Unit2 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
In plant cell it is the cell wall and cell membrane In animal cell it is just the cell membrone
List the structure (s) that from the boundary between the inside and the outside of each cell in Model 2.
Free - Floating DNA
How is the DNA described and what does this mean?
Plant cell has cell wa Plant cell has a large vacuole Plant cell has a chloroplast
Looking at Model 2, list at least three structural differences (other than shape) between an animal and a plant cell.
Cell Wall
What is the name of the outermost layer that forms a boundary around the outside of each cell?
Those other two cells are not able to move.
c. Based on your answer to the previous question, what might you infer about the absence of this structure in the other two bacteria cells?
Nucleus ER Mitochondria Golgi Apparatus Vocuoles Lysosomes Chloroplasts
What differences are there between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell?
Eukaryyote = True Nucleus
What does the word eukaryote mean?
In a plant the cell wall is the out most boundary
What is different about the outermost boundary in a plant cell compared to an animal cell?
What is represented by the small dots found in each of the bacteria cells?
All the internal structures are suspended (floating) in what substance?
Prokaryotic cells are simple cells like bouteria they lack a nucleus and membrane wound organelles
As a group, write a definition for a prokaryotic cell.
Eukaryotic cells are complex cells like plant and animal they have a true nucleus and many organelles
As group, write a definition for a eukaryotic cell.
Cell wall, cell membrane, Ribosomes, bacteria, cytoplasm, DNA --- Plant and Animal
By comparing Model 1 and Model 2 , what structures are the same in both prokaryotic and eukaryote cells?
Model 2 is more complex: 1. Has a nucleus to hold DNA 2. Has lots of specialized organclles 3. These cells conse specialized multicelllar
Decide as a group whether the cells in Model 1 or 2 are more complex and list at least three supporting reasons for your choice.
Yes! = Eukaryotic
Do both cells in Model 2 have a nucleus?
Prokaryotc = Before Nucleus
The chart in Model 3 to determine the meaning of the word prokaryote.
some have and some do not
The words prokaryotic and eukaryotic must be used: All cells are not the same becuase........
The DNA is inside the nucleus
Where do you find the DNA in each cell in Model 2?
a. What is this structure called?
To move the cell around
b. What might be the purpose of this structure?