Unit 5: Raceways and Conductors

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each conduit or tube must be securely fastened within how many fit of each conduit termination outlet box, junction box, device box, cabinet, and conduit body?

3 fit

NEC identifies how many types of rigid ,P,V,C, conduit? name all of them.

,1, Schedule 80 ,P,V,C, ,2, Schedule 40 ,P,V,C, ,3, Type ,A ,P,V,C, ,4, Type ,E,B, P,V,C, ,5, H,D,P,E, Schedule 40,

what do you know about Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing ,E,N,T ?

,1, The equivalent of four quarter bends, 360 degrees total, is the maximum between pull points, for example, conduit bodies and boxes, 2, Electrical nonmetallic tubing must be secured every 3 fit ,3, The minimum approved electrical trade size for ENT is Half an inch , 4,The maximum approved electrical trade size for ENT is 2 inch, 5, A pliable raceway can be bent by hand with reasonable force, but without other assistance, 6, Outside diameters are such that standard rigid PVC conduit couplings and connectors can be used on ENT of PVC construction, 7, Securing is not required for ,E,N,T, in lengths not more than 6 fit from a luminaire terminal connection

what do you know about Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit?

,1, The minimum approved electrical trade size for ,P,V,C, conduit is Half an inch 2, The maximum approved electrical trade size for PVC conduit is 6 inch 3, Expansion and contraction problems generally do not arise in underground ,P,V,C, conduit applications

what do you know about Rigid metal conduit ,R,M,C,?

,1, t's a threadable raceway, 2, ,R,M,C is the heaviest (thickest-walled) classification of metal conduit, 3, The minimum approved electrical trade size for RMC is Half an inch, 4, ,R,M,C shall be permitted as an equipment grounding conductor 5, Galvanized steel and stainless steel ,R,M,C, can be used under all atmospheric conditions, within all types of occupancies, 6, ,R,M,C,usually ships in standard lengths of 10 fit,

what do you know about Intermediate Metal Conduit I,M,C,?

1, The minimum approved electrical trade size for IMC is Half an inch, 2, The maximum approved electrical trade size for IMC is 4 inches, 3, IMC is a steel threadable raceway, 4, All EMT cut ends must be reamed or otherwise finished to remove rough edges, 5, Running threads shall not be used on conduit for coupling connections

when Bending Rigid ,P,V,C, Conduit what equipment we can use? what table shows the radius of the curve to the centerline?

1, electric ,P,V,C, heater 2, Table 2 of Chapter 9

what do you know about Electrical Metallic Tubing: Type ,E,M,T,

1, it is an unthreaded thin-wall raceway 2,The minimum approved electrical trade size for ,E,M,T, is Half an inch 3, The maximum approved electrical trade size for ,E,M,T, is 4 inch

what do you know about Flexible Metal Conduit?

1,Flexible metal conduit is often referred to as Greenfield, or simply flex, 2, it is made of made of helically wound, formed, and interlocked metal strip, 3, The minimum electrical trade size for ,F,M,C, is Half an inch, 4, The maximum approved electrical trade size for ,F,M,C, is 4 inches, 5,The equivalent of four quarter bends 360 degrees total is the maximum between pull points,

According to article 358,30,A, in Suspended Drop Ceilings, EMT conduit must be fastened securely within how many fit of all boxes outlet, junction, device,?

3 fit

Horizontal runs of ,R,M,C, and ,I,M,C, and ,E,M,T, that are supported by openings through framing members at intervals not greater than how many fit?

10 fit.

The maximum support interval for RMC, IMC, and ,E,M,T, is how many fit?

10 fit.

what is the maximum bend degrees, allowed between pull points?

360 degrees total is the maximum allowed between pull points, for example, conduit bodies and boxes. Because the total bends in this conduit run is 340 degrees, this installation falls within NEC specifications, All bends are counted, even those located immediately adjacent to the pull box

for ,I,M,C, and R,M,C, If structural members are not available within 3 fit, a distance of how many fit is acceptable?

5 fit

In chapter 9 table 1, what are the Percent of Cross Section of Conduit and Tubing for Conductors? 1, 2, and over 2,

53 percent, 31 percent, and 40 percent,

According to article 300,11,B,2, Raceways containing power supply conductors for electrically controlled equipment can support Class ___ circuit conductors or cables used solely for connection to the equipment control circuits

According to article 300,11,B,2, Raceways containing power supply conductors for electrically controlled equipment can support Class,2,circuit conductors or cables used solely for connection to the equipment control circuits

what article talks about flexible metal conduit: ,F,M,C?

Article, 348

what is ,E,M,T, stands for?

Electrical Metallic Tubing

What does stand ,E,N,T, for?

Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing

What does ,F,M,C, stand for?

Flexible Metal Conduit: Type FMC

what do you know about ,H,D,P,E, Schedule 40,

H,D,P,E, Schedule is a high-density polyethylene raceway with a wall thickness conforming to Schedule 40-,I,P,S, dimensions. ,H,D,P,E, Schedule 40 conduit, also limited to underground installations, can be direct buried with or without being encased in concrete.

What does ,I,M,C, stand for?

Intermediate Metal Conduit

What does Informative Annex ,C, shows?

Maximum Number of Conductors or Fixture Wires.

What does ,R,M,C, stand for?

Rigid Metal Conduit

What does ,P,V,C, stand for?

Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit

According to article 250,118,4, ,E,M,T, can serve as an equipment grounding conductor,Truth or false ?


what do you know about Type ,A ,P,V,C,

Type ,A ,P,V,C, is a thin-walled raceway with wall thickness conforming to Schedule ,A,-,I,P,S, dimensions. Limited to underground installations, Type A ,P,V,C, conduit must be laid with its entire length in concrete.

what do you know about Type ,E,B, P,V,C,

Type ,E,B, P,V,C, is a thin-walled raceway with wall thickness designed to achieve a minimum pipe stiffness of 20 ,l,b,s, inches,. Type ,E,B, ,P,V,C, conduit, is limited to underground installations, must be laid with its entire length in concrete in outdoor trenches.

what article talks about ,I,M,C,?

article 342

what article talks about Rigid Metal Conduit, R,M,C,

article 344

what article and page number on NEC 2014 talks about Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit: Type ,P,V,C ,?

article 352, page 215

According to article 300,11,B,1, shall Raceways be used to support other raceways, cables, conductors, or non electric equipment?


Internal diameters for each electrical trade size conduit and tubing are listed in what Table of Chapter 9.

table 4

According to article 300,11,B,. can Conduits not used as raceways, support raceways if fastened securely in place with approved fittings?


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