unit 8 history terms and multiple choice

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Eisenhower's greatest crisis in the Middle East Began when Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser

(nationalized the foreign-owned Suez Canal)/eis goal in mid east was to prevent arb nations from align iwth sov, to build supp among arabs, dulles offer egypt finance the construct of a dam on the nile river, they agree ,the deal stop when egypt brought wpns form com czech, egvypt toroops seize contr of the seuz canal from the anglo french comp that had contr it, the egptians intend to use the canal's profits to pay for the dam, brit and frech respond and invade egypt, the sov threaten trockedt attacks on brit and francea dn offter to dsned troops to help egypt, eis put us nuc frces on alert, athreat nuc attack, the brit and frecnh under us pressure call off their invas, the sov union had won a diplo vict by supp egypt, other arab nations tart accept sov aid

Food and supplies were delivered to people in West Berlin during the

Berlin Airlift-the decis o make w germ convince sovs that they wund't get reparts they want, sov troops cuta ll road and rial traffic to w berlin the vlockade made a crisis pres tur sent long range bombers with atomic wpsn to bases in brit, the us commandier in germ warn if berlin feel, w germ wud too, the cahllenge was to keep w berlin alive wo provoke war with sovs, tur order the arilift, for 11 months cargo planes supply belriners with food, med and fuel, the lift cont through a year, bring in 2 mill ton of supplies stal lift the blockade and it became a symb of us determinate to stand by the divided city


Combining races in public places/1896 - Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson established a "separate but equal" policy in public facilities•NAACPargued that in most cases schools for black students were far inferior to schools for white students•NAACPsupported legal cases that argued the legality of this decision•Linda Brownhad to attend a school a long distance from her home, across dangerous railroad tracks, when there was an all‐white school a short walk from her home• NAACP lawyer Thurgood Marshall argued that segregation psychologically damaged African American students•1954 ‐the Supreme Court ruled unanimously, declaring racial segregation illegal in public schools•Some states quickly ended segregation, while many southern leaders reacted with anger and defiance/Southern leaders resisted integration and it moved slowly in the South•By the 1956‐57 school year, most Southern schools were still segregated•In Little Rock, Arkansas desegregation began in September 1957, with the admission of nine African American studentsto the all‐white Central High School•The Arkansas Governor (Orval Faubus) ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School•One student attempted to enter and was stopped by the soldiers who were only letting white students enter•For 3 weeks, the National Guard prevented the Little Rock Nineentering the school•Pres. Eisenhowerordered federal troops to Little Rock and under their protection the Little Rock Nine entered the school•The students were harassed and punished unfairly by the administration•The governor continued to resist racial integration of the public school system/In protest of the city's segregation, many of Montgomery's African American population organized a boycott of the bus system•The Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)chose as its spokesperson Martin Luther King Jr.•His leadership and speaking ability convinced many to continue with the boycott•White protesters intimidated and used physical violence to try to break the boycott•King believed in the non‐violent tactics of Gandhiand urged the African American community not to respond with violence•November 1956-the Supreme Court ruled the segregation laws unconstitutional/sit ins and freedom riders were also examples/University of Mississippi•Forced by a court order to admit James Meredith, and African American applicant•The governor declared that he would not be allowed to enroll and personally stopped him on campus•A riot broke out and federal troops were brought in to restore order• 375 people were injured and 2 killed•The next day he enrolled in classes and he graduated in 1963/Civil Rights Act of 19641.Banned discriminationin employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national originOutlawed discrimination in public accommodationsGave the Justice Department power to bring lawsuits to enforce school desegregationRemoved registration restrictions to allow for equal voting rights/blk panthers and nation of islam challenge integration and called for seperatism, core used sit ins by trying to desegreg restarus that refu to serve afri ameris, memmbs of core went to segreg restarus if they were denied service, they sat down adn refused to elaeave, it ewas meant to shame mangaers into integrat their restaurs, they succes integdrate resatus, theaters, and other public facilits, after decs of segreg and inequlati, manyt afri ameris ahd deicde time had come to demand equal rights, sup court had declare segreg be const in plessy v fergusion, the rulling had establsih the sep but equal doctirne, lawas segreg afri ameris were allowed as long as equl faciltis were provided, laws segreg afri ameris and whts spread and inaacp had supp court cases inted to overturn segreg, they acchieve some victs, they get right to be in juries and interstate bueses segreg was uncosnt, laws chools had to admit qualified afri ameri applicatns naacp chifef counsel ad director of legal def and edu fund afri ameri attorny thrugood amrshall focus efforts on end segreg in schools which is doen in brown v board of edu, ther ruling threaten the entire syst of segreg, it conveince many afri ameris tme had come to cahllgenge other from sof segreg, and southers were determ to defend segreg, the southern manifesto denocune the sup corut's ruling as abus of judicial pow and pleged to sue all mean sto reverse the deics, jfk put high level afri ameris to posits in fed govt like thrugood, ken made the ceeo that stopped the fed bureacracy form discm against blks when hire and promitoe peep

Which of the following was evidence of the renewed interest in religion in the 1950's?

Congress added the phrase under God to the Pledge of Allegiance./ In God We Trust became mandatory on U.S. currency./Religious popularizers such as Billy Graham and Fulton J. Sheen achieved wide success./Among Hollywood's biggest hits were religious epics./many ameris sought relig for comfort, which contrast with official atheism of ussr, peep believe only god protect us from nuc attack, it was nuclear anxiety as the ussr develop the hydro bomb and atom bomb=fuel arms race

Who did the republicans choose as their presidential candidate for the 1952 election ?

Dwight Eisenhower/in 1950, th us went to war in korea, the war consumed the us atent and resources and end tru's fari deal, which was his prog that the 81st cong didn't embrace totally, they rose the legal minm wagge and approve of an imp expans of social sec seyst and exten them to pmore peep, and pass nati housing act that was construce of house at low income housing, but cong no pass nati health insurance or give susidies for farmers or fed aid for schools, legilats oppose tur's effrts to enact civ rights legis, by 1952l with the war a stalemate and his aprpoval rate drop, ture declien to run again for pres, with no dem to face, repbus pin their hopes of regain wht house on poplu ww two hero, eis deiced run as repub nom for pres, his run mate was nixon, the dems nom stevenson who had supp of lead liberals and org labor, eis prom end war in korea, eis campaig came under fire as reports surface that nix got gifsts form cali biz leads while he was a senator, it look as if nix might be dropped form the tickedt but in nationwide speech broadcast on radio and tv, nix insist the unds had been used for legi piolit pruposes, he amit his fam had kept chekers a dog he say they woud keep, it won praise form pub and kept nix on ticket, eis won elect by landslide, the repbus gain majoirt in house while sen became divided btwn dems and repbus

The offering of military aid to any Middle East nation seeking help in resisting communist aggression came from the

Eisenhower doctrine-to prevent com urpisnings when he cudn't use brinkmanship since it cud prvent war but cudn't prevent coms for stage revoluts within countries, eis decide use covert opearion coundcutted by the cia, many of the operats took place in deavloepoing nations with primarily agric ecos, many of these coutnries bleame euro imperialsim and us capit for their probs, their leads look to sov as mode of how to indust their countries, they threat to nationalize or put udner gov't contrl, foriegh biz's operat in their countries, us officials fear these leads might align their nations with sov or stage a com rev, one way to stop developing nations from move into com was to give them finacial aid like eis tried to do in egypt with their dam, but where the trheat of com seem stroger, the cia stage covert opearts to overthrow anti ameir leads and replace them with pro ameri leads, lik in iran pm mhohammed mossadegh had already nationalize the anglo iranina oil comp, he was ready to make an oil deal with sov, he move against the pro us shah of iran who was forced into exile, dulles sent agents to org street riots and arrange a coup that ousted mossadegh and the shah returend to pow/In the "Eisenhower Doctrine," Dwight Eisenhower declared the United States would send military aid and, if necessary, troops to help counter communist thrusts in The Middle East. it hap after the suez crisis, he announce thtat us wud help any mid east nation that request help against com agress/us worked to prevent oil rich arab nations form falling under influcne of sov union

The plan that brought in white volunteers to help with voter registration efforts was called

Freedom Summer-betwn sixty and sixty five, sncc paly a key role in desgreg pub facilits in lots of s communits, sncc start send volunts into rural areas of deep south to regist afri ameris to vote, the idea for the voter edu proj start with robert moses, an sncc volutnt form new york, moses point out that civ rights move tend to coc on urb areas, he urge sncc o fill in the gap by help rural afri ameris, moses himself went to rural missip, where afri ameris who try to regist vote met with violence, many scc volunts went to misip and other part sof deep south, many had their lives threatenad and others were beaten local officials in misip murder three sncc wokrers as the workers try to regist afri ameri voters, once sncc org a fromer sharcorpper had been evict for her farm after restist vote, she was arrested in misp for urge other afri ameris to resgtis and shwe was veaten by the police in jail, she help org the misip freeodm democ party and challenge leaglity of segreg dem part at the democ nat convent

Ngo Dinh Diem was backed by the U.S. but lacked popular support in his country for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

His Buddhism alienated the predominantly Catholic population/whn jap take pow in viet dur ww two it ewas foreigners rule the viet peep, chin had contr the rgion for hundereds yrs, from late 1800s till ww two, france rule viet and neighboring laos and cabod, region know as french indochin, dur early 1900s, nati had become pow force in viet, the viet form polit parities to push for indi or reform of frecnch colonial govt one of leads of nati movement was ho chi minh, dur his travels he stay in sov union and became an advocate of com, he return to se asia and hlp found the indochin com party and work to overthrow french rule, he fled indochin and went ot sov and chin bv he was wanted, jap took contr of viet, ho chi org a nit gorup called vietminh, they united both coms and no coms in strugg to exple the jap forces, the us start send ilit aid to vietminh, with allies vict over jap, jap surrender contr of indochin, ho chi and his forces annoucne that viet was an indi nation, france had not intent of see viet be indi, they want regain their colon emp in se asia, french toropps return to viet and rove vietnminh forces into hiding in the courntryside, french officiials had set up new govt in viet, the vietmnih fourght bak against the french dom regime and increase their conrt over big areas of the cournttryside, as figt btwn the two sides escalate, france appeal to us for help, the request put us officials in a hard posit, th us oppose colonialism, us offficials din't think france shud contr viet but dind't want viet to be com, us upp french milit campaig against vietminh,french force at dien bien phu fell to vietminh, the defeat convince french tomake peace and withrdraw fro indiochina/NEGOTS to end the conflict were in genva accords that dividde viet with ho chin minh in north and prow west regime in contr i nsouth, the elects were to be held to reunite te courntry under one gov't, the geneva conf recog cambods indi, the french lef,t he us became a protector of the new gov't in the south led by ngo dinh diem a nati liead, he was prow and anitcom, a catholic he welcom n viet cats who migrate to escape ho chis rule, when time came to have courntrywide elcts, diem refused, he kenw com contr n wudn't let free elcts and that ho chi wud have won, eis supp diem and up us milit/eco aid to s viet, us officials supp govt s viet in ists strgugg against n viet, agter ngo ref hold nati elcts, ho chi and his floolwers start armed strugg to reunify viet, they org guerilla army vietcong, many viet opposedeim's govt deim discrim agdainst buddhism, one of he cournty's most widedly prac religs, he ban tradit relg flags for buddha's b day, his govt was corrupt, he made a more democ govt and intro reforms to help viet peasnts but they wiere limited reforms and had little effect, deim intro prog for s veit make stargeic hamlets protected by machine guns, bunkers, trenches and barbed wire, the viet officials moved villagers to them to protect them form vietocong and form give aid to vietcong which was unpop, meany peasants resent being uprooted form their villages, where they ahd work to build famrs and wher many of their ancestors lay buried

Which group occupied Alcatraz Island between 1969-1971?

Indians of all tribes/Motivated by extreme poverty and other groups' civil rights gains, American Indians formed the Red Power movement•They wanted to govern their own communities•Demanded that the U.S. government pay tribes for lands that had been taken illegallyThe Alcatraz occupation•November 1969 -Red Power activists occupied the federal prison on Alcatraz Island•They offered to buy the island with beads and cloth (the same price Dutch colonists paid for Manhattan Island in 1626)•The protest receive national news coverage and brought attention to the Red Power movement/nas in 1970 were one of s smallest minorit gorups, with less than once percent of us pop, the average annual fma income was thous less than of blks, there unemploy rate was ten times the nati rate, in was high unemploy on resrat lands where half of all nas lived, most urb nas suffer from discrim and limit educ and train, life expec among nas was seven yrs below nat average, to miprove condits, many nas start org in sixieties and seventies, more than 400 membs of 67 nas gorups gather to talk ways adrress their probs, they had a minfesto dec of indian purpose that call for policies to make more co opt on resrvats, nas want indi fro assimilat into mainstream societ they did this oppose when cong pas the indian civi rights act that guarntee resrvat residents the protects of the bors but recog the legit of local resrvat law, nas who saw gov't reform efforts as toom modest formed the ameri indian movemnt, they made a symbolic protest by occ the abandoned fed prison on alcatrax island in sanf fran for 19 months claiming ownership by right of discovery

Which of the following did U.S. involvement in Vietnam accomplish?

It prevented the communists from taking power in Cambodia. B) It saved South Vietnam from falling under the control of communist North Vietnam. C) It stimulated the U.S. economy sufficiently to ensure full employment, business growth, and balanced federal budgets. D) It enhanced U.S. prestige and power around the globe. E) NONE OF THESE the peace accords colapsed with the 17th parallel sep n and s viet, us took troops form viet and n viet army laucnh full scale invas of socuth, n veit capt saigon and united viet under com rule, the war cso lots of money in indirect eco expense and in direct costs it had result in deaths of many young ameris, the war shook the us confid and led some to embrace a new kind of isolationsim, many afmeris became more reluc to intervence in the affirs of other nations, viet increased us chyynsicms about the govt bv many felt us leads had misled them/Morale had plummeted and drug use had soared./ Racial conflict among American soldiers had increased./ Killing of officers by enlisted men had become more common./Military desertions soared /Civil Rights, pacifist, religious, and student groups led the antiwar movement• Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) -led the antiwar movement on the college campuses•Organized the first national antiwar demonstration•Delivered a petition directly to Congress to end the war•Civil Rights leaders also opposed the war•In reality, antiwar protestors made up a very small percentage of the U.S. populationFree Speech Movement•Protest began on many college campuses throughout the US to protest the lack of free speech given to students• UC Berkeley in 1964•First six months of 1968 -more than 200 major demonstrations at collegesDraft Resistance•As more Americans turned against the war, more men began to "dodge the draft"College students could receive a deferment, or postponement of military serviceOthers claimed to have a physical disability, or claimed to be a "conscientious objector", or even fled to Canada (it is estimated that 100,000 draft resisters went there)/The bombing and invasion of Cambodia outraged many in the U.S., particularly college students•Kent State shootings-a protest at Kent State turned deadly when the National Guard fired on protestors killing four and injuring nine others•1970‐Congress repealed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution• 1971 -the New York Times published the Pentagon Papers which were secret government documents that revealed that the government had frequently misled the American people about the war/while a nubmer of young eamris in the sixties wought to challeng the syst, others want leave it and build their own societ, thruout the decasde, thous mostly wht youths turn away from their mid and up class existance and make a new lifetlye, once that promote flamboyant dress, rock music, drug use, and free and indi living, with their alternative ways of life, these young mena dn wom frow the coutnercuture or hippies

A pivotal reason for which Kennedy defeated Nixon in the 1960 election was that

Kennedy fared better in televised debated/Republican VP Richard Nixon faced off against Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson ran as Kennedy's vice‐presidential candidate Anti‐Catholicism persisted and many Protestants were wary of voting for Kennedy Both candidates were ardent Cold Warriors But Kennedy argued that the Soviet Union's success in launching Sputnik, the first earth satellite, into orbit, and their tests of the first intercontinental ballistic missile, showed that the United States under the Republicans had let a "missile gap" develop and was lagging behind the USSR Kennedy's criticisms convinced many Americans that new leadership was needed Kennedy's stylish wife, Jacqueline, also charmed many Americans, who seemed to want a young and energetic first family In the first‐ever televised presidential debate, the handsome Kennedy bested Nixon, who had a cold and seemed tired and nervous/the tv debates of the pres elct had impact, after first debate, the media foc more on appear of candids, with that debate the era of tv polits had start, tv had been use in campaigs in 1948 but it wasn't till 1960 elct that lot voters sued it as vote tool, the us itself was on new age, both candids share desire to lead us thru challenges of new decade, ken was a cat from rich masa fama nd nix was quaker from ali and poor, ken was relaxed and nix was stiff, the pres race made new use of tv with both parties spend lot money of tv ads, dnot everyone like new emphasis on image, the campaig center on eco and cold war, both differ little on both issues, both prom boost eco and both portray selves as cold warriors in want stop forces of com, ken argue that us had threats from sovs, cub was ally with sov, many epp live in faear of sov nuc attack, ken say a missile gap, where us lag behind osvs in wpnry, ken say us had grown aimlesss, nix say us was on right track under the current adminst, nix warn that dmes policies wud boost inflat and that only he had the foreig policy experience to guide us, ken got scuriny for his rleif, the us had never had a cat pres and protestants concern bout ken, the four telvised debates influenced the oucome of the elct, one of the closest in us hist, ken won, ameris like hearing both men directly, you can see which man got rattled, nix was rattled, ken look helathy stong and confid, inx was tired and frazzled and sick, ken had a tan and nix face was pale, with stublle his eyes were darting and he was sweating and cud be seen with tight shots

the great society

Lyndon B. Johnson or "LBJ" -a former Senator who was a master of compromiseJohnson called his domestic program the "Great Society"Johnson continued JFK's policies and programs"Kennedy inspired. . . . Johnson delivered"‐Congress approved programs for Johnson that they had rejected for Kennedy-Tax cuts were passed-War on Poverty-created an Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) -it included Job Corps, Head Start and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)Johnson was reelected in a landslide in 1964 against the father of modern conservatism, Barry Goldwater•Medicare-national health insurance for people over 65• Medicaid -free health care to the needy• Elementary and Secondary Education Act -provided money for schools in poor areasEstablished the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Supported programs to benefit the arts, such as the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)•Created the Corporation for Public Broadcasting-nonprofit organization offering educational television programmingEnvironment•Water Quality Act of 1965, Air Quality Act of 1967, Water Pollution Act of 1968, as well as several others•Created several new national parks and wilderness areas, the great societ progs tocuh almost all aspect of us life and improve thosus of lives, in yrs since pres johnson left office, debate has cont whether it was a success, it was limited, in his rush to get as much done as he cud, he didn't calculate exactly how his progs wud work, some of them didn't work as well as peep had hoped, the prgs grew so fast they were often unmageable and fifficlut to evaluate, cities statesa dn groups eligible for adi start to expect immediate and life change befits, these expectsats often left many feel frustrate and mad, other amersi oppose the growth of fed progs and crit the great societ for intrude too much into their lives, a lack of funds also hurt hte effectiveness of great societ progs, the prgs were eexpensive, when johnson try to fund both is grand domestic agenda tnd the costly war in viet, the great societ suffer, some of it ahd surive to present like medicare and medicaid, two cab agencies the dept of trnasportat and dept of housinga nd urban develp and proj head start too, the programs provide some imp benefits to poorer communits and gave polita dn admins experience to minorit groups, an imp legacy was the quests it made, like if fed govt help its disadvantaged cits, how mcuh govt help can a societ have wo weaken the priv sector, how much hep can its peep get wo lose motivat to fight against hardships on their own, lbj came into office determined to change the us ina way few other press had try, if he fell short, it was that the goals he set were to high, vista was a domestic peace corps it put young peep with skills and communit minded ideals to work in poor neighborhoods and rural areas to help peep overcome povert/this prog was lbjs vision of the omore perfect and equitable societ the us cud and shud become, he wanted fufill fder's misso, he felt tahtat a rich pow govt cud and shud try to improve the lives of its cits, ken todl jhonson he cared about us, medicare establish a comprhensive health insur prog for all old peep, finance thru the coial securit syst, medicaid fund by fed and state govts gave healdth and med assit to low income fams, the chirld nurtiton ac test a schoola nd beakfast prog and expand the shcool lunch a prog and milk prog to improve poor childs nurtirt, the elemntary and secondary edu act target adi to studs and fund related activits like adult edu and edu conseling, higer edu act, suppcollege utition shcolarhships stud loans and work study progs for low and middle income studs, prjoj ehead start fund a preschool prog for the disadvantaged, the oeo oversaw many progs to improve life in iner cities, include jobs corps, and edu and jobs train prog for at risk youth, hous and ubrban develop act esta new housing subsidy pros and made fed laons and public house grants easier to get, the demonstrat ciesties and metro deevelop act help revitalize urb areas thru a variet of social and eco progs, the water qualit act and clean air acts upp develop of standards adn gaoals for water ad air qualit, the higway safety act supp highway safety by improve fed, state and local coordinat and by make training standsrads for emergency med techs, the fiar package and label act requ all consuer prods to have ture and informative labels

nonviolent protest

Martin Luther King Jr.became the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) that pledged to used nonviolent resistance in protests•Sit‐ins-protest by sitting down in a location and refusing to leave•Leaders of these demonstrations founded the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)•December 1960-Supreme Court ruled that segregation in bus stations was also illegal•Freedom Riders-busses of integrated passengers rode through the South to draw attention to violations of this ruling•Busses were attacked, particularly in Alabama•Pres. Kennedyeventually sent federal marshals to protect the passengersUniversity of Mississippi•Forced by a court order to admit James Meredith, and African American applicant•The governor declared that he would not be allowed to enroll and personally stopped him on campus•A riot broke out and federal troops were brought in to restore order• 375 people were injured and 2 killed•The next day he enrolled in classes and he graduated in 1963/Protests were only successful when they generated publicity•Civil rights leaders began to choose cities where there protests would be responded to with violence•The SCLCfocused on the city of Birmingham, Alabama•The protests involved school children who could afford to go to jail for the causePolice arrested many and used dogs, fire hoses, and nightsticks on the protesters•As the scenes were shown on television and in newspapers, public support for Civil Rights increasedCivil Rights Act of 19641.Banned discriminationin employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national originOutlawed discrimination in public accommodationsGave the Justice Department power to bring lawsuits to enforce school desegregationRemoved registration restrictions to allow for equal voting rights/look at mongomer boycott

Which U.S. agency was established to advise the president on strategic matters around the globe?

National Security Council-The function of the NSC as outlined in the 1947 act was to advise the President on integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to national security and to facilitate interagency cooperation. At the President's direction, the NSC could also assess and appraise risks to U.S. national security, consider policies, and then report or make recommendations to the President./ it was during his Presidency that covert intelligence operations in support of foreign policy objectives was undertaken on an ever broadening scale. The NSC's first action (NSC 1/1) authorized covert action in the Italian elections. The formal institutionalization of covert actions was established as NSC 4 in December 1947, and NSC 10/2 of June 1948./In 1949, events reinforced the need for better coordination of national security policy: NATO was formed, military assistance for Europe was begun, the Soviet Union detonated an atomic bomb, and the Communists gained control in China. The Department of State seized the opportunity to review U.S. strategic policy and military programs. State won approval of an ad hoc interdepartmental committee under its Policy Planning head, Paul Nitze.

silent majority

Nixonand his key foreign policy advisor, Henry Kissinger'splan to turn the fighting over to the South Vietnamese and withdraw U.S. troops was called "Vietnamization"•Nixon claimed this would bring "peace with honor",withdrawal was very slow•Nixon secretly attempted to expand the war into Cambodia and ordered a bombing campaign against them•Nixon renewed the bombing of N. Vietnam in order to convince the North Vietnamese to agree to a peace agreement•The war grew more fierce and N. Vietnam planned a major invasion of S. Vietnam•Nixon drew his support from the "silent majority", those not involved in protest who favored the war, loved America, and did not agree with all the protests/label nixon gave to middle-class americans who supported him, obeyed the laws, and wanted "peace with honor" in vietnam, he contrasted this group with students and civil rights activists who disrupted the country with protests in the late 1960s and early 1970s/Americans who Nixon believed he had the firm backing of in his plan for Vietnamization, the people who disapproved of antiwar protesters and generally supported the government's goals in Vietnam/nixon appointed kissinger as special assistant for national secuirt affairs and gave him wide authrit to sue diplomacy to tend the conflict, he took on policy of linkage taht mant improve realts with sov annch chin wh owere suppliers of aid to n viet, so eh could persuade them to cut back on their adi, he rekindle peace talks with n viet and enter secret negots with n viets negoatiator kiss ad him argue over cease fire, the returen of us pows and fate of s viet, nex cut back number of us troops in viets called vietnamization, this involve the slow withdrawal of us troops while s viet assume more of the fighting, nix announce withdrawal as not form of surrender he was determ ot omaintain a strong us presence in viet to ensure bargain pow deur peace negots, in supp of that goal, nix up airstrieks agains n viet and start bomb vietcong sactuaries in cabodia, nix say us troops had invade cabod and many saw it as a widen of war and it set off protests, one was in kent state universit, nati guard solds fire on demonstartors without order, the solds killl students and hurt soe, , there was alos another demonstart at anoth college, polls show that two thirds ameris want war end in viet fast, nix had drop his insist that n viet troops had to withdraw fro s viet before peace treaty sign, kiss then came from his secret talks and say peace treaty found, nix won the upcoming election in landslide for mid calss ameris who were tirded of many mid class ameris, , nix had prom atd his fist campaig to unify the nation and restore law and order to appeal to tameris who fear us was spin out of contr. nix declasre he had plan for end war in veit, nixs proms to end th war and restore home order were enought to get hi m in office, nix say he vow toend viet war and bring us together, his silent majority was those who agreed with him and voted for him both times

The NAACP and the Montgomery Improvement Association challenged racial segregation of public transportation by?

Organizing a boycott of the bus system by African Americans/in midst of uproar over brown v board of edu case, rosa parks made her decis to challenge segref of pub tdransport, jo ann robinson in response of her arresst called on afri ameris to boycott montgomer'ys buses on the day rosa went to cort, the boycott was success, many fafri ameri leads form the montogermy improvment associat torun the boyctot and to negot with city leads for an end to segreg they elect a 26 yo pastor named martin luther king jr to lead them, he encour peep to cont their portest, he say there was time when peep got tired of be thrown into humiliate, where they had bleak of despir he say protest had to be peaceful, the only wpn is one of protest, , he bleive only moreal way to end segreg and racism was throu nonvilent passive resistace, he said to use the wpn of love, he said many taught to hate they are not totally responsi for their hate, he say that they must say to racists and segregs, we will wear you down by our capacit to suffer and in win our freedom, we will so appeal to your heart and conscient that we will win you i the process, king drew upo phisoph and techniques fo mohandas ganhi who had use nonviolenct resistance against brit rule in india, king encourg his followrs to disobey unjust lawas, blieve in peep's abilit to transform themselves, king was cert that pub opinion wud force gov't to end segreg, afir ameris in motgo cont their boycott for over a yr, instead of rifde the bus, they org car pools or walk to work, they ref to be intimidate, they aoid violence, par's legal challeng to bus segreg owrk its way thru the courts, the usp court affirm thedecis dec alab's lwas requ segreg on buses be unconst/December 1, 1955 - Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger and was arrested•In protest of the city's segregation, many of Montgomery's African American population organized a boycott of the bus system•The Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)chose as its spokesperson Martin Luther King Jr.•His leadership and speaking ability convinced many to continue with the boycott•White protesters intimidated and used physical violence to try to break the boycott•King believed in the non‐violent tactics of Gandhiand urged the African American community not to respond with violence•November 1956-the Supreme Court ruled the segregation laws unconstitutional•Martin Luther King Jr.Movement•Many accused King of being a Communist•Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957-Made it a federal crime to prevent qualified people from voting; passed to protect the voting rights of African Americans became the new leader of the Civil Rights

During the early primaries of 1968, which democrat appeared likely to win the nomination

ROBERT KENNEDY/early ray was arrested for killing mlk jr, it led to riots in many cities, another assasinat hit the us of robert kennedy who seem to be on his way to win the dem nomination, the violence that seemd to plague the us at every turn in 1968 culminate with a chaotc and well publicized clash btwn protesters and police at the dem nat convent when protesters descend on the august convent demand that dems adopt an antiwar platform, the delgats chose humphrey, pres jhonson's vp as their pres nom, the protestsers and police start fighting, full scale riot engulf the streets of downtown chica as ofcrs try to disperse demnostrators with tear gas and clubs, demonstrators tautn the authorts with the whole world is wathching, the violenca nd chaos now associated with the dem party benefit the 1968 repub pres candid nix, he was bet in 1960 but stay acitvie in nati polits, a third candid gover george wallce of alab also deicde to run in 1968 as an independent, he was a segreg and sought to attract those ameris who felt threatend by the civ rights move and urban social unrest, pub opinion polls gave nix a wide lead over them, nix's campig promise to unify the us and restore law and order and it appeal to ameris who fear the us was spin out of contr nix declare he had a plan for end the war in viet, hump's upp of prress hohnson's viet poliices hurt his campig after he broke with teh pre and call for a end to the bomb of n viet he start move up in the polls,before the elct jhonson help hump by announce that the bomb of n viet had stop and that cease fire wud follow but it came to late, nix's pomrs ot end the war and restore order at hoe were enought to sway the us peep, nix beat hum, and wallace, nix recall his say the he woudl implement his paln to end the viet war and bring us togeth/Eugene McCarthy and Robert F. Kennedy challenged Johnson for the Democratic nomination•Pres. Johnson decided not to seek re‐election•Kennedywas closing in on the nomination when he was assassinated by Sirhan SirhanHubert Humphrey ended up as the Democratic nominee after a contentious vote at the Democratic National Convention•The election would turn out to be a three‐way race between Humphrey (Democrat), Nixon (Republican), and Alabama governor George Wallace (American Independent)• Republican Richard M. Nixon would end up winning the election with only 43.2% of the popular vote•Nixon appealed to mainstream, patriotic America and claimed he had a secret plan to end the Vietnam War/U.S. victory seemed distant, despite the optimism of U.S. leaders•Reporters were allowed unprecedented access to the military operations so the government was unable to control what was reported•Americans saw images that contradicted the government's reports and optimismU.S. citizens began to question how and/or why the war was fought• Hawks (those who support the war) ‐ criticized the way the war was being fought• Doves (those who opposed the war) ‐ supported peace, argued that Vietnam was not crucial to national security, or that the U.S. was fighting against the will of the Vietnamese people•After the TetOffensive more Americans were against the war than favored it./Civil Rights, pacifist, religious, and student groups led the antiwar movement• Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) -led the antiwar movement on the college campuses•Organized the first national antiwar demonstration•Delivered a petition directly to Congress to end the war•Civil Rights leaders also opposed the war•In reality, antiwar protestors made up a very small percentage of the U.S. populationFree Speech Movement•Protest began on many college campuses throughout the US to protest the lack of free speech given to students• UC Berkeley in 1964•First six months of 1968 -more than 200 major demonstrations at collegesDraft Resistance•As more Americans turned against the war, more men began to "dodge the draft"College students could receive a deferment, or postponement of military serviceOthers claimed to have a physical disability, or claimed to be a "conscientious objector", or even fled to Canada (it is estimated that 100,000 draft resisters went there)

When Winston Chruchill spoke in Missouri about an "iron curtain" he was referring to

The Soviet domination of eastern Europe./ tru had wong argue over reparats fro germ, he had success on other issues at postdam, the sovs ref to make any stonger commits to uphold ec of leb euro, the presecne of sov army is eastern eruo ensure that eventually pro sov com go't would be stablish in pol roman, blugaria, hunagar and cech, this warn is not as in teh past stal say, whoever occupies territ also imposess his own soical suyst, it can't be otherwise, he say, com coutnries in e euro came to be called satellite nations altho not under direct sov contr, they had to remain com and riendly to sov, they also had follow policies that sovies aprove, as he watch the com takeover in east eruio, churhill coined prhase to describe what had hap, in a speech in mjissouri, church said fro stettin in the baltic to trieste in the adriatic, an iron curt ahs descend acr the continent behind that liene lie all the capits of the ancient states of certr and east euro,a ll are subj in on e from or anoth not only to sov influence but to a very high and increasing measure of foncrt from moscow, with the iron curtain separat com nations of east euro from the west, the ww two era came to end and cold war was about to start

Which of the following was accomplished during Truman's presidency?

The armed forces were desegregated./he issue an exec order barring discim in fed employment and he end segreg in the armed forces, most of his legis efforts met with little success, as a coalit of repubs and conservative s dems defeat many of his proposals

Teenage discontent and rebellion were featured in many movies as well as the novel -------- by JD Salinger

The catcher in the rye/J.D. Salinger; explored the mental anguish of a teenage boy estranged from the crass materialism of his parents/Salinger's portrait of sensitive, upper-class white adolescent in society/Holden Caulfield- main character. Follows the a man in the path for the ivy leagues, but he feels trapt and rebels from this life style; has a distorted view of adulthood- sex, money, alcohol, smoking

Who were the "Hollywood Ten"?

They were a group of prominent film directors and screenwriters who refused to say whether they had been members of the Communist Party./the house of reps use huac to investigate com infiltrat of gov't agencies and more of the hollywood movie indust, they question polit ties of membs of peace org, lib polit groups and labor unions, they accuse many hollywood figures of be coms and use films to sptread com themes to ameris, many movies stars protest huac's attitueds and procedures in their investig, those accused had little chance to defend selves, the hoolywood ten were a group directors/writers that went to jail instead of answer huac's questions, they and many others were put on the balklist and were denied work, so their careers were ruined, huac's first hears focus on the film insut as a pow cultural force taht coms might use and manipulate, fear of coms in hollywood spread adn procducers then drew up blacklists and agreed not to dhire nayone in the fim insut who was believed to be a com or who ref to cooperate with the comitte, the blacklist made an atoms of distrust and fear, peep cud be blacklist for crit huac or know a suspected com, ten screenwriterds used thier fifth amend right to portect selves fro slef incriminat and ref to testify before huac, but couldn''t not answer cong and so couldn't not get in trouble, hollywood celebrieties went to washington to protest huac's investi of alleged coms, red channels was made by three fbi agents in the past, and it calim to id 151 subversive entertainer sin radio and tv


a number of oung ameris in sixites sought to challenge the syst, others wanted to leave it and build their own societ, thruout the decasde, thosus of mostly whti yougths turn away from their mid and upper lcass exist and make a new lifestlue, one that promote the vitrues fo flamboyant dress, rock music, durg use, and free and indi living, with their alternative ways of life, these yound gmena nad wom form the coutnerculture, and ware called hipies, hippie culture represnt a rebellion against the fdom culture in the us, this was a rejct of w civilizat of ratuionality, order and the tradit valuse of the mid calss, the countcult held up a ideal of society taht was free r closer to nature and full of lvoe empathy tolerance and cooperat, much of this was in reac to the fifites us steriotype of the man in the gary suit who led a coloerless lfie, when the move got bigger, many of the newcomers dind't always udnerstand thsese ideas of the coutnerculture, for them waht matter were the signs that define the comvment, ong hair, na headbands, cowboy boots, long dresses, shavbby jeans and use of drugs, amny hippies want drop out of societ by leave home and live togeth iwith other youths in communes, they shared everything and worked togeth, a nuber of hippies esta communes in small and rural communits, others lived toghth in praks or crwoeded apts in us big cities, on e of most popu hipie destinats was haigh ashubry district, by sixieteis, thsous hppies went htere, in ther rejec tof materialism many membs of coutner culture, embrace spirtiualit, new form s of chriitanity, amny of the relgi groups centr around arthouit leads, the lead dom others and cnotr their lives like arrage amrriages btwn mbmbes, relig became the cetr exprierince in the blievers life, the authiorit figure was a prent fighrue adn beliverds formed an extended fam taht tooke th eplace of the fam whih a memb had been born, this coud lead to conflicts, som e parents accused relig sexcts of use midn contr methods, som try to recapt and deprofgram their childre, two new relig groups that attract attendt in sixites were the unificat chruch and hare krishan move, both were off of est religs and came form abroad, unificat chrush calim to hadv had a vision in which jesus told moon that he was the next messiha dn was charged with restoring the kingdom of god on tearht, the hre krishnas trace their spirt line to a hind sect that star in indina and worship the god krishnas, in dress, diet worship and gen style fo living, krishnas try to emulate thise hindu practioners of antoh tim ean place, after a few yrs, the ocunt cult mvoe start ot detireiourate, some hippe communitin th ehcities turn into seedy and deanger placdes wehre muggings and other crim actiivt became too frequent the gralmoura nd exceit of drug use wante as more and more youn peep became addict ord die form overdoses, a nubme rof the peep involved in the move got older and move on in live, the decline of haigh ashburry, the one time booming urban commune was a desperate attempt of a handful of unequipped children to creat a cmmounit out of a social vacum, in enad, omst of the young men and owm of the count cult unable to est an ideal communit and supp selves, return to mainstream soceit, in the long run, the coutn cult did change us life over time mainsteram ameri accept their fashion, art and dance

Which of these did NOT contribute to suburban growth in the 1950s?

apartments in cities were overcrowded/adverstisers targeted their ads to consumers who had money to spend, many of these consumers lived in the us growing subs that grew up around cities, levittown was one of earliest new subs, the drive force behind this planned resdient communit was bill levit who mass rpod lots of simple and similar looking homes in a paotato filed from nyc, thous fams rush to buy inexpense homes, soon other comunits livke levit won sparng up thruout us, subus were grow in pop dur fities, the number of sub dwellers doubled, and populat of cities rose only a bit, reasons for the rapid growth of subur was that some peeep want to escape the crime and congest of citty barrios, others see life in subs as move up to bett life for sleves and chilren, sub offer a more pictuesque envi, the developers attracte home buyers with proms of fresh air, green lawns and trees, affordabilit became a key factor in attract home buyers to the subus, bv th gi bill offer low interest loans, new housing was more afforbable dur the postwar period than at any other time in us history, eqully attractive was the gots offer of income tax dedcuts for home morgage interest payments and prop taxes, the subus came to symoblize us dream, they own homes, sent children to good schools, live in safe communtis, and had eco securit

black power

by mid 60's a number of leads were become criticals of mlk's noviolent tactics, they felt it ha failed to improve the eco posit of afri ameris, king start to forcus on eco issues, king wanted to could more attent to poverty and racial problems beneath the urban race ritos, to bring attent to the slum condits, king moved into a slum apt in chicag, king and sclc hoped to work with local leads to improve the eco staturs of afri ameris in chicag's poor barrios, the chigcag movement made little headway, king led marc throug wht subburb, to demonstttrate need for open housing, he was met by angry white mobs, the chicage police protecte dthe marchers, but the city wanted to avoid violence, they met with ing and propose new prog to clean up the slums, realtor anbanksers also agreed to promote open housing, but morgages and rental property wud be avaible to everyone nom atter what race, but very little changed=his fail in chicage show peaceful protests cud do little to change eco probs, many afri ameris, esp youing peep live in cities started to turn away from king, some leads call for more agress forms of protest, their new startegs were armed self defense, and segregation from whites, afri ameris became more asseritve and place less emphasis on cooperat with sympath whites in the civ rihts move, some ari ameri orgs like core and sncc vote to expel all whts from lead positions in the orgs, beliveing that afir amersi alon shud determine the course and directio nof their strugg, many yoiu afri ameris call for blk power, it meant diff things, af few saw it as pahys self def and violence were aceptable in defense of one's freedom, which awas a reject of dr.kings philosph, it meant afri ameirs shud contr social, political and eco direction of their strugg, psycohoigical equalti is why sncc belives blks must org in the blk communitj, only blk peep can make communit an aroused and cont bk consciousnes, blk peeople msut do things for themsleves, they must get money they will scontr and spend themselvds, they msut conduct ttuorial progs themsleves to blk childrean can d with blk peep, blk powere stress pride in teh afr ameri cult gropu, it emphasixe racial deisticveness rather than cultureal assimilate, whcih minorit groups adapt to the dominat culture in a societ, afri ameris show pride in tehir raccial heritage by get new afro hair and afri style clothes, many took on afir names and demandsed afri and afri ameri studies courses in cllege, king and other leads crit blk pow as philosph of hopleess nad des[air, the idea was popu in the poor urb bariios where afri aemris resides, malcmox and nation of islam and blk panthers were all orgs and peep who at one point believed and fought with this, the civ rights movemetn as result fragmented into cmpeting orgs with philophies for reach equalti, the emvrgense of blk pow and call for violenct action acnger many civ rits supps, this made furhter legis to hlep blks eco unlikely

Richard Nixon engineered a dramatic turnaround in American relations with

china/the sov was not pleased with nix, a man with a hist of anticom actions became pres, nix was anticom but he came to rejet the notion of a bipolar world in which the superpows of the us and the sov confronted one anoth, he velieve the us need to understand the grow role taht chin, jap, and w eruo wud soon play, this multipolar world of the future demadned a diff approach to us foreig policy, with kissing;er help, nxi made an approach called detente, or relax of tensions btwn the us and its two major com rivals, the sov and chin, nix said us had to build bett realtion with its main rivals in the interests of world peace, it was an understand btwn both nations that share common interests nd opposite purposes, in clude teh avoid of nuc war, an understand can work, as long as the potent aggressor is made to recog that tneighter agress nor war will be profitable, detente began with an effor tto improve us chin relats, when a com govt came to pow in china, the us had refu to recog the coms as the legit rulers, the us goct recog the exiled regime on the taiwan island as the chin govt, having long supp this policy, nix now set out to reverse it, he start by lift trade and travel restricts and withdrawing the seventh fleet form def taiwan, after series of secret negots btwn kiss and chin leads, nix announce he wud visit chin dur the histor tirp, the leads of both nations agreed to establsih more normal realts btwn their cournties, in take this trip, nix hope to strengehn ties with chin and ecnrouurage sovs to more activleuy pursue diplo, since sixities, a rift start btwn the com govts of sov and chin, toopos of the two nations calsh along their bordgers, nix belive detente with chin wud ecnorg sov to be more accomodate with us/Détente•French term meaning relaxing or easing•Nixon and Kissinger worked to ease tensions with the Soviet Union and China•Soviets hoped to expand trade with Western nations•American leaders hoped it would facilitate their withdrawal from Vietnam•both sides sought to ease the economic burden of their aggressive nuclear arms raceDisarmament• Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)-Limited development of antiballistic missiles (ABMs) and offensive intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)• Biological Weapons Convention• Anti‐Ballistic Missile Treaty•Some trade approved with the USSR based on their improvement in human rights•U.S. also began improving relations with China•1972-Pres. Nixon visited China and the UN admitted the People's Republic of China/after pub learn of us negots with chin, the sovs propse an ameri sov summit diplo meeting, pres nix went to moscow for the summit, dur the historic moscow summit, both supepows sign the salt a plan to limit nuc arms the two nations had been work on for yrs, nix also agre to up trade and exchnage of sci info, detente eased tensions btwn the sov and us, by end of nix's pres, once sov official admit the us and osv union had their best realtion the whole codl war period, nix made his mark

The competition between the us and the Soviet Union was known as the

cold war from 1946-1990-it was domin internat relations, the conflict center around the intense rivalry btwn two superpows; the com emp of the sov and the lead democ of west, the us, super pow competit usually as throug diplomacy rather thatn armed conflict but in many instances, the cold war took the world close to nuc war, it was part of trus polices in repsonse ot sov efforts to up their influence in the world, soe say tru misunderstood and overreact ot russ's historic need to securre its borders, other critics have attake dhis adminst for be weak on com, the warticme alliance twn the us and sov against axis pows was a temorar halt in tehir poor relations of the past, since the bolshevik reve that est a comgovt in russ, ameris had seen sovs as threat to all capit conuntries, in us, it led to redscare, the us refuse recog sove union till 1933, roose's advisers conclude that stalin and coms cudn't be trusted, the noagrees pact where stal andhitler agree divide e euro was make them look bad, hitler's surprise invas of sov and jap's surprise attack on pearl arbor led to a us sov alliance of convenienc but not trust, stal complaint that brit and ameris wait too late to oepn a second front in france, the sovs ore the burntt of fitht the nazis as result, postwar conslifcts over centr and e euro were already evident in the negots btwn birt, sov union and us at yalta and potsdam roose hope persoanl diplo might keep stal in chek but when tur came to pow , he became susp of osvs, gerneral assmeby of un was made to give representat to all memb nations an dsecurti council was given the responsi within the un for aintain internat securit and suthori peacekeep missions, sov reject a paln prose for regu nuc enery and elim atom wpns, it was seen by ameri leads as proof that moscom didn't have peaceful intentions, us offer sovs participat in new internat back for reconstruct and dvelopment but somvs decline bc saw bank as part of capit, distrust turn into hostilit at start 1946 as sov forces stay in counrites of centr and e euro, elections were held by sovs as prom by stal at yalta but they were put in favveor of com candids, com dictsats most loyal to moscow came to pow in pol, and other countires, sovs argue that russ need buffer states sa satellites as protect against anoth invase from west, us and brit gov'ts were alrm by sov takeover of e euro, they saw sov actions in this regions as violation of self determinat, domc and open markets, brit want free elects in pol, wohose indi had been issue since start ww two

*Kennedy's presidency was dominated by

concern with international crises and the threat of nuclear war=cuban missile crisis/took office at a timed of growing global instabilit, nati was explode thruout the devoeloping world and the sov supp wars of nati lib, ken felt eis ahd relied too heaby on nuc wpns whic cud only be used in exterem situs, if nations needed halpa gainst com movments the pres pusch for a build up of convent troops and wpns, ken supp the speical forces, a small army made to wage guerillla warfare in limited conflicts, it was green veret, in lat ameri soceit had govets that were in hands of wealthy and thier citizens live in pover, some lat ameri coutnreis spur growth of com movments aimed at ovetrheow their govts us was invollved in lat ameri it was to hlep eixt govts in pow in order to prevent com movemtns, por lat ameris restent this intrusison just as they resent ameri corps that had biz operats in their contres that was seen as imperialsim to improve relats ken propose alliane for progress which was cooperative aid projgs with lat ameri govts it was made to make a free and prosperous lat ameri that woudl not supp com rvs, some countires tho the ruleres use d the moeny to keep selves in pow, space race, berlin wall goes up

Which of these was NOT a major principle of the Soviet Union?

democratic gov't/Nuclear anxiety fueled the arms race between the U.S. and the USSR• 1950 - U.S. developed the hydrogen bomb or the H‐bomb (1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bombs used in WWII)• 9 months later the USSR tested one•Many Americans sought religion for comfort, which contrasted sharply with the official atheism of the USSRCongress added the phrase "One Nation Under God"Allegiance and "In God We Trust" to U.S. currencyUS government started the Federal Civil Defense Administrationeducate the public about what to do in case of a nuclear attackThey distributed materials like the "Duck and Cover" film and information for building bomb shelters and instructions for holding air raid drills in schoolsPrivately, their efforts were largely ridiculedH‐bomb tests showed the widespread effects of nuclear falloutPeople realized nobody would be safe in a nuclear attack

freedom riders

despite rulings outlaw segreg in interstate bus service, bus trav reamin segreg in much of the south, core lead ask teams fo fafri ameris and whts to trav into the south to get attent to south's ref to integrate bus terminals, the teams were knwon as freecom riders, the fist of them baord many southboudn itnerstate buses, when the buses carry them arrive in nnston birmingham and motgomer alab, angry wht mobs attack them, the mobs lsi the bus tirea nd threw rocsks at the winds, someone thre wa friebomb into one bus, the riders in briminghame coe fro a bus to face a gang of men armed with vv cats chains and lead pipes, they beat the riders the head of polic in birmingham say ther wan no police at the bus tat bv it was mothers day but fbi evid show that connor ahd contact the tlocal kk and told them he want the freed riders beaten the violenc in alba made nat news, shock many ameris, the attack on freed rdiers came fter ken took office, and he felt he ad to do something to get the violence udner contr, when violence hap aginst them, the ken's ame to their aid but not at firs, ken was prep for meet with sov lead and idn't want vioolenec in sotuh to dirsprpt the meet by give the impress that us was weak and divided, they urge tehm stop after they were attacked in montgomer and give everyone a colling off period, but they cont, ken made deal with sen misip who was supp of segreg, if eastland wud use his influehe in misp to sotp vioolence, ken woud let mmisip police arrest the feed riders, the riders were arrest,ed, the cost of bail them out of jail csot msot of core's fudns, the rdies had to end unless more money coudl be foud, thrugood marcshall offer use of naacop's legal defense fudn huge bail bond accoutn to keept he rides going, ken chang his post afte rthe meetings, and order icc to tigten its rgullats against segreg bus terminals, rob ken order jsut dept to take legal action agaisnt s cities that were rmaintain segreg bus terminals, the cont pressure of core and actsion of icc and jsut dept made segre in interstate tarve end

tet offensive

during tet the viet new year, the vietcong and n veit launch a surprise attack, the guerrilla fighters attack all us aribases in s viet and most of s viets major cieties and provicial capits, the worst batt was at hue, s viets thrid biggest city, the com forces sezie much of it and it took us an s viet troops a month to drive them out, us troops found mass graves, the com forces had mssacred the city's polit and relig leads and many froegners, intellectuals, and others asscoiated iwth s viets gov't, tet turn out to be a disast for the com forces, after a month of fighting,t he us and s veit soldiers repell the enmy troops,a nd inflict losses on them, lbj said the enemy's effort had end in failure, the n viet had got tho a polit vit, the us peep were shocked that an enemy on the verge of deafeat cud launch such a large scale attack, when mroe troops were requestby us in addit to those already in viet, it seem to be an admission that the us cudn't win the war, the media had tried to remain balanced in their war coverage now critcize the effort, the nations msot respected tv newscaster announce after tet that it seem more cert than ever that the experince in viet is to end in stalemante, the pub opinion no longer faveor lbj, after the tet offensive, the pres's approval rating went down, while supp for his handling of the war fell lower as well/Despite some success, US troops (in their ever‐increasing numbers) could not drive out the Viet Cong who were masters at jungle warfare•Tet(Vietnamese New Year)-the Vietcong and North Vietnamese led a surprise attack against the South Vietnamese and U.S. troops-attacked more than 100 cities and 12 U.S. military bases-even occupied the courtyard of the U.S. embassy-They were particularly brutal, slaughtering anyone considered an enemy•When the news showed images of the embassy being taken over, and public criticism rose dramatically•Tet is consider the turning point in the war. Even though the attack was repealed it was a psychological victory for the North

Defoliants were used in Vietnam primarily to

expose enemy hiding places and destroy food supply/lacking the firepow of the amris, the vietong use ambushes, booby traps and guerrilla tactics, the vietcong furstrate us toroops by blend in with the gen popu in th e cities and the counrtyside and then vanishing, it was a imposbilit to keep the ecnmey from slip away it was a war where nothing was cert and nowher was safe, to counter the viecong's tactics, us troops went on search and estroy m ission, they try to find enemy troopps, bomb thier posits, destroy their supply lines and force them out into the open for combat, us forces sougtht to take away vietcogn's abilit to hide in the jungeles by destroy the landscape, us plances drop napalm, a jeeled gas that exploddes on conatct, they use agent orange, a chem sthat strips leaves form trees and shrubs turn farmland and froest into wasteland

For most American workers, the 1950s were a time of

greater prosperity than they had ever known/now the us had created an eco of abundance, new biz techniques and improved tehcnology enabled the us to prod an abudnance of goods and services for their peep, all of which allowed many of them to enjoy a standard of living never before though possible, btwn 1940/60, the average income of su fams tripled, ameris in all income brackets, poor, mid calss and rich exprience this rising income, the rise in home ownership also show that hte inocme of average fams hard risesn, the noubemr of ameris own their own homes rose, with the us eco growth were changes in work envis, mechanization in farms and facts meant that fewer farmers and laborers were needed to provide the pub with food and goods, more ameris then began working in white collar jobs, such as those in sales and mangagement, for the irst time, wht collar workers outnubmered blue collar workers who were peep who perfrom phys labor in indust, many wht collar employees worked for large corps, ast hese bizs compee with each other, some expand overseas, these multinational corps loc themselves closer to mp raw mats and benefited from a cheaper labor pool, which made them more competitive, the fifties had rise of farnchieses, in which a person owns and runs one or many stores of a chanin, bv many biz leads belived consumers want depnedablitlit and familiarity, the fifties inclued peep's desires to own the same new prods as their neighbors, with more disposable icnome, ameris bought more luxury itesm liek fridges, washing machs, vacuum cleanres, air condits, labor saving mahcs, subus became popu, it offer a more picturesque envi, it was slso affrodabilit bv the gi bil offer low intersest loans, also govt offer income tax deductions for home motrgae interset payemtns and prop taxes, imany lived in sdafe communtis and enjoyed eco securit

In the first year of LBJ's presidency, he showed that

he was effective in getting Kennedy's programs passed into law/his style was prersuasive and eprsonable polit than of the legant societ man, finding if hard to get saceept form the eastern establish int he us capit , he often revel in his rough image, he had oned his style in yr s of pub sevice, he had been 26 yrs of cong expriece, as he get up to pres, he had a rept of man who got things done, he did faveros, bargainsed, falttered and thereatend the tzctics he used to presruade others becaea known, with every thechnique he coud thin k of jhonson sought ot find consenses his abilit to build coaltis had made ohim ofe of most effective and powerful leads of the sen's hist, he use his talents as pres to push thru a nub of ekn's kinitaitves, he won passage of tax cut, major cilbil righst bill and singf anti povert prog, jhonoson kenw he woudl be able to caommand storn g supp for any prog that cud be linked to ken

cesar chavez

hispanic ameri campig was effort to win rights for farmworkers, most mex ameri farm laborers earn little pay, got few benefits and had no job securit, chavez and doleres huerta org two groups that fought for famrworkkers, the gorpus cooperate in a strike against cali growers to demand union recognit, up wages and bett benefits, employers resist chavez enlist college studs, churches and civ rights gorpus to org a nati boycott of table grapes, one of cali's largest agrig prodcuts, 17 mill cits stopp buy grapes and many food store chains stop sell them, indust profits tubmle, under the sponsorhip of the us fed of labor and cong of indust org, chavez and heurta merge their two orgs into the united famrs workers, the union's combo strength ensure that the boycott wud cont, the boycott end in 1970, when the grape growers agree to a contract to raise wages and improve work condits/National Farm Workers Association (NFWA)•Labor union made up of primarily Mexican American laborers•Led by Cesar Chavez•Began a strike in 1965 against the growers of grapes in California•Known as "La Huelga", it lasted until 1970•Adopted many of the strategies used in the Civil Rights movement•The NFWA eventually merged with another union to create the United Farm Workers (UFW)•Cesar Chavez and this strike inspired many Mexican Americans to fight discrimination

fidel castro

in cuba, fidel castro had overthrown the corrupt cub dic fulgencio batsist, catro est ties with sov institue land reforms, adnd sieze foreig owned bizs, many ot them ameri, cub's alliance with sovs worry ameris, the coms were now too close for comfort and sov permier nikita krush had indicate he would strenth cub's milit, fear that sovs wud use cub as a base to spread rev thruout the w hemis, pers eis authori the cia to secret train and arm cub exiles known as la brigad to invade the island, the invas was inted to ignite a popular uprise against castro when kened became pres, his advisers approve the plan, in office fewer than three montsh and thrust his experts, ken agree to the operat with some changes, armed cub exiles land at the bay of pigs on south coast cub, the invas was disast, la brigada's boats ran aground on coral reafs, ken cancell their air supp to keep us involve a secret and the expected pop uprise never hap, castro's forces kill and captt membs of labb rigada, it alrrm ken , the action expose an ameri plot to overthrow a neighbor's gov't and made the us look weak and disorg, sov supp their new ally by build missile bases in cub

Which supreme court case gave suspects the right to an attorney even if they could not afford one?

in gideon v wainwright, the court ruled that a defendat in a state court had to he right to a laweyer, regardless of his or her abilit to pay, suspects are enntitled to orut appointed attorney if unable to afford one on their own

The site of a 1970 tragedy in which four students were killed by national guard was the

kent state university, nix announce that us troops invaded cmbodia, the troops wasnt to destroy vietcong milit bases there, many saw the inasion as a violation of the war and it set off the protest, ohio nati gurad solds armed with tear gas and rifles fired on demonstrators without and order the solds kill foru kids and wounded nine others

Betty Friedan's research led her to conclude that

many women felt trapped in domestic life/she had travel around us innterview the wom hwho had grad with her from smith college in 1942, she found that while most of these wom report having everything they cud want in flivfe, they still felt unfulfilled, the prob was buried unspoken for yrs in minds of ameri wom, each sub wife strugg with it alone, she made beds, shopped, she was afrid to ake herself if it was alll many wo strt reach out ot one anoth, pour out their anger and sadness in consciousness raising sessions while they talk informal bout their unhappiness, they were build the base for a nationwide movement

Which supreme court case stated that illegally seized evidence couldn't be used at a trial?

mapp v ohio, the state courts ruled that state courts cudn't consider evid obtained in violat of the fed const

Which supreme court case stated that a suspect must be warned of his or her rights prior to being questioned?

mirand v arizona required that authorits give susps a froufold warning, the waring was iform suspects that they have right remain silent, that anything they say can and will be used against them in court, that they have a right to a lawyer while bineg questioned taht if they cannot afford a lawyer the court will apoint them one, oday these warnings are miranda rights, it was the warren supree court, police must inform susps of their rights during the arrest process


north atlantic treaty org, sov union used their veto pow in un securit coucil, som any w nations felt the need to form an agree btwn the decmoc peace bring states, iin 1949 w euro nations, us canad, belg brit demnmark france icelnad italy luexmbourg the netherlands norway and porguagal forme d nato, this was a milit alliance where each memb peldge to defend the others if they were attacked, this princip of mutual milit assitance is called collective securit, usser respond by form its own milit alliance with its staellite nations in east eueruo called the warsaw pact, after the berlin blockade convicne many ameris that sovs were bent on conquest, bot hte cpub and cong start supp milit alicance with w euro, an agreee had reach to create nato, a mutual defennse alliacne, nato include twelve countries, nato mbmbs agree come to aid of any memb who was ttacked, for the first time in its hist the us had commtit itself to maintain peace in euro the us and its allies decide allow weste germ rearm and join nato, this decis alarm sov leads, they resond by org a milit alliance in east euro bccalled warsaw pact ..., North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries/1949; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an attack against one of the member nations would be viewed as an attack against them all; protected member nations under American nuclear power; first US peacetime military alliance in history, formal end to US isolationism; inspired Soviet Union to create the German Democratic Republic (Eastern Germany) and explode an atomic bomb in 1949, and set up rival eastern bloc military alliance, the Warsaw Pact in 1955; sparked the massive arms race known as the Cold War=made to keep containment of com to keep sov from invade more countires, in thsi case in west euro

new frontier

not everyone like kein's systique, his hhgh culture, elit ne upbringing and cat irritate some armeris, cong was less tahn taken with the new pres, upon enter office, pres ken set out to implementa s legis agend became knwon as new frontiesr, he hoep to up aid to educ, give health insur tod elderly creat a dept of rub affaris and help migrant workers, he woud soon find that transform lofty ideals into real legis wan't eary task on capitol hill, altho the dm party enjoy large majorits in both hosues of ocng, ken was uanble to push thru many hof his domet progs, ken had trail nixin many dem deistircts and hatd not hlep many dems get elected, those who did win dind't feel they ow him anything, legislats found it eary to follow their own interests rath er tahn thsoe of the pres, since many cong respresnats were eleceted in spite of his presnec on the ticket rather than bbv his anem was there, repbs aand conservataive s dems wheo were respnsi for hold hte dem majorit in cong, view the new frontier as too big and costly, ken's efforts to up power and reach of the fed govt wud psuh the us down, in the end con beat many of jfk's prposeals, include health isur for elderly, a dept of rub affirs andf ed aid to edu, the pres resist calls to push harder for hsi agenda, he decide not to fight every batt on capitol hill and prefer to reserve his bargain pow for issues that were both oimp and winnable, ken achive some vits in ocng, partic in his tries to improve us eco,t he us eco had soar thru fifties had slow by sixities, to triy up growth and maek mroe jobs, ken advocate new deal streg of deficitspend, he convince cong invest more funds in def and in space explorat, it made more jbos and stimulate eco growth, ken want boost eco by up biz aproduct and efficeinty, his admisnt ask bizs to hold down prieces and labor leads to hold down pay increases, to try to get eco moving, ken adiopt supply side ideas and push for a cut in tax rates, when opponsents aruge that tzx cut woud only help the rich, ken say that lower taxes meant bizs wud have more moeny to expand which woudl amek new jbos and befit everyone, cong ref to pass the tax cut bv many mbembs fear it wud cause infalt, they dif supp ken's request o up the minm wage and his propose ofr an area redvelop act and housing act, these two progs provide fudns to poor aresas, they fhlep clear slusm, make jobsa nd build low income housing ken help wom kae strides dur sixites, ken never appoint wom to his cab bu wom work in pomin posits in his admisnt, ekna advance woms' rihts in other awasy liek he made th epresidentail commis on the staue of wom that call for fed action against gener discim and affirm the righ to wom to equally padi employjment, ken respond by iisue an exec order end gend descrim in fed civil serivece, he sign the qual pay act for wom, the commiss spark th e creat of group s on statel eevel and sinpire many somw o work togheth to furhter their interests/Kennedy's domestic policy agenda became known as the "New Frontier"•Kennedy increased government spending to stimulate economic growth•To limit inflation, Kennedy asked businesses to limit price increases if workers would agree to fewer pay raisesKennedy received little cooperation from Congress, even though it was controlled by Democrats•They rejected many Kennedy initiatives: tax cuts, medical bill assistance for the elderly, federal aid for education•He sought ways to improve the standard of living for poor Americans•Kennedy supported the Area Redevelopment Act (ARA)-a bill that provided financial assistance to economically distressed regions of the countryStudies revealed that many Americans did not enjoy the prosperity of the '50s and that discrimination played a role in the nation's poverty•An antipoverty program was Kennedy's highest domestic priority

arms race

once us used ato bomb on jap, ussr sped up their develop of their own atomic wpns, less than yr after us explode its first therocnuclear device, the ussr test their first hydro bomb, eis step up us wpns develop, the policy was called deterrence bc the idea was that if the us milit/wpns were so strong that nobody wud dare attack, eis proclaim foreig policy of massive retaliation, fear on both sides wud increase defense spend to all time highs, towards end of fifities, us and ussr had abilit to completely destroy one anoth, mutually assured destrucution restrain both sides form attacking, bout testing wpns so big/pow so neigher side would attack, mutually assured destruciton was only way fro keep nuc war, creates most fear bc creates bigger/bett bombs, once us used atomc bom on jap, ussr sped up their deveolp of own ato wpsn, us hope thier nuc wpns test wud scare sov, ut it made them more agress in their wpsn build up, tests were carried out to determ the effectivenss, yield us and capabilit of varios types nuc wpns, they were also conducted to show off a nation's milit/sci strenght, in fifities, both sides test a variet of newly developed nuc wpns, pollution becmae prob fro testing, and so limited test ban treaty was signed, by all nuc and many non nuc nations which limited ncu test to only underground tests, the comprhensive test ban treaty was sign where almost all nations had agree to sstop all nuc tests/A contest between nations to gain weapons superiority, in this case, btwn us and ussr in cold war in ncu wpsn.-when U.S and Soviet Union are both creating nuclear weapons,building up+meant tod deter other side for war, this goest along with brinkmanship and us want ussr spies to see nuc wpsns buildup so fear is created and mutually assured destruction keeps both sides from not wanting to attack each other bc both cud destory each other with such massive nuc wpns=ww3

medicare is a national health insurance program for

part of the great societ, health care reform had been a big prob since tru days, pub supp for bett health care benefits had solidy, medicare had strong supp since it was directed at the endtire elderly popu, aound half of those over the age of 65 had no health insurance, johnson convince ocng to set up medicare as a health insurance prog funded thruu the social sec systim, it created an entitlemeant, they entitle cert categs of ameris to benfits, it became a perm prat of us budget/it establish a comprhnesive health insur prog for all elderly people finacned thru the social sec syst

marshall plan

post war euro faced grave probslmes, ecos were in ruin, peep were near starvat, and polit chaos was at hand, and terrib winter in 1946 made things worse, secrat state marshall propose the uro recovery prog which would give euro nations us aid to repbuidl their ecos, tru saw th eplan and the tru droctrine as both essnetial to conatinment, marsh offer help to all nations pla a recover prog, it wasn't direct against any country or docrine but against hunger povert, desperat and chaso, its purpose would be revival fo working eco in world so as to permit the meerge of polit and social condits in which free institus can exist, the so and its satelltie nations in esst euro reject the offer, teh sovs develop their own eco prog, this action further sep euro into competing regions, the plan pump bills dollars worlth fo supplies, mach and food into w euro, w euro; s recovery weaken the appeal of com and oepn new markets for trade, us came up with placn to help reuild the ecos in euro, the plan call for amajor u effort to help euro recover eco, us believed a rebuilt euro wud benefit our eco and feared that eco probs cud lead w euro to com, w euro nations join plan, cong approve bills in eco aid, ecos revor fast and us gain strong trade partners, this recvoery ehlp prevent furhter spread of com with good cpait ecos and us as friend, this and tru doctrine would help contain com, russia had want contr stategic foute at stratis of dardanalles fro sov blk sea ports to mediteraan in turkey, stal demand joint contr of dardanells with turk, this was a move as firt step in sov plan to contr mideast pres adviesr think, he tell tru make show of force, pres order new aricrapft carrier to join missouri in protect turkey and eastern mediterran, us supp turkey and brit try help greece, greek coms launch guerilla war against greek govt, brit troops help greeks fight the grurialas, the effort strain brit's eco which was still weak fro ww two brit inform us that is cud no longer afford help greece, tru went beofre cong to ask to figt com agress in greece and trukey , his speech outline a policty became known as tru doctrien , tis goal was to adi free peeps who are resist attempted subjugat by armed minorits or by outsdie pressures, its immediate effects were to stablilize the greek got and ease sov demands in turkey, in the long run it plege us eto fight com worldwide

Phyllis Schlafly

proclaimed the defeat of the era as a great victory for Women's Rights/ in 1972 cong pass the equal rights amend, to become part of the const, thie amend to portect wom againsst discrim had to be ratified by 38 states, many states did so 35 by 1979, but there was singif oppose to the amend as well, some peep fear the era would take away some tradit rights like the right to alimony in divorce cases or the right to have single gender colleges, anoth fear was that wom wud be subject to the milit draft, one outspoken oppone was phyllis shclafly, who org the stop era campaign, the era fail in 1982/1970s; a new right activist that protested the women's rights acts and movements as defying tradition and natural gender division of labor; demonstrated conservative backlash against the 60s/1970s; a new right activist that protested the women's rights acts and movements as defying tradition and natural gender division of labor; demonstrated conservative backlash against the 60s.

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" describes

saturn v lifting off a laucnh pad in florida with three us astos, armsotong, aldrina dn collins, armstong and aldrin board thier lunar module named eagel and head to the moon armstrong radio nasa flight center in tex that the eagle landed, armstorng opend the hatch and clibed down to the surafce, becoming the first huamn to walk on the moon, he announce that say, us tech and determinat had reach out acr 238,000 miles to put men on the moon, us had won the sapce race and demonstrate its tech sup over sov/ the new looks empahsis on nuc wpns requ new tech to deliver them, the ari force unveil the hugge b fiftwo bomber which was design ed to fly acr coninetns and rop nuc bombs anyhwer ein world, bv bombers cud be shot down eis began deveolp of internoctinatal ballistic missiles that cud delvier bombs anthwhere in world, he also began a prog to build subs capable of lauch nuc missils, as us start develop long range nuc miccisle, ameris were stunned to discover the sov had already develop thier won, the sovs lauch sputnik which was the frist artificial staellite to robit the earh, thistech triumph alarm ameris who took it as a sign that us was falling behind the sov in missil tech, eis insist he wasn't worried jsut bv sovs put a beeping device into the air, membs cong fear us was fall behind in sci reasearch , cong creat the national aeronautircs and space adminsi or nasa to coordinate reaserch in rocket science and space explorst, it also apss the national defendse edu act that gave fudns for edu and training n scie math and foreig langs, us relied on planes to carry bombs to their argets, unable to match this s streght, sov develop long range rocks known as icbms, ameis work on thme as well but lag behind sovs, sovs use of of these new rocksts to launch a satellite called sputnik, it messaged down to earh jsut beeped but us want cath up, more fed money got put into math and sci bv ussr cud drop missile down maybe on us and have us be helpless, sovs used one of these new rocksts to launch a satellite called sputnik, ameris start fear sovs cud use rocket to carry hrydro bomb to us, eis enurage cong to establish nasa, fed dollars were funneled to collge develop progs in sci, engineer, foreg langs and and social scis, nasa became increase involve in a research and devleopment effort, they channel efforts to us edu/tech expertiese to explore otuer spae, ken announce plans of apollo prog and prom a manned mission to moon, neil armstrong step fro onto moon and plant us flag, jfk won election bv say missile gap that eis cause, spane expolorat contthruotu seventiesl adn eighties, space shuttlese were used as space sci lavs, rockets were made for us to use as part of arms race with icbms, soviet astro became first person orbit earth, again as when they laucnch sputnikt he first satellite, the sovs had beat us in space race, ken worry bout impac tof flight on cold war, sov sucesses in space might ocvince world that com was better tahn capit, ken declare by end of dec that us would land man on moon, it set in motion a efort by nasa and us indust to poroduce the necessary tech, us sent first ameri to orbitt earth, us spacecraft start carry two men at time into orbit, us lauch men itno orbit in psule called apollo, it was laucnhed using the sturn v which was the largest and most pow rocket ever built, it was able give apollo and lunar module which astors would use land on moon, it lift and carry three us astrosus tech and determinat had reach out acr miles to put emn on moon, js had won space race and demonstrate its tech supeorior over sov, thus cause more missile buildup and tension and massive retailation and mutually assured destruction

To enforce the desegregation law at a school in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957,

school borad in little rock arkansas won court order to admit nince afri ameri studs to centr high, a school with wht stdus, it was a racially mod s city the gover-orval gaubus was believed to abe a mod on racial issues, unlik many other s polits, faubs was determ to win re elect, and so he start campaig as def of wht suprmeancy, he order troops for arkan nat guard to prevent the nicne afri ameri studs form enter the school, nati guard troosp srurround school, a mad wht mob join troops to protest integrat paln and to intimidate afri amri studs try to regist, tiv coverage of this episode put little rock at centr of nati attent, fabus ahd use the armed forces of a state to oppose the auhtort of the fed govt, which was challenge to const since civ war, EIS KNEW HE CUDN'T ALLOW FAUBS TO DFY THE FED GOV'T, AFTER CONG BTWN EIS AND FAUBS GO BAD, THE DISTRICT COURT ORDER GOVER TO REMOVE THE ROOPS, INSTEAD OF END THE CRISIS, FAUBUS LEF THE SCHOOL TO THE MOB, AFTER THE AFRI AMERI STUDS ENTER THE SCHOOL, ANGRY WHTS BEAT AT LEAST TWO AFRI AMERI SUPPS AND BROKE MANY OF SCHOOLS EWINDS THE MOB CAM ECLOSE TO CAPT THE AFRI AMERI STUDS THE MOB BIOLENCE PUSH PRES TO ORDER US ARMY TO SEND TROOPS TO LITTLE ROCK, THE ROOPS HAD ENCEIRSLE THE SCHOOL WITH BAYONETS, A FEW HRS, AND THE NICNE AFRI AMERI STUDS GO IN ARMY STATION WAGON, AND THEY WALK INTO SCHOOL, THE LWA HAD BEEN UPHLED BUT THE TROOPS WERE FORCED TO STAY IN LITTLE ROCK FOR THE REST OF SCHOOL YR

What does Title VII of the Civil RIghts Act of 1964 outlaw?

sexual discrimination in employment/dur lat sixieties and early seventiesl, the woms move fougth to enforce tile vii of the civil rights act, lobbied to repeal laws against abourt and work for legis against gender dsiscim in employ, housing and edu, Title VIIoutlawed sexual discrimination in employment•Also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)-The practice of ensuring that all people have equal access to career opportunities based on their knowledge, skills and abilities./The equal right of all citizens to the opportunity to obtain employment regardless of their gender, age, race, country of origin, religion, or disabilities./Aims, through legal compliance, to ensure that anyone, regardless of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or age, has an equal opportunity based on his or her qualifications.

The U.S. had trouble trusting the Soviet Union after World War II because of

soviet expansion/soviet leades became concerned about securti, germ had invade russ twice and sovs want keep germ weak and make sure that the countries btwn germ and sov were under sov contrj, securit concersn influence thier thinking, sov leads were also coms, they believe com was a superior eco syst that wud replace capit and taht sov union shud encoruge com in other nations, leasds in sov also accept lenin's theoryt that capit countries would try to destory com and so when fouces on eco probs, ameris officeials belive depress ad ccasue wwtwo since hitler came to pow and japan want expand its emp, us advisers thought the depress had been severse bv countries cut back on trade and they belive that when nations seal themselves off economically, it foces them tot go war to get resources they need, eco growth us thought was key to world peace, they want promte eco growth by up world trade, this convince us leads to promote demco and free enterpriese since they belive democ gov't with protescts peep's rights made countries more stable and peaceful and thought theat free enterprise syst with prive parop rights and limited gov't intervent in eco was best way to prosper and when sov union expand by first with poland in agreeingg at yalta that the polish gov't set up by poslish coms while the k\old pol gov't leadsrs fled to brit dur ww two when germ invade, wud be recognziae the plish gov't set up by the sovs, stal agree the gov't wud have membs form old pol gov't and that free elects wud be hold but he lie with this as they refuse to allow more than three noncom poles to serve in pol gov't and they wudn't let them hold free elctions, and stal had even prom to issue the dec of lib euro that assert the right of all peep to choose the form of gov't they live under, they prom to mae temproar gov'ts that rep all demco elemnts and pledge the earlist possible establish thru free election fo gov'ts responsive to the will of the peep, but the sovs pressure king of romania into appoint a com gov't, and they ref to uphold the dec, the presence of the sov army in e euro esnuse that pro sov com gov'ts wud be estavlish in poland romania bulgari hungary and czech, the com countries of e euro became satellite nations, they had to remain com tand friendly to the sov union and had to follow policies sovs approved, an iron curtain descend=soviet expand

satellite nation

stalin wanted a buffer zone of friendly nations on the ussr west border to protect fro attack of germ bc germ had invade two times already and ussr had suffer most deaths in both world wars, they also believe that rev to overthrow was inevitable and they shud supp this and speed it up, east euro nations fell under sov contr and had pro sov gov'ts, albania, bulgaria, cech, hugary, romania, e germ had become satellite nations, findland had agree stay neurt with sov but didn't come under com rule, ugoslavia had own com but their lead wound't tkae orders form stalin, stalin gave speech tat predict the ulitmate truiumph of com over capita, he call on coms to spread hheir syst by any means possib, he made conform, and agenecy that wud coordiante the activits of coms around the world, this had cause the rion curtain in eruo btwn western eruor and e euro and is what divided erline and germ btwn com and capit rule, brit, fracne and us began to tighthen their contr over w euro, the cold war was charac by polit/eco conflict and milit tensions, the comunist countries fo east eruo were called staellit nations bv they were not under direct sov contr, but they had to stay com and riendly to the sov and had to follow policies taht sovs approve, tensions btwn us and sov start up bv both sides had diff goals, as war end, sov leads became concern bout securtiy, germ had invade russia twice in less than thrity yrs, the sovs wanted to keep grm wak and make sure that the countries btwn germ and sov were under sove contr, securti concerns and cbelievf that com was a superior eco syst that wud eventually replace capit and sov shud encourage com in toehr nations influece their thinkging, sove leads accept lenin's theory taht capit countries would try to destory com, this made sov leads susp of capit nations, the decleration fo lbi euro assert right of all peep to choose the from of govt under which they will live and allies prom that peep of euro wud be allow make democ instituts of their own choice and prom make temporar govts that rep all democ elements and plege the earliest establish thur fee elects of govts responsive to the vill of the peeep, this didn't follow thrud howeve and liberat e euro becmae com, divide germ and east germ and east berlin becme sov contr under yalta conf, satellite nations leads to su wanting to conatin, after sov refuse alllow more than three non com polies serv in the pol govt and there was no indicat that they intend to hold free elcts in pol as prom in yalta conf, desire of sov to expxand com anger former allies, germ was suppos to be temporar with troops but both stay

According to the Truman Doctrine

stalin went to turkey and wanted to contr the straits of dardanelles which were a route from sov blk sea ports to the mediterr, sov wanted to demeand joint contr of the dardanelles with turkey, pres adviser acheson saw this move as first step in a sov plan to contrthe mdieast, and he told tru to make a show and the pres order aircraft carrier to the turkey and east mediterr, while the us supp turkey, brit try to help greece fight communist guerillas against the greek gov't, brits eco wast hurt by it, birt told the us it cudn't sup greece, tru went before cong to ask for money to figt com agress in greece and turkey hes speech was the tru doctrince, its gal was to aid free peoples who are resistin attempted subjugation by armed minoriteis or by outside pressures, it stablilized the greek gov't and eases sov demands in dturkey and it pledge the us to fight com worldwide

Under Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Supreme Court made many decisions

strengthening individual rights/dur ken yers , the sup court took active role in social issues, pres eis nom warrent hte ppop repub gover of alci to beiome chif jsutice of us, the wareent court took an acitivest stance, helpting to shap nati policy by takein a froceful stand on a nubmer of key issues of the day, The Supreme Court of the 1960s was an activist courtdefined and extended individual rights•Major decisions of the Warren Court:• Roth v. United States (1957)‐ The Court defined obscenity more strictly, as material whose "dominant theme appeals to the prurient interest" to the "average person, only material meeting this test could be banned as "obscene"•Engel v. Vitale (1962) -State‐mandated prayer in school is banned• Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) - A state ban on contraceptive devices violates a citizens' right to privacy•Mappv. Ohio (1961) -Unlawfully seized evidence in inadmissible at trial•Baker v. Carr (1962) -Established that federal courts can hear lawsuits to redraw electoral districts•Reynolds v. Sims (1964) -state legislative districts should be equal in population• Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) - suspects are entitled to court‐appointed attorney if unable to afford one on their own• Escobedo v. Illinois (1964) - Accused has the right to an attorney during police questioning• Miranda v. Arizona (1966) - Police must inform suspects of their rights during the arrest process

As a result of the Tet Offensive

the Vietcong and North Vietnamese forced attacked key cities and every major American base in South Vietnam./American support of the conflict in Vietnam dropped sharply/the mainstream media had begun to openly critice the war effort/public opinion no longer faored the pres, the pres approval rating plummt=lbj and supp for his handle of the war dropped too

baby boom

the ameri birthrate exploded after wwtwo fro 1945 to 1961, a period known as the baby boom, more than 65 milion children were born in us, at thieght of baby boom a child was born every 7 seconds, several factors contrib to baby boom, youn couples who had delay marriage dur wwtwo and korean war cud now marry, buy homes and strt their fams, the gov't encourage the grwoth of fams by offer generous gi benefits for home purches, on tv and in mags, popu cult celeb preg, parenthood, and large fams A cohort of individuals born in the United States between 1946 and 1964, which was just after World War II in a time of relative peace and prosperity. These conditions allowed for better education and job opportunities, encouraging high rates of both marriage and fertility. 19% population increase, new age of affluence


the belief that men and women shud be equal politically, economically and socially it had been a weak and embattled fource since the adopt of ninteecnth amend gurantee wom's vote rights, many wom were content to be hommakers by the early sicxties, lots of them had groun=wn disatdify with thier roles, at the seh same itme, those whowork out=tsdie the home were recog their unequl status as refect in lower apy and few opts, these develops led to the rise of a new fem omvvemet in the sixties, after the amen's pass,t he woms move split into two groups, one group was the league of wom votesr, it end to promtoe laws to protect wom and chirldren like limet the hrs they cud work, the national wom's party on the the other hand oppose protective legis for wom,t hey bleive it reinforce worplace discim, they presudade cong membs to intro the first eaqual rights amend atimed at forbid fed, state and local laws form discrim on the vbasis ff gender, since the wom's move was divided, cong cud afford to ignore the amend ww two gave wom greater opt, with many men in the army, wom becamea part of us workforce, when the war end, many wom lost their jobs to the returning me, despit ahving to return to theri domest work, many wom gradually reenter the labor markedt, by 1960 they made up almost 40 percent of us workforce but many peep cont to bleive that wom, even college edu wom, cud bett serve societ by state in the hoee to influcen the next genrat of men, by early sixties many wom were resent ofa world where newspaper ads sepearte jobs by gender, clubs refu them membships, banks deny them creidt and they often were apdi less for hte same work, wom found sleves shut out of higher pay and pretigious profess sucha s med altho forty perecnet of us wom wer in the workforce in the sixites, three foruths of them work in lower pay and rutine clerical, sales, or fact jobs or as clean wom and hosp attnedants, more wom enter the workfoce, the protest against inequiteis grew, wom gain bett understand of their inequalit in societ from their expriesinces in the civi rihgts and antiwar movments, theyw ere restiric to meainal taks and rarely ahd a say in a nay policy decisj, form the prespecitive ,t he wom's move was par to fht sixiteis quest for rights/A movement or doctrine that advocates or demands for women the same rights granted men, such as equal economic or political status.

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was

the fbi helped scereen fed employees, fbi direcetor hoover wnet before the juac which was fomred in 1938 to investigage both com and fascist activities in the us, huac was a minor committee unitl hoover brought it to prominence, he urge huac to hold public hearings on com subesrtion, this committe cud reveal com, once coms were id'd the public wud isolate them and end thier influcene hoov's aim was to expose cms and com sympathizers ad travelers, under his lead, the bi sent agents to infltrate groups susp of subversion and wiretapped thous of telephones/House Un‐American Activities Committee (HUAC)•The House of Representatives used this committee to investigate Communistinfiltration of government agencies and more famously of the Hollywood movie industryThey questioned political ties of members of peace organization, liberal political groups, and labor unions• HUAC accused many Hollywood figures of being Communists and using films to spread Communist themes to AmericansMany movie star protested HUAC's attitudes and procedures in their investigation•Those accused had little chance to defend themselves•TheHollywood Tenwere a group of directors and writers that went to jail rather than answer HUAC's questionsThey and many others were put on the blacklistcareers were ruined/Two famous spy cases helped fuel the suspicion of a Communist conspiracy in the US• 1948 -HUAC began to investigate Alger Hiss who had been a high‐ranking State Department officialHe was accused by Whittaker Chambers, a former Communist who had become a TIME magazine editorHiss denied it, but was eventually convicted of perjuryHe went to prison for four years and this helped convince many Americans that the Communist threat in the US was very real• Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were a married couple who were members of the Communist Party were accused of giving atomic secrets to the Soviets during World War IIAfter a controversial trial, they were found guilty of espionage and were both executed in 1953 After the end of the Cold War, historians found that Alger Hiss and Julius Rosenberg were guiltyAlthough Ethel Rosenberg likely knew what her husband was doing, she was not guilty of espionage/project venona stoped the us public debate bout the guilt of onidnvis liek the rosenbrgs who were accused as spies, there was evid of sov espoinage, very few amersi kenw it a the tieme, in 1946, us cryptographers work for a proj code named venona cracked the sov spy code of the ime it let the m read messages btwn moscow and us, collect dur cold war, they confirm sovv spying and sennt fed investiagors on hunt to eep sovs form learn how the us had genrate thier coures, authorits chose not to make the messages public till 1995 did the gov't rveal the proj, the docs had strong evid that the rosenbergs were guilty


the new looks empahsis on nuc wpns requ new tech to deliver them, the ari force unveil the hugge b fiftwo bomber which was design ed to fly acr coninetns and rop nuc bombs anyhwer ein world, bv bombers cud be shot down eis began deveolp of internoctinatal ballistic missiles that cud delvier bombs anthwhere in world, he also began a prog to build subs capable of lauch nuc missils, as us start develop long range nuc miccisle, ameris were stunned to discover the sov had already develop thier won, the sovs lauch sputnik which was the frist artificial staellite to robit the earh, thistech triumph alarm ameris who took it as a sign that us was falling behind the sov in missil tech, eis insist he wasn't worried jsut bv sovs put a beeping device into the air, membs cong fear us was fall behind in sci reasearch , cong creat the national aeronautircs and space adminsi or nasa to coordinate reaserch in rocket science and space explorst, it also apss the national defendse edu act that gave fudns for edu and training n scie math and foreig langs, us relied on planes to carry bombs to their argets, unable to match this s streght, sov develop long range rocks known as icbms, ameis work on thme as well but lag behind sovs, sovs use of of these new rocksts to launch a satellite called sputnik, it messaged down to earh jsut beeped but us want cath up, more fed money got put into math and sci bv ussr cud drop missile down maybe on us and have us be helpless, sovs used one of these new rocksts to launch a satellite called sputnik, ameris start fear sovs cud use rocket to carry hrydro bomb to us, eis enurage cong to establish nasa, fed dollars were funneled to collge develop progs in sci, engineer, foreg langs and and social scis, nasa became increase involve in a research and devleopment effort, they channel efforts to us edu/tech expertiese to explore otuer spae, ken announce plans of apollo prog and prom a manned mission to moon, neil armstrong step fro onto moon and plant us flag, jfk won election bv say missile gap that eis cause, spane expolorat contthruotu seventiesl adn eighties, space shuttlese were used as space sci lavs, rockets were made for us to use as part of arms race with icbms, soviet astro became first person orbit earth, again as when they laucnch sputnikt he first satellite, the sovs had beat us in space race, ken worry bout impac tof flight on cold war, sov sucesses in space might ocvince world that com was better tahn capit, ken declare by end of dec that us would land man on moon, it set in motion a efort by nasa and us indust to poroduce the necessary tech, us sent first ameri to orbitt earth, us spacecraft start carry two men at time into orbit, us lauch men itno orbit in psule called apollo, it was laucnhed using the sturn v which was the largest and most pow rocket ever built, it was able give apollo and lunar module which astors would use land on moon, it lift and carry three us astrosus tech and determinat had reach out acr miles to put emn on moon, js had won space race and demonstrate its tech supeorior over sov, thus cause more missile buildup and tension and massive retailation and mutually assured destruction

Which supreme court case ruled that according to the First amendment that school-led religious pryer in public schools was unconstitutional?

the sup court hand down decisions affecting the relationship btwn chruch and stae, the court applied the first amend to the states in engel v vitale, in this ruling the court decid that states cund't compose official prayers and require those prayers to be reicited in state public shcools, state mandated pryer in school banned

President Truman banned discrimination in

tru asked cong to pass a broad civ rights bill that wud protect african americans right to vote, abolish poll taxes, and make lynching a federal crime, he also issue an exec order barring discim in fed employ and he end segreg in the armed forces, most of tru's legis efforts met with little success, a coalit of repubs and conservative s dems defeat manyof his proposals

iron curtain

tru had wong argue over reparats fro germ, he had success on other issues at postdam, the sovs ref to make any stonger commits to uphold ec of leb euro, the presecne of sov army is eastern eruo ensure that eventually pro sov com go't would be stablish in pol roman, blugaria, hunagar and cech, this warn is not as in teh past stal say, whoever occupies territ also imposess his own soical suyst, it can't be otherwise, he say, com coutnries in e euro came to be called satellite nations altho not under direct sov contr, they had to remain com and riendly to sov, they also had follow policies that sovies aprove, as he watch the com takeover in east eruio, churhill coined prhase to describe what had hap, in a speech in mjissouri, church said fro stettin in the baltic to trieste in the adriatic, an iron curt ahs descend acr the continent behind that liene lie all the capits of the ancient states of certr and east euro,a ll are subj in on e from or anoth not only to sov influence but to a very high and increasing measure of foncrt from moscow, with the iron curtain separat com nations of east euro from the west, the ww two era came to end and cold war was about to start A political barrier that isolated the peoples of Eastern Europe after WWII, restricting their ability to travel outside the region/(HT) , Term used by Churchill in 1946 to describe the growing East-West divide in postwar Europe between communist and democratic nations/ A term popularized by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to describe the Soviet Union's policy of isolation during the Cold War. The Iron Curtain isolated Eastern Europe from the rest of the world. Its most poignant symbol was the Berlin Wall./ A term that refers to countries in Eastern Europe falling to communism after WWII. "An Iron Curtain of communism has fallen across Europe - dividing the free world from the communist world."

cuban missile crisis

us inllig agencies learn that sov techs and equip had arrive in cub, ken anounce on tv that us spy planes had taken aerial photos showing that sov union had put long range missiles in cub, enemy missiles staioned so close to us pose a threat, ken order naval blockade to stop sovs from deliver more missiles and he demand they dismantle existing missile sites, as sov ships head to blockade, ameris brace selves for war, after secret negots, sov union had deal, it wud remove missiles if us prom not invade cub and remove its missiles from turkey near sov border, neither ken or khrush want nuc war, the leads reach agree ken publicly agree not invade cub and private agree to remove turkish missiles, the sovs agree to remove their missiels from cub, the cub missile crisis brough world closer to nuc war than at any time since ww two, both us and sov had been force consider the consequences of such a war, each country seem ready to work to lessen world tensions, us and sov conclude years of negot by agree to atreaty to ban the teest of nuc wpns in the atmos, the first step toward mutual arms reduct since the start of cold war, the crisis had consequences, the humiliate retreat the us force on sov lead contribut to khrush fall fro pow and the crisi gave sos evid of their milit inferior and help prod a sov arms buidup over next two decades, this buildup contrib to a milit increase in us in 80's, us spy palnes detect these missile launchpads so ken decide what to do, he cud engage in negots with sov lead, ivade cub, bomb the missile sites, but he order milit on full alert and many ameris belive theat were about to go to war with cub and poss sov, ken show on tv and announce naval quarantine, many ameris expect the worse, but sov shps carry wpns end up turn around and head back to usssr, khrush sent messages to ken pledge remove missiles as long as us end quarantine of cub and styat out of cub for good, he also demand us remvoe missiles for turk, ken accep, bot hsides were complet prep to launch nuc attacks, this create a fear on both sides and both leads sought to ease ncu anxiet thru bett comunicat, they est hotline btw the thwo nations so that the leads cud talk direct in the event of anoth crisis, both nations ig first nuc treaty called the limited test ban treaty whcih wud limit all nuc tests except underground tests, this limit sought to eliminate radioactive fallout that threat contamin hum, animal and plant life, this treaty also help relive nuc anxiet


us leads believed that com wud fail eventually, us forei policy became a long range plan to stop it form spread and to let it fail on its own, this became known as containmenta nd wud guid us foreg policy for next fifty yrs, this led to small conflicts in efforts of conatining communism like in korea or vietnam, and keeping japan democratic so other nations wouldn't fall to communism bc jap was like the industrial keuy to defend asia like west germ was key in indust to defend all euro against com since become economic friends with us that is capti, sthe brit foreig minister and us secrat state push sovs to hold free elcts in east euro but sovs refuse, and they think russ was drift into sqme condit as hitler had done, at a metting in moscow and first liondon to discurss furture of euro and asia, mad over sovs refuse to cooperate, officials at state dept ask us embassy in moscow to explain sov behave, diplo george kennan respond with the long telgram which told his views of sov goals, he sadi sovs view of world came from a tradit russ sennse of insecurtit and fear of the west, instensified by the com ideas of lenin and stalin, bc cmos believe they were in a long temr histor strugg against capit, kennan say it was impossi to reach any perm settle with them, kennan propose the basic us policy thruout cold war, a long term paitent but firm and vigilant contain of russ expansive tendenceies, kennan explain that in hisopinion the sov syst had many amjor eco and polit weakness if the us cud keept the s sovs form expan their pow it ewa only time till csvo syst wud fall apart, com cud be veat wo go to war, the telegram circulate in tru's adminis it gave rise to policy of containment, keep com within its present territ thru use of iplo, eco and milit actions, the amrshall plan help with contain com in west euro by provide eco aid so they coud become indust effienceit and trade with us and develop capit ecos so investors and us comps cud be there

joseph mccarthy

us sentator from wiscons ehp fuel ameris fears that com was everywhere, he claim to have list of known coms work in state dept, his sacusats saprk an anticom hysteria that spread fear acr us, he question patriotism and ruin the reputat of hundereds gov't workers, he became pop and was easily reelect, he was appoirnt chariman of an investigats subcomitee and use it to accuse others of eightehr be coms or have com sympaths, a few reporters, include edward b murrow question his tactics, when he investiagte us army, the demas ak that ehd hears he televise thothat pub cud see mccarth's tactcis, pub opinion turn against him, sen condemen mcarth fro conduct unbecoming a sen, when he run for sen, his polit campaig sound keynote of his career bv w/o any specific charges or offer any proof, mccarth accuse his oppon, robert m la follete of being com, fear of com with mc's speeches won him the elct, after become a sen, mc cont proclaim that coms were a danger both at home and abroad, he distribute a booklet called party fo betrayal which accuse dem party leads of corrupt and of proect coms, secrat stae was a target, mc accuse him of be tool of stalin and accuse formery army chief of staff and secrat state of disloyalt as a memb of com, in the mood of anxiet bout com, mamy ameris were ready believe him, mc became sen subvomitee on investigats, use the pow of his comitee to force go officials to testify about alleged com influences, mc turn the investiagt into a witch hunt, a search for diloyalt based on flimsy evid and irrat fears, his tactic of hurt reputs with vague and unfound charges became known as mccarthysim, his theatrics and sensational accusats drew attenction of press which put him in headlines, when he quest witns, he wud badger thema nd ref accept thier answers his tactcs left cloud fo susp that mc and others interpret as guilt, peep were afraid challenge him for fear of become targets, mc start look for sov spies in us army, the army alered to his intents conducted ins won internal inestiagat and found no spies or sup of espionage, frurious at dencial, he took his investigat onto tv, he quest and challenge ofcrs in harsh voice, harass thme about trivial details and accuse them of misconduct, army mc hearings telievsd made mill ameris watc mc bully wits, his pop supp start fad, elch made him look bad as he was an army lawyer, and specators cheer, welch had said aloud what all ameris were thinking, mc had lost the pow to arouse fear, newspaper headlines repaet have you no sense of decenny, sen passs voute fo censure or formal disapporvall against mc, one of msot serious crits it can level against a memb, his influcen gone, mc fad from pub view, tho he stay in sen, he had little influence

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