Unix Bass Unit 3-3 Review

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Nice values are used to affect process priorities using a range between ________________________.

-20 and 19

What kill level signal cannot be trapped?


What is the name of a process not associated with a terminal?

A daemon process

When you run the ps command, how are daemons process recognized?

A question mark in the TTY column is shown.

How can you bypass the wait function and send a user process to the background?

Cntrl+z then bg.

To kill a process running in the background, you must place a % character before its process ID?.


What is a PID?

Process ID, a unique ID that allows the kernel to identify each process

Which of the following commands will most likely increase the chance of a process receiving more time slices?

Renice -12

Which of the following statements is true? (Choose all that apply)

The first three choice are correct.

What is the symbol that creates a pipe between commands?

The pipe ( | ) character but it is not one of your choices.

What system calls are made when you run a program from the command line?

The system makes the fork() system call to create a new child shell and exec() converts it into the executable program.

A Linux process is a program that is running in memory and the CPU.


As daemon processes are not associated with terminals, you must use an options such as -e with the ps command to view them.


A runaway process that is faulty and consuming mass amount of system resources _________________.

a rogue process

The pkill command terminates ____________.

all instances of a process with the same name matched by a regular expression

A process spawning or initiating another process is referred to as________.


What is the name of the root process under Linux?


Which process has a PID of 1 and a PPID of 0?


Which command can be used to see processes running in the background?


The at command is used to ________.

schedule processes to run at a single instance in the future

Where are individual user tasks scheduled to run with the cron daemon stored on a Fedora system?


What creates a process under Linux?

NOT ALL OF THE ABOVE. Professor's feedback: And program, command utility, or shell script creates a new process.

Which of the following statements is true? (Choose all that apply) -If /etc/at.allow exists, only users listed in it can use the at command. -If /etc/cron.allow exists, only users listed in it can use the cron command. -If /etc/cron.deny exists and /etc/cron.allow does not exist, any user not listed in /etc/cron.deny can use the cron command. -If /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny exist, only users listed in the former can use the cron command and any listed in the latter are denied access to the cron command. -It a user is listed in both /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny, then /etc/cron.deny takes precedence and the user cannot access the crontab command.

If /etc/at.allow exists, only users listed in it can use the at command. If /etc/cron.allow exists, only users listed in it can use the cron command. If /etc/cron.deny exists and /etc/cron.allow does not exist, any user not listed in /etc/cron.deny can use the cron command.

What command is used to view and modify user jobs scheduled to run with cron?


What command shows a list of the current processes Linux is executing?


Which command entered without arguments is used to display a list of processes running in the current shell?


Which command is used to gain real-time information about processes running on the system with the most processor-intensive processes listed at the beginning of the list?


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