US History 1302 Exam 5: Turbulent Sixties-Vietnam through the 1980s

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Founded in 1968, the American Indian Movement (AIM)

*was a particularly militant group seeking greater Indian rights

In 1972, two Washington Post reporters uncovered evidence linking the Watergate break-in to

-a secret reelection fund controlled by White House staff. -both the Committee for the Re-Election of the President, and a secret reelection fund controlled by White House staff. -the Committee for the Reelection of the President. -a former employee of the Nixon White House

The Chicano Movement

-emerged after World War II. -was supported by organizations like the Mexican American Political Association. -patterened itself after similiar groups in the African American civil rights movement.. -confronted discrimination in areas such as schools, politics, and agriculture

The Equal Rights Amendment

-was passed by Congress and submitted to the states for ratification. -seemed almost certain to be ratified in the first years after its introduction. -ceased to be eligible for ratification in 1982. -was strongly opposed by some antifeminist women

The 1968 Tet offensive

All of these answers are correct.

Cesar Chavez and _______________ founded the National Farm Workers Asociation to fight for workers' rights in the grape fields in California.

Delores Huerta

The 1969 Woodstock music festival was

a powerful symbol of the link between rock music and the counterculture

Early during the feminist movement, the National Organization of Women focused its efforts on

addressing the needs of women in the workplace

The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was in response to

alleged attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers

The National Liberation Front was

also known in the United States as Viet Cong

"Earth Day" in 1970 was

an example of the popularization of environmentalism

According to policies that came to be called the Nixon Doctrine, the United States would

assist in the development and defense of friendly nations

The key evidence in the determination of President Richard Nixon's guilt or innocence in the Watergate scandal was

audio tape recordings made of most conversations in the Oval Office

Throughout the late 1960s,

both deferments for the military draft increased, and opposition in the United States to the Vietnam War intensified.

President Richard Nixon's visit to China in 1972

came after Taiwan was expelled from the United Nations.

In the Vietnam War, the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" was

continually moved by the North Vietnamese

Early in his presidency, Jimmy Carter gave priority attention to

energy and the economy

Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales was an activist in the Chicano Movement who

founded the Crusade for Justice

Betty Friedan's 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique,

gave a voice to a reemerging women's rights movement

In 1969, President Richard Nixon believed an American withdrawal from Vietnam would

harm America's "credibility"

The intent of President Richard Nixon's "Vietnamization" policy was to

have the South Vietnamese military do more of the fighting.

In 1976, Jimmy Carter appealed to voters by emphasizing

his personal honesty and his religious piety, and his status as a government outsider

The 1969 "Stonewall Riot" is associated with the civil rights movement for


The Johnson administration

inherited a substantial American commitment to maintain South Vietnam

All of the following statements regarding the 1968 Tet offensive are true EXCEPT that it

involved the fall of Saigon to the communists

The Watergate scandal began in 1972 with a break-in at the

offices of the Democratic National Committee

Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring helped launch the modern environmental movement by focusing on problems concerning


In Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the Supreme Court

required authorities to inform a criminal suspect of his or her legal rights.

The so-called Pentagon Papers

revealed the government had misled the public regarding the progress of and motives for the war.

In Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), the Supreme Court

ruled that all felony defendants were entitled to a lawyer regardless of their ability to pay.

In April 1970, the antiwar movement was recharged by

the U.S. invasion of Cambodia

In 1979, Iranians who took American hostages demanded, in return for their release,

the United States' return of the shah of Iran

During the Ford administration,

the cost of oil rose dramatically

In 1974, former President Richard Nixon was pardoned by

the president

President Gerald Ford's foreign policy actions included

the signing of an arms control agreement with the Soviet Union

In 1974, Richard Nixon left the presidency

through resignation.

Under the terms of the Geneva accords, Vietnam was

to hold elections in 1956

In the 1960s, the youth counterculture

was openly scornful of the values and conventions of American middle-class society.

In the late 1970s, the "Christian right"

were alarmed by many Supreme Court rulings

In the 1960s, the radical group known as "Weathermen"

were involved in college bombings that claimed several lives.

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