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Describe opportunities for participation in civic life afforded by the following:

-Voluntary associations Americans serve in voluntary associations such as religious organizations in a commitment to civic projects and they do activities such as doing community service and advocating for world peace and international human rights. -Nongovernmental organizations NGOs are classified by their focus such as disaster relief, health care, or environmental protections. Some social and service organizations also fit the definition of NGOs (such as Anti Defamation League) and they are important in civic life because they influence policy through lobbying and public education. -Service and business organizations Service and business organizations address interests like business networking or community service and members raise awareness and money for different issues. Some examples are the Jaycees and Rotary. -Voting Those who participate in civic life are more likely to vote and be informed voters. Voting is essential to participation in civic life.

How might technology improve opportunities for civic engagement in the United States?

Allows citizens to access information about government on TV and different social media

Which aspects of American constitutional democracy have been particularly influential in other countries? Which have not been influential? Why?

Aspects of American democracy influencial in other countries include- popular soverignty, individual rights, and the rule of law

Q2- Why has the Civil Rights Act of 1964 been called the most far-reaching civil rights legislation in American history?

Banned employment discrimination on basis of sex, race, riligion, or national origin Prohibits segregation in public accomodations on basis of sex, race, riligion or national origin outlawed

How was citizenship defined in the United States before and after the Fourteenth Amendment?

Before 14th Amendment- Definition of citizenship left to states 14th Amendment - clarified that all persons born in the United States are citizens.

Should the First Amendment right of individuals to freedom of speech be interpreted to give groups of individuals, such as corporations, the right to spend unlimited funds for political broadcasts supporting or opposing candidates for political office or positions on political issues if their funding is made public? Why or why not?

Buckley v. Valeo- limits on expenditure by candidates unconstitutional. Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commision- corporate funding of election broadcasts

What are some of the significant challenges posed by increasing social and cultural diversity in the United States? What opportunities do these changes present?

Challenges- some worry that diversity will cause division and tension between certain groups. Opportunities- more aspects of different cultures, such as food, clothing, etc. Also, could add to U.S. Economy

How do the rights and responsibilities of citizens differ from those of resident aliens?

Citizens- have right to vote and the responsibility to serve on jury Resident Aliens- still have responsibility to follow laws and pay taxes.

How is civil disobedience different from merely breaking the law?

Civil disobedience is breaking a law, while fully understanding and also accepting the consequences of breaking that law. The action is typically undertaken when first amendment rights such as the freedom of speech, and right to petition / assemble are exhausted.

Identify the three most important constitutional powers that Congress and the president have in the area of international relations. How do checks and balances and the separation of powers affect the exercise of those powers?

Congress- ability to regulate commerce among foreign nations and Indian Tribes. Congress- has ability to declare war and check power of executive through the power of the purse President- can negotiate treaties

Q1-What is the difference between de jure and de facto segregation?

De Jure segregation- legal segregation of people based on law De Facto Segregation- People are not legally segregated but remain segregated.

What is globalization? How does globalization affect American society and the U.S. economy?

Globalization- greater connection between countries. Effect- American society- more diversity of cultures Effect- American Economy- larger and more industries

Q2- Explain how jus soli, jus sanguinis, and residency differ as principles for defining citizenship?

Jus Soli- Any child born in country has citizenship, principle used in 14th amendment Jus Sanguinis- Children born in country's citizenship depends on the parent's citizenship

Q4- The most common reason people offer for next voting is lack of time. What suggestions do you have for solving that problem?

Mail In Ballot systems

Q3- Voting is mandatory in more than sixty countries in the world, many of them democracies. Should it be made mandatory in the United States? Explain your response.

Making voting mandatory has both cons and benefits. Some cons are that people are forced to vote if they are uneducated which can lead to an increase in voters who lack adequate civic education. A pro is that more people's voices are heard in elections and representatives more accurately represent the people.

How is citizenship through naturalization different from citizenship by birth?

Naturalization is the legal process by which a foreign citizen becomes a citizen of the United States. Naturalized citizens weren't born in the country and need to meet the criteria established by Congress in order to become citizens.

Explain what is meant by civil discourse. Why is it important? How might civil discourse be promoted in schools, the media, and political life?

Respectfull, thoughtful discussion. Not interupting others Not attacking others personally

Q2- Explain the difference between self-interest, enlightened self-interest, and the common good. Provide examples of each as related to civic engagement.

Self interest: self interest mostly refers to acting in accordance with personal benefits Ex. only doing things for your own interest such as lowering taxes to have more money Enlightened self interest: enlightened self interest as observed by Alexis Tocoqueville as Americans sacrificing money, time, and effort to better their country and community because they recognize that the good of the whole benefits them as individuals Ex. joining voluntary organizations and civic participation to better society as a whole which in turn benefits you individually or cleaning up public parks for the community and also benefiting your child Common good: the common good is a central ideal of classical republicanism and concern for the common good requires individuals to see themselves as part of a larger whole and act to benefit the larger whole. It can simply mean providing opportunities for others to have a voice in their community or larger actions like voting. Ex. raising taxes for schools

Identify ways in which technology might or might not be consistent with the fundamental principles of American constitutional democracy.

Social media allows citizens to advocate for themselves and assemble in political groups. Allows constituents to protest leaders

Explain why the United States is involved in the international arena.

Spanish American War Gaining new terrtories WW2- avoided economic turmoil Creation of UN Bretton Woods System NATO

What issues in addition to those discussed in this lesson might lead to proposals for constitutional change? Which would you favor or oppose? Why?

Term Limits- term limits are established on the President but not on representatives in Congress Voting Age- the 26th amendment sets the minnimum voting age at 18. Some have suggested that the voting age should be set lower, at 16

Why was it necessary to extend the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in 2006?

The Act would have expired in 2007, so it was necessary to extend enforcement for another 25 years.

Q3- How does the Constitution define national and state citizenship?

Under the 1787 Constitution the definition of national citizenship depended on state definitions. The 14th Amendment clarifies that all persons born in US are citizens.

Q2- What are some important differences between the Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights- important guiding ideals, not enforceable by law Bill of Rights- enforced by the United States federal government and cannot be abridged without due process.

Q3- Why do you think federalism, an American invention, has proved especially popular in other countries?

→ Federalism which is an originally American idea has been deemed to have the greatest effect on the rest of the world because it effectively maintains a limited government. By dispersing the amount of power allotted to each tier of government, the rights of the states, and the individuals are ensured. This prevents against tyranny and helps create an effective government that protects the rights of the individual. Thus, multiple other countries have instituted similar models such as the provinces which are part of the Canadian and Australian governments.

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