US Hist 1301 Test 2

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List the leaders of the Great Awakening

George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards

Describe the legacy of the Seven Year's War

Made deep impression on American society. Colonists were forced to cooperate on unprecedented scale. Threw them closer with britain. They became aware of being a part of a great empire etc, but also acquired a more inmate sense of america that lay beyond plantation. They supported them for so long and with so much, and were slow when asked of anything else. Had not received same support.

Describe the foundation & society of Rhode Island.

A safehouse for Williams, who was banished from Mass Bay due to his extreme separatist ideals.

Explain the origins & contributions of the Germans in America

Belonged to small pietistic Protestant sects similar to quakers. These germans moved to new world in hopes of finding religious toleration. Pastorius led them to Pennsylvania and founded Germantown

Discuss the demographics & contributions of American cities in the 18th century

Cities influenced culture: wealthy colonists sponsored concerts, plays, dance, fashion. Cities transformed commercial profits into architectural splendor. Each city patronized a certain skilled craft

Discuss colonial responses to King William's War & Queen Anne's War.

Colonists believed the french planned to encircle the english settlers and confine the english to a narrow strip of land, so they established military posts up Alabama river, nola, etc.

Discuss the Roanoke experiment in the late 16th century

James believed the colony was a critical social experiment in free labor and a potential model for resettling freedmen on their own lands

Describe the Spanish settlement in the Southwest in the 17th & 18th centuries.

Late 16th century spanish commuted north of rio grande where they fought indians until 1692 for the area. Concerned about french encroachment, Spain colonized St. Augustine (Fl).

Discuss the realities of 18th century British politics.

Men elected to commons often came from sam background as Lords, and all represented interest of the elites

Explain the participants & results of Bacon's Rebellion in 1676 Virginia

Nathaniel Bacon, Berkley: Bacon said he'd go take out the Indians with small army, politicians said it was unecessary, he got mad and rebelled against them. He burned Jamestown,

Describe the demographics of 18th century America

Population doubled, natural reproduction, large portion of population was under 16

Describe the foundation & society of the Carolinas

Product of the restoration of the Stuarts to the English throne. Sir John Collation organized 8 powerful courtiers named the True and Absolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina. Hoped to find steady income on rents paid by settlers. They had a rough time recruiting people to come, because even if people showed interest the cost of moving them was expensive.

Describe the first European settlers in North America.

Scandinavian seafarers known as Vikings established settlements in North America, but it took a thousand years for them to receive recognition. Medieval Kingdom's were organized and ignorance and disease discouraged travel far from the center.

Describe the trans-Atlantic economy of the 18th century

So much product flowed on established routes to Great Britan

Discuss the primary aspects of Aztec Society

The Aztecs were aggressive, warlike people ruling by force. Its main ceremonial center was Tenochtitlan. They ceremoniously believed that the blood of their victims possessed powers. Their ritual killings connected with the agricultural style.

Describe the foundation & society of Connecticut

a. Colony of Massachusetts bay. b. Fertile Land in the River Valley

Explain the Dutch experience in North America

The first Dutch settlers were not colonists, but rather paid employees. They were employed by Holland to collect animal furs. They received no land. The population was very small but very diverse. By 1640 the settlement grew. In 1664 the Dutch lost hold of the New Netherlands by the English Crown, but accepted the Articles of Capitulation that allowed them to remain and retain land.

Explain how the relationship between the europeans and Indians changed

The first recorded interaction had a feeling of curiosity and surprise rather than hostility. The indians desired peaceful trade. the Europeans began trying to "civilize" the Indians but this was usually rejected. The relationship quickly became less and less cooperative. Disease eventually destroyed the cultural integrity of many tribes.

Describe the foundation & government of New Jersey

The land was given away by mistake by the Duke of York to John, Lord Berkley, and Sir George Carteret. Before they were aware of the mistake, the governor allowed migrants to take up farms, and promised the opportunity to establish an elected assembly, headright system, liberty of conscious in return for a small quitrent to the duke.

Explain the intent of the Navigation Act of 1663

The laws were designed to encourage English shipbuilding and restrict trade competition from England's commercial rivals, especially the Dutch. The acts of the 18th century gradually restricted trade by the American colonies and contributed to growing colonial resentment with the imposition of additional duties on sugar, tobacco, and molasses.

Describe the main institutions of Royal Government in the colonies.

a. Royal governors appointed by the crown: people who had somehow gained favor of the crown b. Ex: George Clinton of NY, former naval officer: ignored the colonists

Describe the origins and life styles of the first settlers of North America

The real first settlers of North America were Native Americans. They originated from the Paleo-Indians, who were the first human beings to set foot on the continent. Each group focused on their own survival. They were nomadic, isolated people, who for an unknown reason stopped hosting a number of communicative diseases.

Describe the results of the Glorious Revolution in New England.

The rebellion strengthened the ties between Virginia south of the James River and the Albemarle Settlements in present-day North Carolina, while creating a long-lasting animosity between the two colonies' governments. The Albemarle region offered refuge for rebels in the aftermath. In the longer term, North Carolina offered an alternative to colonists disenchanted with Virginia.

Describe England's relationship with Spain in the 16th century

There was a silent war going on. Spain wanted Elizabeth out of rule, they tried to send over fleets, but the English fleet took them out.

Describe the demographics of 17th century Chesapeake society.

a. Settlers traveled as young unmarried servants, cut off from family b. 6:1 male to female ratio c. Most died soon after arriving due to disease and contaminated drinking water d. Low life expectancy e. Decreasing population due to servitude

Explain the differences in the Carolina economy

Ub 1729 the king created separate royal governments.

Explain how the Spanish conquered the Aztecs.

a. Cortes and a small army left Cuba to check out Mexico for themselves. His adversary was the Aztec emperor, Montezuma. Cortes gained followers on his travel, those who were eager to free themselves of Aztec domination. b. Montezuma first thought of the Spaniards as Gods, which accounted for some of Cortes' success. By the time he was ready to fight, it was too late.

Explain the role of tobacco in colonial tidewater Virginia

a means to make money

Describe the military events of King George's War in the colonies

a. An army of new england troops under command of Peppered captured Louisburg that demonstrated the british colonists were able to fight and to mount effective joint operations, but eventually gave it back b. Americans were confused, didnt understand why the wars were being fought, tactics adopted in the first place

Describe the society & economy of Maryland in the 17th century.

a. Anti- Catholic, settlement sponsored by Calvert b. Settlement where secret Catholics could go c. Settlers swore an oath to Lord Baltimore and not to the king. d. All settlers assigned a place in the elaborate social hierarchy e. Feudal System: Lords of the Manor, etc. f. Drew both Protestants and Catholics

Describe the social aspects of slavery in 17th century America

a. Based on location: b. South Carolina: majority black, placed on rice plantations, barely interacted with whites, formed language etc. c. Mass Bay and Pennsylvania and Virginia: more interaction between whites and blacks, unable to live independent lives of whites d. Northern cities: worked as domestic slaves

Describe the New England society in the 17th century

a. Believed God ordained the family for human benefit b. Without family care, people would give in to temptation c. Patriarchal society, settlers traveling in families usually kept English customs d. The great migration brought 20,000 people to New England, good living conditions (longer life expectancy)

List the European prerequisites for exploration in the 15th century.

a. Bold new creative thinking b. growth in population c. Reliable technical knowledge

Explain Christopher Columbus' motivation & accomplishments.

a. Born to humble parentage, he devoured classical learning. He mastered geography, and became obsessed with the idea of voyaging across the Atlantic to reach Cathay (China) b. His first plan was altered to voyage to Africa first i. He petitioned Isabella and Ferdinand for financial backing, and he was eventually provided with a small fleet (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria)

Describe the foundation & society of New Hampshire

a. Colony of Massachusetts Bay b. It's pop grew slowly

Explain the origins & contributions of the Scotch-Irish in America

a. During 17th century english rulers thought they could dominate catholic ireland by transporting thousands of lowland Scottish Prespertarians to the northern region of the country. Failed. b. English officials who were members of Anglican church discriminated against the Presbyterians. They passed laws that placed the Scot- Irish at a disadvantage when they traded England, and they taxed them ridiculous amounts c. After many ppor harvests the Scot Irish decided to emigrate to America, most landed in Philadelphia and they carved out Pennsylvania's western frontier

Describe the early Spanish colonial system.

a. Encomienda System- those conquistadores were given Indian villages and were provided with labor tribute in exchange for legal protection and religious guidance. b. This system made the colonizers more dependent on the king c. The Spanish brought Catholicism to the New World, and the two orders (Dominicans and Franciscans) established missionaries. d. The sudden acquisition of money caused inflation, and Spain became too dependent on the annual shipment of bullion from America.

Explain British commercial policy toward the American colonies prior to 1660.

a. English political leaders largely ignored American colonists. Private companies formed things, but the crown gave no financial or military assisstance

Describe Benjamin Franklin's intellectual contributions

a. Franklin absorbed the new cosmo culture. b. Pushed religion aside to make room for free human exercise. c. Electricity, reason, formed a club to study european literature, philosophy and science

Discuss the conditions of Quakers in England in the 17th century

a. George Fox- poor shoemaker whose spiritual anxieties sparked a powerful religious message that pushed beyond traditional Protestantism. b. They wore simple clothes, old fashioned, pacifists, equal in the sight of the lord, kept thoughts to themselves

Describe the foundation & society of South Carolina

a. In 1669 Cooper persuaded the remaining Carolinian proprietors to invest their own money, and transported 300 people (picking up more on the way) (only 100 survived the trek). Once arrived the settlers were not happy and move north to Charleston. b. Cooper wanted to bring order and got help from Locke (philosopher). He created a local aristocracy (proprietors, land graves, cassocks, etc) People who purchased land received a title. c. Many were from Barbados

Describe the foundation & society of Georgia

a. It's formation and settlements were an act of aggression towards Spain. Founder was James Ogelthrope, a British general and parliamentary. He believed he could use some of Spain's designs while giving people the opportunity to start fresh. b. At first no luck getting people, and once arrived, settlers complained. People wanted slaves and power. c. In 1738 they eliminated rules about amount of land a man could own, they allowed women to inherit land, allowed importation of slaves.

Discuss the key aspects of the growth of slavery in the 17th century.

a. Most slaves were taken to Caribbean and brazil, but few made it to North America b. People wanted young black males c. The reason it was allowed was because the population of blacks was so little in comparison to whites

Explain the social standing & occupation of most 17th century New Englanders

a. Natural Rulers- those with money and education, decend from prominent family, b. Most were yeomen (independent farmers) who worked on their own land, many got into debt c. Many northern colonists worked as servants at some point, but was more like an apprenticeship then servant

Describe the society & government of Plymouth colony.

a. No real form of government, the pilgrims appointed Bradford to be in charge. b. Major help from the Indians

Describe the basic concepts of the 18th century English Constitution.

a. Not formal, growing body of law, court decisions, statutes, sense of political traditional arrangements, contained 3 distinct parts b. Monarch: top, advised by handpicked court c. House of Lords: body of 180 aristocrats who served 26 anglican bishops d. House of commons: 558 members elected by various constituencies scattered throughout realm

Explain the demographics, education, & labor system of New England in the 17th century.

a. Patriarchal society with women caring for home and children b. Goal was to clear enough land to feed family, home was a place of work c. New married couples lived in same comunity with parents and grandparents d. Towns were build up of families, and networks formed, churches e. Education was regarded as primarily a family responsibility, parents were to instill Christian beliefs, reading, and eventually a group of families opened a school supported by local taxes

Describe the foundation & society of Pennsylvania

a. Penn promoted his colony and soon had 8000 immigrants arrive (Irish, Welsh, Quakers) b. Ethnic and religious diversity c. Became a source of wheat d. Population divided (Penn handpicked governors and some disagreed)

Explain the factors that caused Englishmen to immigrate in the 16th & 17th centuries.

a. Population growth- competition for land and food b. Lucrative employment and religious freedom sent people to Holland c. Pilgrims, who separated from the Church of England at first destined to go to Leyden d. Some wanted to institute a purer form of worship, some dreamed of owning land and improving their social position. e. Some went to the New World to escape bad marriages, jail, poverty

Explain the major religious beliefs in 16th century England

a. Protestant Reformationb. began to view spain (catholics) as huge enemy c. Once catholic the king wanted to divorce his spanish wife due to the fact that she had bore no son

List the enforcement mechanisms of the Navigation Act of 1696.

a. Put pressure on colonial governors to keep England' competitors out of American Ports. b. Expanded the american customs service and set up vice-admirality courts in the colonies (required neither juries no oral cross examination)

Describe the Elizabethan Settlement in religion in 16th century England

a. Queen Elizabeth recognized her urgent duty to end the religious turmoil that divided the country. She had no desire to restore Catholicism, nor restore the religion during the end of her father's reign. She established an institution; Catholic in many ceremony and governing, but Protestant in doctrine. b. She was titled "Supreme Head of the Church"

Describe the lives of women in 17th century New England.

a. Some scholars say women were treated inferior to men b. others call it a "golden age" for women (i.e. Wives worked along side husbands) c. Wives worked on farms, not same jobs as men, cooking, washing clothes, gardening, dairy, joined churches d. No control over property, almost impossible to divorce

Describe the participants & results of the Treaty of Tordesillas

a. Spain insisted on maintaining complete control over lands discovered by Columbus. b. Portugal wanted to exclude the Spanish from the west coast of Africa, and from Columbus' new route to India c. The treaty divided the world along a line (270 leagues west of Azores). Any new lands discovered west of the line belonged to Spain. d. The treaty failed to discourage future English, Dutch and French adventurers from trying their luck in the New World.

Describe the economy of the Chesapeake society

a. Successful people gre tobacco, which created only a few wealthy people b. The social structure that developed in the 17th century reflected a wild, unscrupulous scramble to bring blacks, whites and indians to dependence c. Great wealthy planters dominated the society

Describe the portugusese relationship with West Africa

a. THe Prtuguee sailed to Africa in hopes of finding gold and slaves. The officials werfe willing partners in trade but insisted that the portuguese respect African trade regulations. They were required to pay tolls and fees. The Africans formed an army and the portugese realized they could not forece their will upon the Africans, and soon disease proved lethal., b. Before Europeans founded the New World the portuguese had purchased thousands of slaves, forcing them to work on sugar plantations

Evaluate the beginnings & results of the Seven Year's War for Britain & the colonies

a. The English and the French battled for colonial domination in North America, the Caribbean, and in India. The English did ultimately come to dominate the colonial outposts, but at a cost so staggering that the resulting debt nearly destroyed the English government. It was that debt that caused the escalation of tensions leading to the Revolutionary War. Parliament was desperate to obtain two objectives; first, to tax the colonies to recover monies expended on the battle over North America, and second to restore the profitability of the East India Company in an effort to recover monies spent on the battle over India. b. the beginning of open hostilities between the colonies and Gr. Britain. England and France had been building toward a conflict in America since 1689.

Describe the early French colonial system.

a. The crown remained indifferent to Canadian affairs, royal officials stationed in New France received limited support from Paris. b. Their hopes were to migrate to the New World to convert the Indians to Christianity, however this required cooperation c. The French viewed the natives as necessary economic partners. d. Furs were most valuable export e. French traders often lived among the natives

Explain how the government of Virginia changed in 1624

a. The king transformed Virginia into a royal colony, he appointed a governor and council

Describe the society of Massachusetts Bay

a. The people were bound together by the belief that God formed a special covenant with the people of Mass Bay. The Lord expected them to live by scripture. to reform the church and to create an old testament that would stand as a beacon of righteousness for the rest of the christian world b. Came to accept Congregationalism c. Each village church was independent of outside interference d. Freedmen would vote for a governor, military officers were elected e. Neither a democracy nor Theocracy f. Became center of public life in New England.

Explain the social classes and their relationships in Chesapeake society

a. The wealthy were in dominance but held no title b. The freedmen formed the largest class, once indentured servants. They lived in poverty c. Then came indentured servants d. Sometime after 1680 life expectancy rates increased significantly e. Key to success in society was having slaves

Describe the early English settlement in Virginia in the 17th century.

a. formed after enough money was gained through joint stock companies. b. James issued first Virginia Charter, which authorized London Company to establish plantantions in Virginia. Settled in Jamestown. c. Immediately, colonists began quarreling: cultural, and job market d. people began pursing personal interests, no one was willing to take orders, etc

Decribe the basic tenets of Puritanism in Massachusetts Bay.

a. men and women committed to far reaching institutional change, b. Products of the Protestant Reformation c. They accepted Calvanist notion that an omnipotent God predestined some people to salvation and some were damned

Describe the demographics of colonial Virginia

a. most people got to virginia in exchange for service for a certain number of years and were cheated of their rights once freed b. masters and slaves

List the requirements of the Navigation Act of 1660.

a. required all of a colony's imports to be either bought from England or resold by English merchants in England, no matter what price could be obtained elsewhere. b. Ship captains were required to post a bond to ensure compliance and could recoup the funds upon arrival c. required all European goods bound for America (or other colonies) to be shipped through England first

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