unit 5

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Joe is happy to hear that the test will be all multiple-choice questions as he feels he has a good chance to pass by using: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. recall. recognition. reconstruction. relearning.


After having a stroke, Tori was unable to make sense of other people's speech. It is likely that she suffered brain damage to _____ area.


Although _____ memory is rich and detailed, we lose the information in it very quickly unless we use certain strategies that transfer it into other memory systems. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. declarative long-term sensory short-term


An inability to speak or understand language is known as: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. agnosia. dyspraxia. aphasia. apraxia.


Noam Chomsky argued that all human languages have the same grammatical building blocks such as nouns and verbs, subjects and objects, and negations and questions. Because of this _____ grammar, people readily learn the specific grammar of whatever language they experience.


Our capacity for storing long-term memories is: limited. limitless. inconsistent. unknown.


People more quickly recognize that a blue jay is a bird than that a penguin is a bird because a blue jay more closely resembles their _____ of a bird. heuristic prototype phoneme algorithm


Semantics plus syntax equals: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. morphemes. intuition. framing. grammar.


Shortly after their daughter, Tiffany, was born, Jeremy and Tara moved from Nebraska to New Zealand to work with the native population. After a few years there they notice that their daughter began to speak English as well as Maori, the language of the native New Zealanders. This is an example of _____ grammar.

_belief perseverance_

When Judy's professor failed to recognize that Judy had her hand raised to answer a question, Judy began to think her professor was unfriendly. Judy later learned that the professor's limited vision kept him from seeing her raised hand, but she continued to think he was unfriendly. Judy's reaction BEST illustrates: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. belief perseverance. framing.


While working on a problem, people often will think about it for a long time until suddenly the solution comes to them. This is an example of _____.


"Sound it out," Mrs. Sands encourages her first-grade students when they struggle to read a word aloud. Mrs. Sands is introducing her students to the use of:


According to _____, one reason that people forget is because they are repressing painful memories

_encoding failure_

Austin can't remember Jack Smith's name because he wasn't paying attention when Jack was formally introduced. Austin's poor memory is BEST explained in terms of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. retroactive interference. encoding failure. repression. proactive interference.

_anterograde amnesia_

During a basketball game, Tyree suffered a concussion. Afterwards, he could not remember the game or what happened when he was treated in the hospital. Tyree was experiencing: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. consolidation. repression. retroactive interference. anterograde amnesia.


If one has NOT studied well for a test, in which format is one likely to get a higher score? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. recall extrapolation related information recognition


In a motorcycle accident, Adam suffered a brain injury that makes it impossible for him to form new memories. He can, however, remember his life experiences before the accident. Adam's memory difficulty MOST clearly illustrates a failure in the memory process of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. retrieval. repression. encoding. storage.


Instead of taking the time to rationally think about every decision that is faced on a daily basis, people often resort to: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. overconfidence. insight. intuition. framing.


It's evening and we're mentally replaying the day's events. We picture our facial expressions as we listened to a friend's tale of woe. Because we were unable to see these expressions at the time, our recall necessarily illustrates: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. the spacing effect. proactive interference. reconsolidation.

_confirmation bias_

Jahmal cites his cousin Luana's many car accidents as evidence that women are worse drivers than men. He overlooks the fact that his wife and three daughters have had far fewer car accidents than he and his two sons. Jahmal's prejudicial conclusion about women's driving skills BEST illustrates the effects of: belief perseverance. confirmation bias. framing. the availability heuristic.


Memories can often be triggered by an associated environmental stimulus. This process is called: recollection. priming. explicit memory. consolidation.

_could not tell the real memories from the fake ones, nor could the children_

Professional psychologists who specialize in interviewing children read detailed fictitious stories about children's experiences. Interestingly, they: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. could not tell the real memories from the fake ones, nor could the children. could tell the real memories from the fake ones, but the children could not. could tell the real memories from the fake ones, along with the children. could not tell the real memories from the fake ones, but the children could.


Psychologists refer to the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating as: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. cognition. prototypes. framing. heuristics.

_his increased word power_

Sinjon is fluent in both English and French. His parents spoke both languages to him when he was a very young child. Sinjon has an amazing capacity to inhibit his attention to irrelevant information, which helps him as he does simultaneous interpretation. Linguists would suggest that his ability to focus may be caused by a bilingual advantage resulting from: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. his practice at interpretation. reciprocal determinism. his increased word power. his spatial intelligence.


The _____ is the brain area involved in processing explicit memories for storage. parietal lobe medulla hippocampus amygdala

_changeability of memory_

The misinformation effect highlights the: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. changeability of memory. importance of encoding. limitations of short-term memory. speed of forgetting.


The tendency to be more confident than correct is known as: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. overconfidence. insight. belief perseverance. intuition.


Those who learn sign language as teens never become as fluent as children exposed to sign language from birth. This reflects a _____ period in language acquisition.


To make a long-distance call, you have to dial an unfamiliar phone number. You are likely to have trouble retaining the number you just looked up. This BEST illustrates the limited capacity of _____ memory. long-term implicit short-term explicit


Two-year-old Jackson's older brother popped a balloon in Jackson's face. This caused Jackson to become afraid when he next saw his brother with a balloon. This classically conditioned fear of the balloon is an example of a(n) _____ memory. declarative explicit implicit sensory


Two-year-old Miguel's sentences—"Dad come," "Mom laugh," and "Truck gone"—are examples of _____ speech.

_Noam Chomsky

_____ maintained that the human capacity for developing language is natural and quick because people have a predisposition to learn language. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Sigmund Freud B. F. Skinner Noam Chomsky John Watson


_____ refers to the set of rules by which people derive meaning from sounds in a given language. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Concept Phoneme Syntax Semantics


_____ thinking involves narrowing available problem solutions to the single best solution.


Because of an automobile accident, Jenny suffered damage to her cerebral cortex in Broca's area. Jenny is MOST likely to experience: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. amnesia. aphasia. memory loss. auditory hallucinations.

_retrieval cues_

When you encode a piece of target information, other bits of information become associated with it. The bits of information connected with the target information are known as: retrieval cues. primacy cues. iconic memories. flashbulb memories.

_mood-congruent memory_

Whenever Valerie experiences intense feelings of fear, she is overwhelmed with childhood memories of her abusive parents. Valerie's experience BEST illustrates: mood-congruent memory. the misinformation effect. repression. retroactive interference.

_convergent thinking_

Raul is very skilled at taking aptitude tests and finding solutions to math and science problems. Raul's skills illustrate: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. convergent thinking. divergent thinking. belief perseverance. fixation.

_convergent thinking_

Raul is very skilled at taking aptitude tests and finding solutions to math and science problems. Raul's skills illustrate: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. fixation. belief perseverance. convergent thinking. divergent thinking.


When Lisa earns a perfect score on a(n) _____ test in history, she passes a _____ test of memory. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. essay; recall multiple-choice; recall essay; recognition fill-in-the-blank; recognition

_a rapid initial decline in retention becoming stable thereafter

Which course of forgetting BEST describes the typical forgetting curve? a steady, slow decline in retention over time a steady, rapid decline in retention over time a rapid initial decline in retention becoming stable thereafter a slow initial decline in retention becoming rapid thereafter


Which of these is NOT a measure of retention? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. relearning recall recognition retrieval


While a computer's hard drive may be said to enable the memory process of storage, using its keyboard is analogous to the process of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. encoding. retrieval. decay. chunking.

retroactive interference

After switching dorm rooms and getting a new phone number, Samantha found that it was harder to remember her previous dorm room's phone number. Samantha was experiencing _____.


An attorney uses misleading questions to distort a court witness's recall of a previously observed crime. This BEST illustrates the _____ effect.


Ana learns some conversational Portuguese in advance of a vacation in Brazil. However, the Spanish she used at home as a child sometimes impairs her retrieval of Portuguese words and phrases. Ana is experiencing _____ interference. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. retroactive reactive progressive proactive


As an elementary schoolteacher, Lisa has many students for whom English is a second language. She notices that many of these students have more difficulty understanding new vocabulary terms than the rest of the class, and have a tendency to misplace adjectives in their writings. These students are experiencing difficulty with: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


At a block party, Derek meets nine new neighbors. Moments later he can only remember the names of the first three and last two neighbors he met. The fact that Derek can remember the last two people he met BEST reflects the _____ effect. serial position primacy recency flashbulb memory


At a loud party, Maggie met so many new people that when she ran into one of her new acquaintances on campus the next day, she was unable to remember the person's name. The MOST likely explanation for her forgetting the name of her new acquaintance is called _____.

_the representativeness heuristic_

Auriele is a very attractive female who lives in Cleveland and loves American football. When asked to predict if it is more probable that she is a schoolteacher or a cheerleader for the Cleveland Browns, most people selected the latter even though there are thousands of more schoolteachers than cheerleaders for the Browns in Cleveland. This illustrates the fallacy in reasoning known as: mental set. the representativeness heuristic. availability heuristic. the confirmation bias.

confirmation bias

Because he mistakenly believes that older workers are not as motivated to work as hard as younger workers, a factory foreman is especially vigilant for signs of laziness among his senior employees. When he sees a younger employee slacking off, he usually assumes that the employee is taking a well-deserved break. His supervision strategy BEST illustrates _____.


Christy moved from her home state so that she could attend graduate school in her desired field of study. She did not know anyone where she moved to and spent the money she had saved for the move very quickly. Things cost much more than she had expected. She received little support from her family to pursue her college education. Still, she progressed and quickly earned her degree. She graduated at the top of her class. With respect to Sternberg's facets of creativity, Christy has a(n) _____ personality. Please type the correct answer in the following input field, and then select the submit answer button or press the enter key when finished. Your answer:

_can form concepts_

Dr. Zane has been studying monkeys' ability to classify photographs of cats and dogs. After the monkeys became competent at this task, Dr. Zane found that specific frontal lobe neurons fired in response to new catlike or doglike images. This suggests that the monkeys: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. can form concepts. are smarter than 3-year-old children. are not prone to functional fixedness. have the ability to form syntax.


Cory studied French in high school but has not heard or spoken French in years. Her friend introduces her to someone from France. He begins speaking French and Cory can't understand a word. A week later after study, she understands and can respond correctly. Cory was able to improve so rapidly due to: recall. relearning. rehearsal. remembering.

_intrinsic motivation_

Fourteen-year-old Juliana enjoys playing the piano and never needs prompting from her parents to practice. She writes music and plays the piano several times a day. She tells her parents that she plays because she enjoys creating music. Juliana plays the piano because of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. intrinsic motivation. divergent thinking. convergent thinking. extrinsic motivation.

_Gemma is using a heuristic, Frank is using an algorithm_

Frank lost a contact lens in his kitchen; he searches for it by examining each linoleum tile in turn to see if the lens is contained within the square. Gemma lost a lens in her kitchen; she looks for it near the base of the fridge and around the stove because these are the two appliances she remembers using when she was last in the kitchen. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Both Frank and Gemma are using algorithms. Both Frank and Gemma are using heuristics. Gemma is using a heuristic, Frank is using an algorithm. Frank is using a heuristic, Ge

_Certain frontal lobe neurons fire in response to the images_

In one study, monkeys first learn to classify pictures of cats and dogs. Then they are shown images that are catlike or doglike. Which statement suggests that monkeys are able to form concepts? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. They do not recognize these new images. They jump up and down and screech as if angry. They look away as if confused. Certain frontal lobe neurons fire in response to the images.


Lara is trying to remember events from her life as an 18-month-old. However, as hard as she might try, she has no conscious memory of anything that occurred before her third birthday. This is likely due to the fact that her _____, which is involved in storing explicit memories, was not fully developed at that age. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. thalamus reticular formation hippocampus medulla


Mabel has Alzheimer's disease and her _____ memories of people and events are lost, but she is able to display an ability to form new _____ memories by being shown words repeatedly. explicit; detailed implicit; explicit explicit; implicit explicit; implied


Rhonda can't remember anything about the first several minutes immediately following a car crash in which she was injured. Rhonda is experiencing _____ amnesia. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. proactive retroactive Incorrect: retrograde retrograde anterograde


Ricardo distributes his study time rather than cramming because he wants to retain the information for the long term. He is taking advantage of the _____ effect. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. semantic serial position next-in-line spacing

infantile amnesia_

Six-year-old Fiona has no memory of a trip she took to the hospital when she was 2 years old, yet the rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail. Her inability to remember this event is known as: source amnesia. regression. infantile amnesia. state-dependent memory.

_effortful processing

Studying for a psychology test requires _____. It takes attention and conscious work, but pays off with lasting and accessible memories. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. mood-congruent memory effortful processing automatic processing implicit memory


The _____ is the smallest unit of language that carries meaning. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. morpheme phoneme syntax prototype

stress hormones

The amygdala boosts activity in the brain's memory-forming areas when stimulated by: dopamine. the basal ganglia. the cerebellum. stress hormones.

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