Unit 7

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Based on the surrounding context in the line "That hills and valleys, dale and field," what is the most likely meaning of the word "dale"

A glen or sheltered place

What rhyme scheme is used for "Sonnet 75"


The line "The flowers do fade, and wanton fields/To wayward Winter reckoning yields" best illustrates which literary device


What was the name for the sign at cycle/sequence which Edmund Spenser created


How is "Sonnet 75" organized

An octave followed by a sestet

What is the speakers attitude throughout the poem

Bitter and cynical

Select a choice on the left which best paraphrase is the meaning of "Sonnet 30"


Who wrote "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"

Christopher Marlowe

What does the shepherd invite his love to do

Come live with him

Edmund Spenser uses a continuous metaphor throughout "Sonnet 30" wherein ice and fire are used to represent emotions. What literary device does this exemplify


Which best describes the "Nymph" response to the Shepherd

Conditional consideration

What style of language is typical for a pastoral poem

Courtly language

Which of the following most accurately embodies the imagery used in "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd"

Decay and destruction

Using the surrounding context, which best defines the word "subdue" as used in line 13 of "Sonnet 75"


What is the speakers attitude in "Sonnet 75"


What is the attitude of the woman towards the end in "Sonnet 75"


The lines "Thy belt of straw and ivy-buds,/Thy coral clasps and amber studs,—" demonstrate what kind of rhyme

Exact rhyme

What is the speakers attitude toward nature in "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"

Exalted praise

What does the speaker use as a symbol for his passion


Why did Edmund Spenser leave Ireland

He was run out by Irish rebels

What overall tone is expressed by the speaker in "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"

Hopeful longing

What kind of meter is used in "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd"

Iambic tetrameter

What word best describes the speakers presentation of nature in "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"


Which of the following is characteristic of an Edmund Spenser donnet

It ends positively

Which of the following is true of pastoral poetry

It was one of the primary influential forms of writing during the renaissance

What happens each time the speaker writes the woman's name in "Sonnet 75"

It washed away by the waves

What is the speakers conclusion about love

Love does not follow natural laws

Which of the following is an appropriate theme for "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"

Love is deeper than material wealth

Which is the most accurate paraphrase of the highlighted line in Raleigh's "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd"

Material, outward expressions of love don't last

What tone best describes a pastoral poem

Naïve optimism

What literary device is evident in the following line: "But came the tide and made my pains his prey"


What would one expect regarding usage of rhyme in a pastoral poem

Rhyme is consistent and precise

Which best describes the rhyme scheme of "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"

Rhyming couplets

What is a paradox

Seemingly contradictory ideas which reveal a truth

What literary device does Spencer use in the opening line of "Sonnet 30"


Marlowe's choice of the word "madrigals" instead of "songs" in stanza 2 demonstrates which aspect of pastoral poetry

Specialized diction

Which best characterizes the kind of meter found in a pastoral poem

Strict and formal

What pastoral elements are present in "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd"

Strict meter and rhyme

During what time period did Spenser write "Sonnet 75"

The Renaissance

Identify the most accurate paraphrase of "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd"

The nymphs projects the shepherds proposal and points out the unreliable aspects of nature/love

What is the most celebrated form of English poetry

The sonnet

Which of the following is true of the sonnet as a poetic form in relation to Edmund Spenser

The sonnet was a known form in Italy prior to Edmund Spenser using it

What can a reader infer from the title "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"

The speaker of the poem is professing his love

Which best describes the shift that occurs in the third stanza of "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"

The speaker shifts from telling what they will see to what he can provide for his love

What was a unique feature of Edmund Spenser's sonnets

They had a new rhyme scheme

What does the speaker protect for those things which are lesser than the woman he loves

They will die and decay

What problem does the "Nymph" express about the gowns, shoes, and clothing articles she is offered by the Shepherd

They will not last

Select the line that best paraphrases the intention of Marlowe's Shepherd

To persuade his romantic interest to join his way of life

Which of the following would NOT likely be found in a pastoral poetry

Worker suffering as they tend the land

Identify the lines the best exemplify pastoral writing:

"By shallow rivers, to whose falls/Melodious birds sing madrigals"

Which of the following is an example of a simile in Spenser's "Sonnet 75"

"For I myself shall like to this decay"

Which of the following lines from Edmund Spenser's "Sonnet 30" is an example of a paradox

"My love is like to ice, and I to fire"

Which line indicates the shift in "Sonnet 75"

"Not so (quod I); let baser things devise

Which line indicates a shift in Spenser's "Sonnet 30"

"What more miraculous thing may be told"

Select the best paraphrase of Spenser's "Sonnet 75"


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