US History Ch. 5

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Declare War

The Articles of Confederation gave the national government the power to: Declare war Regulate foreign trade Collect taxes Regulate Interstate State

Articles of Confederation

This was the document that laid out America's first government; under it there was NO president and NO federal judicial system.


A government in which citizens rule through elected representatives

Land Ordinance of 1785

A law that established a plan for surveying and selling the federally owned lands west of the Appalachian Mountains

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

A law that established a procedure for the admission of new States into the Union


A political system in which a national government and constituent units, such as state governments, share power

Checks and Balances

A system that prevents one branch of government from dominating the other two branches


Adding a bill of rights in the Constitution was largely supported by the: Small states Federalists Large states Anti-federalists

Great Compromise

Agreement over how Congress is set up. It offered a two-house system to satisfy both big and small states

Patrick Henry

All of the following men wrote letters contain in The Federalist except: John Jay James Madison Patrick Henry Alexander Hamilton

Shays' Rebellion

An uprising of debt-ridden Massachusetts farmers protesting increased state taxes in 1787


Supporters of the Constitution

Roger Sherman

Creator of the Great Compromise

James Madison

Creator of the Virginia Plan

A president

From the time of the Declaration of Independence until the ratification of the Constitution, the United States functioned without: Courts A president An army A national currency

Electoral College

Group of electors, chosen by the states, who would cast ballots for the candidates

Virginia Plan

Large State plan to set up Congress by population. This plan called for a bicameral congress that would be chosen based on population.

Legislative Executive Judicial

Name the 3 branches of the U.S. government

Establish requirements for admitting new states to the union

One of the accomplishments of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was to: Set up a plan for surveying western lands Challenge Spain's claim to the Mississippi River Transfer ownership of western lands from states to the national government Establish requirements for admitting new states to the Union


Opponents of a strong central government, as well as opponents to the Constitution

3/5 Compromise

Plan reached to deal with the slavery issue. It concluded that a slave counted for 3/5 when counting towards population

Daniel Shays

Revolutionary war hero, farmer, angry with taxes (______'s rebellion). This individual led a revolt to shut down the Massachusetts Supreme Court so the courts couldn't foreclose on anymore farms in the late 1700's.

Debts they owed to creditors

Shays' Rebellion was a protest by farmers who faced problems from: An oversupply of paper currency Debts they owed to creditors Debts owed to them by Congress Debts owed to them by the state of Massachusetts

New Jersey Plan

This plan called for a unicameral legislature where each state would have an equal number of votes in the federal government.

English Bill of Rights

This was passed in 1689 and made it so the king and queen couldn't pass laws or change existing laws without Parliaments permission; was one of the "ideas" about government that we adopted into our government.

Bill of Rights

The first 10 amendments are referred to as ______________; some states wouldn't ratify the Constitution unless these were added.

Divide powers between the states and the central government

The great compromise was an agreement about how to: Ratify the Constitution Count slaves in determining population Determine a state's representation in Congress Divide powers between the states and the central government


The number of states needed to ratify the Constitution before it could go into effect was: 7 11 9 13

Checks and balances

The system that maintains the separation of powers among the branches of the federal government is called: Reserved powers Checks and balances Delegated powers A bicameral legislature


These are people who loan money out; they were very UNHAPPY about the consequences of inflation after the American Revolution

Federalist Papers

These were essays and documents written in support of the new Constitution.

Magna Carta

This a document that was signed by King John in 1215, made the king subject to the laws like everyone else.


This country blocked off the lower Mississippi River to U.S. shipping after the American Revolution, which affected western farmers and merchants.

Thomas Jefferson

This individual wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which talked about religious freedom in the states.


This is a document that lays out a set of basic principles and laws that states the powers and duties of a government; it says what the federal government can and cannot do.


This is a period of low economic activity COMBINED with a rise in unemployment.

Interstate Commerce

This is what you call trade between two or more states; under the Articles of Confederation the federal government had no power to control this.


This is when you make it so more people can vote; you expand _____________.

Annapolis Convention

This meeting was called with the goal of discussing the economic conditions of the country in 1786 and to discuss ways to improve the Articles of Confederation; only delegates from 9 states showed up.


This percentage of the states must approve a proposed amendment before it can become the law of the land.

New Hampshire

This was the 9th state that voted to ratify the Constitution.

One vote per state

Under the Articles of Confederation, each state's power in Congress was based on: One vote per state The state's total population The state's size The state's voting population

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