unit 5 review

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Ignoring the Proclamation of 1763 enabled colonists to do what action in the Borderlands?


In Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence, he berated the king regarding the continued inhumanity of the slave trade.

It shows how consumer behavior drove the opposition to British policies.

How would you describe this pamphlet from Boston, 1770?

the suppression of town meetings and local elections

(Q005) Which of the following was a feature of the 1774 Intolerable Acts?

the British government raised taxes to pay for the debt it incurred during the war.

(Q009) British success in the Seven Years' War contributed to the making of the American Revolution because

virtual representation.

(Q011) When colonists insisted that because they were not represented in Parliament they could not be taxed by the British government, the British replied that they were represented by

a group of wealthy residents of the backcountry who protested the lack of courts and lack of representation in the colonial governance.

(Q018) The Carolina "Regulators" of the mid-1760s were

declared the United States independent of British rule.

(Q025) Adding to Congress's formal declaration, the Declaration of Independence

Crispus Attucks

(Q032) Who was considered "the first martyr" of the American Revolution?

enlisting them to fight with the British against the Americans

(Q041) What did Jefferson in his Declaration of Independence blame England for doing with Indians?

were a group of colonial elites who exchanged ideas and information about resistance to the Sugar, Currency, and Stamp Acts.

Committees of Correspondence in the colonies during the 1760s

(Q030) The final decisive victory in the War for Independence was

Cornwallis's defeat at Yorktown.

What happened to the Iroquois Confederacy during the American Revolutionary War?

Its members fought for both England and America.

1 End of Seven Years' War, 2 Stamp Act, 3 Townshend Duties, 4 Tea Act, 5 Declaration of Independence

Place the following events in the correct chronological order:

enroll free blacks and slaves to fight

South Carolina and Georgia were the two southern colonies that failed to take what action to help win the war?

democracy and a written constitution were more preferable to monarchy.

Thomas Paine's January 1776 pamphlet Common Sense argued that

that Parliament had the power to pass laws for all of the colonies "in all cases whatever"

What did the 1766 Declaratory Act declare?

The newspaper is ceasing publication in opposition to the Stamp Act.

What's happening in this newspaper image from October 1765?

English ideas about rights and political authority

Which of the following might be considered a precondition to the American Revolution?

New Englanders engaged in the trade in rum and slaves.

Who did the Sugar Act of 1764 impact the most?

(Q061) Some slaves gained their freedom by serving as soldiers during the Revolution.


escaped African slaves who took up arms for the king of England would be freed.

A major blow in the relationship between the British and colonists occurred when Lord Dunmore proclaimed

(Q079) The brutal treatment of civilians by British forces under Col. Banastre Tarleton persuaded many Americans to join the patriot cause.


During the Seven Years' War Great Britain treated the colonists as allies, yet only a few years later the colonists were treated as subordinates again.


in his work, A Summary View of the Rights of British America, Thomas Jefferson demanded that the British empire be viewed as a collection of equal parts held together by loyalty to a constitutional monarch, and not a system in which one part ruled over the others.


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