Unit 8 Exam - AP World History

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In order to achieve victory in China and Vietnam, Asian communists such as Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh did which of the following?

Adapted their revolutionary theories to reflect the major concerns of the peasants.

Which of the following occurrences during the Cold War best supports the main contention of the passage above?

Both the United States and the Soviet Union armed and supported rival countries and factions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Which of the following best describes a similarity between the Russian Revolutions of 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of 1911 ?

Both were able to gain support because of the ineffectiveness and corruption of the existing monarchies.

All of the following statements about British rule in India in the twentieth century are factually accurate. Which could best be used as evidence to modify the author's claim about the "public benefits" of British rule in India in the second paragraph?

British investment in infrastructure such as railways and roads provided the largest economic benefit to British companies operating in India rather than to ordinary Indians.

Which of the following best explains the significance of Li Zhisui presenting two contrasting views of the success of Mao's industrialization policy in the second and third paragraphs?

By doing so, Li Zhisui is trying to illustrate the discrepancy between the reality of the resource redistribution policy and the facade communists created for propaganda purposes.

The method of achieving political change advocated in the poem best illustrates which of the following practices used by reform movements in the twentieth century?

Civil disobedience

The "blockade" referred to by Deng Xiaoping in the first paragraph is best understood in the context of which of the following?

Cold War rivalries between communist and noncommunist states

The political position advocated by FARC in the passage is most consistent with which of the following in the twentieth century?

Communist efforts to redistribute agricultural land to peasants

Which of the following was a principal cause of the Cold War?

Conflicting capitalist and communist ideologies

Which of the following is the basis for nearly all the boundaries of today's sub-Saharan African states?

Decisions by European powers during the process of colonization

The differences in the passages above are most likely a result of which of the following?

Demilitarization imposed by the United States after the Second World War

The inclusion of the trucks in Image 2 best helps explain which of the following developments in the Soviet Union in the late twentieth century?

Despite the introduction of free-market reforms under the perestroika program, the Soviet Union's economy continued to deteriorate.

In the mid-twentieth century, which of the following was a similarity between the approaches of China and the Soviet Union in managing their respective economies?

Direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization

Which of the following was the most significant factor that prevented many African states from achieving political stability in the decades after their independence?

Ethnic and religious conflicts caused by the inclusion of rival groups within the same borders

Which of the following developments in the period after 1945 could most directly be used as evidence to challenge the author's assertion regarding the effects of British rule in India in the first two paragraphs?

Great Britain's divide-and-rule strategy in India deepened religious tensions, leading to a partition of India that resulted in millions of people dying or ending up as refugees.

Which of the following best explains how the historical circumstances of Kennan's service as a diplomat in the Soviet Union influenced his point of view regarding the "Soviet structure of power" in the first paragraph?

He witnessed how conflict between Germany and the Soviet Union allowed Stalin to further centralize his power and use Russian nationalism to mobilize the population.

The Mau Mau ideology described in the passage differed most significantly from that of the

Hind Swaraj movement led by Gandhi in India, which sought to achieve an independent India through protest and civil disobedience

Which of the following would likely explain Gonzalo's theoretical discussion of the idea that "the party is not a mass party, though it has a mass character" during his answer to the first question?

His intended audience was leftist intellectuals in Latin America and other regions who sympathized with communist ideology.

Many Indian historians after independence would likely have objected to Bayly's characterization of Indian liberalism on the basis of their belief that

Indian nationalism was inspired predominantly by Indian cultural and political traditions

Which of the following most likely explains the Soviet Union's motivation for being involved in the Congo as described in the passage?

It wanted to take advantage of a regional conflict to expand its military power and ideological influence.

The passage best exemplifies which of the following historical developments?

Khrushchev's attempt to distance his rule from Stalinist atrocities

The conference's decision to "endorse other methods," as mentioned in the second paragraph, is best explained in the context of which of the following?

Many African colonies had failed to obtain the greater self-governance promised after the First World War and doubted that European powers would fulfill similar promises after the Second World War.

Which of the following best describes an important difference between the theories of revolution of Mao Zedong and those of Lenin?

Mao placed emphasis on the revolutionary potential of peasants.

Which of the following led to the most dramatic change in the status of Chinese peasant women in the 1940's and 1950's?

Maoist policies that banned arranged marriages and made women an important part of the Communist women's movement

Which of the following statements about Africa after 1946 is true?

Most African colonies gained national independence.

Keshavarz' article best reflects the influence of which of the following ideologies on members of Iran's educated elite?


Late-twentieth-century military conflicts such as the one referred to in the poem typically resulted from which of the following?

Nationalist resistance to imperialism

Nationalist leaders in Africa and Asia, such as Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), Jomo Kenyatta (1894-1978), and Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972), had which of the following in common?

Opposition to colonial rule

What do Israel, India and Canada have in common?

Parliamentary forms of government

Mao Zedong and Mohandas Gandhi both appealed to which of the following as a base of support?


The relocation of Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan to India and Muslims from India to Pakistan between 1945 and 1955 reflects which of the following world historical processes?

Population resettlement caused by redrawing former colonial borders

The title of the article best suggests that the author is responding to the arguments of which of the following?

Postcolonial and anti-imperialist thinkers

Of the following, which represents a challenge to superpower domination by a smaller nation during the Cold War?

Prague Spring

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage?

Pressure resulting from the need to keep pace with Western economic development during the Cold War

The opinion expressed in the passage above is most consistent with which of the following?

Redistributing one-third of the land controlled by large landholders to landless peasants

The depiction of the Soviet Union in the images is best explained as illustrating which of the following developments in late-twentieth-century communist states?

Rising public discontent

In which of the following twentieth-century historical contexts would artists have been most likely to display works that carry messages similar to that conveyed by Wang Guangyi's painting?

Russia after the end of the Cold War

Which of the following African countries continued to have a sizeable segment of the population with European ancestry in the 1990s?

South Africa

The founding North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is best understood in the context of which of the following?

The Cold War

Césaire's interpretation of the nature of precolonial societies is most directly influenced by which of the following?

The Marxist idea that early societies were classless

After which event did the United States and the Soviet Union emerge as superpowers with respect to the rest of the world?

The Second World War

Which of the following developments in the late twentieth century best explains why the type of power that Soviet leaders wished to highlight through the public event shown in Image 1 diminished?

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was an expensive failure that helped prevent the Soviet military from closing growing technological gaps with the United States military.

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union supported movements such as the one described in the passage?

The Soviets wished to undermine Western governments during the Cold War.

Which of the following countries experienced the most rapid economic growth during the Second World War?

The United States

The author's opinion in the third paragraph regarding the caution that the United States was employing in supporting African independence movements is most directly explained in the context of which of the following developments in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War?

The United States had vastly more economic and military power than its European allies.

The recommendation provided in the second paragraph is best explained in the context of which of the following historical situations in the aftermath of the Second World War?

The attempts by Soviet officials to establish ideological ties with newly independent states

The author's point of view regarding the West was likely influenced by which of the following developments at the time he was writing?

The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War

Which of the following was a significant long-term cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union during the late twentieth century?

The cost of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States

Which of the following best explains why the movement described in the passage began after the Second World War?

The defeat of the Axis powers required the Allies to grant political concessions in order mobilize colonial populations militarily and economically.

Franck's statements in the third paragraph most directly anticipate which of the following post-1945 changes?

The development of both a nuclear arms race and civilian economic applications of nuclear power

Which of the following was a significant effect of Western imperialism in the twentieth century?

The development of nationalism among colonized peoples

The conference as described in the first and second paragraphs is best explained in the context of which of the following developments in the aftermath of the Second World War?

The dissolution of European empires

The development of the British cuisine described in the excerpted speech above is best seen as an example of which of the following?

The effects of migration by former colonial subjects to imperial metropoles

Which of the following was the most immediate effect of the collapse of the communist regime in the Soviet Union?

The end of the Cold War

The excerpt above was written in response to which of the following?

The failure of French colonizers to apply their ideals in Indochina

Which of the following would most directly challenge the author's argument that people all over the world aspire to imitate the West?

The growth of fundamentalist religious movements advocating theocratic government

Which of the following was most clearly NOT a consequence of the Second World War?

The independence of Brazil

The views expressed by Chairman Gonzalo in the passage are best explained in the context of which of the following historical circumstances of the late twentieth century?

The intensification of political conflicts between state and nonstate entities

Which of the following aspects of the political context of the 1950s best explains the author's view of colonial wars expressed in the poem?

The memory of the destructive total wars of the early twentieth century

Anticolonial movements like the Congress Party in India and the Young Turks agreed on which of the following?

The need for reform in order to resist European imperialism

The religious tensions alluded to in Poem 2 would result most directly in which of the following?

The population resettlement following the partition of South Asia into India and Pakistan after independence

The level of military engagement between Western nations and the Soviet Union referred to in the passage is best explained by which of the following developments after the Second World War?

The possession of nuclear weapons by the United States and the Soviet Union made it too dangerous for Western nations and the Soviet Union to engage in large-scale military conflict with each other.

Which of the following best explains why many countries in the late twentieth century, besides the United States, sought to develop nuclear weapons?

The possession of nuclear weapons came to be seen as an important deterrent against outside aggression

Which of the following describes a major change in international relations in the 1980s and 1990s?

The reduction of confrontations between communist and noncommunist countries

Some historians have argued that the Haitian Revolution (1791—1804) marks the beginning of the process of decolonization that culminated in the dissolution of European colonial empires after the Second World War. Historians who take this position are likely to place the greatest emphasis on the importance of which of the following in the decolonization process?

The role of the desire for natural rights in independence movements

Which of the following best supports the argument that colonialism was responsible for the lack of economic development in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East in the late twentieth century?

The tendency of former colonies to export raw materials

Which of the following was an experience shared by the African leaders Nelson Mandela, Robert Mugabe, Jomo Kenyatta, and Kwame Nkrumah during the colonial period?

They were held as political prisoners.

Which of the following best explains the purpose of the arguments expressed in the passage?

To influence United States government officials to adopt policies designed to avoid a major war

Which of the following explains the most likely purpose of Gonzalo's answer to the second question in the interview?

To justify the Shining Path's use of violence to achieve its political objectives

The speech above by Nkrumah is best understood in the context of which of the following?

Twentieth-century transnational movements attempting to unite people across national boundaries

Which of the following explains the most significant difference between the circumstances of military competition between Western nations and the Soviet Union in developing regions such as Africa and the circumstances of military competition between Western nations and the Soviet Union in Europe in the late twentieth century?

Unlike in Africa, military competition between Western nations and the Soviet Union in Europe involved the establishment of rival military blocs.

The maps of Africa above best explain which of the following about African history in the twentieth century?

Why African state-building efforts have been hindered by the persistence of political boundaries inherited from the colonial era

Which of the following best explains how the historical situation in which Li Zhisui wrote his biography of Mao Zedong influenced Li's assessment of the experience of the Great Leap Forward?

Writing in the United States years after the events he described, Li Zhisui is free to offer his honest opinion, without fear of retaliation from the Chinese government.

In China between 1958 and 1962, Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward, an effort to make China an industrial power through mass collectivization of agriculture, is best understood as an example of

a communist government exerting control over the national economy

All of the following were policies pursued by both the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War EXCEPT

centralized planning of the national economy

In the early twentieth century, nationalist movements in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East were led primarily by

educated urban elites

Artworks of the type shown in the image were used for all of the following EXCEPT to

encourage Soviet citizens to embrace Western popular culture

The Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the second half of the twentieth century was characterized by competition primarily over

ideology and economic structure

The fact that large numbers of South Asians migrated to Great Britain after the end of British rule could indirectly be used as evidence to support the author's arguments mostly because the migrations of former colonial subjects to imperial metropoles in the late twentieth century demonstrate that

migrants were attracted to many aspects of the cultural, political, and economic systems that imperial powers had brought to their colonies

The quotation above by Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser (in power 1952-1970) best expresses support for


The quotation above by Gamel Abdel Nasser (in power 1952-1970) was most influenced by


The map above shows the territorial arrangements in South Asia that resulted from

partition at the time of decolonization

Western-led military alliance systems such as NATO that emerged during the Cold War period sought to

prevent the spread of communism

The partition of British India in 1947 created the new Muslim state of Pakistan and the predominantly Hindu state of India. The immediate result of the drawing of new geographic boundaries was

religious and ethnic violence that led to mass migrations and massacres

China's strategy for modernization and economic development in the 1950s most closely resembled the developmental strategy of

the Soviet Union

In 1949, NATO was established so that Western leaders could counter

the perceived threat that the Soviet Union and its allies would spread communism

The shaded areas on the map above of South Africa indicate

the reserves, sometimes called Bantustans or African "homelands"

Li Zhisui's description of the actions of the local party secretaries in the third paragraph is significant because it can be most directly used to explain the ways in which individuals within communist China reacted to the government's

use of physical violence against anyone seen as not fulfilling the mandates of the central Chinese leadership

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