US History - Chapter 3. 1

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(PIT)Why did England value the cluster of colonies on the Atlantic Coast of North America?

1. The colonies supplied food and raw materials 2. They bought large amounts of English goods

(Review) What were the 3 types of colonies in North America?

1. royal 2. proprietary 3. charter

Farming the staple crops in the South was hard work, so who did the Southern colonists get to do the work?

African slaves (PIT) triangular trade

(Review) New England Colonies

Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Maine

(PIT) balance of trade - E>I = money (bullion/gold)

Countries like England wanted more exports than imports!

Navigation Act

Discouraged trade between American colonies and other European nations by increasing costs and giving profits to England.

(PIT) The American colonies had diverse economies - explain.

Each region's geography affected its economy.

When England united with Scotland what was it called?

Great Britain

(PIT) duty - unfair tax for colonies

If the colonies wanted to sell goods to another country then they had to pay a duty, or tax.

(PIT) How did the colonists move their goods, and why?

Most commerce (trade) took place on water because it was simply too expensive and too difficult to carry crops and goods long distances over land.

(PIT) How did the colonists feel about the British (English) King and Parliament?

Most of the colonists recognized the authority of the king and the Parliament, even though they did not have to - they were proud to be British subjects.

(Review) Name the Middle Colonies

New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Delaware

(PIT) English Civil War

One reason that England ignored the colonies; they were preoccupied with the conflict in their own country.

(PIT) Name a major port city in the Middle Colonies


(PIT) mercantilism - good for England, bad for colonies

**Mercantilists believed a nation should have colonies where it could harvest raw materials and sell products (England wanted to make money from the colonies). **England wanted to colonists to buy goods from them and not trade with other countries, or even manufacture goods. **England made the colonies use their own ships for transporting raw materials.

(PIT) Why did the British government allow its colonies freedom in governing themselves?

- Britain (England) has a long tradition of strong local government and weak central power - Britain lacked the resources to enforce its wishes

How were most of the colonies governed by the early 1700s?

- a governor (appointed by the king) acted as the chief executive - a colonial legislature served under the governor **governors had a lot of power **only male landowners were allowed to vote

(PIT) What body of water was vital to travel between the colonies and England?

The Atlantic Ocean - there was more contact between Boston and London than between Boston and Virginia.

salutary neglect

The British colonial policy to neglect their colonies. The colonies prospered as a result, without much government interference.

Main Idea of Section I

The English colonies grew and prospered with little direct interference from the English government, from the mid-1600s to the early 1700s.

(Review) Name the Southern Colonies

Virginia Maryland South Carolina North Carolina Georgia

(PIT) Did the colonies benefit England's balance of trade?

Yes - cheap raw materials that England could sell for lots of money!



staple crops

crops that are in constant demand

(PIT) What was the economy of the Middle Colonies based on?

mixture of farming (wheat, barley, rye - grains) and commerce (business) - think more cities, so more business

What was the staple crop in South Carolina and Georgia?


(PIT) What was the economy of New England colonies?

small farms and towns with long-distance trade **"carrying trade" - crops and goods carried from one place to another. **triangular trade

(PIT) The Southern Colonies were dependent on what?

stable crops - farming in South (remember Papaw's garden)



(PIT) What was the staple crop in Virginia and North Carolina?


balance of trade

The difference in value between imports (goods bought from other countries) and exports (goods sold to other countries), should show more exports than imports.

triangular trade

The trade between 3 points in the Atlantic World - the Americas, Europe, and Africa


Theory that a country should try to get and keep as much bullion, or gold and silver, as possible. **Mercantilists believed a nation should have colonies where it could harvest raw materials and sell products (England wanted to make money from the colonies).

Why were colonists unhappy with King James II?

They resented him trying to get control of the colonies, and his governor (Edmund Andros) collected taxes without approval, and threatened their religious freedom.

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