uppers, downers, and all arounders ch.1/2

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the most crucial neurotransmitter involved in behavioral addictions, drug use, and drug abuse is:


Attempts to solve the problems of drug abuse, addiction, and crime focus on demand reduction, and education of drug potency


The British encouraged the planting of hemp in the new American colonies for what reason?

To provide England with strong fibers from which it could make rope and sails for its ships

which of the following are examples of titrating the effects of the drug?

a cigarette smoker regulating his blood-nicotine level with the frequency of smoking and how often and deeply he inhales a cannibas user who regulates the effects of the drug by how frequently and deeply she inhales a person who is addicted to caffeine who regulates the amount of caffeine in her bloodstream by the frequency and amount of caffeinated beverages she consumes

which of the following statements is true regarding addiction, including compulsive behaviors such as gambling?

addiction is a disease analogous to diabetes

psychoactive drugs have which of the following effects on the central nervous system?

alter information sent to the brain from the environment disrupt the messages sent from the CNS to parts of the body disrupts thinking alter the way in which neurotransmitters normally function

According to the authors of Uppers, Downers, and All Arounders, a psychoactive drug is defined as..

any substance that directly alters the normal functioning of the central nervous system

the name of the primary evaluation document used in the u.s. to assess whether a person has a substance related disorder is called the:

diagnostic statistical manual

In the U.S., the legal drinking age varies state to state


Originally called freebase, crack cocaine, first appeared at the beginning of this century.


synaptic plasticity in response to psychoactive drugs can result in which of the following:

increase in the number of available neurotransmitters decrease in the number of available neurotransmitters increase in the number of receptors and receptor sites the ability of the synapse to change in strength and function when the pathway is overused or underused

The Drug Enforcement Administration classifies drugs into 5 levels/schedules based on their potential medical benefits and their abuse/addiction potential. What drugs are schedule 1?

marijuana, heroin, and LSD

pharmacodynamic tolerance includes which of the following?

nerve cells become less sensitive to the effects of the drug nerve cells produce an antidote or antagonist to the drug

which of the following statements are true about plants and plant byproducts that produce psychedelic effects?

plants with psychedelic properties have been used in religious, magical, and social ceremonies throughout history. there is a type of mold that can infect rye and produce an LSD like experience. certain types of cactus produce psychedelic experiences when eaten

Psychiatric medications, including antidepressants, anti-psychotics, and anti-anxiety drugs, are prescribed to:

rebalance irregular brain chemistry

which of the following methods are used to absorb drugs through the mucosal membrane

rectal and vaginal suppositories buccal (between the gums and cheek) sublingual (under the tongue) insufflation (snorting a drug into the nose)

which of the following statements is true regarding 12-step programs? 1. 12 step programs such as AA exist only within the U.S. 2. there are more than 50 major topics covered by the 12 step groups operating around the world 3. there is no evidence that these programs have been effective in supporting people in recovery 4. the philosophical basis of 12 step programs focuses on the addictive behavior as amoral weakness.

statement 2 only is true

down regulation of a brain cell's receptors occur when a person usues drugs and:

the cell retracts receptor sites to slow down message transmissions because there are too many neurotransmitters

which of the following describes changes in the brain of a person who is addicted to alcohol or other drugs?

the reward/control circuts of the addiction pathway are hijacked by changes in brain chemistry altered by substance abuse the go circuit becomes overactive and drives compulsive substance use the stop circut does not function properly and is overriden by the go switch drug cravings hijack survial mechamisms in the old brain and override rational actions of the new brain

The potency of drugs today is due to technological advances in refining, synthesizing, and manufacturing methods.


in recent decades, policy decisions regarding drugs and alcohol have been made based on the political climate rather than because of scientific and social research


the good news is that illegal methamphetamine superlabs are rapidly diminishing in Mexico and the U.S.


Which of the following statements is true about altercations to the bodys normal balance (homeostasis)

homeostasis is thrown off when the human body is continually challenged by stressful events the use of psychactive drugs disrupts the homeostasis the body adapts through allostasis the body strives to adapt through synaptic plasticity and neurotransmitter alterations

which of the following phsyical and chemical changes in the body are signs that indicate addiction to alcohol or other drugs

the user develops tolerance and needs more of the drug to feel an effect the user develops tissue dependence and needs to use the drug just to feel normal after not using the drug for a period of time, the person experiences withdrawal symptoms

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