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Which of the following is the best explanation of sovereignty in international relations?

A status of a State that means it has the right to act independently and without outside interference

Tom describes himself as an independent and he has never been a member of either the Republican or the Democratic party. He has stated in multiple accounts that he always votes for the best candidate, regardless of his political affiliation. How would you best describe Tom?

A swing voter

What is a democracy?

A system in which people can vote on laws and have power with the government

Washington's Farewell Address served as Washington's refusal to stand for what position?

A third term as president

Why did the American Revolution almost fail in 1776?

A well-organized British imperial army had returned and had won numerous military victories.

When some countries are able to better produce energy than other countries it leads to all of the following except?

A worse economy for the country that has to buy its energy from other countries

Which of the following is an example of systems theory?

A young girl's interaction with her family, community, school and church all have impact on her development and growth.

Why did Congress debate for two days whether they should discipline the delegates of the Constitutional Convention?

For creating a new form of government instead of just modifying the Articles of Confederation.

In this Supreme Court case, the Court decided that school-sponsored prayer was unconstitutional:

Engel v. Vitale

Our Bill of Rights evolved from laws in which country?


Which of these is the best example of a constitutional monarchy?

England in the 21st century

According to Levinson, at which stage does a person begin to solidify career and lifestyle decisions?

Entering the adult world.

How does Greens' We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again quote summarize the way the Patriots fight?

It explains that most of the Patriots fought with no pay and lived off the land.

Which of the following is correct regarding the Declaration of Independence?

It identified the purpose of American government

What does it mean that Congress is bicameral?

It is divided into two sections.

How does the presence of the Vice President impact the functioning of the Senate?

It is part of the system of checks and balances, although he can only vote in case of a tie.

Why is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 especially important?

It is the first U.S. civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities

What do Levinson and Vaillant believe about the mid-life stage?

It is when crisis and conflict occur.

How did the Truman Doctrine impact containment policy?

It marked the beginning of the implementation of containment policy.

Which of the following would NOT be considered a civil liberty?

Right to equal treatment under the law

A woman's right to privacy was established in which Supreme Court case?

Roe v. Wade

Which of the following was NOT a promise of the Obama 2008 presidential campaign?

Same-sex marriage

In this Supreme Court case, the Court decided that certain types of speech could be prohibited or limited, if they presented an imminent danger to the nation:

Schenck v. United States

Which of the following is a legal term for keeping facilities divided with separate spaces for white and black people?


How many main branches are there in the U.S. Federal Government?


How many years are there between national conventions?


After the Census, representation in the House of Representatives is divided out between the states according to population and must equal _____ seats.


How do 527 groups differ from PACs?

527 groups cannot donate or work with a campaign, while PACs can.

How many total Electoral College votes are there?


How long is a Senate term?

6 years

How many justices are there in the United States Supreme Court?


Identify which of the following profiles was crucial in Obama's 2008 path to the White House:

A 22-year-old male student from Michigan

You have a list of people that includes some of their most basic traits. Which of the following individuals is most likely to be a supporter of the Republican Party?

A 35-year-old white male

You have a list of people that includes some of their most basic traits. Which of the following individuals is most likely to be a supporter of the Democratic Party?

A 40-year-old female from New York

Which of the following cases would NOT be heard by a federal circuit court?

A California-based citizens' group wants to challenge California's marijuana laws

In the United States, citizens are subject to federal, state, and local laws. This is known as _____.


The Volstead Act

delineated how prohibition was to be enforced.

The primary role of foreign navies was to _____

divert British resources and attention away from the colonies.

The act of saving energy by reducing a service is called

energy conservation

Saving energy but keeping the same level of service is called

energy efficiency

The main responsibility of the executive branch is to:

enforce laws

All of the following are global environmental concerns except:

global cooling

All of the following are true of global environmental concerns except:

global environmental concerns are largely caused by a shift in natural phenomena

If potential congressional candidates perceive that national forces like economic performance are not favorable, then _____

good candidates may not run.

When the amount of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere and traps solar radiation which then increases the atmosphere's temperature, it is called the:

greenhouse effect

The state of the economy refers to:

how healthy the country's finances are as a whole and how a person views their personal finances

The beliefs, values and principles that serve as a guide for a country's conduct abroad are known as national _____.


Sabotage, vandalism, wiretapping, forgery, and any act of terrorism are all considered to be _____, a last resort that is highly discouraged.

illegal participation

The Great Compromise _____.

established one house of Congress based on population (House of Representatives) and the other with equal representation (Senate).

Mark wants to run for city council but he needs 200 signatures in order to be placed on the ballot. Mark doesn't have time to get 200 people to sign, so he has 20 friends each sign the petition 10 times. This is an example of:

illegal participation.

A bill may be introduced _____.

in either the House of Representatives or the Senate

During class, John said that the state's Supreme Court is comprised of public officials holding high ranking state positions, including the governor. Instead of the state's Supreme Court, John probably meant the _____ branch.


When the United States and Canada can import and export products across its border with no restrictions, it is called _____.

open trade

People who influence the opinions of others by openly and publicly expressing their ideas are known as _____.

opinion leaders

Easy access to shipping lanes is an example of a _____ factor that impacts a country's ability to participate in the global market.


Significant disruption in a government that leads to new or modified leadership or policies is called?

political change

Any choice that deals with government affairs, structure or politics is known as a _____.

political decision

The legislative branch has the power to:

Borrow money

A candidate is:

the person running for political office

A member of the House of Representatives must be this many years old:


Which amendment delineates the procedures for presidential succession?


Which of these were NOT a consequence of the 18th Amendment?

25th Amendment

Which amendment lowered the federal voting age to 18?


The Tea Party gets its name from this historical event.

Boston Tea Party

Which is NOT true of the Tea Act?

It cancelled the Townshend duty on tea.

Which event contributed to the world economy?

The Industrial Revolution

Which of these is NOT a definition for government?

A society of people who share a common identity

What do the elections in both houses of Congress have in common?

Both are direct elections by popular vote.

Almost all states award their Electoral College votes according to this method:

'Winner takes all', meaning the candidate with the most popular votes gets all of that state's electoral votes

How many Electoral College votes are needed to win a presidential election?


How was the Battle of the Chesapeake similar to the Battle of Yorktown?

Both battles were won by the French, and they gained control of Yorktown.

Which amendment limits a president to two terms or 10 years?


Which amendment gives Washington, D.C, Electoral College votes?


How many Senators comprise the Senate?


How many representatives serve in the Senate?


Which amendment establishes that a citizen of one state can not sue another state?


Which amendment discusses the procedures of the Electoral College?


Which of the following U.S. constitutional amendments changed the voting process so that separate votes would be cast for president and vice president?


Which amendment officially abolished slavery?


Which amendment establishes due process, fair treatment under the law?


Which amendment establishes equal protection under the law?


Which amendment made the Bill of Rights applicable to the states?


Which amendment gave the vote to all men, regardless of race or beliefs?


Which amendment established the federal income tax?


Which of these is NOT a Reconstruction Amendment?


In what year was Washington's Farewell Address delivered?


Which amendment states that senators will be elected directly by popular vote?


Andrew Jackson first became president in what election?


What year was the Indian Removal Act passed?


Plans to campaign for women's suffrage go back to which year?


What presidential election led to the end of southern Reconstruction?

1876 (Tilden and Hayes)

Which amendment prohibited the manufacturing or sale of alcohol within the United States?


The first birth control clinic opened in _____ in New York and focused on women's health and reproductive rights. This laid the foundation for _____.

1916; Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Federal Prohibition was enacted in the US during the

1920s and 30s

When has the United States used cooperative federalism?


What year was the Atlantic Charter issued?


When was the Marshall Plan in operation?


The gay rights movement is a social movement that emerged from which era?


The Voting Rights Act was passed in _____.


Which amendment gave the vote to women?


In what year did U.S. media finally begin applying the term 'red state'/'blue state' in a consistent manner?


Which amendment repealed the 18th Amendment?


Which amendment abolished poll taxes?


Based on the graphic of checks and balances, the ability to veto a law is what type of check?

A check of the executive branch over the legislative branch

When the House of Representatives and the Senate disagree on changes to be made to a bill, what is the course of action?

A conference committee is set up in order to reach a consensus.

Which of the following is an example of bias by labeling?

A congressman attends the Muslim wedding of a close friend. A newspaper reports on his attendance, calling the congressman an 'Iraqi sympathizer.'

What is the difference between a monarchy and a constitutional monarchy?

A constitutional monarchy is ruled by a single leader, but their power is limited by a constitution that gives rights to the people.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a failed state?

A country that cannot project its authority over its population

Based on their voting records, a civil society group has identified seven members of Congress who always vote against political finance control. After their records are published, the media starts calling these individuals 'The Corrupt Seven'. Select which lobbying technique was used in this situation.

A direct technique

Under Article III of the Constitution, which situation would the Judicial Branch be concerned with?

A dispute between the state of Arizona and the federal government over the proper scope of a law enacted by Congress.

What did the Supreme Court decide in Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority?

A federal law requiring state and local governments to provide overtime pay and the minimum wage to their employees was declared constitutional

Which of the following is NOT considered an example of direct lobbying?

A group of citizens protests the lack of gun control laws in a major city.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an economic interest group?

A group of citizens trying to sponsor a book drive for community youth centers

Which of the following is the best example of the media acting as a platform?

A live, televised version of a presidential debate where candidates had the opportunity to discuss and debate policy.

Once nominated, a candidate for federal judgeship must be confirmed. Which of the following steps is necessary for the candidate's confirmation?

A majority of the U.S. Senate must vote to approve the nomination.

Identify which of the following is a profile affected by the Emancipation Proclamation:

A middle-aged African American male from Richmond

Identify which of the following was a likely profile of a member of the Essex Junto.

A middle-aged wealthy white merchant from Massachusetts

During the years in between national conventions, who takes care of national party business?

A national committee

Which of the following is associated with bias by selection of sources?

A news outlet produces a story about a divisive issue, quoting only people who support one side of the issue.

Which of the following statements would Uri Bronfenbrenner agree with?

A person's development is affected by everything in the surrounding environment.

Which type of interest group exists to promote the best interests of the overall community and the good of the nation?

A public interest group

What was Shays' Rebellion?

A rebellion against new taxes in the state of Massachusetts after the Revolutionary War.

After a long, heated debate, the U.S. Congress has managed to agree upon two final versions of a gun control bill. However, each version has several contradicting stipulations. According to majoritarianism, what would be the best way to resolve the situation?

A referendum where the American people would choose

What is the general term used to describe a government in which authority is derived from the consent of the citizens?

A republic

In a monarchy, who is in charge of the government?

A single ruler, called a monarch, is in charge of everything.

Inspired by the Gay Men's Health Crisis, which of the following used radical tactics, like traffic blockades, to protest the government's disinterest in the AIDS crisis?


Which was NOT a goal of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Abolishing slavery in the United States.

How are electoral votes divided?

According to congressional districts

Which of the following are functions of third parties?

Address new issues and take away votes from one party candidate or another

The U.S. president has the ability to do what?

All answers are correct

What was the result of the Federalist Papers?

All answers are correct.

Which of the following is an example of a cooperative federalist program from the lesson?

All answers are correct.

Which of these are associated with progressive measures under Theodore Roosevelt?

All answers are correct.

Which one of the following statements is correct?

All economic systems in the real world are mixed economies.

Which of the following encompasses the national security interest?

All of the answers are correct

Colonists who lived during the time of British rule, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution would have experienced which style of governance?

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is part of the national interest?

All of the answers are correct.

Why is trade fundamental to national security policy?

All of the answers are correct.

How can a third party in politics be formed?

All of these answers are correct

Which of the following was a component of post-Cold War foreign policy?

All of these answers are correct

Which of the following did Washington warn Americans to be wary of in his Farewell Address?

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following can influence public opinion?

All of these can influence public opinion

How might outsiders attempt to interfere with the sovereignty of a sovereign State?

All the answers are correct

Individualism is the value that is committed to _____.

All the answers are correct.

Republicanism in America _____

Allows for self-government because the people give leaders their authority.

Which two nations benefited the most from 1783's Peace of Paris?

America and Britain

What happened at the Battle of Machias?

American patriots successfully boarded and captured a British schooner

What is a third party?

An American political party that is not one of the two dominant parties at that time.

Which of the following refers to an individual's or group's right to use power by making decisions, giving directives, and demanding compliance?


Which of the following best describes the Office of Management and Budget?

An agency that performs the critical task of implementing the president's policies throughout the executive branch and into every area of the government.

What is a free enterprise economy?

An economic system with few government restrictions on business activities and ownership.

Which of the following cases can originate in a federal district court?

An employee in California loses a discrimination suit in state court and wishes to appeal

Say the government establishes a new body that is focused on determining whether U.S. companies conform to some international Treaty. This new body has the power to create and enforce new rules. It can also punish companies or individuals that do not conform to the law. Which of the following best describes this new body?

An independent regulatory agency

Which of the following is FALSE regarding campaign financing?

An individual can spend up to $32,400 on his/her own political campaign each year.

What is a political party?

An organization of people who support a political ideology.

What school of thought believes that humanity will adapt to meet current needs through innovation and technology to achieve sustainability?


How did the views on a bill of rights of anti-federalists differ to those of federalists in the debate regarding the ratification of the Constitution?

Anti-federalists believed the issue of human rights protection should be observed immediately, while federalists wanted to address the issue after the Constitution was adopted.

What's the best description of a special interest group?

Any group, person or entity that seeks to influence government policy to align with the group's narrow interests.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the judicial branch?

Approving treaties signed by the President.

If a case is resolved before going to trial, the parties may ask for a mediator or _____ to render a verdict.


This portion of the Constitution specifically outlines the power of the Supreme Court:

Article III, Section I

A first-term congressman is delivering a speech in Congress and states: 'Today, on June the first, 2016, we will change the American Constitution for the fiftieth time based on Article V of our great nation's Constitution. After this house agrees on the wording of the bill, the president will sign it, and we will have a constitutional amendment that will allow us to far more efficiently monitor the work of the NSA.' Which of the following parts the congressman's speech was correct?

Article V of the Constitution regulates how the Constitution can be amended.

Which of the following was NOT part of General Charles Cornwallis' plans at Chesapeake Bay?

Ask for additional troops from Rhode Island.

Which of the following is NOT an example of studying voter behavior?

Attempting to understand why a person who voted for the Democratic Party committed a crime in a large city where there is a stable financial situation.

In 2017, California is seen as being a _____.

Blue state

A _____ is sold to individuals and companies to pay for larger projects, such as a new school or sewer system.


A Democratic President has finished their two terms in office. The Democratic nominee is considering whether to invite the current president on the campaign trail. How should the nominee BEST make this decision?

Based on the incumbent's performance.

Why was it unusual that the first draft of the Declaration opposed slavery?

Because Jefferson, who wrote the first draft, owned hundreds of slaves

A presidential nominee is talking about how he will completely reform the U.S. He has stated that he will propose a federal budget which will decrease the deficit by 50% in the next year, and that he will encourage a constructive relationship with China. He further states that he will recommend a law to increase pensions by 30%, and that he will retire all of the Supreme Court Justices and name new ones. Why are his remarks unconstitutional?

Because he cannot retire the Supreme Court Justices.

Why couldn't King George send additional troops to Yorktown?

Because he didn't have any support in Parliament or among the English people.

A political action committee (PAC) is supporting the congressional race of a major political party. It has spent over $50,000 on negative advertisement against the other candidates. It's donated over $2,000 to a candidate in New Hampshire and over $10,000 to a candidate in Florida. It has also directly donated $12,500 to the party it supports. Why did this PAC break the law?

Because it donated more than $5,000 to a candidate.

Why was General Henry Clinton's Philipsburg Proclamation an effective tool against the Patriots?

Because it freed all slaves that were owned by Patriots, so it did not anger Loyalists.

Congress recently voted on a law that would allow the retroactive principle of increased taxation. The president vetoed the bill, but was eventually overruled by a 2/3 majority of Congress. In the end, the Supreme Court declared the bill unconstitutional. Why is this an example of the separation of powers?

Because it is a clear example that there are three distinct branches of government, each with its own distinct purpose and function.

Why is the microsystem the most influential environmental level in a person's life?

Because it is the system where a person has the most direct contact with factors influencing development.

The police have raided your house, but they do not have a warrant or the legal authority to do so. Why is this prohibited by the fourth amendment?

Because it provides you with the freedom from unreasonable searches and seizure

Why was the Olive Branch Petition significant?

Because it was an offer by the Patriots to end the rebellion and it stated that their goal was not to gain independence.

Why are Levinson and Vaillant's theories less applicable today?

Because much about society has changed since they conducted their research.

John Stanford is a Democratic candidate in the 2020 Presidential election. Thomas, a Republican, wants to vote for him because of John's recent speech in which he indicated that, if elected, he would make sure that the number of incidents involving the use of automatic weapons would decrease. Which of the following best describes why Thomas chose to vote for John?

Because of John's stance towards a political issue which, in this case, is gun control.

Why was Washington a logical choice for the commander of the American forces?

Because of his service during the French and Indian war.

Why did the U.S. get involved in Vietnam?

Because of the belief if that Vietnam fell to communism, so might other countries in Southeast Asia.

Why were American forces humiliatingly defeated in the Battle of Camden?

Because of the inexperience and the fact the left flank of the American militia ran away from the battle.

Your friend, James, considers himself a Republican. In the last presidential election, he voted for the candidate of the Democratic Party. Why is this an odd occurrence?

Because party identification usually leads to 90% of people voting for the party they support.

Why were state conventions responsible for the ratification of the Constitution rather than the state government?

Because state governments would want to yield the least amount of power they possibly could.

Why was the Louisiana Purchase problematic?

Because the Constitution doesn't give the president power to buy land.

Several reporters approach the governor as he exits a meeting. They shout questions, asking about his plan to deal with prison overcrowding. He replies, 'I don't have time for this.' One reporter prints that the governor isn't concerned about prison overcrowding and won't make the time to correct the issue. Why is this an example of bias by spin?

Because the reporter interpreted an objective fact in a subjective manner

Why was the tenth amendment enacted?

Because the states were fearful of giving too much power to the federal government.

Why was Obama's domestic agenda during his first term heavily criticised by the Tea Party?

Because they believed the Affordable Healthcare Act would increase the federal debt

Why were the British caught off guard at the Battle of Trenton?

Because they did not expect Washington to cross the Delaware River and attack in the middle of a stormy Christmas night

Why were most colonies protesting?

Because they wanted representation in Parliament.

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism for political change?


If you were alive in 1964 and looked at a map of the U.S. as it is colored in during today's elections, you would see a sea of _____.


To show that not all people in a political party have to agree on an issue, which of the following is an example of a group of Democrats who disagree with the majority of the party on fiscal policy?

Blue Dog Democrats

How does the role of Marquis de Lafayette in the American Revolution compare to that of Baron von Steuben?

Both men were useful in the war effort and contributed, although most believe that von Steuben was not truly a baron.

How did improved literacy in Europe and Franklin's circulation of Enlightenment ideals impact the world view of the eighteenth century?

Both phenomena allowed more people access to new ideals

The ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned in which case?

Brown v. Board of Education

Which group argued that using the resources we have more wisely and efficiently could lead to sustainable development?

Bruntland Commission

Which of the following hypothetical candidates meets the constitutional qualifications for president?

Businessman Walter Schwartz, age 45, was born in the United States to an American-born mother and a Canadian father. He has resided in the U.S. for 15 years.

How can a proposition to amend the Constitution legally be accomplished?

By a 2/3 majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

How did the colonists plan to pay for a war?

By issuing Continental Currency and borrowing money

The President of The United States of America receives a bill. Which of these is a way the President veto the bill?

By not signing it within a ten day period when Congress happens to adjourn within those ten days.

How did the privateers contribute to the U.S. winning the Revolutionary War?

By seizing British cargo and supply ships

Which of the following is a good example of information that should be accessible under a FOIA?

Campaign contribution information of elected officials.

According to the lesson, what are three types of economic systems?

Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism

Judicial review is an essential part of the ________ within the federal government, giving the ________ equal power with the other two ________ of government.

Checks and balances; Supreme Court; branches

Which case established that for campaign finance purposes that corporations could be considered people?

Citizens United v. FEC

This is an obligation that is social, not legal, to participate in the political process.

Civic responsibility

Rights provided to everyone, no matter their race, religion, or sexual orientation, are called:

Civil Rights

The _____ Movement focused on the rights of African Americans.

Civil Rights

The _____ act made Jim Crow laws illegal, and was passed in _____.

Civil Rights; 1964

Meeting the client where he 'is at' is a premise of which theory?

Client-centered theory

This is a preliminary election where only those voters registered with the political party can vote in that party's election:

Closed primary

A host of nations banding together to stop an aggressor state could be considered:

Collective security

John manages a toy factory that produces toy trains, baby dolls, and race cars. Every day he receives a list from the local government specifying how many toys he must produce, what materials to use, and how much each toy is to be sold for. He organizes the day's work accordingly. This scenario closely aligns with which of the following?

Command economy

Under this compromise, the slave trade would continue into the 1800s while the importation of slaves was allowed to be taxed by Congress.

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise

Which makes global trade advantageous for countries?

Comparative advantage

When a bill is introduced to the legislative branch it is first:

Debated in a subcommittee

Judicial review gives the Supreme Court the power to review the constitutionality of actions taken by:

Congress and the president

Which is NOT a common criticism of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Congress should not have enacted it.

Which of the following is a party committee in Congress that provides funds to members and would-be-members in Congress?

Congressional campaign committee

A gathering for the purpose of writing a new constitution or revising an existing constitution is known as a _____.

Constitutional convention

A group of citizens wants to amend the Constitution. Taking into account how to most efficiently conduct the process, which of the following course of action should they take?

Contact their local Congressman and urge him to propose a bill.

Which of the following was an unnecessary foreign policy objective of the U.S. after the end of the Cold War?


There are many reasons why people choose to participate in the political process. Which of the reasons listed is NOT a commonly cited reason why people choose to participate?


What are the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines categorized as?

Conventional Forces

Grants began to be issued to help states out when the United States adopted _____ federalism.


Which of the following best sums up the principle of limited government?

Core principles of the government's powers and functions are restricted and described in the Constitution and other legal documents.

This type of government is often the largest political subdivision within the state and is responsible for locally administering state laws and collecting taxes.

County government

One major difference between county governments and municipal governments is:

County governments do not have the power to create laws; municipal governments can create their own laws.

What form did federalism take during the turbulent 1960s?

Creative federalism

Procedural law pertains to both:

Criminal and civil court proceedings

Who developed the concept of comparative advantage?

David Ricardo

The president is attempting to resolve a very sensitive matter regarding Turkey. He has had some difficulties with Congress and knows that they probably won't support his plans. Which of the following is an action he can NOT implement to resolve the crisis?

Declare war

What did Roosevelt ask Congress for on December 8, 1941?

Declare war on Japan

Which of the following is a likely goal of a foreign government interest group?

Decreasing tariffs between the U.S. and South Korea

What did the Articles of Confederation do?

Defined the United States as an independent nation, composed as a union of states.

What are the members of the Electoral College called?


Why did Deism play a large role in the principles of American Government?

Deism encourages reason and human action, but still allows for a belief in God

The _____ theory of political power asserts that people who have the most resources have the most political power and make decisions for society.


Which one of the following is not an advantage of global trade?

Development of all domestic industries

This type of election occurs when the dominant political party is temporarily removed from power:


Which of these is the process of gathering information before a civil trial begins?


Which value teaches us to respect and embrace the fact that all people are unique and important regardless of their race, culture, heritage, belief system, or socio-economic status?


Due to the terrible manner in which a particular company treats animals, several interest groups are trying to organize a boycott on buying stock from this company. This is an example of _____.

Due to the terrible manner in which a particular company treats animals, several interest groups are trying to organize a boycott on buying stock from this company. This is an example of _____.

Which of the following is an example of an attempted use of the President's inherent power?

During the 1974 Watergate scandal, President Richard Nixon refused to turn over secret tapes of his Oval Office conversations. Nixon claimed that the tapes contained confidential White House discussions.

In the post-Cold War years, foreign service agents were likely to have a more difficult job than earlier agents because:

During the Cold War, the U.S. could identify its enemy more easily

How does the separation of powers keep things fair in government?

Each branch has different powers designed to keep the other branches' powers in check.

Which of the following is a feature of a unitary system of government?

Each region generally abides by the same laws.

Which term describes the way a society organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services to meet people's needs and wants?

Economic System

A _____ is often paid for a specific service, such as garbage pick-up or water usage.


Which of the following best describes a government that balances power between states and the national level?


PACs must register their existence with the federal government. With which regulatory agency must PACs register?

Federal Election Commission

What are the goals of a free enterprise economy?

Freedom, efficiency, justice, stability, security, and growth.

How did Piaget's theory of development differ from that of Freud?

Freud focused on factors that motivate behavior; Piaget focused on intellectual development.

The Tea Party movement is often represented by this flag emblazoned with the words, 'Don't Tread On Me.'

Gadsden Flag

This is one of the oldest and best-known American polling organizations. It is known for publishing timely public opinion research on a multitude of topics.


During the 1980s, which of the following became a leader in AIDS activism?

Gay Men's Health Crisis

This is a regularly scheduled, nationwide election used to determine the U.S. president and other political officials:

General election

Which of the following was NOT a federalist?

George Clinton

_____, known for his patience and fairness, was chosen to preside over the convention.

George Washington

The concept of sovereignty applies to which of the following?


Which case established that if a federal law and state law conflict, that the federal law takes precedent?

Gibbons v. Ogden

What do all views on sustainability have in common?

Global population is outpacing food production.

The concept that countries are tied together in order to allow free trade and cheaper foreign markets is referred to as what?


Why were early societies okay with sacrificing personal freedoms in order to create governments?

Governments protected people from invasion and disasters.

The Senate has the power to do all but which of the following?

Grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States

Roger Sherman authored the _____ Compromise, which combined the New Jersey and the Virginia plans.


Which case stated that amendments to the U.S. Constitution implied a right to privacy?

Griswold v. Connecticut

How much economic growth can be allowed in order to adhere to the principle of sustainable development?

Growth can occur as long as the resources that are needed to maintain life and prosperity are not depleted.

Who was Publius?

Hamilton, Madison, and Jay

Hannah's therapist is glad to see Hannah's recent progress in the self-actualization process. Which action BEST illustrates her progress?

Hannah completed her college degree and is closer to achieving her goal of helping inner-city children.

Which of the following does NOT describe an interest group?

Has members who do not have to agree on all issues

Which of the following is NOT an eligibility criterion to be a U.S. Senator?

Have held an elected office previously

Thomas is polling people in his state to get a sense of their general political views. He polls all of the shoppers that exit an upscale furniture store. How could Thomas change his polling tactics in order to reduce sampling errors?

He could poll in a location that attracts a more diverse group of shoppers.

What was controversial about Jefferson finishing the capitol building?

He had promised not to spend much money as president.

Bill made $4,000 last month at his job selling cars. What type of tax does he pay on the money he made?


A Democratic president is trying to pass a law that will increase restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions. He has the support of the general public and thinks that the law should pass Congress because he has talked to key figures in the Republican Party and gained their support. However, the law fails to pass Congress. Which of the following should the president have done?

He should have made sure that he had the backing of the Democratic Party, because support from either side of Congress should not be taken for granted.

Which of the following is true of John Paul Jones in 1778?

He took the war to England's shores where he captured the Drake, a British ship

Which of the following is true about Marquis de Lafayette?

He was a French general who helped plan the Battle of Yorktown.

Which of the following is a correct assessment of Theodore Roosevelt's youth?

He was sickly as a child with asthma.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Benedict Arnold ultimately chose to escape into the safety of the British lines?

He was trying to sell out Boston to the British, but his plan was discovered.

Who did Roosevelt defeat in his first presidential campaign?

Herbert Hoover

How was the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 related to Cold War military strategy?

Highways were built so that the military could easily travel if a war broke out.

Which is NOT an action of the 2nd Continental Congress?

Hired freelance Hessian (German) soldiers

How did John Locke's ideas influence the American Enlightenment?

His rejection of divine right and the idea of government by the governed are foundations of American Revolutionary thought

Rogerians are therapists who adhere to the _____ philosophy and the theories of _____.

Humanistic; Carl Rogers

Which one of these are you most likely to pay a fee for?

Hunting license

Which article of the Constitution was used as a basis for ruling in Gibbons v. Ogden and McCulloch v. Maryland?


What is one of the most important identifiers of capitalism?

Individuals have freedom to operate their business and manage their income

Campaign finance disclosure is meant to do what?

Inform the public about political candidates

Brian watched a television news report about conflicts in Iraq. Before this, he didn't know much about this issue. This is an example of which media role?


Several presidential powers, like the power to respond to a federal crisis, are not directly stated in the Constitution. This type of power is known as which of the following?

Inherent power

The Governor of Illinois decides he'd like to raise the minimum wage in his state. Before releasing any other information, his press secretary tweets: 'Governor to help millions by supporting wage increase.' This is an example of _____.

Immediate connection

Which one of the following is NOT a sociocultural factor?

Import quotas

How are bills in the House of Representatives introduced differently than bills in the Senate?

In the House of Representatives, the bill is introduced by placing it in the hopper, while in the Senate, chamber leadership call on the legislator to introduce the bill.

Which of the following statements about the history of interest groups is FALSE?

Interest groups are a relatively new phenomenon in U.S. political history

Which subfield of international relations studies the international customs and rules that States recognize?

International law

Which pair of events accurately shows cause and effect?

Intolerable Acts - First Continental Congress

What did the Freedom of Information Act do?

It allowed citizens to request government records

Why did the use of developmental theories become popular for analyzing human growth?

It allowed growth to take place in a positive way.

Why is divided government significant to the U.S. political system?

It allows the individual branches of government to keep the power of the other branches equally balanced and in check.

A numbered bill is taken up by committee. Which of the following is NOT true about the committee?

It always sends the bill back to chamber for voting.

When both the House of Representatives and the Senate approve by a two-thirds majority vote, it's known as a:

Joint resolution

This particular legal theory means that the Supreme Court acts conservatively and only decides on the constitutionality of a particular action:

Judicial restraint

Transparency is meant to do what?

Keep the government accountable to the people

Why is a strong economy important to national security?

It provides resources to support national security and also provides economic security to the population.

Why was World War Two a 'Total War'?

It required the participation and militarization of civilians on all sides.

How did Thomas Paine's Common Sense impact the revolution?

It shifted public opinion towards the independence cause.

How did the Supreme Court react to the FEC limits on corporate funding of independent political broadcasts?

It struck down the limits, claiming they violated freedom of speech.

What was the significance of the Battle of the Chesapeake?

It was a French naval victory that forced an end to the war

In addition to preventing the spread of disease, why were immigrants subjected to invasive medical examinations in the early 1900's?

It was a means of gathering information on various ethnicities.

How did the principle of the consent of the governed impact the Declaration of Independence?

It was an integral part of the Declaration and it meant common people have to allow their rulers to have any authority over them.

What role did the Quebec Act play in the American colonies?

It was widely considered part of the Intolerable Acts, along with the Coercive Acts.

A pollster asks you, 'Are you in favor of the death penalty for serial killers?' What's wrong with this public opinion polling question?

It's not objectively worded.

Washington's Farewell Address was drafted from remarks originally drafted by what future president?

James Madison

_____ laws made racial segregation legal.

Jim Crow

Those aiming for a confederal system of government would be most interested in preserving which of the following?

Keeping power in the hands of each state, and granting only limited powers to a national government

The most important global agreement regarding the environment is widely considered to be the:

Kyoto Protocol

Which was NOT part of the Boston Tea Party event?

Laborers on the docks would unload the tea from ships, and merchants wouldn't pay for it.

Voter ID laws are controversial because opponents say they unfairly target which group?

Racial minorities

This type of election begins a period of time of dominancy for a political party:


The House of Representatives favors states with which type of population?


What was Roosevelt's career before he entered politics?


What would a theocratic republic government look like?

Leaders in a religious order would be elected to represent the people

Which statement below identifies a major difference between learning theories and psychoanalytic theories?

Learning theories can be tested and applied to real life situations.

In the context of Supreme Court cases, what is a precedent?

Legal standard from a court case's decision which must be followed

The Electoral College consists of representatives from which branch of government?


Which school of thought in international relations argues that States operate for their own self-interest in an anarchical environment by cooperating with others?


Mary decides she'd like to run for mayor. She posts the information on Facebook along with an offer for a free newsletter subscription to anyone who clicks the thumbs up button. Within a few hours, she sees that her approach has been widely successful. Mary is attempting to bring positive attention to her run for office through _____.


Which of the following is an example of the watchdog role of the media?

Linking President Richard Nixon to the Watergate burglary scandal.

Interest groups exert their influence by engaging in what type of practice?


Which of the following BEST describes a function of local government?

Local governments are responsible for organizing and running entities such as law enforcement, libraries, parks and city utilities.

Which of these is NOT a commonly cited institutional barrier to participation in the political process?

Long voting lines

Which of the following is a strategy that requires the utilization of WMDs?


This type of election occurs when the dominant political party wins the election and remains in power:


Which of the following was the initial focus of the civil rights movement for disabled persons?

Making public places physically accessible to people with disabilities

The Supreme Court acquired the power of judicial review during this landmark case:

Marbury v. Madison

The U.S. Supreme Court was called upon to examine whether a law enacted by Congress regarding gun control breaches the Second Amendment. What grants the Supreme Court with the power to determine constitutionality in such a case?

Marbury v. Madison

The ability of the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down legislation that is unconstitutional was confirmed in:

Marbury v. Madison

This is a statistical measurement of how accurately the results of a poll reflect the real views of the population.

Margin of error

Samantha owns an ice cream shop where she can make all business decisions. She often changes the flavors of her ice cream depending on customer feedback and sales figures. This scenario best describes which of the following?

Market economy

How is a market system different from a command system?

Market systems are built on the concept of individual ownership of enterprises and resources while a command system is based on government ownership

In the 21st century, the gay rights movement has placed a considerable emphasis on fighting for which of the following?

Marriage equality

Which of the following does NOT describe a political party?

Only has an opinion on one central issue

This type of election is also known as a 'Critical Election:'


This is a preliminary election where any registered voter can vote in the election, regardless of political party affiliation, and could even vote in each political party's election:

Open primary

Which of the following is a good example of information that is probably best kept secret and not subject to a plausible FOIA request?

Military strategy

In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that upon arrest, the police must make a suspect aware of his/her rights:

Miranda v. Arizona

Which of the following is most likely to happen in the federal system of government?

Moving from region to region involves some changes to laws, while national laws remain the same.

All of the following statements are correct, EXCEPT:

National ideals, missions and national interests are always in sync.

Classified information that relates to national defense or foreign policy is known as:

National security information

The U.S. government is revising its policy against terrorism, cyber-warfare and other external threats. Which of the following best describes this policy?

National security policy

What constitutional clause allows the legislative branch to remain flexible and adjust with the circumstances that changing times require?

Necessary and proper clause

Which theorist proposed that a person might feel badly about themselves if they were not married by a certain age?


For which state did Roosevelt serve as a senator and a governor?

New York

Which court case involved a question of a freedom of the press?

New York Times v. United States

How much money may PACs donate to a political party in one year?

No more than $15,000

How much money may PACs donate to a single candidate in one year?

No more than $5,000The first PAC was formed to support:

Juan wants to know the opinion of the college student population regarding the use of student loans to cover college costs. In order to do this, he decides to ask eight of his closest friends what they think about the topic. Will the results of this poll be valid?

No, because he did not choose a representative sample.

Anna and some of her animal-loving friends collect $500 and donate it to their favorite congressional candidate. That candidate promised to strengthen laws protecting animals from cruelty. Are Anna and her friends a PAC?

No, because they didn't donate more than $1,000

Lobbyists are members of _____.

None of the answers are correct

What U.S. foreign policy was developed in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States?

None of the answers are correct

Which of the following members of the U.S. judiciary branch does NOT serve a life term?

None of the answers are correct.

Which subfield of international relations is concerned with human rights, genocide, ethnic conflict, just war theory and similar issues?

None of the answers are right

Where did Washington speak his Farewell Address?

Nowhere; it was published in a newspaper

Which one of the following is not a policy barrier in global trade?

Official national language

Ryan is an important government official working in the legislative branch. His duties include creating state legislation that can become state law, approving the state budget, and initiating tax legislation. How are Ryan's duties related to the duties of an official in the executive branch?

Officials in the executive branch are responsible for executing the laws that are created by the officials in the legislative branch.

What is Andrew Jackson's most popular nickname?

Old Hickory

In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, segregation occurred in this public facility:

On a train

In 1972, the entire election map but for Maryland and Washington D.C. would've been what color?


At least today, Texas is seen as a _____.

Red state

This type of election occurs when the dominant political party returns to power after a temporary displacement:


What defines the ruling class in an aristocracy?

Owning land and having hereditary noble titles.

What are the key features of a free enterprise economy?

Owning private property, entering into contracts, making personal choices, engaging in free enterprise and competition, and self-interest.

What term best describes the members of the president's political party?

Partisan constituency

Who brings a case to civil court?


Which case created the doctrine of separate but equal?

Plessy v. Ferguson

Which of the following theories states that political power should be held by groups?


The U.S. President wants the Armed Forces to support peacekeeping efforts in the Central African Republic. A civil war is currently being fought there, and the Security Council of the U.N. has given permission for an intervention. If the president agrees to support this effort, he is MOST likely acting to accomplish a(n) _____.

Political objective

Businesses that measure public opinion through strategic methods are known as:

Polling organizations

What are the two kinds of votes that determine the U.S. election for president?

Popular and electoral

Which core principle states that the government operates only with the people's consent and authority?

Popular sovereignty

Based on the assumption that Saddam Hussein's regime possessed WMDs, the U.S.-led attack on Iraq is one of the most common examples of _____.

Preemptive defense

Which of the following was NOT a U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War?

Preemptive war doctrine

What is the burden of proof in a civil case?

Preponderance of the evidence

The first PAC was formed to support:

President Franklin Roosevelt's re-election campaign

Government bodies that voluntarily release records and information like spending reports are engaged in what?

Proactive disclosure

The reason for _____ is to ensure that due process is preserved. _____ is a constitutional guarantee that every American citizen has to be notified of pending legal action and has the right to _____ legal proceedings.

Procedural law; due process; fair

Which of the following contributed to the Americans with Disabilities Act becoming a law in 1990?

Protests against inaccessible public transportation and lack of representation of disabled persons in the legislature and education

Sally knows the presidential election is this Tuesday, but she's not sure where to go to vote. She checks an article in her local newspaper and then finds directions using the Internet. This is an example of which media role?

Public educator

Which of these best describes the government of the modern United States?

Representative democracy

Connor used to work in the law office of one of the presidential candidates. Connor thinks the candidate is unethical and doesn't want them to be elected. Connor writes a letter expressing his opinion and posts it to his Facebook page and his Twitter feed. This is an example of which media role?

Public voice

Your grandfather is telling you that he thinks there needs to be a change in the way the Republican Party is approaching the electorate. He is telling you about how it was done in the past when many voters switched party allegiance, which caused long-term shifts in the political process. What process is your grandfather describing?


What school of thought in international relations argues that States act in their own self-interest in an anarchical environment by pursuing power?


Which of these is NOT included in a complaint for a civil case?

Response to the plaintiff

Which of the following was the LAST state to ratify the Constitution?

Rhode Island

On a political spectrum, the Tea Party movement falls here.

Right of Republicans

In the country of Faketopia, citizens cannot vote public officials to office. Instead, the United Council of Faketopia has members that serve for life and appoint one another. The Council alone is in charge of creating, enforcing, and interpreting the laws that citizens must follow. According to this description, which of the following ideals does Faketopia lack?


This is a preliminary election where any registered voter can vote, regardless of political party affiliation, as long as the voter only votes in one party's election:

Semi-open primary

Which members of the national government were originally indirectly elected, but have been directly elected since the passing of the 17th Amendment?


According to the pumpkin farm example, what are some of the ways that a manager can make decisions that are protected in the capitalism system?

Set the admission price, set the price for pumpkins, and keep the net profit

According to Vaillant, which of the following is NOT a stage of adult development?

Settling down.

Callie is browsing her Facebook feed. She notices that several of her friends are sharing articles from an organization called The Society for the Rehumanization of American Music. She goes to the organization's website and realizes she agrees with what they have to say about bringing imagination and soul back to modern music. Callie starts supporting and promoting their efforts. Callie's political attitude has been shaped through _____.


Which of the following did NOT shift public opinion within the Colonies toward independence?

Similar revolutions in France and Haiti

The Tea Party movement promotes this type of government.

Small government

Which one of the following economic systems is characterized by state ownership of land and capital, but individuals remaining in control of their labor?


Which of the following is incorrect about sovereignty?

Sovereigns are never subject to outside interference regarding internal affairs

The individual who runs the daily activities in the House of Representatives is called the:

Speaker of the House

This is an election held in order to fill a position that became vacant between regular elections:

Special election

The House of Representatives may originate any bill, but only the House can originate this type of bill?


What is the police power?What was the Supreme Court's finding in Jacobson v. Massachusetts?What is the police power?

States can force people to be vaccinated

Which one of the following is NOT a weapon of mass destruction?

Stealth Bombers

The spread of extremist political ideologies during the 1930's was triggered by which event?

The Great Depression.

When a state law conflicts with a federal law, the state law will generally be declared unenforceable. This power comes from the _____.

Supremacy Clause

The National Women Suffrage Association was founded by:

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

How did the opinion of Abraham Lincoln on the Emancipation Proclamation differ from that of Roger Taney?

Taney believed that the President did not have the Constitutional authority to issue the proclamation, while Lincoln based his opinion on the preservation of the Union.

All of the following governmental departments are part of a municipality EXCEPT:

Tax assessor

Which of the following is true about taxes and capitalism?

Taxes are a set rate and do not require the entire earnings be surrendered to the government.

Which event tarnished the accomplishments of Obama's first term foreign policy?

Terrorist attack on the United States embassy compound in Benghazi, Libya

What does it mean to be a subject but not a citizen?

That you are bound by the laws of the state but do not share in the benefits of citizenship.

What reads 'the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people'?

The 10th Amendment

How is the Americans with Disabilities Act related to the Rehabilitation Act?

The Americans with Disabilities Act is based on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

What was the first set of government rules adopted by the United States?

The Articles of Confederation

In addition to the Senate, what is the name of the other legislative body that makes up the bicameral legislature of the United States?

The House of Representatives

Who elects the president of the United States?

The Electoral College

Which of the following is considered the most significant political victory of the Revolutionary War?

The Battle of Saratoga

This document is held in high regard to the people that make up the Tea Party movement.

The Constitution

Which of the following defines the veto power of the U.S. president?

The Constitution allows the president to reject, or refuse, a bill passed by Congress.

What does the United States Constitution say about political parties?

The Constitution says nothing about political parties.

Which of the following did NOT influence Enlightenment thinking?

The Cultural Revolution

Which of the following is NOT correct concerning interest groups?

The Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946 heavily regulated interest group activity

Which of the following laws allows you access to information from federal agencies?

The Freedom of Information Act

Which branch of the United Nations consists of a congress of member states?

The General Assembly

The crash of the stock market lead to what?

The Great Depression

Which of the following is NOT a key element of presidential bureaucracy?

The National Security Agency

What is the name of the series of programs Roosevelt started to try and end the Great Depression?

The New Deal

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave American women the right to vote in 1920?

The Nineteenth Amendment

Who is the head of the executive branch?

The President

Why was the 1920's a period of increased Government surveillance?

The Russian Revolution led Governments to fear the spread of communism both at home and in the colonies.

Which of the six branches of the United Nations has the authority to issue sanctions and authorize military action?

The Security Council

The United States never became a member of the League of Nations. Which of these would have had to ratify the treaty for the U.S. to join such an organization?

The Senate Watch Correct Answer Read Answer Explanation

What event is widely believed to be the point of origin for the gay rights movement?

The Stonewall riot

What is the main federal institution of the Legislative branch of the US government?

The U.S. Congress.

You have plenty of responsibilities regarding the stability of the political and legal system of the United States. Formally, one of your tasks is nominating federal judges. Which of the following are you?

The U.S. President.

The middle level of the federal court system is comprised of:

The U.S. circuit courts

The lower level of the federal court system is comprised of:

The U.S. district courts

What is a disadvantage of cooperative federalism?

The states and the federal government do not always agree.

Which of the following is the best explanation of international relations?

The study of the interactions between States and other actors in the international system

How did the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan differ?

The Virginia plan favored big states and preferred representation based on state population while the New Jersey plan favored small states and preferred equal representation for all states.

Who was the original opponent of the Democratic Party?

The Whig Party.

Which of the following is an example of the Roosevelt Corollary?

The building of the Panama Canal as an example of its philosophy

During the 2008 Democratic Primary, what new strategy did the Obama campaign employ to get out his message of 'hope and change' to his supporters?

The campaign used social media

What event brought an end to the bipolar world that existed during the Cold War?

The collapse of the Soviet Union

The legislative branch's main responsibility is:

The creation of laws

What was the Second Continental Congress?

The de facto government of the United States during the Revolutionary War.

Which one of the following is the best explanation of global trade?

The exchange of goods and services between international borders

How did the Burr Conspiracy impact Jefferson?

The fact that he had Burr arrested for treason for trying to seize Spanish land, while the Supreme Court acquitted him, made him seem weak.

What does substantive law relate to?

The facts and law of the case and the resolution of the matter at issue

When a presidential decision is made in the best interests of the nation, that decision should best benefit which of the following?

The general public

A free enterprise economy limits intervention from _____.

The government

How does the content of the preamble of the Declaration of Independence differ from that of the grievances?

The grievances list examples of the king's tyranny, while the preamble states the functions of government as the Founding Fathers saw them.

The 'Trail of Tears' refers to what?

The suffering Native Americans experienced during forced relocation

What happened to the Articles of Confederation after Shays' Rebellion?

They were replaced by the US Constitution to create a more organized federal government.

Based on the graphic of checks and balances, which body has the power to declare a law or act unconstitutional?

The judicial branch over both the executive and legislative branches

Based on the graphic of checks and balances, which branch has the check to approve of federal appointments?

The legislative branch over the executive branch

Who speaks on behalf of an entire political party on a national level?

The national chairperson

The President of the U.S. is trying to decide whether or not he should impose economic sanctions on Russia. He fears that this may increase tensions, but believes that it is the right thing to do. Which of the following should he base his decision on?

The national interest of the U.S.

Which amendment provides a blanket of protection for Americans?

The ninth amendment

According to the theory of self, self-esteem improves when which of the following conditions occur?

The perceived self-approaches the ideal self

A researcher wants to know the public's opinion about a new government regulation. He chooses to poll ten people that he finds eating together at a restaurant. Which of the following statements is true about this poll?

The poll will have a sampling error.

What is state sovereignty?

The power of states to make their own laws and to be free from federal interference in certain aspects

Which of the following is NOT a power of our President?

The power to declare war

In the United States, which of these offices are not filled via direct election?

The president

How did the election of the president change with the ratification of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804?

The president and vice president run and are elected together

Which of the following best describes the cabinet?

The president's advisory body. It advises the president on the state of the country and on policy matters.

The President of the U.S. is currently thinking of who he should nominate to be the next Supreme Court justice, as there is an empty spot. This is an example of which of the following?

The president's appointment power.

The President of the U.S. is attending a G 20 summit. On the margins of the summit, he has negotiated a legally binding agreement with the Chinese President. This is an example of which of the following?

The president's treaty power.

A foreign country complains that you are emitting excessive greenhouse gases and not taking into account environmental sustainability. Which of the following could be used to defend your rule over your territory?

The principle of total sovereignty

What does capitalism offer business owners?

The right to make decisions for their company and grow it as big as the market will support.

Modern day advocates for people with disabilities continue to focus on all of the following goals EXCEPT:

The right to marry others with disabilities

The issue of transparency is most controversial when it intersects with what?

The right to privacy

Which of the following rights for women is the only one protected by the U.S. Constitution?

The right to vote

How many electors does each state get to elect?

The same as the number of Congressional representatives for that state

How does the sixth amendment differ from the seventh amendment?

The sixth amendment focuses on the rights of those accused of a crime, while the seventh focuses on the right of trial by jury in civil cases.

How did the public respond to the Emancipation Proclamation?

They were reserved towards the proclamation which is why the Republican Party lost seats in Congress that year.

How would the public LIKELY vote in a congressional election if the economy is performing poorly under a 'conservative' Congress?

They will vote for the opposition party

An Iowa congressman wants to become governor. He declared that he would be running by stating: 'If I become governor, I will reduce state taxes by 5% and make sure that commerce within our borders prospers. The great state of Iowa needs to increase its exports, and we will print money to encourage inflation, which will help trade. Finally, I will make sure that all licenses are available online so the people do not have to waste their time.' Which of the following is a promise that the candidate and the state government would NOT be able to fulfill?

The state government cannot print money

Who decided which people got the right to vote in the United States immediately after the founding of the country?

The states

Why did people not favor the Constitution?

They worried both about individuals and states losing their rights.

Any political party outside of the established Republican and Democratic parties is referred to as a(n):

Third party

What has the largest influence on a voter's decision?

The voter's background.

To what does procedural law pertain?

The way a court case proceeds

How are learning theories different from cognitive developmental theories?

Their focus on the way individuals learn new behaviors makes learning theories different.

The most successful third party candidate to run for president was _____.

Theodore Roosevelt

Which is true about the world economy?

There are multiple countries involved

Which does NOT describe the winter at Valley Forge?

There were adequate shelters at Valley Forge when the troops arrived.

Why do tariffs and export forces affect the global marketplace?

These legal and political tools are meant to control the amount of imports a country might have, protecting local businesses.

How are the exosystem, the macrosystem, and the chronosystem similar?

They all have indirect impacts on a person's development.

What do political parties and interest groups have in common?

They are both formally organized groups.

Which of the following is a characteristic of state constitutions?

They are regularly replaced and amended.

They focus on the concept of the necessity of maintaining a sustainable population, as a too high populace may hamper economic growth.

They focus on the concept of the necessity of maintaining a sustainable population, as a too high populace may hamper economic growth.

Why does the Neo-Malthusian school believe that there may be long-term strains on a country's economy?

They focus on the concept of the necessity of maintaining a sustainable population, as a too high populace may hamper economic growth.

How can the Senate and Congress maintain their role as a check in regards to the executive branch?

They have the possibility of impeachment and approving presidential nominations for federal office.

Why do climate and geography affect the global marketplace?

They impact the price and supply of certain goods.

Why are elections not staggered for members of the House of Representatives?

They only serve two year terms.

How did the American public react to the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

They were excited to move into the new territory.

Under the _____ Compromise, for every five slaves, only three of the five would be counted as one person toward a state's representation in Congress.


What does ratification mean in the context of a constitutional amendment?

Three-fourths of the state legislatures must approve the proposed amendment.

Which 19th-century presidential election raised the question of the representative aspect of the Electoral College?

Tilden and Hayes (1876)

In this Supreme Court case, the Court ruled that students' right to free speech is not the same as outside school, but is still a protected right:

Tinker v. Des Moines School District

What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention?

To amend the Articles of Confederation

What did Linda Brown's family want for their child?

To attend the same school as white children

Why was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization established?

To collectively fight against the threat of communism

Which of the following is the main reason for procedural law?

To ensure due process is fulfilled

Why is it important for state governments to work well with the federal government?

To ensure the success of large public works projects that benefit all states.

Why was the Republican Party formed?

To fight against slavery.

Why would a country wish to pursue open trade policies?

To improve the quality of life for its citizens by giving them access to more products at lower prices

What is the function of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?

To investigate and impose penalties for gender and race discrimination

Why is the system of checks and balances in place?

To make sure no part of the government becomes too powerful.

What was the main goal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

To outlaw segregation and racial discrimination

The world economy allows countries to do what with one another?


Which one of these is NOT a common type of tax?


Which of the following cases would be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court?

Two states in a dispute over water rights from a river that flows between them

How long are the election terms for the House of Representatives AND do the elections happen in even or odd-numbered years?

Two years; even-numbered years

What case ruled that even the president could be subpoenaed in a case?

U.S. v. Nixon

Which value maintains that the United States is one indivisible nation and that Americans are a people bound by unbreakable ties?


Which was a part of the Southern Strategy?

Use loyalist forces, including freed slaves, to hold territory while the Regular army marched on.

Which of the following is NOT a way for a country to be successful at international trade?

Use military power

If Congress passes a law that the president believes is against good foreign policy, what's his most effective and constitutionally permissible course of action?

Veto the law

Which of these states has mechanisms in place to prevent convicted felons from voting?


Under this plan, the legislative branch would be bicameral and each state's representation would be based on its population.

Virginia Plan

What is cooperative federalism?

a type of federalism in which the national government decides what programs are needed and uses funding to make the states administer those programs

How was the political system impacted when candidates began presenting themselves on television in the 70's?

Voters began placing a higher value on a candidate's personality

For what future events did the Northwest Ordinance set important precedents?

Westward expansion and the creation of new territories.

What is the police power?

What is the police power?lllWhat is the police power?

Which of the following is FALSE regarding Theodore Roosevelt and World War I?

When the war broke out, Roosevelt resigned from government service and organized a volunteer cavalry called the Rough Riders.

What is a monopoly?

When there is only one option of a product or service for the consumer.

In which of the following scenarios is the fifth amendment NOT relevant?

When you saw somebody commit a crime, but you refuse to testify about it because you fear retribution from that person.

The 'Bank War' surrounded what issue?

Whether or not the national bank's charter would be renewed

Which of the following did the Federalist Letters NOT address?

Who the first president would be.

When a nation with low labor costs and few government restrictions on business enacts open trade agreements, which of these will likely happen?

Working conditions will worsen.

Which of the following is NOT associated with Theodore Roosevelt?

World War II

Identify in which of the following cases you wouldn't be able to donate as much money as a result of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002:

You are a banker and you want to give the national party of your choice money for activities not subject to federal limits, also known as soft money.

The Freedom of Information Act lists in exemption (b)(1) that:

You have no right to classified national security information

There are currently around 865 federal judges. You are a journalist and believe that one of them is highly corrupt. How should you try to remove him from office?

You should voice your arguments against him, hoping that he will resign in shame or that an impeachment process will be started.

Which plan called for the legislative branch to be unicameral and for each state to receive the same amount of representatives despite its large or small population?

Your Answer New Jersey Plan

What are block grants?

a grant that is intended to be used by the states to improve conditions generally in that state

The Senate is discussing a treaty about greenhouse gas emission. They add a clause that would enable the United States to back out of the treaty if economic growth decreases by 1% in two successive quarters. This is an example of _____.

a reservation

Sarah can't help but feel that her vote in the upcoming election really isn't going to count for anything. To her, the whole election process seems rigged in favor of the rich. She's decided it's just not worth participating in the election. Sarah's situation illustrates nonparticipation stemming from _____.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that _____.

all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights

Hispanics gained the right to have voting information in Spanish via _____.

an amendment to the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Civil rights _____.

are considered the basic rights that all humans should have

African Americans and women _____.

are not the only minority groups fighting for civil rights in the U.S.

Rogers taught that to empathize with the client; the therapist must _____.

be the client

Many media outlets have reported extensively on the long wait times for veterans seeking medical attention through VA hospitals. Several of those outlets neglected to cover the federal corruption and bureaucratic difficulties that led to the poor care of veterans. This is an example of _____.

bias by omission

Conservatives and liberals have very different views on healthcare reform. A news station places a story featuring the conservative point of view at the top of its newscast, while placing a short story on the liberal point of view at the end. This is an example of _____.

bias by placement

There are two ways a minor political party can be formed. One method involves being developed from scratch out of purely ideological beliefs. The other occurs when a party _____.

breaks off from one of the major political parties because of ideological differences.

Congress recently voted on a law that would allow the implementation of harsher sentences for people working in the NSA who disclose confidential information. The president vetoed the bill, but was eventually overruled by a 2/3 majority of Congress. In the end, the Supreme Court declared the bill unconstitutional. The actions taken by the Supreme Court are an example of _____.

checks and balances

Knowing that someone grew up before TVs existed is an example of understanding someone based on their _____.


A conflict between a country's own citizens is what type of political change?

civil war

Colombia produces the best and lowest cost coffee in the world. This gives Colombia a _____ over other nations.

competitive advantage

Political participation that involves traditional or expected activities is known as _____.

conventional participation

Which of the following is not a cause for political change?

coup d'etat

Which of the following types of major political changes happen suddenly compared to others?

coup d'etat

Barry would normally vote in a presidential election, but this year he is attending graduate school in another state and the whole process for getting an absentee ballot seems overwhelming. Barry and many of his fellow graduate students decide they'll just skip this election. Barry's non-participation is caused by a(n) _____.

institutional barrier

The _____ branch of state government includes the entire state court system.


What major precedent did the case of Marbury v. Madison establish?

judicial review

The value of _____ proclaims that people should be free to think, speak, and act as they choose as long as they do not offend the freedom and rights of others.


The level that includes the interactions between the different microsystems in a person's life is the _____.


The government of a country says that they want to create a world with less insecurity. This is part of the country's _____.


All of the following are potential consequences of global climate change (global warming) except:

more areas that can now grow crops

A law, rule or regulation made and enforced by a city government is known as a _____.

municipal ordinance

The major gathering to set the parties' political platform as well as nominate presidential and vice presidential candidates is called the _____.

national convention

Which of the following is not a major type of political change?

national elections

A country's pragmatic, concrete objectives are known as _____.

national interest

You are an advisor to the President of the U.S. The president is uncertain whether he should intervene in a civil war that is causing the deaths of thousands of people. You ultimately advise him that his most basic task is representing the _____ and to act accordingly.

national interest

Which of the following Constitutional clauses was used to rule in McCulloch v. Maryland?

necessary and proper

An interest group is an organized group of individuals with common _____ who are actively trying to influence policy makers.


Which of the following is the most used source for energy globally?


Article I of the Constitution establishes _____.

the legislative branch of the government, the Congress.

In 2012, a majority of the citizens of Puerto Rico voted for statehood. Based on this information we can infer that in Puerto Rico the _____ is that statehood is the best political status for the island.

public opinion

In the Three-Fifths Compromise, 3/5 of the _____ population was counted toward the overall state population.

southern slave

Women who fought for the vote were referred to as


Which of the following is an example of energy efficiency?

switching to a florescent light bulb from a incandescent light bulb

A U.S. student who wanted to consult a document outlining our civil liberties would consult:

the Bill of Rights.

Which of the following is the supreme law of the land?

the Constitution

James Madison and Alexander Hamilton argued for in a series of essays called _____ in the advocation of a federal government.

the Federalist

Tom is a reporter. He is currently in the room with fourteen secretaries and one Attorney General. They are all awaiting the arrival of the president. This likely means that Tom covers _____.

the functioning of the cabinet

When the president is perceived to be performing well:

the public perceives Congress to be performing well

Amanda lives in a beach community. Her city is considering rezoning a strip of land on the beach to allow a high-rise condominium to be built. Amanda is against the idea since there are no other high-rise buildings in her community. She participates in a small demonstration outside the city council meeting in an attempt to get council members to vote against the proposal. This is an example of:

unconventional participation

Political participation that includes activities sometimes considered to be inappropriate, but not illegal, is called _____.

unconventional participation

The right of same-sex couples to receive federal benefits was granted _____.

when the Defense of Marriage Act was struck down

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