US History Ch. 27

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Theodore Roosevelt & Rough Riders

Participated in invasion of Cuba by United States in June 1898

Open Door Policy

Proposed to keep China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis, keeping any one power from total control of the country, and calling upon all powers, within their spheres of influence, to refrain from interfering with any treaty port or any vested interest, to permit Chinese authorities to collect tariffs on an equal basis, and to show no favors to their own nationals in the matter of harbour dues or railroad charges.

Treaty of Paris

Recognition by Spain of Cuba as sovereign nation. Concluded with the purchasing of Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines for 20 million dollars by the United States.

Yellow Journalism

Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration

Queen Liliuokkalani

Last reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Attempted to promulgate a new constitution to strengthen Hawaii.

Why did the Spanish-American War happen?

On February 15, 1898, a mysterious explosion sank the battleship USS Maine in Havana Harbor, triggering a war between the United States and Spain. The Maine had come to Cuba to protect American citizens while Cuban revolutionaries were fighting to win independence from Spain.

Platt Amendment

On March 2, 1901, the Platt Amendment was passed as part of the 1901 Army Appropriations Bill. It stipulated seven conditions for the withdrawal of United States troops remaining in Cuba at the end of the Spanish-American War.

President McKinley

The 25th president of the United States and led it to victory in the Spanish-American War, allowing the nation to gain control of Guam, the Philippines and Puerto Rico.

Anti Imperialist League

The American Anti-Imperialist League was an organization established on June 15, 1898, to battle the American annexation of the Philippines as an insular area.

What was the outcome of the Spanish American War? How did the US treat the new territories it received from Spain? (Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines, Cuba).

The rebellion ultimately failed and the US maintained control of the Philippines.

Why did the US seek to expand its territorial holdings in the Pacific in the late 19th Century?

They needed to find more land for more opportunities for factories and trading. They wanted to try to gain a better economy. To spread their civilization to other people The "open door" policy was made, the U.S. and China had opportunities to trade With their power, they had a hold of other paces such as Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

Alfred Mahan

U.S. Navy Officer Advocate for American strength through strong naval presence and superiority. Served for 4o years in U.S. Navy. Taught Naval and theory for many years in the United States.

Boxer Rebellion

Violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901

Emilio Aguinaldo

Was a Filipino revolutionary, politician, and a military leader who is officially recognized as the First President of the Philippines.

De Lome letter

Written by Spanish Ambassador Enrique Dupuy de Lôme, criticizing President William McKinley calling him "weak and concerned only with gaining the favor of the crowd.".

Teller Amendment

Enacted on April 20, 1898, in reply to President William McKinley's War Message. It placed a condition on the United States military's presence in Cuba. According to the clause, the U.S. could not annex Cuba but only leave "control of the island to its people."

Spanish-American War/War of 1898

Ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas. Spain declared war on the United States on April 24, followed by a U.S. declaration of war on the 25th. Spanish fleet in Philippines destroyed by U.S. Navy on May 1, 1898 in Manilla Bay. Santiago harbor in Cuba surrendered to United States on July 17th, ending the war. By the Treaty of Paris (signed Dec. 10, 1898), Spain renounced all claim to Cuba, ceded Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States, and transferred sovereignty over the Philippines to the United States for $20,000,000.

USS Maine

February 15th, and explosion of charges inside the vessel caused the death of 260 servicemen, as well as the sinking of the ship. U.S. Navy inquiry declared it officially caused by naval mine.

Philippine-American War

Fought from 1899-1902 to reduce and remove Filipino opposition against U.S. control. Longer than Spanish-American War and ended with more casualties.

John Hay

Secretary of State. Notable for instating the Open Door Policy.

Hawaii Annexation

Annexed by United States in 1898. Made a territory in 1900. Sanford B. Dole was made first governor on June 14th, 1900 Establishment of Pearl Harbor U.S. Naval base in 1887.

Why did the Philippine-American War start? What was the Outcome.

The Philippine-American War, 1899-1902. After its defeat in the Spanish-American War of 1898, Spain ceded its longstanding colony of the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris.

Reciprocity Treaty of 1875

The Treaty of reciprocity between the United States of America and the Hawaiian Kingdom was a free trade agreement signed and ratified in 1875 that is generally known as the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875. The treaty gave free access to the United States market for sugar and other products grown in the Kingdom of Hawaii.

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