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An obstinate audience

1) operating inside the dominant code- the media produce the message; the masses consume it. The audience reading coincides with the preferred reasoning. 2) applying a negotiable code- the audience assimilates the leading ideology in general but opposes its application in specific cases. 3) Substituting an oppositional code- the auidence sees through the establishment bias in the media presentation and mounts an organized effort to demythologize the news.

The logic of good reasons

1) the values embedded in the message 2) the relevance of those values to decisions made 3) the consequence of adhering to those values 4) the overlap with the worldview of the audience 5_ conformity with what the audience members believe is an ideal basis for conduct.


A conceptual framework; a universal model that calls for people to view events through a common interpretive lens.


A critics label for the act illustrates what was done. A speech that features dramatic verbs demonstrates a commitment to realism.

faustian bargain page 328

A deal with the devil; selling your soul for temporary earthly gain.

Cultural studies

A neo-marxist critique that sets forth the position that mass media manufacture consent for dominant ideologies. Just as Deez wants to give meaningful voice to stakeholders affected by corporate decisions, Hall wants to liberate people from an unknowing acquiescence to the dominant ideology of the culture. The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point , however is to change it.

Digital age

A possible fifth era of specialized electronic tribes contentious over diverse beliefs and values.

Rational-world paradigm

A scientific or philosophical approach to knowledge that assumes people are logical, making decisions on the basis of evidence and lines of argument.


A specific type of media; for example a book, newspaper, radio, tv, phone, film , website, or email

Narrative Paradigm

A theoretical framework that views narrative as the basis of all human communication. Fisher is convinced that the assumptions of the rational-world paradigm are too limited. He calls for a new conceptual framework ( a paradigm shift) in order to better understand human communication. His narrative paradigm is built on five assumptions similar in form to the rational-world paradigm. Viewing humans as storytellers who reason in various ways is a major conceptual shift. For example, in logical system, values are emotional nonsense. From the narrative perspective, however values are the stuff of stories. Whereas the rational-world models holds that only experts are capable of presenting or discerning sounds arguments, the narrative paradigm maintains that, armed with a bit of common sense, almost any of us can see the point of a good story and judge its merits as the basis for belief and action.

Dramatistic Period

A tool to analyze how a speaker attempts to get an audience to accept his or her view of reality by using five key elements of the human drama- act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose. Burke's pentad directs the critic's attention to five crucial elements of the human drama.

Literary age

A visual era; a time of private detachment because the eye is the dominant sense organ.

Narrative rationality

A way to evaluate the worth of stories based on the twin standards of narrative coherence and narrative fidelity. Narrative coherence has to do with how probable the story sounds to the hearer. Internal consistency with characters acting in a reliable fashion; the story hangs together. That is Narrative coherence. For fisher the ultimate test of narrative coherence is whether we can count on the characters to act in a reliable manner.

Global Village

A worldwide electronic community where everyone know's everyone's business and all are somewhat testy.

canon 2........ Arrangement

According to Aristotle, you should avoid complicated schemes of organization. There are two parts to a speech; for it is necessary first to state the subject and then to demonstrate it.


According to McLuhan, human inventions that enhance communication.

tribal age

An acoustic ear, a time of community because the ear is the dominant sense organ. page 324

Ideal audience

An actual community existing over time that believes in the values of truth, the good, beauty, health, wisdom, courage, temperance, justice, harmony, order, communion, friendship, and oneness with the cosmos.

Electronic age

An era of instant communication; a return to the global village with all-at-once sound and touch.


An incomplete version of a formal deductive syllogism that is created by leaving out a premise already accepted by the audience or by leaving an obvious conclusion unstated. Aristotle stressed that audience analysis is crucial to the effective use of the enthymeme. The enthymeme uses deductive logic- moving from global principle to specific truth. Arguing by example uses inductive reasoning- drawing a final conclusion from specific cases.

canon 5..... memory

Aristotle's students needed no reminder that good speakers are able to draw upon a collection of ideas and phrases stored in the mind.

canon 3...... Style

Aristotle's treatment of style in the Rhetoric focuses on metaphor. he believed that "to learn easily is naturally pleasant to all people" and that "metaphor most brings abut learning" Metaphors help an audience visualize.

canon 4..... Delivery

Audiences reject delivery that seems planned or staged. Naturalness is persuasive; artifice just the opposite. Any form of presentation that calls attention to itself takes away from the speaker's proofs.

Virtuous character

Character has to do with the speaker's image as a good and honest person.

Phatic communication

Communication aimed at maintaining relationships rather than passing along information or saying something new.


Confession of guilt and request for forgiveness.

Narrative fidelity

Congruence between values embedded in a message and what listeners regard as truthful and humane; the story strikes a responsive chord. Narrative fidelity is the quality of a story that causes the words to strike a responsive chord in the life of the listener. Ruth believes a story has fidelity when it provides good reasons to guide our future actions. When we buy into a story, we buy into the type of character we should be. Thus, values are what set the narrative paradigm's logic of good reasons apart from the rational-world paradigm's mere logic of reasons.


Emotional proof, which comes from the feelings the speech draws out of those who hear it.


Equifinality; a systems theory assumption that a given outcome could be effectively caused by any or many interconnected factors.

Inartistic Proofs

External evidence the speaker doesn't create


For Hall, stripping the study of communication away from the cultural context in which it is found and ignoring realities of unequal power distribution in society have weakened our filed and made it less theoretically relevant. Hall and scholars who follow his lead wish to place the academic spotlight directly on the ways media representations of culture reproduce social inequalities and keep the average person more or less powerless to do anything but operate within a corporatized, commodified world. The ultimate issue for cultural studies is not what information is presented but whose information it is.


Frameworks of interpretation. Primarily culture is concerned with the production and exchange of meanings "the giving and taking of meaning"- between the members of a society or group. To say that two people belong to the same culture is to say that they interpret the world in roughly the same ways and can express themselves, their thoughts and feelings about the world in ways that will be understood by each other.


Goodwill is a positive judgment of the speaker's intention toward the audience.


Hall uses the term articulate in the dual sense of speaking out on oppression and linking that subjugation with the communication media because they provide the terrain where meaning is shaped. At the risk of oversimplifying, the Marxist golden rule suggests that he who has the gold, rules.

Artistic Proofs

Internal proofs that contain logical,ethical, or emotional appeals.


Page 300 ... audiences sense a joining of interests through style as much as through content. Burke said that the effective communicator can show consubstantiality by giving signs in language and delivery that his or her properties are the same as theirs.

Narrative paradigm

People are storytelling animals. This simple assertion is Walter Fisher's answer to the philosophical question what is the essence of human nature? Fisher is convinced that we are narrative beings who "experience and comprehend life as a series of ongoing narratives, as conflicts, characters, beginnings, middles, and ends. If this is true then all forms of human communication that appeal to our reason need to be seen fundamentally as stories. In 1978 he introduced the concept of good reasons, which led to his proposal of the narrative paradigm in 1984. he proposed that offering good reasons has more to do with telling a compelling story than it does with piling up evidence or constructing a tight argument. Fisher regards almost all types of communication as story.


Perceived credibility which comes from the speakers intelligence, character, and goodwill toward the audience, as these personal characteristics are revealed through the message.


Scapegoating; the process of naming an external enemy as the source of all personal or public ills.


Symbolic actions- words and/or deeds- that have sequence and meaning for those who live, create, or interpret them. Fisher defines narratism as symbolic actions- words and or deeds- that have sequence and meaning for those who live, create, or interpret them.

Economic determinism

The belief that human behavior and relationships are ultimately caused by differences in financial resourced and the disparity in power that those gaps create.


The description of the scene gives a context for where and when the act was performed. Public speaking that emphasizes setting and circumstance, downplays free will, and reflects an attitude of situational determinism. I had no choice.

Hall believes

The mass media provides the guilding myths that shape our perception of the world and serve as important instruments of social context.


The mental frameworks different classes and social groups deploy in order to make sense of the way society works. Hall defines ideologies as the mental frameworks the languages the concepts categories imagery or thought and the representation which different classes and social groups deploy in order to make sense of, define, figure out and render intelligible the way society works.

Democratic pluralism

The myth that society is held together by common norms such as equal opportunity, respect for diversity, one person-one vote, individual rights, and rule of law.

Canons of rhetoric

The principle of divisions of the art of persuasion established by ancient rhetoricians- invention, arrangement, style, delivery, and memory.

Discursive formation

The process by which unquestioned and seemingly natural ways of interpreting the world become ideologies. The right to make meaning can literally be the power to make others crazy.


The process of speaking out on oppression and linking that subjugation with media representations; the work of cultural studies.

Cultural studies

The producers of culture; tv, radio, tv, fashion etc.

Perceived intelligence

The quality of intelligence has more to do with practical wisdom and shared values than it does with training at Plato's academy. ( 293)

Symbolic environment

The socially constructed, sensory world of meanings.


The speakers purpose is the stated or implied goal of the address. An extended discussion of purpose within the message shows a strong desire on the part of the speaker for unity or ultimate meaning in life, which are common concerns of mysticism.

Media ecology

The study of different personal and social environments created by the use of different communication technologies.

Devil term

The word a speaker uses that sums up all that is regarded as bad, wrong, or evil.

God term

The word a speaker uses to which all other positive words are subservient.


agency is the means the agent used to do the deed. A long description of methods or technique reflects a "get-the-job-done" approach that springs from the speaker's mindset of pragmatism.

Artistic or internal proofs

are those that the speaker created. There are three kinds of artistic proofs : logical (logos) ethical (ethos) and emotional (pathos). Logical proof comes from the line of argument in the speech, ethical proof is the way the speakers character revealed through the message, and emotional proof is the feeling the speech draws out of the hearers.


catchall term to cover every form or tension, anxiety, embarrassment, shame, disgust, and other noxious feelings he believed intrinsic to the human condition.


discovering all possible means of persuasion


generic term for all human-invented technology that extends the range , speed, or channels or communication.

Burke ultimate motivation

he believed the ultimate motivation of all rhetoric is to purge ourselves of an ever-present, all-inclusive sense of guilt. Guilt is his catchall term to cover every form or tension, anxiety, embarrassment, shame, disgust, and other noxious feelings he believed intrinsic to the human condition.

media expression

is at the heart of post modernism. Postmodernism describes a period of time when the promise of modernism no longer seems justified. We have become tools of our tools. According to mcluhan when we continually use a communication technology it alters our symbolic environment. In a postmodern world, any claim of truth or moral certainty is suspect. In postmodern thinking, we can;t know anything for certain. There are no facts, only interpretations. Images become more important than what they represent. With a media assist, we can mix and match diverse styles and tastes to create a unique identity. The possibilities of identity construction are endless in an urban setting with thousands of cable channels and high-speed channels and high-speed internet to provide infinite variety. Postmodernism is an age of individualism rather than one of community. Postmodernism can also be seen as new kind of economic order- a consumer society bases on multinational capitalism. In a postmodern society info rather than production is the key to profits.


logical proof, which comes from the line of argument in a speech. An enthymeme is merely an incomplete version of a formal deductive syllogism out of one of kings line of reasoning. Typical enthymemes, however, leave out a premise that is already accepted by the audience: all people are created equal... I am equal to other people. 291


the agent is the person or people who performed the act. Some messages are filled with references to self, mind, spirit, and personal responsibility. This focuses on character and the agent as instigator is consistent with philosophical idealism.


the recognized common gorund between speaker and audience, such as physical characteristics, talents, occupation, experiences, personality, beliefs, and attitudes; consubstantiation


the subtle sway of society's haves over it's have-nots. The result is that the role of mass media turns out to be production of consent rather than a reflection of consensus that already exists. Recall that Stan Deetz uses the term consent to describe how workers unwittingly accomplish the desires of management in the faulty attempt to fulfill their own interests.


they are more real than reality. Postmodernists are convinced that recurrent media images take on this.

canon 1........ Invention

to generate effective enthymemes and examples, the speaker draws on both specialized knowledge about the subject and general lines of reasoning common to all kinds of speeches.

print age

visual era , mass produced books usher in the industrial revolution and nationalism, yet individuals are isolated.

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