unit 8: Entrepreneurship: Ready for Business

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Who Needs a Resume?

A good resume is the beginning of all careers.A resume is a document that provides potential employers with a snapshot of your education and employment history to help them determine if you are a suitable candidate for a position. The information needs to be clearly organized because a human resources professional (that means someone in charge of personnel) will spend only a minute or two looking over a resume before deciding whether to move it to the next stage in the process or reject it. If you don't present yourself well in this initial interaction, there is little hope that your application will go further.

Decide What You Want to Accomplish

Sometimes fantastic things happen by accident. But in most cases, goal setting is a key to success. You might set goals for the next year, the next day, or the next 20 minutes. Many people use to-do lists to guide them and then celebrate when the list is complete.

Work Simplification

Sometimes it helps to look at a task with fresh eyes and say, "Does this really need to be done in exactly this way?" Work simplification is a technique that human resources departments have investigated for decades.


Starting your own business is a great option. Being an entrepreneur in the design world can be thrilling and a little scary. You must rely on yourself for ideas, hard work, and creativity, but you reap the reward for all of those too.Entrepreneurs put in a lot of work to make their business succeed.

Having a positive work ethic is important even in an unpaid internship.


Resumes can include volunteer work and academic awards in addition to paid work.


Lesson 1:Building your business

Unit 8

Lesson 2: Developing a work ethic

Unit 8

Lesson 5:modern trends, technology in the desighn feild

Unit 8









Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

. Others will resent it if you try to minimize their contributions and claim most or all of the attention and glory for yourself. Even if you get away with hogging credit, others may notice and decide not to trust you. And it's very difficult to succeed in life if you lose the trust of others. It's only human nature to notice all the work you are putting into a project but only some of the work that others put in.

4D Printing

4D printing is a technology in which a 3D-printed item adjusts its shape over time. Imagine that you have access to a small, inexpensive 3D printer through a school or library. You develop a CAD file, prototyping an object that to an outsider might resemble an oddly shaped abstract sculpture. You use the file to print a prototype. When it comes out of the printer, it looks like a strangely shaped mass that is repeatedly folded in on itself. But then you give your creation a few hard shakes and bam—it's a dress! 4D printing allows you to do more with existing technology. Instead of buying huge, expensive 3D printers designed for industrial use, you can use smaller, cheaper ones that are designed for office or individual use and still create astonishing designs. Designers are already experimenting with 4D printing to create footwear that adjusts to each individual user's feet.

Creating a Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of work samples. For a fashion portfolio, these can include fashion sketches, drawings, or illustrations; photographs of pieces or ensembles; printouts or digital files showing plans or products; and perhaps small samples of items that the folio designer has sewn, designed, or 3D or 4D printed.The portfolio is a necessity for a career in fashion design.

Developing a Work Ethic

A work ethic is the set of values and beliefs that you have regarding working hard and being productive. Whether you are a student, an intern, a part-time worker, or a full-time worker, you can start learning and applying the skills related to having a good work ethic and developing effective working relationships with others.Knowing your way around the workplace will get your career off to a good start.

3D Printing

An exciting development in fashion technology is the use of 3D printing. This technique creates a three-dimensional object based on a CAD file or other digital file. Once you have gained access to a 3D printer, it is relatively inexpensive to create dozens of varieties of a design and print many prototypes until you find one that works perfectly. It's almost like having a factory in your workspace! Because of its accuracy and relatively low costs, 3D printing has been an asset to science, medicine, and engineering. Artists and designers are also finding satisfaction in 3D printing.

A resume spells out specifics that an employer probably doesn't know about you.

Are you president of your school's fashion club? Do you restock supermarket shelves on weekends? Did you learn keyboarding, word processing, Photoshop, or other skills at school? Let potential employers know by adding these details to your resume.

Joel can hardly believe it, but Mckenzie takes credit for his work at a meeting, right in front of their supervisor. Which advice does it make the MOST sense for Joel to follow?

Avoid becoming too emotional and focus on facts.

A resume shows your attention to detail.

Nearly every job out there requires attention to detail. A resume should have no errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Proofread yours carefully and ask a teacher or family member to check it too.

Taking Pride in Your Work

Finding new ways to do necessary tasks can free up your time and energy. However, some work simplifications are not improvements. For instance, you might experiment with gluing hems instead of sewing them. That's certainly faster and doesn't require a sewing machine. But if the glued hems are uglier and less durable, then customers are likely to notice. This is an example of oversimplification.

A resume tells potential employers how to contact you.

Maybe an employer doesn't have a suitable job for you right now. But if that person has your resume, then they might contact you later when the right job for you is available. Or that employer might pass along your resume to someone else who has an opportunity for you.

What Does a Negative Work Ethic Look Like?

Having a negative work ethic means working against the best interests of the company.frequently arriving late to work without explaining why,coming to meetings unprepared,calling in sick when you are not,wasting time at work instead of doing something useful,failing to follow company policies.

Grant is self employed so he believes people skills are vital. Matt agrees but says that they aren't as important to him because he works for a large company. Matt thinks that he doesn't necessarily need to go out of his way to be friendly since the company has a loyal customer base. How might Grant BEST reason with Matt on this subject?

If Matt treats customers poorly, they may change the company they use.

Personal Information

If you brag to others that someone well-known is your client, that person may conclude that you are simply using them to get more business.

Creating a Technical Sewing Samples Binder

If you're interested in attending design school or you're seeking a position as a tailor or junior designer, then a technical sewing samples binder is a great way to show off your skills. It's a collection of small physical items that shows that you have completed certain sewing techniques, such as blind stitching hems, matching patterned fabric on seams, or creating gathers or ruffles. To create this project, you may want to use a ring binder and a series of plastic zipper bags. In each bag, you can place a small example of the technique you demonstrated and a small label or card that explains what the technique is. The idea is not to show how ground-breaking or creative each sample is; instead, you want to demonstrate to others that you have mastered particular sewing techniques.A sewing samples binder demonstrates your technical skills.

A resume shows that you're serious.

If you've created a resume, that means you have spent time thinking about your skills, talents, abilities, and goals.

How Can Your Work Ethic Affect Your Progress?

Most jobs have some kind of evaluation process. In other words, one or more of your colleagues meets with you to review what you have been doing well on the job and what areas you could improve in. Going into a position, even an unpaid internship, with a positive work ethic will most likely lead to a positive employment record. Professionals in the same field tend to know each other, so you begin establishing your professional reputation as soon as you come in contact with anyone in the industry.

In what way is having a 3D printer similar to having a factory in your workspace?

It allows you to create many versions of a model or prototype until you find one that works.

Do Your Best to Eliminate Distractions

It can be so tempting to check your phone for just a second. But if you're constantly distracted, completing a task will take longer and be more frustrating.

Try Not to Multitask

It can seem more efficient to do two or three things at once, but you may end up doing all three things badly. You are more likely to do a better and faster job if you give your focused attention to one task at a time.

Be Honest and Accurate

It is essential that resumes accurately reflect your work experience. Employers will check your background, so misrepresenting your experience or education will hurt you in the long run. Be sure that you are honest when applying for a job. It is part of having a good work ethic, and lying can ruin your chances of getting that job and ruin your professional reputation. You might end up limiting your career before it even begins.

`Searching for Jobs Online

It's great to get some practice searching for jobs online. See if your school offers online job boards. These are websites where employers post job descriptions and information about applying. There are also online job boards unaffiliated with schools, but for those you may need to limit your search by geography and to entry-level positions. Job boards such as Indeed and SimplyHired are for anyone, just about anywhere in the world, at any level of their careers.Your school may also have access to in-person or online job fairs. These are events where potential employers are eager to meet with you and discuss entry-level jobs. Non-profit and for-profit groups in your community may also offer job fairs.

Consider Rotating Jobs

Leila at the dry cleaning and tailoring shop. Let's say Leila is the best at blind-stitching hems, but she is sick of the task and is getting headaches from all the close work. To improve productivity and morale, it probably makes sense for her to help her colleagues improve their blind-stitching so she can have a break and try other work-related tasks that may interest her more—such as interacting with customers at the front of the store.

Eliminate Unnecessary Tasks

Let's say you are starting your own business making beaded earrings. You've been working hard, matching the precise color and size of each tiny bead. But is that what customers appreciate about the earrings you make? Try making some earrings with slightly more random combinations of colors and sizes. If they sell well, you'll know that you don't have to spend as much time matching beads. If they don't sell, you'll know that the task is necessary after all.

Time Management

No matter how talented or hardworking you are, you have only 24 hours in a day, like everyone else. Some people try to get the most out of life by sleeping as little as possible or focusing only on work instead of friends, family, or hobbies. However, getting enough sleep is essential to good physical and mental health, and a well-rested person tends to be much more creative. As you know, creativity is an essential part of almost any design-related job!


One of your most important assets in the working world is information. When you work with a client, that person or organization trusts you with private information.Some clients may ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement. That's a legal document that explains which topics or details you should not reveal to others. So you might get to work with a rock star or famous actress, but that person may put strict controls on what information you can reveal about them. If a client gives you a confidentiality agreement (sometimes called a nondisclosure agreement or NDA), read it carefully and follow its directives to the letter. One of the best ways you can show yourself to be a trustworthy person is to protect information that other people want protected.

Online Shopping

Online shopping has revolutionized the consumer side of the design industry. Consumers can now search online for their favorite brand or designer and get items within days, helping online retailers to compete with brick-and-mortar stores. Online shopping has also dramatically changed the availability of fashion pieces as sites like eBay demonstrate that any fashion item can be replaced.The trend in internet shopping finds its roots in home-shopping channels, which brought fashion into people's living rooms well before laptop computers came around. The idea that shopping did not have to involve leaving the house foreshadowed shopping on the web, making it clear that any visual media could make a great vehicle for fashion design.

Why would one employee's negative work ethic cause problems for other employees?

Other employees will end up having to do some of that person's work.

Consider Specializing

Perhaps you are one of several workers at a dry cleaning and tailoring shop. Your co-worker Leila excels at blind-stitching hems so the threads are practically invisible. It may make sense to have Leila do all the blind-stitching so that task gets completed quickly and well.

Why do potential employers like to see memberships in professional or civic organizations listed on a resume?

These memberships show that the candidate is interested in these organizations.

Financial Information

This could include credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or simply how much a particular client spent with you recently.

Operational Data

This could include descriptions or details of a particular process a company follows, such as how it approves vendors.

Media and Fashion

This explosion of specific channels has placed fashion design in the forefront of mainstream culture. Not only have makeover shows become a mainstay of the evening television lineups, but there are also entire channels devoted to fashion, style, and design. You may not realize it, but these shows that provide makeovers for ordinary people fuel the fashion industry. They do this by defining what is appropriate and how to use fashion as a tool to create a positive image, both in terms of self-image and others' perceptions. This use of technology has created more sophisticated shoppers and a variety of avenues to help those in the design industry bring their skills to the general public.

Online or In Person?

Traditionally, a portfolio was a physical collection of documents. Now, many designers have online versions of their portfolios. An online version can take some time to assemble, but it is much easier to replicate and send to potential employers. Creating your online portfolio involves selecting a host, choosing or designing a template, and uploading your files. Your school may have an account to a portfolio hosting website, so ask your teacher what's available. Sites such as Behance, Squarespace, and Wix allow you to create an online portfolio fairly quickly; some are free and some require a monthly subscription. You can also create your own portfolio website from scratch if you have web development skills and a domain. Having an online portfolio allows potential clients to browse your skills without having to make an appointment. Z

Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)

We discussed this previously in the context of what you would need in your toolbox to work as a designer, and these computer programs are a great example of how technology helps designers. Rather than have to measure everything precisely to scale and draw it by hand, CAD programs enable designers to build three-dimensional models online. Imagine how much time you can save by giving a manufacturer a realistic version of the handbag that you are creating without having to provide a series of prototypes.

Ethical Conduct

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, you will likely make dozens or hundreds of decisions each workday. No matter what type of job you have, it's important to follow ethical conduct. That means behaving in a way that is honest and fair, recognizing that other people are worthy of respect.

Set Priorities

Which goal on your list is most important? If possible, do that one first. If you have several tasks on your list and they all seem equally important, consider choosing the one you can accomplish most quickly and tackle that one first. Doing so will give you a sense of accomplishment that can be a boost as you work through the rest of your list.

Does a Good Work Ethic Mean Working Constantly?

While employers are interested in finding and developing new talent, they want effective employees first and foremost.Positive work ethics can show up in a variety of ways. Some of the most common are: having a positive attitude,being on time,meeting deadlines,working well with others,treating coworkers with respect,following all company policies and procedures,seeking help when needed,spending time efficiently and productively,using company resources wisely,following directions well,knowing when to speak up and raise significant questions,working steadily toward goals,being willing to work more when demand increases.Developing a good work ethic is as important as building skills.

What is the difference between computer aided design and 3D printing?

With computer aided design, a person creates a three-dimensional plan. With 3D printing, a person creates a three-dimensional object.


Working with others can be a joy and a difficulty. Others on your team may be more experienced or more skilled in some areas, but they will also have their own opinions. To create a team that works well and accomplishes a great deal, it's important to set team goals. Just as when you formulate and set goals for yourself, team goals help you all stay on task. Everyone on the team should also feel comfortable communicating—saying what they need, describing problems, and making suggestions.

Take Breaks

You are not a robot. You need regular breaks to be efficient and creative. As you work, notice which work-and-break patterns are best for you. For example, you might work best if you take a five-minute break after each hour of work, and then a longer break after you have worked for two or three hours total.

Sample Resume Search

You can find many effective examples of resumes online, so review several for ideas about style and presentation. Your search will be more helpful if you use search terms like "student resume" because the strategies for those who are just starting out vary from those who are well into their careers. Some sites even have templates for resumes. You can choose one that you like the look of and then plug in your information.

Working with Clients

You might think that being an entrepreneur means being on your own most of the time. However, most entrepreneurs need to work effectively with all kinds of people. In fact, entrepreneurs may need better "people skills" than employees do. After all, if you're an entrepreneur, you may not have any employees or colleagues who can take the 'people part' of things.

Contract Details

Your client may not want others to know how much they are paying you. If this information becomes widely known, then the client may have more difficulty negotiating with other companies or entrepreneurs.

Your professional portfolio could include the following:

an introduction detailing what you have learned in the course, what project you enjoyed the most,and what aspect of the class you feel helped you develop the most your resume fashion sketches, drawings, or illustrations you have created photographs or other images of outfits or ensembles that you created links to or printouts of design-related computer files you have created (if you know how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, or other design-related programs) actual samples of your work (if you design small accessories) technical sewing samples, if you have these

At what point does a fashion sketch, design, or illustration become copyrighted?

as soon as the artist finishes it

Copyright and the World of Design

copyright means the right to copy. It's a legal right that lets a person or organization copy, sell, and distribute an artistic work.When you create a fashion sketch, drawing, or illustration, that is a copyrighted work too, even if you don't have a lawyer. (However, it can be hard to prove in court exactly when you created a particular artwork.)A trademark is the legal right to use a certain word or phrase to sell clothes or other objects. Usually, you'll see a small (tm) or ™ next to a trademarked word or phrase.

Which BEST describes the purpose of a resume?

describe a candidate's professional skills PREVIOUS

"Things at work have been much better since we got a new supervisor," Carter explains. "Now that people know they won't get yelled at every time they have difficulty with a project, the workplace is a lot more positive." What is Carter describing?


About what percentage of jobs require attention to detail?

nearly 100 percent

Which is the BEST place for a job candidate to demonstrate to a potential employer that they are creative and artistic?

the portfolio

Addison wants to prevent others from using a six-word slogan she created that she silkscreens on shirts and purses. Which type of legal protection should she seek?

trademark PREVIOUS

Lesson 3:Creating an accurate and compelling resume

unit 8

Lesson 4: showcasing your work

unit 8


unit 8

What is MOST likely to be an example of effective time management?

working with few or no distractions

a well-written resume should cover the following:

your name and contact information, education history, professional experience, including a brief description of your duties in each position any awards, scholarships, or other distinctions membership in professional or civic organizations Resumes are generally organized chronologically with the most recent experience listed first. Sometimes education is listed first, but generally professional experience is the place to start. However, students often begin with education because they have more of that than professional experience.

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