Unit 7 English Test

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Which line from "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" best gives the reader a sense of the regional flavor of the Old West?

"A few of the committee had urged hanging him as a possible example."

How do Tom Simson and Piney Woods bring out the best in the outcasts?

They offer an image of innocence, young love, and hope.

What seems to be the most dominant reason why Douglass wrote his autobiography My Bondage and My Freedom?

To show that Blacks were as capable and as human as Whites.

What is the theme of "An Episode of War" by Stephen Crane?

War can result in victims of circumstance.

In My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass, why does Mrs. Auld follow her husband's advice to stop teaching Douglass to read?

Wives were expected to obey their husbands.

Who is the protagonist, or main character, of "An Episode of War" by Stephen Crane?

a Civil War lieutenant

How does Lee feel about secession?

He compares it to a revolution

How does Lee feel about secession?

He compares it to a revolution.

What is the best explanation for why John Oakhurst writes his suicide note on the deuce (two) of clubs?

He faces life like a game of cards; he lost with a low card.

Which statement best describes Mr. Oakhurst's view of life?

He sees life as a game in which the dealer has the better odds.

What do Uncle Billy's actions say about his character?

He truly is an immoral man who selfishly only cares about himself.

What idea does Stephen Crane explore in "An Episode of War"?

the cruel reality of war

What is the main difference between Tom and Piney, and the other outcasts?

They are innocent, while the outcasts are experienced or corrupt.

Read the following excerpt from the Gettysburg Address. "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. . . .that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." What vision of the nation does Lincoln describe at the end of his speech?

A free nation of, by, and for the people.

Which is the best summary of the plot of "An Episode of War" by Stephen Crane?

A soldier must live with the awful consequences of war.

When did Abraham Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address?

At a battlefield cemetery dedication

When did Abraham Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address?

At a battlefield cemetery dedication.

Why are Piney and the Duchess described as sleeping beneath the white snow, which covers "all human stain" in a "spotless mantle [cloak]"?

Because in death both women look pure and sinless.

Read the passage. From "An Episode of War" by Stephen Crane: "When the wound was disclosed the doctor fingered it disdainfully . 'Humph,' he said. 'You come along with me and I'll 'tend to you.' His voice contained the same scorn as if he were saying: 'You will have to go to jail.' The lieutenant had been very meek, but now his face flushed, and he looked into the doctor's eyes. 'I guess I won't have it amputated,' he said. 'Nonsense, man! Nonsense! Nonsense!' cried the doctor. 'Come along, now. I won't amputate it. Come along. Don't be a baby.' Which statement from the doctor suggests his Naturalistic lack of emotion in dealing with the lieutenant?

Don't be a baby.

Read the excerpt From My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass: " I had been cheated. I saw through the attempt to keep me in ignorance . . . The feeding and clothing me well, could not atone for taking my liberty from me. The smiles of my mistress could not remove the deep sorrow that dwelt in my young bosom." What is the main idea from this passage?

Kindness, food, and clothing are no substitute for freedom.

In "Letter to His Son," why does Robert E. Lee say that he is reluctant to fight?

Lee's loyalty is torn between the Union and his home state of Virginia.

Toward the end of the story, Josephine says to Mrs. Mallard that by staying alone in her room, "You will make yourself ill." Why is this an example of irony?

Mrs. Mallard actually starts to feel better in her room.

Read the passage. From "The Story of an Hour" When she abandoned herself, a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under her breath: "free, free, free!" The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. Her pulse beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body. Which best describes what is happening in this passage?

Mrs. Mallard experiences relief upon her husband's death.

When Mr. Mallard dies, why do his friend and Mrs. Mallard's sister take care to break the news to Mrs. Mallard as gently as possible?

Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble.

Which best describes the view of Naturalism?

People's lives are controlled by forces beyond their understanding or control.

What influence would "An Episode of War" most likely have on its readers?

Readers might become more sympathetic to the effects of war.

At the end of the story, the doctors believe that Mrs. Mallard has died of "joy that kills." They believe her death is caused by happiness at seeing her husband alive. What is ironic about this assumption?

She actually dies of seeing her freedom disappear at the return of her husband.

Read the passage. From My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass Mrs. Auld was an apt woman, and the advice of her husband, and her own experience, soon demonstrated, to her entire satisfaction, that education and slavery are incompatible with each other. What does Douglass mean when he describes Mrs. Auld as apt?

She adapted to new circumstances by convincing herself that she agreed with her husband's views.

Read the passage. From "The Story of an Hour" When she abandoned herself, a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under her breath: "free, free, free!" The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. Her pulse beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body. What related issue is being suggested by Mrs. Mallard's demeanor?

She is seeing the positive side of her husband's death.

What does Mrs. Mallard do when she hears that her husband has been killed?

She weeps and goes to her room.

Mrs. Mallard's initial reaction to her husband's death is grief. What is the first indication to the reader that Mrs. Mallard has a change of heart about her husband's death?

She whispers, "free, free, free!"

Read the passage. From My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass: "Although slavery was a delicate subject, and very cautiously talked about among grownup people in Maryland, I frequently talked about it—and that very freely—with the white boys. I would, sometimes, say to them, . . . 'I wish I could be free, as you will be when you get to be men.' . . . Words like these, I observed, always troubled them." What does this passage reveal about society's influences at the time?

Slavery was a subject that should not be discussed in polite company

Read the passage. From My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass: "Although slavery was a delicate subject, and very cautiously talked about among grownup people in Maryland, I frequently talked about it—and that very freely—with the white boys. I would, sometimes, say to them, . . . 'I wish I could be free, as you will be when you get to be men.' . . . Words like these, I observed, always troubled them." What does this passage reveal about society's influences at the time?

Slavery was a subject that should not be discussed in polite company.

What philosophical argument does Chopin make in her story called "The Story of an Hour"?

Society represses women.

In My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass, which has the greatest influence on the Aulds' actions and attitudes?

The need of slaveholders to limit slaves' access to information.

n My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass, which has the greatest influence on the Aulds' actions and attitudes?

The need of slaveholders to limit slaves' access to information.

Why is the town of Poker Flat banishing some of its residents?

The town committee considers them immoral and responsible for some bad luck.

What is irony?

a contradiction between appearance and reality

Which is not a characteristic of Romanticism?

bleak reality

In My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass, which had the greatest influence on Douglass's belief that all people deserved to be free?


Read the passage From My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass. "When I went into their family, it was the abode of happiness and contentment. The mistress of the house was a model of affection and tenderness. Her fervent piety and watchful uprightness made it impossible to see her without thinking and feeling—'that woman is a Christian.'" Which adjectives best characterize the Aulds' home during Douglass's early childhood as described in the passage?

contented and upright

Read the excerpt from "Letter to His Son" by Robert E. Lee: "Still, a Union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets, and in which strife and civil war are to take the place of brotherly love and kindness, has no charm for me. I shall mourn for my country and for the welfare and progress of mankind. If the Union is dissolved, and the government disrupted, I shall return to my native state and share the miseries of my people; and, save in defense, will draw my sword on none." The diction in this passage indicates that Lee is _____.


In "An Episode of War" by Stephen Crane, what is the lieutenant doing when he is injured?

dividing rations for his men

Which adjective best describes Lincoln's diction in Gettysburg Address?


In My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass, what does Douglass yearn for above all else?

his freedom

Read the passage From My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass: "The smiles of my mistress could not remove the deep sorrow that dwelt in my young bosom. Indeed, these, in time, came only to deepen my sorrow. She had changed; and the reader will see that I had changed, too. We were both victims of the same overshadowing evil." Though Mrs. Auld had smiled, fed, and clothed Frederick Douglass, what would always separate them—the "overshadowing evil" that Douglass writes about?


Read the passage. From "An Episode of War" by Stephen Crane: "The lieutenant was frowning and serious at this task of division. His lips pursed as he drew with his sword various crevices in the heap, until brown squares of coffee, astoundingly equal in size, appeared on the blanket. He was on the verge of a great triumph in mathematics, and the corporals were thronging forward, each to reap a little square, when suddenly the lieutenant cried out and looked quickly at a man near him as if he suspected it was a case of personal assault." Which evidence from the text best shows that the story's events are changing?

suddenly the lieutenant cried out

Which war is the setting for "An Episode of War" by Stephen Crane?

the Civil War

Why does Lee write a letter to his son?

to explain his ultimate loyalty to Virginia

What does diction refer to?

word choice

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