Unit 31 Adjectives and Adverbs

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10. It was 43°F (6°C) outside on the porch. I wore my coat. It was _____ cold.


6. The party was noisy, but I had a great time. The party was _____ noisy.


7. Some people spoke quickly, but I understood most of it. Some people spoke _____ quickly.


[Very / Too] 1. The party lasted for six hours. The party was _____ long, so we went home early.


7. I like to tell jokes and make people laugh. I tell jokes (bad/well).


8. Do you plan your time ________ (good) and complete your work on time? 9. Do you organize your desk ________ (neat)? 10. Can you give instructions ________ (clear)? 11. Do you like to work ________ (close) with co-workers or classmates?

well neatly clearly closely

6. I try to be a (nicely/friendly) person.


[Adjectives with Linking Verbs] 1. I often get (nervous/shyly) in new social situations.


4. A: I want to change programs in school. B: Well, there's still time. (not late) It's ________________________.

not too late to change programs

7. A: Why don't you ask your boss for help? B: I can't, I'm afraid of him. (scared) I'm ____________________.

too scared to ask

6. A: Is your brother going to work today? B: Well, I think he has the flu. (sick) He's ____________________.

too sick to go to work

3. A: Mom! Dad! We want to get married. B: You're only 16! (young) You're ________________________.

too young to get married

4. I feel (uncomfortable/fast) when I'm nervous.


8. acted bored _________________________ (interested)

He didn't act very interested.

5. answered questions badly _________________________ (well)

He didn't answer questions very well.

6. looked dishonest _________________________ (honest)

He didn't look very honest.

7. seemed inexperienced ______________________ (experienced)

He didn't seem very experienced.

[Not very . . .] 1. unfriendly -- He wasn't very friendly. (friendly) 2. spoke nervously _________________________ (confidently)

He didn't speak very confidently.

3. wore a dirty shirt _________________________ (clean)

He didn't wear a clean shirt.

4. bad at problem solving _________________________ (good at)

He was not very good at problem solving.

[Editing Task] Preparing for an Interview An interview can be a difficult experience. Prepare carefully your responses, and you will make a good impression. Before the interview, research thoroughly the company. Find out about its products and services. You should always be truthfully about the things you do good. When you talk about something you do bad, choose a weakness that is not serious. Say that you are too aware of the weakness and that you are working hardly to improve yourself. Say you want a new challenge and that you want to progress in your career. Always sound positively and don't complain about your current job. On the day of the interview, dress nice. Shake firmly hands when you meet the interviewer. Try to sound sincerely and look too confident. Follow these steps and you'll do good.

1. Prepare your responses carefully... 2. ... research the company thoroughly. 3&4. You should always be truthful about the things you do well. 5. When you talk about something you do poorly... 6&7. Say that you are very aware of the weakness and that you are working hard to improve yourself. 8. Always sound positive... 9. dress nicely. 10. Shake hands firmly... 11&12. Try to sound sincere and look very confident. 13. Follow these steps and you'll do well.

5. I hope other people think I look (attractive/confidently).


[Adjectives <> Adverbs] 1. Cindy makes a good impression when she presents in front of a group. a. She is careful when she researches her topic. She researches her topic ________. b. Her voice is clear and easy to understand. She speaks ________. c. When she starts to speak, her smile is automatic. When she starts to speak, she ________ smiles. d. She strongly argues her points. She makes ________ arguments for her points.

carefully clearly automatically strong

4. Do you check your assignments ________ (careful)? 5. Do you try to do every job ________ (proper), or do you do everything ________ (quick)? 6. Do you always dress __________ (appropriate) for work or school? 7. Do you always speak ________ (polite) to your boss or teacher?

carefully properly quickly appropriately politely

2. I am (confident/easily) around new people.


Questionnaire 1. Do you get to work or school ________ (early), or do you arrive ________ (late)? 2. Do you take your job or your studies ________ (serious)? 3. Do you work ________ (hard), or are you lazy?

early late seriously hard

9. It's never a problem for me to remember people's names. I do that (easily/automatic).


3. I often feel (excited/nervously) before a party.


8. I get (excited/well) when I listen to music and sing along to the songs.


2. Robert made a good impression at the job interview. a. He was polite. He talked ________ to the interviewer. b. He was early. He arrived at the company ________. c. He thought about the questions, and he answered the questions carefully. He was ________ in his answers. d. He was good at answering the questions. He answered the questions ________. e. He didn't speak badly about his former employer. He didn't say ________ things about his former employer.

politely early careful well bad

10. I give my opinion when I feel (strong/strongly) about something.


2. The party lasted for an hour. Everyone wanted to stay longer. The party was _____ short.


3. There were 75 people at the party. The living room holds 50. The room was _____ small.


4. There were five people at the table. The table seats 12. The table was _____ big.


5. The party was noisy, and I couldn't hear conversations. The party was _____ noisy.


8. One man spoke quickly, and I didn't understand a word of it. He spoke _____ quickly.


9. It was 25°F (-4°C) outside on the porch. We had to leave. It was _____ cold.


8. A: You look really stressed today. B: Do I? You know, I can't think. (busy) I'm ____________________.

too busy to think

5. A: Let's go camping this weekend. B: Camping? It's 10 below outside! (cold) It's ________________________.

too cold to go camping

2. A: Do you like your new job? B: I can't say. I only started today. (early) It's ________________.

too early to say

[Too + Adjective + To+ Infinitive] 1. A: You passed your exams with straight As. B: That can't be true. (good) It's ________________.

too good to be true

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