US History 2 Test (Chapters 17-20)

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The famous political machine of New York was Tammany Hall and was run by what man in the late 1800s?

Boss Tweed

Congress passed the Homestead Act in 1862, which

gave settlers 160 acres of land for $10 and living on it for five years.

The Morrill Act of 1862

granted public lands to states to support higher education.

William Jennings Bryan gained the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party primarily because he

had given the "cross of gold" speech.

Ida B. Wells became famous for:

leading a campaign against lynching

The Pendleton Act required people applying for many federal government jobs to

take a competitive written examination

In 1890, when the census announced the closing of the frontier, Americans were disturbed because

the West had served as a safety valve and shaped the American character.

What ended the open range and led to the end of the cattle drive on the western frontier?

the invention of barbed wire

All of the following are reasons for Native American decline EXCEPT:

the railroad

All of the following were important factors in post- Civil War industrial growth except

immigration restrictions.

The "Gospel of Wealth" endorsed by Andrew Carnegie

stated that the wealthy should give back to the community.

The American Protective ASsociation

supported immigration restrictions and the teaching of the "American" language.

The third party that rose up in the 1890s to become a powerful political force was the


In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that

"separate but equal" facilities were constitutional.

Match each entrepreneur below with the field of enterprise with which he is historically identified.

Andrew caregie - steel John rockefeller - oil JP Morgan - banking James Duke - tobacco

first major strike in American history that began in West Virginia

Great Railroad Strike

A Century of Dishonor (1881), which chronicled the dismal history of Indian-white relations, was authored by

Helen Hunt Jackson.

occurred in Pittsburgh due to the company reducing wages and hiring scabs

Homestead Strike

What was a result of the Haymarket Square riot?

It hurt the Knights of Labor and weakened the labor movement.

name given to laws to keep blacks and whites separated

Jim Crow

Match each labor organization below with the correct description.

National Labor Union - first big Labor union Knights of Labor - allowed skilled AFL - began in 1886

The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 stated that

Native Americans would be pushed onto reservations

The______pushed through the______in 1890, which raised the tariff rate to the highest peacetime level ever and helped lead to the Panic of 1893.

Republicans; McKinley Tariff

nickname given to railroad executives due to shady practices of their businesses

Robber Barons

The assassination of William McKinley backfıred on the Republicans because it made the hotheaded vice president_________the new president.

Teddy Roosevelt

worst economic downturn of the 19th century that occurred after a large railroad declared bankruptcy

The Panic of 1873

Why was the development of steel-frame construction and new heating techniques significant to the growth of cities?

They allowed developers to erect skyscrapers.

The United States government's outlawing of the Ghost Dance in 1890 resulted in the

Tragedy at Wounded Knee.

America's first billion dollar corporation was

United States Steel.

The Democratic Party nominee for president in 1896 was______the Republicans nominated_______and the Populists endorsed_____

William Jennings Bryan; William McKinley: William Jennings Bryan

The largest women's organization in the late 1800s that sought to end alcohol abuse was

Women's Christian Temperance Union

John D. Rockefeller's organizational technique of horizontal integration involved

buying up small competitors to create a monopoly.

President James A. Garfield was assassinated

by a disappointed supporter seeking patronage.

Andrew Carnegie's system of vertical integration

combined all aspects of production, from raw material to final product

The Grange was created in 1867 to

create cooperatives to help raise farm prices.

The Farmers' Alliance was originally formed to

create exchanges to store products and loan money to farmers.

During the late 1800s, all of the following were major factors that got people to move out West EXCEPT:

fishing industry

Settlement houses, such as Hull House, engaged in all of the following activities except

forcing immigrants to change religion.

The Puliman Strike ended when President Cleveland

ordered federal troops to end the strike, since it was stopping the shipping of federal mail

In the wake of racism and discrimination against the Chinese, the United States Congress

passed the Chinese Exclusion Act to keep them from immigrating to America.

As a leader of the African American community, Booker T. Washington

promoted focusing on economic gains to bring equality.

Which of the following was not among the technologies invented or improved by Thomas A. Edison?

refrigerated rail car

The public health officials and municipal engineers that tried to clean up the city and its public health dangers were called:

sanitary reformers

During industrialization, Americans increasingly

sought forms of entertainment, popular culture.

Herbert Spencer argued with the doctrine of Social Darwinism that used "survival of the fittest," that

the wealthy deserved their riches because they were "fitter" than the poor.

New immigrant groups were regarded with special hostility by many nativist Americans because

their religions were distinctly different and they were competition for jobs.

The Indian Peace Commission decided that the best way to end the Indian wars was:

to force Indians to live on reservations

Black leader, W.E.B. Du Bois

urged ceaseless agitation to bring about equality.

The first transcontinental railroad:

was built by the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroads

When Mark Twain labeled the post-Civil War era the "Gilded Age," he implied that it was characterized by:

widespread greed and corruption

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