Unit 3 Review (1450-1750)

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How did leaders legitimize their rule through art and architecture?

Art: Monarchs had art like paintings made of them Architecture: Monarchs made large and impressive architectural buildings to emphasize their wealth and power

How did land-based empires consolidate power in this era?

Centralizing their bureaucracies ●Qing Dynasty (1644-1912), China: ○Reintroduced the Civil Service Exam. Necessary for legitimizing power over the Chinese since the Manchu were seen as foreigners. (The Ming Dynasty was the last native dynasty in China) ●Ottoman Empire (c. 1300-1922), Middle East & Southern Europe ○The Devshirme system (Christian boys from the Balkans were enslaved & educated to serve the state)helped to consolidate power by creating a very loyal bureaucracy and elite military (the Janissaries). ●Songhai Empire (c. 1464 -1591), West Africa ○Consolidated power through their military, alliances, and having control over trade routes. Legitimacy established through court rituals of kings(King on a raised platform surrounded by 700 Eunuchs; only approached lying down on the ground)Consolidating power based on Tribute ●Aztec Empire (1428-1521), Mesoamerica ○The Aztecs demanded specific goods from conquered people, called Tribute. This allowed for indirect rule (instead of centralized direct authority), where the Aztec did not have to be present in conquered areas to maintain control.

Why were large powerful militaries & elite cadres of soldiers essential in this era?

Eurasian empires had all gained access to gunpowder based weapons. In the Americas, they did not have gunpowder but a large military still led to intimidation and the consolidation of power.

What are the various methods used by land-based empires to collect taxes in this era?

Mughal Empire (1526-1857 CE). ●Bureaucrats called Zamindars were appointed by the emperor to collect taxes based on an individual's land or production. Ottoman Empire ●Tax Farmers (who were not government employees) were told to collect a certain amount of taxes from an area. Anything extra that they collected they were able to keep. Aztecs ●Tribute (discussed in number 1). Also, human sacrifice victims.

SOURCE 1: In the second paragraph, which of the following explains why the Ottoman governor occupied the Hagia Sophia? a.As the religious center of Constantinople, occupying it and converting it into a mosque would help to legitimize his rule b.It was a symbol that the Ottomans would convert to Christianity to appeal to their new subjects and gain legitimacy c.His desire to shame his enemy due to religious conflicts that existed between the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire d.Disputes over trade routes always had religious signifıcance. Occupying the Hagia Sophia showed the supremacy of Islam

a Constantinople was the central powerhouse for Christianity. The falling of this gave Hagia Sophia the opportunity to change it into a mosque to legitimize his power.

SOURCE 3: Which of the following was most responsible for the fall of the Mexica/Aztec? a.Resentment of conquered people who joined with the Spanish to fıght against the Mexica b.The inability of the Mexica to defend themselves against gunpowder weapons c.Diseases like smallpox that came to America with the Europeans d.The weakness of the Mexica army

c Having no previous exposure and hence no immunity, the Mexica were very susceptible to European diseases. Many died and others starved due to their inability to farm while disease ravaged the population.

SOURCE 5: The sculpture of Louis XIV best exemplifıes which of the following historical developments c. 1450 to c. 1750? a.The growth of European power and the decline of Asian power b.The conquest of the Americas c.The king's use of religion and art to legitimize his rule d.The use of propaganda in the face of war

c King Louis XIV believed in the theory of Divine Right, or that he was chosen by God to rule. Connecting himself to God in that way, and as the destroyer of heresy in majority Catholic France would legitimize his rule and shows him as a powerful monarch.

SOURCE 4: The conflict described in the passage is most similar to which of the following developments c. 1450 to c. 1750? a.The rivalry between Hindus and Buddhists in Southeast Asia b.Japanese banning of Christianity under the Tokugawa Shogunate c.The rivalry between Protestants and Catholics in Europe d.The Russian expansion into Siberia to expand their empire.

c The conflicts between Protestants and Catholics in Europe during this time period included both accusing each other the other of heresy and armed conflict. Additionally, Protestants and Catholics are both Christian denominations, just as Sunni and Shi'a are both Islamic denominations.

SOURCE 3: What innovations allowed the Mexica/Aztec to support their large population? a.The mit'a system b.Use of canals to transport staple crops from far away c.Adopting new staple crops from Africa d.Chinampa farming

d The Mexica made use of the natural environment around them to create floating agricultural plots that could feed an expanding population. The Chinampas were owned by the state who monitored their production to ensure they could meet demand.



How did religion legitimize powers in this era?

●Islamic Emperors took the title "Caliph" to show they were the legitimate successors of Muhammed. ●European monarchs embraced "Divine Right" which claims that the king is God's representative on Earth and carries out his bidding. ●Songhai rulers and nobles all converted to Islam.

How did religion lead to conflict in this era?

●The Protestant Reformation in Europe challenged what was seen as corrupt practices of the Catholic Church. Eventually leaders chose whether to be Protestant or Catholic which led to bitter resentments among them. It did, however, lead to further spread of Christianity. ●In the Middle East, the Ottomans were Sunni Muslims while the Safavids (1501-1736, Persia) were Shi'a Muslims. They saw each other as heretical and fought each other for land.





SOURCE 3: In the treatment of their subjects, the Qing Dynasty practiced which of the following policies in the period c. 1450 to c. 1750? a.The Han Chinese subjects faced prohibitions against moving into Manchuria and limits on their ability to serve in high ranking positions in government b.The Han Chinese were expelled from China to make space for the larger Manchu population causing them to migrate into Central and Southeast Asia c.The Han Chinese were treated as equals in order to legitimize the rule of the Qing Emperors. They continued to fıll the highest positions in the imperial bureaucracy d.The Han Chinese were forced to take on the bulk of military service and payment of taxes as the Mancu were exempta

a The Manchu were concerned with preserving their own heritage and power, thus they limited access to their ancestral homeland and positions of power for the majority Han population.

SOURCE 3:Which of the following explain the Mexica/Aztec use of tribute lists? a.Rulers used tribute collection to generate the revenue needed to expand state power b.Rulers used art to legitimize their rule c.Rulers used religious ideas to consolidate their power d.Rulers expanded the Tribute System not for economic gain, but to show their political supremacy

a The decentralized empire of the Mexica depended upon conquered people paying tribute to support them without direct rule.

SOURCE 3: Which of the following best explains the Qing Dynasty's declining power in the period from c. 1750 to c. 1900? a.The growing industrial and commercial power of the west b.Economic weakness due to overreliance on silver that led to massive inflation within the country c.The empire had grown too big to defend from external invasions d.The growing militarism of Southeast Asia

a The industrialization of the west led to military innovations that China did not have. Their desire to trade with China on their own terms led to the Opium Wars which severely crippled Qing Powerb

SOURCE 1: The passage above best illustrates which historical development in the period c. 1450 to c. 1750? a.Empires began to rely on gunpowder weapons to expand their influence b.Empires began to develop professional militaries to maintain their power c.The use of monumental architecture was used by rulers to legitimize their rule d.Empires used a variety of methods to increase their influence

a The passage indicates that the Ottomans relied on cannons to breach the walls of Constantinople in order to conquer the city.

SOURCE 5: The absolute authority of European kings like Louis XIV would be most challenged by which of the following developments? a.The Protestant Reformation b.The philosophers of the Enlightenment c.The social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution d.Imperialism

b The Enlightenment challenged the absolute authority of monarchs and the notion that their power came from God.

SOURCE 4: A historian would most likely use the fırst paragraph of this passage as evidence of which of the following? a.The influence of Islamic scholars who increasingly questioned political authority b.Rivalries intensifıed the split within Islam between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims c.Rivalries over trade routes in the Middle East. d.Use of religion by the Ottomans to legitimize power their power

b The Ottoman Sultan accuses the Safavid Shah of heresy several times. In the source information it is clear that they are practicing different forms of Islam. This conflict intensified the split between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims.

SOURCE 4: The second paragraph demonstrates which of the following developments in the period c. 1450 to c. 1750? a.The consolidation of the Islamic world under a single sect of Islam b.Political and religious disputes led to rivalries and conflicts between states c.Changes in attitudes towards the role of religion in public life d.The beginning of religious uprisings against existing leadership to change the social order

b The period of c. 1450 to c. 1750 was marked by political and religious disputes that created conflicts between states, including this one and the Mughal-Safavid conflict over lands in Afghanistan.

SOURCE 5: This sculpture was most likely a response to which historical development? a.The rise of Communism b.The Protestant Reformation c.The rise of Sikhism in South Asia d.French battles against the English for control of North America

b To a 17th century Catholic, crushing heresy would refer to fighting Protestants in some way. During his reign, Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes that had given religious rights to Protestants in France.

SOURCE 3: The image of Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi legitimized his rule to his subjects in which of the following ways? a.He is an imposing fıgure in the image. This displays his power and ability to conquer b.The bright colors of paint were unavailable to the general population. This portrait shows his wealth and ability to harness the talents of artists c.Showing the emperor surrounded by books would appeal to his Confucian subjects who might otherwise see him as a foreign monarch d.His use of religion and connection to the gods would legitimize him in the eyes of his subjects

c The continuity of adopting Confucian practices in government helped to legitimize the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the eyes of their Han Chinese subjects. Depicting himself surrounded by books would be a sign of that to his subjects.

SOURCE 1: As the Ottomans moved further into Eastern Europe, expanding their empire, how did they gain legitimacy in the eyes of their new subjects in the Balkans? a.They recruited elites from their minority Christian subjects to hold positions in government with equal status to Muslims b.They built impressive and large mosques to reinforce the pressure on Christians to convert c.They built impressive armories near Christian communities to communicate their military might and the need for submission d.They were religiously tolerant allowing Christian communities to practice their faith as long as they submitted to Ottoman power

d The Ottomans considered Jews and Christians to be "people of the book," and accommodated them as religious minorities in order to utilize their economic contributions.

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