desires until it can do so safely and successfully

The Pleasure Principle is associated with which element of Freud's personality theory?

the id


the image of one's self that develops from interactions with important significant people in one's life

During the alarm stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome, ___________________________

the sympathetic nervous system is activated in the adrenal glands release hormones


the unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel, and behave

biomedical therapies

therapies that directly affect the biological functioning of the body and brain

action therapy

therapy in which the main goal is to change disordered or inappropriate behavior directly


therapy technique in which the therapist restates what the client says rather than interpreting those statements

What is an advantage of self-help groups?

they are free

What is one of the main advantages of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) as compares to similar drugs?

they have fewer side effects

Obsession is to compulsion as _______________

thought is to behavior

What is the basic goal of systematic desensitization?

to relax individuals in the presence of a feared object or situation

At Bentley Elementary School, teachers pass out "Bentley bucks" to students who turn in papers on time, obey the teacher, and finish their homework. The paper "bucks" can be traded in at the end of the week for special treats or gain playing time on the classroom computer. This system most resembles a ____________

token economy

As Maya begins to reveal more and more of her innermost thoughts and feelings to her psychodynamic therapists, she begins to feel good about him, as well as accepted by him. She develops a sense of trust, particularly because he does not criticize her. What process is occurring?



typical antipsychotic, used to TX hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior (shizophrenia)

When you accept someone faults and all regardless of whether or not you like the individual or approve of his or her lifestyle, Rogers suggests that you are exhibiting ______________

unconditional positive regard

Viviane finds applying for graduate school to be frustrating. She believes that the entire process is random. As such, this example highlights the role of_____________ in coping

uncontrollability- research has found that higher levels of perceived control are related to lower levels of stress

Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that is_______________

unrelated to any specific, known source

Albert Bandura

used modeling in therapy

When faced with an approach-avoidance conflict, some people tend to go back and forth with their choice because they cannot decide for or against the goal or event. The text refers to this mind-changing behavior as_________



value judgments made about a person's moral and ethical behavior

Positive Regard (Carl Rogers)

warmth, affection, love, and respect that come from significant others in one's life

During the Renaissance, abnormal behavior was believed to result from______________


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