Unit 7 Test

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The events described in the passage above would lead to

calls for government intervention in business practices

The poster was intended to

convince women that they had an essential role in the war effort

Which of the following methods did reformers like Lincoln Steffens use to accomplish their goals

creating new organizations to address the problems they saw

The issues described in the passage took place among an atmosphere of

great social and cultural upheaval

The sentiments in this passage most nearly reflect the ideas presented in

George Washington's Farewell Address

Which of the following best explains how America's role in this conflict and her negotiation of this treaty represents a departure from previous iterations policy?

Previously, America had avoided becoming involved in European conflicts

The most successful narrative to be presented as an alternative like the one presented in the passage would come from

Republicans in the 1980s

A member of which of the following groups would most likely agree with the tone taken in this except

The progressive party

Which of the following contributed most to the growing popularity of jazz bands such as this one

modern technologies and better communication systems, which helped build a national cultural revival

The excerpt best reflects an effort by Roosevelt to

overcome opposition to participation in the impending Second World War

Calls for reform such as the one in this passage would lead to

the expansion of New Deal reforms

Statements such as this one reflected the concerns of some americans that

the federal government's reform efforts were not extensive enough to address the crisis

The popularity of the message delivered by Huey Long reveals that many americans believed the government's first responsibility was to protect

the financial security of the people

The performers pictured here most likely

benefited from the changes brought by urbanization and wartime migrations

Which of the following movements best characterized the image pictured here

Harlem Renaissance

Which of the following best explains the large numbers of women pictured above

Industrial desires for cheap labor

Which of the following events prompted the reforms called for in this passage by Huey Long

The Great Depression

The debate over this portion of the treaty revolved around

The pursuit of American interests via a policy of isolationism

Which of the following best represents continuity in the years after 1945 with the ideas that Roosevelt expressed in the excerpt

United States membership in an international collective security organization

Opponents of this treaty would echo

Washington's farewell address

The ideas expressed in the excerpt differed from the prevailing United States approach to foreign policy issues primarily in that Roosevelt was

arguing to expand the role of the United States in the world

President Wilson's role in the construction of this treaty

attempted to balance national security and the promotion of stability worldwide

The presence of factories such as this one would

encourage immigration and internal migration to the nation's cities

In the period following the events depicted in the cartoon, the United States

expanded its economic and military presence in the Caribbean, Latin America, and Asia

What impact did factories like the one pictured above have on women in the united states

factories provided new economic opportunities for women

Which of the following represents a later example of the change highlighted in the poster

feminist calls for equal economic opportunities in the 1970s

The problems described in the passage most directly intensified conflicts between

fundamentalist and modernist approaches

Which of the following details best distinguishes the factory depicted above from one that existed before the civil war

it's focus on consumer goods

The passage reveals a strong tension in the united states between the ideals of

liberty and security

The tensions that led to the policies described in the passage would, following the conclusion of World War I, lead to laws that

placed extraordinary restrictions on immigration to the united states

Which of the following contributed most directly to the crisis described in the passage

rapid expansion of industry

The circumstances depicted in the cartoon suggest that the cartoon was published in the immediate aftermath of

the Spanish American War

Which of the following reflects a main point of the cartoon?

the United States' acquisition of overseas colonies is part of the natural progression for the country and will gain the approval of foreign powers.

Which of the following best describes the long term impact of the popularity of bands such as this one

the acceptance of jazz led to a flowering of cultural expression across the African American community and to the development of a dense of racial pride and identity

Americans would not be compelled to significantly modify their stance as taken in this passage until

the attack on Pearl Harbor

The motivation for the policy, the effects of which are described in the passage, can best be explained by

the efforts of the public to demand increased governmental efforts

Which of the following best describes the cause of the problems that Steffens identifies, as seen by reformers like him

the growth of corporate power

The nation's labor force would be made increasingly diverse in the early twentieth century as a result of

the migration of African Americans Northward in search of work.

Despite the problems highlighted by the author, which of the following characteristics of the twentieth century helped to unite the groups described in the passage

the nature of industrial work in the modernizing economy

The passage above is most clearly an example of which of the following trends

the rise of journalists cooperating with reformers to call for change

The content of this law reveals an American understanding of

the strength of the American isolationist movement

Which of the following best explains the response of reformers to the political conditions described in the passage

they called for the expansion of democracy

Which of the following debates best characterizes the controversy that arose over movements such as this one

traditionalism versus urban innovation

The posterior directly reflects the

wartime mobilization of United States society

Unionization efforts in the period from 1900 to 1920

were met with hostility and led to attacks on those perceived as radical

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