Unit 6 Test - Rome

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Which reason best explains why the Romans were influenced by Greeks and Etruscans?

Rome was geographically near Greece and Etruria

Look at the map. Roman added these lands to its territory as a result of

The Punic Wars

What was the outcome of Julius Caesar's battle with Pompey?

The Roman Republic ended

During the first period of Roman expansion, the Romans...

Took over the Italian Peninsula

What is the correct order of the events listed below? 1. The gospels were written. 2. Jesus was crucified. 3. Paul spread Jesus' teachings. 4. John the Baptist said the Messiah was coming.

4, 2, 3, 1

What phrase best describes Roman in the first century C.E.?

A contrast between rich and poor

Who made the decisions at Roman trials?

A jury

What was the Pax Romana?

A long peace enforced by Roman power

What is an example of a parable?

A story about a traveler helping an injured man

What are the gospels?

Accounts of Jesus' life

What did the Romans tend to do with the art forms of other cultures

Adapt them

What did spectators watch at the Circus Maximus?

Chariot races

What building material enabled the Romans to build a larger buildings than the Greeks?


What caused many fires in Rome?

Cooking grills

Read this list: - People paid high taxes. - Many people were poor. - Trade declined. The items on the list are examples of what type of problems that led to the end of the Roman empire?


What belongs in the empty area of the table?

Greek Gods

Which neighboring cultures had an early influence on Rome?

Greek and Etruscan

How did Romans learn about Greek culture?

Greek colonists settled nearby

What was one serious consequence of Rome's early expansion?

It had to maintain a large, permanent army.

What was Paul's message to non-Jews?

Jesus is the savior for everyone

According to the gospels, what did Jesus emphasize in his teachings?


Which sea did the Romans come to call "our sea"?

Mediterranean Sea

How did Rome's expansion affect the plebeians?

More plebeians had to serve in the army

Who participated in the Roman government when the Republic was first created?


According to Jesus, what would the kingdom of God be like?

People would live according to God's will.

Who made up the majority of early Roman society?


If you were in ancient Greek and traveled to Rome, what might you see that was familiar?


Why did the plebeians want laws to be written?

So the patricians couldn't change the laws too easily

Why did the Roman emperors give the poor "bread and circuses"?

So the poor wouldn't rebel

Rome was at the center of the Roman empire. What was at the center of Rome?

The Forum

The people who killed Julius Caesar wanted to give power back to the Senate, but their actions had an unexpected effect. What was it?

The beginning of a civil war

Buy 287 B.C.E., what was the balance of power between the patricians and the plebeians?

The patricians and the plebeians had roughly equal power

What is the most likely reason Americans need this statue of George Washington in the Roman style?

To give Washington nobility

In the Roman Republic, patricians referred to...

The wealthy landowners

As the empire grew, Romans were exposed to many new religions. How did they respond?

They accepted the new religions unless they threatened the emperor's power

How did the Jews differ from other people of the Roman empire?

They believed in only one God.

What was one reason early Christians were persecuted by Rome?

They denied that the emperor was a god

Why were the plebeians unhappy when the Republic was first set up?

They had no say in making the laws.

What was the function of aqueducts?

To carry water into the city

Why did the plebeians leave Rome in 494 B.C.E.?

To demand political rights

The basis of the ideal of natural law is that...

We all have rights

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