Unit III/Section II Religion Part III

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What percentage of AFrica is Muslim?


What percentage of people in AFrica practice Christianity?

51% split between Roman Catholic, Protestant, and other

Where are most followers of Jainism living?

95% in India and Jain centers are located in 25 of 50 US states.

What is Jainism?

A form of Hinduism that believed everything in the universe has a soul and should not be harmed. Jainism believes that nonviolence and self control are the means to achieve liberation

What was an early utopian settlement in the United States?

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Christians who had emigrated from Czechia. By 1858, some 130 different utopian settlements had been established in the US, in conformance with a group's distinctive religious beliefs. Examples include Oneida, NY; Ephrata, PA; Nauvoo Illinois; and New Harmony, Indiana.

Where do most practitioners of Spiritism live?


Who had to abide by Confucian' principles?

China's rulers as well as to their subjects.

Who was Confucius?

Chinese teacher and philosopher

The word synagogue derives from the

Greek word for "assembly."

What is the holy book of Sikhism?

Guru Granth Sahib

Who founded Sikhism?

Guru Nanak

How has religious practice changed in Africa since 1900?

In 1900, more than 70% of Africans followed traditional folk religions. As recently as 1980, ½ of AFricans were still classified as folk religions. The growth of the 2 universalizing religions at the expense of the ehtnic religions reflect the fundamental geographic differences between the 2 types of religions.

Where is Tenrikyo mostly practiced?


What is a synagogue?

Jewish house of worship

Who founded the Mormons?

Joseph Smith

Who organized Juche?

Kim II-Sung

Who organized Taoism?


How do you interpret Tao?

It cannot be comprehended by reason and knowledge because not everything is knowable. It emphasizes the importance of studying nature to find ones place in the wold instead of striving to change the world.

What is Baha'i?

It is a universalizing religion. Baha'i followers believe that one of Bab's disciples, Husayn ali Nuri, known as Baha'u'llah (Arabic for glory of god) was the prophet and messenger of God. His function was to overcome the disunity of religions and establish a universal faith through abolition of racial, class, and religious prejudices.He was arrested and exiled. In 1863 his claim that he was the messenger of God was accepted by other followers.

What is Tenrikyo?

Orignially regarded as a branch of Shinot it was organized as a separate religion in 1854 by a woman named Nakayama Miki. Followers believe that God expressed the divine will through Nakayama's role as the Shrine of God.

What religious groups do Shamans and pagans belong to?

Primal Indigenous Ethnic religions

Where do most followers of Sikhism live?

Punjab region of India

What religion often uses toponyms?

Roman Catholic

Where was the first Baha'i House of Worship built?


What did Lao Zi write about?

his writings emphasized the mystical and magical aspects of life rather than the importance of public service, which Confusious had emphasized.

Why did Utopian societies fail?

inhabitants were celibate and could not attract immigrants. In other cases, residents moved away in search of better economic conditions.

Although most colonial settlements were not planned primarily for religious purposes, religious principles affected many of the designs. What is an example of this?

The Puritans who came to America and settled in New England. (look at your chart about the Puritan story)

What is animism?

The belief that spirits inhabit natural things

What was the culmination of the growth of utopian settlements in the US.?

The founding of Salt Lake City, Utah by the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) in 1848

Where do most practitioners of Judaism live?

US and Israel

Where was Cao dai founded?


Who was Lao Zi?

a government administrator by profession

What is Juche?

a north korean political ideology that means "self reliance"

Where have Baha'i Houses of Worship been built?

all over the world. Illinois in the US; Australia; Uganda; Germany; Panama; Samoa; and India.

Confucius sayings emphasized the importance of the

ancient Chinese tradition of li, which can be translated as propriety or correct behavior.

What is Cao dai?

belief in God as the supreme Being, creator and ultimate reality of the universe. The religion found itself in opposition to a succession of rulers of Vietnam including the French colonial administration and the Communists.

What is Sikhism?

blend of Hinduism and Islam

What is Spiritism?

effort to reconcile science and religion The belief that human personality continues to exist after death and can communicate with the living though the agency of a medium or psychic.

Confucianism prescribed a series of

ethical principles for the orderly conduct of daily life in China such as following traditions, fulfilling obligations, and treating others with sympathy and respect.

Followers of primal indigenous religions believe that because God dwells within all things,

everything in nature is spiritual. All Narratives concerning nature are specific to the physical landscape where they are told.

27 million of AFricans or 2% of the continent practice

folk religions

What does Tao mean?

path or way

Most human settlements serve an economic purpose but some are established primarily for

religious reasons

Where do most people practice primal indigenous ethnic religions?

southeast ASia or on South Pacific islands, especially in Vietnam and Laos.

A synagogue is a place for

study and public assembly, as well as for prayer.

A gurdwara is identified by

the Sikh flag flying from a tall flagpole.

What is a shaman?

wise medicine man

What is an utopian settlement?

An ideal community built around a religious way of life. Buildings are sited and economic activities organized to integrate religious principles into all aspects of daily life.

Where are the remaining folk religionists in Africa are clustered?

In a belt that separates predominantly Muslim North Africa from what has become predominantly Christian sub-Saharan Africa.

Where are most followers of the Baha'i religion?

India and other Asian countries.

Where is Zoroastrianism practiced?

India, Iran, and the US

What two religions found some of their roots in Judaism?

Islam and Christianity

Judaism is the first religions to espouse

Monotheism, The belief that there is only one God.

What is a Gurdwara?

Sikh place of worship

What is the origin of the synagogue?

The origin of the synagogue is unknown, it possibly came to be during the 6th century when Jews were living in exile in Babylonia, after the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BC. Synagogues took on more importance as the place for communal prayer after the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70.

What is Zoroastrianism?

The religion of Persia, was founded Zoroaster, who believed in one god, the freedom of humans,and the triumph of good.

What is Shinto?

The traditional religion of Japan.

How are Baha'i House of Worship supposed to be built?

They are required to be built in the shape of a nonagon (nine sided

Chinese traditional religions are syncretic. What does syncretic mean?

They combine several traditions. Adherents consider Chinese traditional religions to be a combination of Buddhists and Confucianism, Taoism, and other traditional CHinese practices.

What is a toponym?

the name given to a place on Earth

What is paganism?

the worship of false gods

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