Unit 7-8 (test)

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[Complete the gaps:] - __________________________________ (Du, immer noch, haben Hunger)? -I waited _________________________ (nervös) at the door. - Please _________________________ (sei still)

- Are you still hungry - nervously - be quiet

[Translate] - (How are you today?) Besser als gestern. - Ich fühlte mich nervös

- Better than yesterday. - I felt nervous.

[Translation] - Hat es schon aufgehört zu regnen? - Die Schule macht seit dem ersten Tag Spass

- Has it stopped raining yet? (yet) - The school has been fun since the first day (since)

[Translate] - Er hat nicht laut genug gesprochen, dass ich ihn hören konnte. - Du sprichst sehr gut Englisch.

- He didn't speak loud enough that I could hear him. - You speak English very well.

[Translate] - Er klingt sehr interessant. - Es ist nicht warm genug, um zu spielen

- He sounds very interesting. - It's not warm enough to play.

[Translate] - Ich habe nich so viel Geld und nicht so viele Schuhe wie du. - Ich gehe nicht so viel aus wie du.

- I don't have as much money and as many shoes as you have. - I don't go out as much as you do.

[Translate] - Ich habe zu viel Kaffee getrunken. - Ein schneller Läufer kann schnell laufen.

- I drank too much coffee. - A faster runner can run fast.

[Translation: Present Perfect Simple + Continuous, Past Simple] - Ich habe ihm bis jetzt noch nicht zurück geschrieben. - Wann bist du in London gewesen?

- I haven't written him back yet. - When were you in London?

[Translate] - Ich habe nicht genug Geld für ein Auto. - das älteste Gebäude der Welt

- Ich habe nicht genug Geld für ein Auto. - das älteste Gebäude der Welt

[Translate] - Das schmeckt lecker. - Was ist das Ungewöhnlichste, das du je gemacht hast?

- It tastes delicious - What is the most unusual thing you have ever done?

[Translate] - Es ist der schlechteste Film, den ich je gesehen habe. - (-Wie geht es dir?) Mir geht es gut, danke

- It's the worst movie I've ever seen. - I'm fine, thank you.

[Translation] - Es ist zu weit um nach Hause zu laufen. - Diese Stadt wird immer grösser

- It's too far to walk home. - This city is getting bigger and bigger

[Translate] -(How far is it to the station? Two miles?)Nein, es ist weiter. - Es sind zu viele Leute hier

- No, it's further. - There are too many people here.

[Translation] - Der heisseste Tag des Jahres. - Sollen die reichen für die armen bezahlen?

- The hottest day of the year. - Should the rich pay for the poor?

[Translate] - Das Haus ist zu klein für eine grosse Familie. - Der Zug hielt plötzlich an.

- The house is too small for a big family. - The train suddenly stopped.

[Translation] - Der längste Fluss der Welt. - Der jüngste Schüler der Klasse.

- The longest river in the world. - The youngest pupil of the class.

[Translate] - Wir haben zu wenig Geld. - Sue's Arbeitsstelle ist schwer aber sie arbeitet auch fleissig/hart.

- We have too little money. - Sue's job is hard but she also works hard.

[Translate] - Wo ist die nächste Bank? - Der Bus war viel voller als gewöhnlich.

- Where's the next bank? - The bus was much fuller than usual.

[Complete the gaps:] - Zurich is _________________________ (etwas grösser als) Geneva. - I arrived ________________________________________ (um die selbe Zeit wie Tim). - I want to do _________________________ (etwas interessanteres) later

- a little bigger than - at the same time as Tim - something interesting

- We use so => + ....................... - We use such => + ....................

- adjective / adverb without noun - (a/an/adjective) + noun.

[Translation] - gut zeichnen - so viel wissen wie

- draw well - know as much as

[Translation] - weniger Freunde als - am wenigsten höflich (adj)

- fewer friends than - least polite

[Complete the gaps:] - The weather _________________________ (ist schön) today. - The weather today is ________________________________________ (genauso wie gestern). - He _________________________ (hat Angst vor Hunden). - It was a ____________________ (schlecht) game because our team played ____________________ (schlecht).

- is good - same as yesterday - is afraid of dogs - bad, badly

[Translation] - am wenigsten verstehen - am weitesten weg

- least understand - furthest away

- quite= .......................... •quite goes before a/an Ex. :quite a nice day / quite an old house •sometimes we use quite + noun(without adjective) Ex. quite a surprise •quite is usually used with a positive idea - rather is .......................... •rather can go before or after a / an Ex. a rather good film, rather a good film •rather is used with negative words and negative ideas

- less than 'very' but more than 'a little' - similar to quite

[Build the comparative and superlative forms of these words] - clever - good - well - bad

- more clever, most clever - better, the best - better, the best - worse, the worst

[Complete the gaps:] - Tommy is sleeping ___________________ (ruhig) at the moment. - Randy is really ___________________ (ausgezeichnet) at maths. - Sue has got a ___________________ (schrecklich) cold. - I ___________________ (kaum) know you.

- quietly - excellent - terrible - hardly

[Complete with quite and rather.] - I have been told a strange ghost story. It is ............... incredible. - What you are suggesting is ............... impossible. I am sorry. - The teacher's explanation was ........... interesting. This time I understood everything!

- quite (positive adj) - rather - quite

[Complete with quite and rather.] - I could not believe what had happened. It was ............. amazing - The people I work with are ............... unfriendly - Tom must go on a singing tour soon. He has ............... a good voice.

- quite (positive adj) - rather (negative adj) - quite (positive adj)

[Complete with quite and rather.] - John is a hard worker but he is .......... slow - It is well -paid but it is ............... a hard job. - We ............. understand what you are feeling. - Italy was the ideal place for our romantic holidays. It was ................ wonderful.

- rather (after but {negative idea}) - rather (after but {negative idea}) - quite (positive adj) - quite (positive adj)

[Complete the gaps:] - Paul is very ___________________ (klug). - I can do this test ___________________ (leicht). - Why do you write so ___________________ (langsam)? - I am going to go to bed ___________________ (früh) this evening

- smart - easily - slowly - early

[Complete with so, such or such a] - He's difficult to understand because he speaks ____________ quickly. - It was a great holiday. We had __________________ good time. - I was surprised that he looked ______________ well after his recent illness. - Everything is ______________________ expensive these days, isn't it?

- so (adv.) - such a (adj. + noun sg.) - so (adv.) - such (adj. + noun pl.)

[Complete with so, such or such a] - I didn't expect it to be _________________ a nice day. - They've got ________________ much money, they don't know what to do with it. - I can't decide what to do. It's ____________________ a problem. - The food at the hotel was _______________ awful. I've never eaten ___________ awful food.

- such (adj. + noun sg.) - such (adj. + noun pl.) - so ( noun sg.) - such (adj. without noun)

[Fill in the correct form of the adjective in brackets .] - Of all the new classmates I like Harry ...... (LITTLE). I think he is very arrogant. - Which do you think is .................. (BAD) subject in school? - Definitely maths. - Judy is ............... (PRETTY) girl in school. She's even .......... (PRETTY) than my sister. - What's ............ (FAR) you have been away from home?

- the least - the worst - the prettiest, prettier - the farthest

[Translation] Seit wie vielen Jahren sind sie zusammen? Sie haben sich letzten Monat getrennt!

For how many years have they been together? (for) They broke up last month! (last month)

Which time references also work with ago? ( an hour / Christmas / one day / December / five minutes / I was born / my last birthday / ten years / a nanosecond / 1995 / yesterday / the last time I saw you)

an hour, one day, five minutes, ten years, a nanosecond

[Translation] - Schnelle Läufer laufen schnell. - Gut bekannte Schauspieler können kaum irgendwo hingehen, ohne erkannt zu werden

- Fast runners run fast. - Well known actors can hardly go anywhere without being recognized.

[Translation] - Das unglaubliche Angebot klingt überraschend teuer. - Es tut mir schrecklich leid

- The incredible offer sounds surprisingly expensive. - I am terribly sorry

[Translation] - kaum so gross wie - schlecht gemacht

- hardly as big as - badly done

[Build the comparative and superlative forms of these words] - little - beautiful - difficult - boring

- less, the least - more beautiful, the most beautiful - more difficult, the most difficult - more boring, the most boring

[Translation] - weniger hübsch aussehen als - weit schmutziger (adj) als

- look less pretty than - much dirtier than

[present perfect simple, continuous] - Amanda ................( already/have) lunch, so she'll meet us later. - How much coffee ............... (she/drink) this morning? - Simon ......... (write) three books. - I ........ (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!

- 's already had (already und v. have) - has she drunk (this morning) - 's written (how many) - 've done (everything)

[present perfect simple, continuous] - David feels great these days. He ........... (get) up early lately. - We ............... (always/hate) rush hour traffic. - Recently, I .............. (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks. - We ..................(write) this book for months and months.

- 's been getting (sent. before has v. to be + adv.) - 've always hated (always) - 've been studying (v. study ) - 've been writing (for months and months)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - Her eyes hurt because she........... at that computer screen for hours (look) - I'm tired because I ............ a holiday for age. (have) - It ................ for hours. If it continues we won't be able to go to school tomorrow. (snow) - I hope Tom's alright. We ........... him recently. (see)

- 's been looking (for + hours) - haven't had (v. have) - 's been snowing (for + hours) - haven't seen (recently)

[present perfect simple, continuous] - I ............... (always/love) chocolate. - I ........... (want) to go back to university for a long time. - What's that delicious smell? ............... (you/cook)? - I .............. (watch) seven films this week!

- 've always loved (always) - 've wanted (v. want) - Have you been cooking (v. cook) - 've watched (this week)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - Ouch! I ............ my finger with that terrible knife again! (cut) - Sorry to arrive looking so untidy. I ........... as I missed the bus. (run) - You know your dinner is in half an hour. How many of those chocolates ...... ? (eat) - I ............... writing my first novel at last. It should be published in the summer. (finish)

- 've cut (v. cut) - 've been running (v. run) - have you eaten (v. eat) - 've finished (in +time)

[Translation] - Nach so einem ermüdenden Tag war ich so müde, dass ich kaum wach bleiben konnte. - Ich habe nicht genug Geld, weil ich nicht hart genug gearbeitet habe.

- After such a tiring day I was so tired that I could hardly stay awake. - I don't have enough money because I haven't worked hard enough.

[Translation] - Vorsichtige Fahrer fahren immer langsam und sind erstaunlich geduldig. - Ich fühle mich so glücklich, wenn ich draussen die Kinder glücklich miteinander spielen sehe.

- Cautious drivers always drive slowly and are surprisingly patient. - I feel so happy when I see the children outside playing happily together.

[Put the time references on the right into the fitting column. ( an hour / Christmas / one day / December / five minutes / I was born / my last birthday / ten years / a nanosecond / 1995 / yesterday / the last time I saw you)] - since ... - for ...

- Christmas, December, I was born, my last birthday, 1995, yesterday, the last time I saw you - an hour, one day, five minutes, ten years, a nanosecond

[Translation] - Von Februar bis Juni hatten wir keinen TV. - Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich Ihrer Firma geschrieben aber ich habe noch keine Antwort erhalten.

- From February to June we had no TV. (from..... to ......) - A few weeks ago I wrote to your company but I haven't received an answer yet. (ago/ yet)

[Translation] - Bist du schon einmal Auto gefahren (selber)? - Wo hast du als Kind gewohnt?

- Have you ever driven a car? (ever) - Where did you live as a child? (as a child)

[Complete the adjective order exercises by putting the words into the correct order to make a correctly ordered sentence] - red / drives / a / truck / Australian / he / big - these / old / I / replace/ shoes / must / cheap - such / old / a / man / he / is / kind - lovely / is / she / a / wearing / red / dress / new

- He drives a big, red, Australian truck. - I must replace these cheap, old shoes. - He is such a kind, old man. - She is wearing a lovely, new, red dress.

[Translation] - Er ist seit acht Jahren mit Jenny verheiratet und immer noch glücklich. - Gehst du zur Bank? Nein, ich bin gestern gegangen.

- He has been married to Jenny for eight years and is still happy. (for + marry) - Are you going to the bank? No, I left yesterday. (yesterday)

[Translation] - Ich habe am Wochenende drei Goldmedaillen gewonnen. - Peter ist schon sieben Mal in Österreich gewesen

- I have won three gold medals this weekend. (this weekend) - Peter has already been to Austria seven times (already)

[Translation: Present Perfect Simple + Continuous, Past Simple] - Ich bin erschöpft. Ich putze das Hause seit heute Mittag. - Die Inkas haben sehr viel Gold gesammelt.

- I'm exhausted. I've been cleaning the house since noon today. - The Incas have collected a lot of gold.

[Translation] - Jane ist gelangweilt. Sie hat eine langweilige Arbeit. - Ich bin müde und ich werde hungrig

- Jane is bored. She has a boring job. - I'm tired and I get hungry.

[Translation: Present Perfect Simple + Continuous, Past Simple] - Martha ist nicht hier. Sie ist einkaufen gegangen. - Es hat kurz aufgehört zu regnen, doch hat es wieder begonnen. Nun regnet es seit einer Stunde.

- Martha's not here. She has gone shopping. - It has stopped raining for a moment, but it has started again. Now it has been raining for an hour.

[Complete the adjective order exercises by putting the words into the correct order to make a correctly ordered sentence] - face / my / watch / has / red / a / round / big - dining / an / bought / wooden / antique / he / table - wearing / my / I / love / pants / black / comfortable / cotton

- My watch has a big, round, red face. - He bought an antique, wooden, dining table. - I love wearing my comfortable, black, cotton pants.

[Translation] - Seit ihrem Unfall liest sie Tag und Nacht. - Ich lernte meinen Freund vor 4 Jahren in Frankreich kennen

- She's been reading day and night since her accident. (since + read) - I have got to know my friend 4 years ago in France (ago)

[Translation] - Je mehr ich darüber nachdenke, umso weniger gefällt es mir. - leichter (adj) als

- The more I think about it, the less I like it. - lighter than

[Fill in the gaps with the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets to complete the following sentences in English] - ...... person is Henry; he never tells a lie. (credible) - For many years, the Beatles were .......... group. (popular) - It's ............... town I've ever seen. (ugly) - Winter was ................ time for us. (bad)

- The most credible - the most popular - the ugliest - the worst

[Translation: Present Perfect Simple + Continuous, Past Simple] - Heute ist nicht das erste Mal, das wir hier Englisch haben. - (Wo bist du gewesen?) Weist du wie lange ich dich schon suche?

- Today isn't the first time that we' ve had English here. - (Where have you been?) Do you know how long I've been looking for you?

[Complete the adjective order exercises by putting the words into the correct order to make a correctly ordered sentence] - a / meal / Indian / we / had / delicious - lives / a / lovely / apartment / she / modern / in - garden / beautiful / he / porcelain / has / a / Italian / statue / in / his

- We had a delicious, Indian meal. - She lives in a lovely, modern apartment - He has a beautiful, Italian, porcelain statue in his garden.

[Translation: Present Perfect Simple + Continuous, Past Simple] - 'Was ist das (dort)?' 'Es ist ein Schirm.' - Dein Haar sieht gut aus. Bist du beim Coiffeur gewesen? - Wie lange hast du als Kind in Gossau gewohnt?

- What's that? It's an umbrella. - Your hair looks good. Have you been to the hairdresser? - How long did you live in Gossau as a child?

[Use the following information to write full sentences. Use either the past simple or present perfect] - You / go to Spain / when / ? - You / speak to a film star / ever / ? - You / spend a lot of money / last month / ? - She / say anything / so far / ? - Laura / not have a holiday / this year / why / ?

- When did you go to Spain? (when) - Have you ever spoken to a film star? - Did you spend a lot of money last month? (last month) (so far) - Has She said anything so far? - Why hasn't Laura had a holiday this year. (this year)

[Translation] - Ihr spricht miteinander, seit die Lektion begonnen hat. - Tim hat gestern seine Schlüssel verloren und sucht sie seither

- You've been talking since the lesson has started. (since) - Tim lost his keys yesterday and has been looking for them ever since. (yesterday/ look + since)

[Order of Adjectives Exercise] - He has ________________(silver / old / beautiful / a)ring. - We ate ________________(green / English / round / some) apples. - I need __________________(computer / comfortable / a)desk. - They went on holiday to __________________(small / wooden / a / beautiful) cabin.

- a beautiful old silver - some round green English - a comfortable computer - a beautiful small wooden

[Order of Adjectives Exercise] - We wanted ______________ (grey/ a /metal)table. - They bought _____________ (red / a / new) car. - She went home and sat on _______________(comfortable / her /wooden/ old)bed. - He bought _________________ (woollen / a / British/ fabulous)suit.

- a grey metal - a new red - comfortable old wooden - a fabulous British woollen

[Order of Adjectives Exercise] - She bought ________________ (plastic / red / a / new)plastic lunchbox. - He is looking for _________________(leather / stylish / a /black) bag. - She dropped __________________(old / beautiful / the)plate and it smashed. - I want __________________(silk / green / an/amazing) dress.

- a new red plastic - a stylish black leather - the beautiful old - an amazing green silk

[Translation] - etwa halb so viele Probleme - am bequemsten (adj)

- about half as many problems - most comfortable

[Adjective Order Quiz] - The cookies that you ________ . (smell delicious baked / baked smell delicious / delicious smell baked) - Is it ________ ? (cold getting outside / getting cold outside / getting outside cold) - The course you are ________ .(taking sounds interesting / sounds interesting taking / interesting sounds taking) - My uncle wore a ________ to the wedding. (silk blue tie / tie blue silk / blue silk tie) - Have you met that _____ next door? ( cute boy new / cute new boy / new boy cute)

- baked smell delicious - getting cold outside - taking sounds interesting - blue silk tie - cute new boy

[Complete the following sentences with the correct form (comparative or superlative) of the adverb provided] - My daughter cooks ______________________________(well) than I do, but my husband cooks ________________________________ (well) of all of us. - Rene speaks ______________________________ (fluently) of all the ESL students in the class. -The teacher arrived ____________________________(late) than the students.

- better, the best - the most - late

[Order of Adjectives Exercise] - They have _______________ (Dutch/ black)bicycles. - He wants ________________ (some /French / delicious/ really) cheese. - ________________ (young / a / pretty) girl walked into the room. - He has _______________ (a lot of/ old / interesting) books

- black Dutch - some really delicious French - A pretty young - a lot of interesting old

[Build the comparative and superlative forms of these words] - cheap - lucky - serious - slowly

- cheaper, the cheapest - luckier, the luckiest - More serious, Most serious - more slowly, most slowly

[Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives given.] -That TV set is the ................. of all. (cheap) - You are ........ here than there. (safe) - Fifi is ............... than Kate. (pretty) - This is the .............film I have ever seen. (exciting)

- cheapest - safer - prettier - most exciting

[Adjective Order Quiz] - He was wearing a ________ shirt. (dirty old flannel / flannel old dirty / old dirty flannel) - Pass me the ________ cups. ( plastic big blue / big blue plastic / big plastic blue) - All the girls fell in love with the ________ teacher. (handsome new American / American new handsome / new handsome American) - I used to drive ________ car. (a blue old German / an old German blue / an old blue German) - He recently married a ________ woman. (young beautiful Greek / beautiful young Greek / beautiful Greek young)

- dirty old flannel - big blue plastic - handsome new American - an old blue German - beautiful young Greek

[Complete the sentences using the past simple, the present perfect simple / continuous, or the correct time reference.] - They____________________________ (sich verlieben) with each other ____________________________ (beim ersten Blick). - I know I'm red and sweaty. Look at me in my sweat pants! I ____________________________ (joggen). - I'm sorry, I ____________________________ (vergessen) your name. What is it again?

- fell in love, at first sight - was jogging - have forgotten (forgotten)

[Translation] - fünf mal schlechter - drei mal so gross wie

- five times worse - three times as big as

[Complete the sentences using the past simple, the present perfect simple / continuous, or the correct time reference.] - She's very red. I think she ____________________________ (sein) in the sun too long. - Raschid ____________________________ (gerade bestehen) his driving test. - Karen ____________________________ (lernen) Italian ____________________________ (seit drei Jahren). - A famous film star ____________________________ (kommen) to the school in 1985.

- has been (v. be) - has just passed (just) - has been studying (v. study), for three years - came (in 1985)

[Complete the gaps with the fitting tenses(present perfect or past simple) and the time phrases(use since, for, or ago).] - Hugh___________________(be) on a world trip (seit Juli) ___________________ . - Mary ___________________(save) her money (schon langer Zeit) ___________________ . - I ___________________(not eat anything) (seit dem Frühstück) ___________________ . - You ___________________(start) chatting (vor 10 Sekunden) ___________________ !

- has been (v. be), since July - saved, a long time ago - haven't eaten (v. eat), since breakfast - started, 10 seconds ago

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - Tony ........... with his uncle recently while he looks for a new apartment. (live) - I ............ English for over twelve years now. (learn) - That's a really nice watch you have Greg. How long ................. it? (have) - My local hockey team are an embarrassment to everyone. The season finishes in two weeks and they ............. a single game!! (not win)

- has been living (while) - 've been learning (for + now) - have you had (v. have) - haven't won (in +time)

[present perfect simple, continuous] - She ............. puddings all day. (make) - How many puddings .... she ..... ? (make) - What ........ you ..... ? You are so dirty! (do) - Why are you crying? I ................ a film. (watch)

- has been making (all day) - has; made (v. make) - have; been doing (the answer of question has adj.) - have been watching (the answer of question has adj.)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - It (rain) ..................... all day today. - This strategy seems to be good. Sales of our products (increase) ........... for some time. - The manager (visit) .......... our branch office three time so far this year. - Paul, (you/be) .......... to Egypt?

- has been raining (all day) - have been increasing (some time) - has visited (so far) - have you been (v. to be)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - Beatrice .............. for half an hour. (read) - Laura ........... five letters. (write) - I .......... on this project for less than an hour, so I still ................ all the documents. (work, prepare) - Ralph is very tired because he ................. for 26 hours. (sleep)

- has been reading (for +hours) - has written (How many) - have been working (for + hours), have not prepared (after so) - has not slept (adj. tired)

[Complete the sentences using the past simple, the present perfect simple / continuous, or the correct time reference.] - Jack ____________________________ (versuchen) to get a job ____________________________ (seit sechs Monate). Perhaps he will find one soon. - The teacher ____________________________ (bereits, sagen) him to be quiet. - Tim ____________________________ (nicht, machen) many photos yet. - Oh no! I ____________________________ (lassen) my purse at home.

- has been trying (v. try), for six months - has already told (already) - hasn't taken (yet) - have left (Oh no!)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - Martin (date) ........ three girls this week. - How long (wait / you) ............ for us? - I ............... this room all morning and now I'm exhausted! (clean) - Hurry up Jane! You ......... only .............. two questions and we have to write the answers to five. (write)

- has dated (this week) - have you been waiting (v. wait) - 've been cleaning (all morning) - 've, written (How many)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - She's in the kitchen preparing the food for the party. So far she (make) .......... about 20 sandwiches. - I (like) .............. football ever since I first watched Liverpool play when I was eight years old. - Our neighbours (make) ......... a noise all day. - The price of petrol (go down) .............. since last April.

- has made (so far) - have liked (v. like) - have been making ( all day) - has been going down. (since)

[present perfect simple, continuous] - Joy ............ you a letter. Look! (send) - I ....... windows since lunch time. It's so exhausting. (clean) - I can see that you ........ the windows in the hall and in the kitchen. (clean) - You .............. in the garden so long. You should take a rest now. (work)

- has sent (Look!) - have been cleaning (since) - have cleaned (no time) - have been working (v. work)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - Niall (watch) ......... the film seven times - I (paint) .............. this room for five days now. It's a never-ending job. - How long (you/know) .......... Mike? - I (had) ............. this watch for twenty years. It's as accurate as it was the day I bought it.

- has watched - have been painting (for + now) - have you known (v. know) - have had (v. have)

[present perfect simple, continuous] - How many years ............ he this car? (have) - ........................(you/buy) your train ticket yet? - The kitchen is a complete mess! What .............. (the children/do)? 3) Julie .......... (learn) to drive for six years!

- has; had (v. have) - Have you bought (yet) - have the children been doing (sent. before has v. to be + adj.) - 's been learning (v. learn)

[present perfect simple, continuous] - It ....... (not/rain) all summer, so the garden is dead. - I ............... (read) your book. Here it is, thank you. - She .......... (forget) how to get to my house. - I ............... (work) in the garden all day and I need a rest.

- hasn't rained (all summer) - 've read ('s forgotten) - 's forgotten (v. forget) - 've been working (all day)

[Complete the gaps with the fitting tenses(present perfect or past simple) and the time phrases(use since, for, or ago).] - I ___________________(be) in KSBG (seit diesem Sommer) ___________________ . - Sue ___________________(leave) class (vor 2 Minuten) ___________________ . - Fred and Frida ___________________(work) in the book store(seit 2000) ___________________ . - Joe and Jim ___________________(finish) school (vor 10 Jahren) ___________________ .

- have been (v. be), since this summer - left, 2 minutes ago - have been working (v. work), since 2000 - finished, 10 years ago

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - We are exhausted because we (do) ....... exercise all morning. - Edward feels a bit unsteady because he (cycle/not) ............. for five years. - How long (you/work) .............. for this company? - The kids (finish/not)................... their homework yet.

- have been doing (all morning) - has not cycled (v. cycle) - have you been working (v. work) - have not finished (yet)

[Complete the gaps with the fitting tenses(present perfect or past simple) and the time phrases(use since, for, or ago).] - We ___________________(live) here (seit 2 Monaten) ___________________ . - Tim and Tina ___________________(learn) English (gestern) ___________________ . - Charles___________________(live) in England(seit seiner Geburt) ___________________ . - I ___________________ (love) you (seit ich dir das erste Mal begegnet bin) __________________ .

- have been living (v. live), for 2 months - learned, yesterday - has been living (v. live), since his birth - have loved (v. love), since the first time I met you

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - I (play) .............. football for five years. - My team (win / only) ........ two matches so far. - The others (be / always) .............. better. - Are we not there yet? We (walk) ........ for hours.

- have been playing (v. play) - has only won (so far) - have always been (always) - have been walking (for + hours)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - The office is really busy. The phones .......... all day. (ring) - ............... any of Alan Bennett's work? (read) - They're tired because they ............. over thirty miles today. (cycle) - We ................ for over half an hour and there's still no sign of the bus. (wait)

- have been ringing (all day) - Have you read (v. read) - 've cycled (v. cycle ) - 've been waiting (for + hours)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - I (study) ................ all day, but I am afraid I (learn/not) ........................ much. - Andrew (eat) .................. two bars of chocolate today. - The boy's clothes are dirty because he (play) ......... in the mud. - I (arrive/just) .................. at the station.

- have been studying (all day), have not learnt (2. sentence) - has eaten (today) - has been playing (v. play) - have just arrived (just)

[present perfect simple, continuous] - We can go home. We ........ three cars today. (mend) - We ............... cars since 1 o'clock and we aren't finished. (repair) ............... - Fortunately, I ......... my credit card. Here it is. (find) - I ........ my keys since we came home. Where are they?! (look for)

- have mended (how many) - have been repairing (since) - have found (v. find) - have been looking for (since)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - I (never/be) ............. to Sweden. - How long (you/live) .......... in this house? - Hi, John. Sorry I'm late. I hope you (not/wait) ............... long. - So, Michael, what (you/do) .............. since I last saw you? Anything interesting?

- have never been (never) - have you been living (v. live) - haven't been waiting (v. wait) - have you been doing (since)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - But we (cover / only) .......... an area of five miles so far. - I (finish/just) ................ my homework. - I (work) .............. on this essay since two o'clock. - Jane (go out) ............... with Bob for seven years.

- have only covered (so far) - have just finished (just) - have been working (since) - has been going out (v. go)

[Present perfect simple and continuous] - How long (you/have) ................. that car, David? - I (know) ..................... Jana for ten years. We're best friends. - Sorry I'm late, Peter. (you/wait) .............. long? - How long (you/play) ................... the guitar? - Five years.

- have you had (v. have) - have known (v. know) - Have you been waiting (v. wait) - have you been playing (v. play)

[Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given] - A rock is .................. than a leaf. (heavy) - Our house is .......... than yours. (big) - The princess is ............ than the witch. (beautiful) - Tom is a ............. student than Mary. (good)

- heavier - bigger - more beautiful - better

[Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives given.] - Elephants are the .... animals. (heavy) - Let's pick the ............... apple of the tree. (big) - Mary is the ............ girl in the class. (thin) - That is the ....... sofa in our house. (comfortable)

- heaviest - biggest - thinnest - most comfortable

[Order of Adjectives Exercise] - She drank _______________ (Italian / black / hot)coffee. - He saw _______________ (French / writing / old / an) desk. - They stayed in ________________ (little / a / cute) cottage. - I visited _________________(ancient / a / spooky / German) castle.

- hot black Italian - an old French writing - a cute little - a spooky ancientGerman

[Comparative Adjectives] - Amanda is ............. (ambitious) than her classmates. - My garden is a lot ........ (colourful) than this park. - His house is a bit ...............(comfortable) than a hotel. - Tim is ............ than Peter. (talented)

- more ambitious - more colourful - more comfortable - more talented

[Complete the following sentences with the correct form (comparative or superlative) of the adverb provided] - I drive ____________________________________ (carefully) than my husband. - Angela works ______________________________ (hard) than I do, but our secretary works ________________________________ (hard) of all of us. - Anita sings _______________________________ (beautifully) of all the people in the choir.

- more carefully - harder, the hardest - the most beautifully

[Complete the following sentences with the correct form (comparative or superlative) of the adverb provided] - Our teacher explains the lessons ____________________________ (clearly) than your teacher. - Robert arrived at the meeting ______________________________ (early) than Francis. - Ken arrived _________________________________ (early) of them all. - Teenagers usually drive ______________________________ (fast) than their parents.

- more clearly - earlier - the earliest - faster

[Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives given.] - This armchair is ........... than the old one. (comfortable) - Trains are ........ than Aeroplanes. (slow) - I bought the.............. souvenir I could afford. (expensive) - In this classroom, there are .......... girls than boys. (many) - Ann is the ............ child in the family. (young)

- more comfortable - slower - most expensive - more - youngest

[Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives given.] - Computers are ......... than telephones. (expensive) - I think golf is ........than football. (boring) - It is the ............ shop in town. (large) - Monday is the .......... day of the week. (bad)

- more expensive - more boring - largest - worst

[Comparative Adjectives] - Dogs are ....... (intelligent) than rabbits. - In the UK, the streets are generally .... (narrow) than in the USA - London is .......... (busy) than Glasgow. - Julie is ......... (quiet) than her sister.

- more intelligent - narrower - busier - quieter

[Fill in the correct form of the adjective in brackets .] - You look worried. - What's wrong ? - Well my new motorcycle needs ................. (MUCH) petrol than I thought. That means I have ............ (LITTLE) money than I should have. - The tsunami of 2004 was .......... (HORRIBLE) disaster in history. - The computer was .......... (EXPENSIVE) than I had thought.

- more, less - the most Horrible -more expensive

[Adjective Order Quiz] - Andrea had a ________ in her hair yesterday. (nice yellow bow / yellow nice bow / bow nice yellow) -. She lost a ________ . (small white cat / cat small white / white small cat) - I bought ________ oranges. (great some big / big great some / some great big) - We met ________ people at the conference. (very smart two / two very smart / very two smart) - The clown was wearing a ________ hat. ( big green-yellow / big green and yellow / yellow and green big)

- nice yellow bow - small white cat - some great big - two very smart - big green and yellow

[Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives given.] - Ben was the ....... person in his family. (noisy) - Sam is the in the ................ class. (popular) - Which is the ............... subject at school? (difficult) - Jim is the ................. player in the football team. (good)

- noisiest - most popular - most difficult - best

[Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given] - Bicycles are ...... than motorbikes. (safe) - July is ...... than January. (hot) - A lion is ..... than a cat. (dangerous) - Helen is ............. than Mary. (happy)

- safer - hotter - more dangerous - happier

[Fill in the correct form of the adjective in brackets .] - I am a bit ..... (TALL) than my ......... (OLD) brother, but he is 5 years ............... (OLD) than I am. - I am getting ...... (GOOD) at tennis all the time. - Even though the test is next week I am getting ............. (NERVOUS) by the day.

- taller, elder, older - better - more nervous

[Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative of the words provided.] - January is _____________________ (cold) month of the year. - Mrs. Pedrido speaks _______________________(fluent) than her husband, but her daughter speaks _______________________ (fluent) of the whole family. - December 21 is the ________________(short) day of the year. It is ______________ (short) than any other. - Andrew is __________________ (fast) runner on the team.

- the coldest - more fluently, the most fluently - shortest, shorter - the fastest

[Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative of the words provided.] - This is ___________________________ (fancy) dress I own. - In my opinion, a deer moves ____________________ (graceful) of all the animals. - The politician spoke ________________ (loud) than was necessary. - When we travel, my suitcase is always _______________ (heavy) than my husband's

- the fanciest - the most gracefully - louder - heavier

[Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative of the words provided.] - Bonnie works ___________________(hard) of all the employees in the office. - This book is _____________________ (interesting) than the one I read last week. - Daniel drives ____________________________ (careful) than his father. - Judy goes to the library ____________________ (often) than I do.

- the hardest - more interesting - more carefully - more often

[Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative of the words provided.] - This apartment is __________________(convenient) of all the apartments I have seen. - Annie usually gets up ________________(early) than her sister. - Max finished the homework _________________ (fast) than anyone else in the class. - A turtle moves _____________________(slow) than a rabbit.

- the most convenient - earlier 4 - faster - slower

[Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative of the words provided.] - That gold necklace is ____________________(expensive) one in the whole store. - This is _____________________ (bad) movie I have ever seen. - Shaun sings even __________________(beautiful) than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has ___________________ (beautiful) voice I've ever heard

- the most expensive - the worst - more beautifully / the most beautiful

[Fill in the gaps with the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets to complete the following sentences in English] - Mr Brown is .............. tutor in our university. (experienced) -.................. pupils should be paid more attention. (good) - ................. film we've ever seen is "Enter the Dragon". (interesting) - It was Chris who wrote .......... composition. (brilliant)

- the most experienced - The best - The most interesting - the most brilliant

[Fill in the gaps with the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets to complete the following sentences in English] - Ann is ............ student in our group. (hard-working) - James is .............. person in our office. (open-minded) - Egypt is one of ...... countries in the world. (old) - Canada is the second ............ country in the world. (large)

- the most hard-working - the most open-minded - the oldest - largest

[Fill in the gaps with the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets to complete the following sentences in English] - Helen is ....... girl I've ever met. (kind-hearted) - That was .............. mistake. (stupid) - I think England has .............. weather in the world. (changeable) - ............... hotel in Poznan is "Polonez". (comfortable)

- the most kind-hearted - the most stupid - the most changeable - The most comfortable

[Fill in the gaps with the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets to complete the following sentences in English] - Spring is ............... season of the year. (pleasant) - Tom's room is ......... of all. (clean) - Of all Polish writers, Sienkiewicz is .................... one. (great) - Jim is ............... pupil in my class. (difficult)

- the most pleasant - the cleanest - the greatest - the most difficult

[Complete the sentences using the past simple, the present perfect simple / continuous, or the correct time reference.] - Rafael ____________________________ (gehen) shopping for me yesterday. - Sandra ____________________________ (leihen) her brother £200 __________________________ (bis jetzt). - The policemen ____________________________ (wegfahren) _______________________ (vor zehn Minuten). - The biscuit factory ____________________________ (schliessen) last year.

- went (yesterday) - has lent, so far - drove away, ten minutes ago. - closed down

[Adjective Order Quiz] - This is a ________ movie. (new Italian wonderful / wonderful Italian new / wonderful new Italian) - She is a ________ supermodel. (beautiful slim Brazilian / Brazilian beautiful slim / slim Brazilian beautiful) - It's in the ________ container. (large blue metal / blue large metal / blue metal large) - He sat behind a ________ desk. (big wooden brown / big brown wooden / wooden big brown) - She gave him a ________ vase. (small Egyptian black / black Egyptian small / small black Egyptian)

- wonderful new Italian - beautiful slim Brazilian - large blue metal - big brown wooden - small black Egyptian

[Translation] - langsamer arbeiten als - viel besser (adj) als

- work slower than - much better than

[Build the comparative and superlative forms of these words] - badly - far - old - many

- worse, the worst - further/farther, the furthest/the farther - older, the oldest - more, the most

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