UNIT 5 and UNIT 6,

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Telophase II/ Cytokinesis

-Chromatids --> Chromosomes -Chromosomes decondense -Membranes pinch in --> Four daughter cells formed

What happens in Prophase I?

-Chromosomes condense -Spindle Fibers Form -Centrioles move to opposite poles -Nuclear envelope disappears -Homologous chromosomes form tetrads -Crossing over occurs -Crossed sections exchange Allels(genetic material)

Prophase II

-Chromosomes condense, become visible -Chromosomes are two chromatids -Nuclear envelopes disappears -Spindle fibers form -Centrioles move to opposite ends of cell

Telophase I/ Cytokinesis

-Nuclear Membrane briefly reappears -Cell membrane pinches in -Cytokinesis produces two daughter cells -Daughter cells are Haploid

Anaphase I

-Pairs of Homologous chromosomes separate -Each chromosome moves to opposite ends of cell -Sister chromatids stay together

Metaphase II

-Spindle fibers connected to each sister chromatid -Chromosomes line up in middle of cell

Anaphase II

-Spindle fibers pull Chromatids apart -Single chromatids move to opposite poles of cell

Metaphase I

-Spindle forms -Tetrads attach to spindle at centromeres -Tetrads line up at middle of cell

what are the 2 purposes of cell division?

1. to replace dead or worn out cells 2. to grow

Telophase I

2 haploid daughter cells formed each with only one chromosome from each homologous pair

who many parts are in the cell cycle?

2 parts

how many chromosomes are there?

46 chromosomes

Telophase II

A nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes and cytokinesis occurs, producing four daughter cells, each with a haploid set of chromosomes.

Metaphase I

Assembly of the spindle apparatus is completed, and the chromosome pairs (bivalents) line up across the center of the cell between the two centrioles.


Cell grows, performs its normal functions, and prepares for division; consists of G1, S, and G2 phases

can you have less than 46 chromosomes?


is interphase part of mitosis?


Prophase I

The first phase of meiosis I. the replicated chromosomes condense, homologous chromsomes pair up, crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes, the spindle is formed, and the nuclear envelope breaks apart into vesicles. the longest phase of meiosis.

Prophase II

The first phase of meiosis II in which spindle fibers begin to reappear and centrioles move to opposite poles

what is the difference between smaller cells and single cells?

a group of smaller cells have a larger surface area than a single cell with the same volume

cell plate

a structure that forms halfway between cytokinesis because the cell membrane isn't flexible enough to draw inward because of the rigid cell wall that surrounds it

during what phase of mitosis do centromeres divide and the chromosome move toward their respective poles?


what phase do sister chromatids move apart?


what phase do the chromosomes move towards the poles of the cell?


what phase do the spindle fibers shorten causing chromosomes to move to opposite poles?



cell copies and prepares for division

what forms across the center of a cell near the end of telophase?

cell plate

what is the name of the structure that connect the two chromatids?


Anaphase II

centromere splits, sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles by the spindle fibers

in a chromosome pair connected by a centromere, what is each individual chromosome called?


Metaphase II

chromosomes line up along the equatorial plan


chromosomes separates into two new cells

what follows mitosis?



disorder in which some of the body cells lose the ability to control growth

in order for a cell to divide successfully, the cell must first...

duplicate its genetic information (interphase)

what happens in phase synthesis?

here DNA is being new DNA replication

Anaphase I

homologous chromosomes are separated (the bivalent is split) and pulled to opposite sides of the cell.

in how many stages does cell division occur in?

in two stages

what is the first part of the cell cycle?


what is the longest phase?


what is the name of the period of cell growth and development between biotic divisions?


what phase are daughter cells in as a result of mitosis?


what phase do chromosomes get replicated?


what phase do chromosomes not become visible anymore?


what phase does cellular growth occur?


which phase of the cell cycle if characterized by a nonliving cell?


what are the two stages that cell division occurs in?

interphase and mitosis

what phase do the chromosomes become visible?

interphase or telophase

in what stage of cell division does the cell actually divided?

it divides in mitosis

what is the shape of a cell?

it has a square shape

what must a cell use to obtain nutrients?

it must use diffusion and osmosis to obtain important nutrients

what nutrients to cell obtain through osmosis and diffusion>

it obtains nutrients like oxygen and glucose

where does DNA replication occur in cell division?

it occurs in interphase

how is your DNA arranged?

its arranged in chromosomes

where is phase synthesis in the cell cycle?

its between the two growths

how is the cell cycle controlled?

its controlled by regulatory proteins both inside and outside the cell


length time the width of a cell


length times width times height of a cell


mass of rapidly dividing cells that can damage surrounding tissue

what phase are the chromosomes located are the equator of the cell?


which phase of mitosis is the last phase that chromatids are together?


what is the second phase of the cell cycle?


which is the shortest phase


what are the two parts of cell division?

mitosis and cytokinesis

what occurs in mitosis

nucleus is divided


one of a family proteins that regulates the cll cycle in eukaryotic cells

growth factor

one of a group of external regulatory proteins that stimulate the growth and division of cells

cell division

process by which a cell splits into identical daughter cells


process of programmed cell death

what is the phase where chromatin condense to form chromosomes?


what phase do the spindles form in the cell?


what phase does the nuclear membrane begin to fade from view?


what phase does the nucleus begin to fade from view?


what phase is the organization phase?


what phases are known as mitosis ?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

growth 2

second growth which prepares for mitosis

the process that increases genetic diversity within a population is ...

sexual reproduction

what structure forms in prophase along which chromosomes move?

spindle fibers

what structure is produced when protein fibers radiate from centrioles?

spindle fibers

the rate at which materials enter and leave the cell depends on the cell's....

surface area

what is the phase where cytokinesis begins?


what phase does a new nuclear membrane form around the chromosomes?


what phase does the cytoplasm of the cell start dividing


what phase does the division (CLEAVAGE of the cytoplasm) furrow appears?



the DNA that contains the cells genetic code

cell volume

the amount of space that is inside of the cell

ration of surface area to volume

the be able to see how the size of the cell grows compared to its volume

cell surface area

the calculations used to describe the surface area of the cell

what has to happen for the cell to actually divide?

the cell has to be big so that the cell get the hint to do mitosis


the center of a chromosome in which the sister chromatids are attached to each other by


the cytoplasm is moving which in the end you will get actual cells

growth 1

the first growth where DNA makes a copy

what happens when the growth of the cell gets greater?

the greater the growths, the more cells you will make


the matching pair that each chromosome has

what is another name for interphase?

the prep phase

what doe the steps of mitosis ensure?

they ensure that each cell has the exits same number of chromosomes

what do the cells after cell division have?

they have the same order of bases as the cell before and they are exactly the same as the cell before division

what is the rule of the ration of the surface are of a cell?

volume gets bigger surface are decrease

what happens if there is an extra chromosomes?

you have down syndrome

how do you find the surface area of a cell?

you use the ration of the surface are divided by the volume of the cell

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