Unit 7

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(adj.) Grand in an impressive or stately way; marked by pompous affectation or grandeur, absurdly exaggerated. Synonyms: Majestic, Bombastic, Highfalutin Antonyms: Simple, Modest, Unaffected, Humble


(v.) To confuse; to disturb the composure of. Synonyms: Upset, Rattle, Ruffle, Faze, Perturb Antonyms: Relax, Calm, Put at Ease


(v.) To find fault with, scold, rebuke. Synonyms: Chide, Chastise, Upbraid, Reproach Antonyms: Praise, Commend, Laud The boys mother reproved the boy to keep his elbows off the table at dinner.


(adj.) Inspiring fear or awe; illustrious, eminent. Synonyms: Formidable, Fearsome, Awesome, August Antonyms: Laughable, Risible, Contemptible In his day Muhamed Ali (Cassius Clay) was a redoubtable opponent.


(adj.) Open to attack; capable of being wounded or damaged; unprotected. Synonyms: Defenseless, Exposed, Unguarded Antonyms: Invincible, Protected, Safe, Secure The baby panda was vulnerable to the attack by the lion because it was left unprotected.


(adj.) Pale, gaunt, resembling a corpse. Synonyms: Corpselike, Wasted, Haggard, Emaciated, Ghastly Antonyms: Robust, Portly, Rosy


(adj.) Performing acts of kindness or charity; conferring benefits, doing good. Synonyms: Humanitarian, Magnanimous, Charitable Antonyms: Selfish, Cruel, Harmful, Deleterious


(adj.) Severe or stern in manner; without adornment or luxury, simple, plain; harsh or sour in flavor. Synonyms: Forbidding, Rigorous, Puritanical, Ascetic, Unadorned, Subdued Antonyms: Mild, Indulgent, Luxurious, Flamboyant


(adj.) Strong and sturdy; brave; resolute; (n.) A brave, strong person; a strong supporter; one who takes an uncompromising position. Synonyms: Sturdy, Stout, Intrepid, Valiant, Mainstay Antonyms: Weak, Infirm, Irresolute, Vacillating The validictorian was not only smart and kind he was stalwart on the field.


(adj.) Trifling, unimportant. Synonyms: Trivial, Negligible, Petty, Paltry Antonyms: Important, Essential, Crucial, Vital


(adj.) Very careful and exact, attentive to fine points of etiquette or propriety. Synonyms: Precise, Scrupulous, Exacting, Fussy, Finicky Antonyms: Careless, Negligent, LAX, Perfunctory The architect was very punctilious about his drawing so that the builders knew exactly what to do.


(adj.) coarse, unfeeling; stupid. Synonyms: Crude, Vulgar, Tasteless, Oafish, Obtuse Antonyms: Refined, Elegant, Tasteful, Polished, Brilliant


(n.) A breaking of a law or obligation. Synonyms: Violation, Transgression, Breach, Offense When Lace Armstrong admited to doping it was a major infraction of the professional athletes code of ethics.


(n.) The act of restoring someone or something to the rightful owner or to a former state or position; making good on a loss or damage. Synonyms: Compensation, Reimbursement, Redress, Restoration He made restitution to the room after punching a hole in it when he got mad.


(v.) To commit sacrilege upon, treat irreverently; to contaminate, pollute. Synonyms: Profane, Defile, Violate Antonyms: Revere, Honor, Venerate, Consecrate


(v.) To lower in character, quality, or value; to degrade, adulterate; To cause to deteriorate. Synonyms: Cheapen, Corrupt, Demean, Depreciate Antonyms: Elevate, Uplift, Improve, Enhance


(v.) To make milder or softer, to moderate in force or intensity. Synonyms: Lessen, Relieve, Alleviate, Diminish Antonyms: Aggravate, Intensify, Irritate, Exacerbate The trainer mitigated the weight because the person showed signs of struggle.


(v.) To prepare by combining ingredients, make up (as a dish); to devise, invent, fabricate. Synonyms: Create, Fashion, Rustle Up


(v.) To rob of goods by open force (as in war), plunder. (n.) The act of looting; Booty. Synonyms: Ravage, Sack, Loot, Booty Pirates have been known to pillage merchant ships.


(v.) To talk a great deal in a foolish or aimless fashion. Synonyms: Chatter, Prattle, Blab, Blabber, Palaver Antonyms: Come to the Point, Not Waist Words Obama prated about past issues while leaving out recent issues.

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