Unit 3 Word Quiz Computer Aps

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a feature that enables you to copy text form on place to another


a feature that enables you to insert text to a particular place


a feature that enables you to move text form on place to another


a note that appears at the bottom of a page that is commonly used by writers to cite other authors publication in their document.


a temporary storage area for data that the user wants to copy from one place to another.

An indent sets the distance between the left and the right margins. It's also used in bullets and numbering to ensure that the text lines up properly. Tabs come into play when you press the Tab key on your keyboard. It moves the cursor one-half inch by default, much like a shortcut for several spaces.

difference between tab and indent

A font is often measured in pt (points). Points dictate the height of the lettering. There are approximately 72 (72.272) points in one inch or 2.54 cm. For example, the font size 72 would be about one inch tall, and 36 would be about a half of an inch.

how is font size measured

Place the cursor where you want to place the table. Click the Insert Table icon on the Tables and Borders toolbar at the top of the window. [Microsoft] Drag the corner of the table until you have the desired number of columns and rows. Click the mouse to insert the table.

inserting and manipulating tables

Ctrl C

shortcut for copy

Ctrl X

shortcut for cut

Ctrl V

shortcut for paste


the space between the text and the edge of your document.

page orientation

the way in which a rectangular page is oriented for normal viewing.

portrait vs landscape

the way the paper is displayed. Portrait is like hotdog (long and skinny), and landscape is like hamburger (wider and short).

header and footer

-text appearing at the top of each page, separate from the main body of text -A document footer is a small section at the bottom of each page within a document. It is often used to display company data or copyright information


A document that contains formatting, styles, and sample text that you can use to create new documents.A template is a file that serves as a starting point for a new document. When you open a template, it is pre-formatted in some way

page break

The location in a document where one page ends and a new page begins.

It is primarily used to be able to identify formatting issues in word processing documents that occur because users have hit the enter key too many times and can't tell because they are not shown.

What does the show/hide feature do?

The Left indent controls the space between the paragraph and the left margin. To change it, click on the very bottom of the indent marker — the rectangle — and drag it to a new position. The Right indent controls the space between the paragraph and the right margin and has a marker of its own. It is indicated by a single triangle on the Ruler at the current right margin. Click and drag it to change the margin. The First Line indent is used to indent the first line of a paragraph or of every paragraph. Click the top triangle of the indent marker and move it to where you want the first line indent to be positioned. The Hanging indent controls how the text of a paragraph lines up underneath the first line. This is usually adjusted when you are working with bullets or numbering and the text does not line up properly. Click and drag on the second triangle (the one in the middle) to apply a hanging indent.

types of indent and when you use

The four most common types of custom tabs are left-aligned, centered, right-aligned, and decimal-aligned. Custom tab settings are indicated on the horizontal ruler by tab markers. There are two ways to set tabs. By either using the Tabs Dialog Box or using the ruler.

types of tab and when you use

format painter

used when you want to copy formatting from one item to another.

Place the cursor where you want to place the table. Click the Insert Table icon on the Tables and Borders toolbar at the top of the window. [Microsoft] Drag the corner of the table until you have the desired number of columns and rows. Click the mouse to insert the table.

what are different font effects

Left Aligned - This setting is often referred to as "left justified," but is technically called "flush left." It is typically the default setting when you create a new document. Left aligned text begins each line along the left margin of the document. As you type, the first word that does not fit on a line is placed at the left margin on the next line. This results in a straight margin on the left and a "ragged edge" margin on the right. Right Aligned - This setting is also called "right justified," but is technically known as "flush right." It aligns the beginning of each line of text along the right margin of the document. As you type, the text expands to the left of the cursor. If you type more than one line, the next line will begin along the right margin. The result is a straight margin on the right and a "ragged edge" margin on the left. Right justification is commonly used to display the company name and address near the top of a business document. Centered - As the name implies, centered text is placed in the center of each line. As you type, the text expands equally to the left and right, leaving the same margin on both sides. When you start a new line, the cursor stays in the center, which is where the next line begins. Centered text is often used for document titles and may be appropriate for headers and footers as well. Justified - Justified text combines left and right aligned text. When a block of text is justified, each line fills the entire space from left to right, except for the paragraph indent and the last line of a paragraph. This is accomplished by adjusting the space between words and characters in each line so that the text fills 100% of the space. The result is a straight margin on each side of the page. Justified text is commonly used in newspapers and magazines and has become increasingly popular on the Web as well.

what are the different ways to align text

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