U.S. History-Chapter 5: Reconstruction

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What was the main success of reconstruction

*tax supported school systems federal funds given for building of railroads and ports single crop economy becomes a multi crop economy barter/credit economy evolves into a wage economy

proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction required 10% of a states citizenship to take oath of loyalty to the union in order to set up a new government

10% plan (southern states)

Why was reconstruction necessary?

Following the end of the Civil War the south was in ruins.

elected 18th president of u.s in 1868 celebrated hero but lousy president. presidency was played by scandal he gave high level positions to friends/family; VP Schulyer Cofax investigated for embezzling from union pacific railroad. reruns in 1872 and wins political corruption continues with administration and confidence in public officials begin to go down ex; william boss tweed

Ulysses S Grant presidency

assumes presidency after assassination of lincoln supportive of states rights not really concerned with granting a.a full citizenship;vetos civil rights act;house of representatives impeach him

andrew johnson


barter to wage economy, single to multi crop economy, federal and rr/ port, tax supported schools

laws that sought to limit rights of a.a

black codes

northern white and black men who relocated to south looking for new economic/political opportunities.(participate in southern politics)


how did congress help african americans

congress fights back against southerners unwilling to accept reconstruction through the use of federal intervention : refused to allow southern representatives to take their seats in congress, civil rights acts (1866) johnson uses veto power but 1st time ever congress uses the 2/3 majority rule to pass it

protects voting rights by making intimidation of voters a federal crime

enforcement act

how to rebuild southern economy

federal money to radical republicans wage economy single goes to multi crop

what organizations started to pop up in black communities

freedmen's bureau schools, churches, community centers, religious centers

What was the compromise of 1877

hayes is elected president, federal troops are withdrawn from the south and southern states given federal subsides to build railroad and improve ports

impeachment of johnson

he attempts to rid cabinet of all radical republicans

describe the souths economy after the war

in south land=money , very uneven distribution of the land 90% of southern land owned by 50% of the population after civil war millions of white and black citizens fight for farm work/land

Radical reconstruction begins with passage of the 14th amendment(guaranteed equality under the law for all citizens) if a state refused to recognize this amendment risk loosing seat in congress tensions reach high btwn congress and president in 1867 johnson attempts to rid cabinet of all radical republicans congress passes tenure of office act

johnson impeached with wrongdoing in office

thaddeus stevens and charles summer

leaders of radical republicans

a.a rights

north=good, south=bad; suffrage;black codes limit rights; 15th amendment

divided former confederate states into military zones

reconstruction act (1867)

lincoln's goals for reconstruction were...

reunify the country

former union general member of HOR honest/reform minded; verses tilden in election for president in 1876

rutherford b hayes

fought corruption in NY versed hayes in election for presidency in 1876

samuel tilden

white men who had previously been excluded from politics by wealthy neighbors. (participate in southern politics)


farmer chooses what crop to plant and buys own supplies (gives farmers more freedom)

share tenancy

system where farmers tend to portion of planters land in return for a place to live and a share of crops (constant cycle of debt)


tenant pays rent to landowner and is free to choose/manage the crops (most independent arrangment)

tenant farming

failures of civil war

tension btwn north and south still exist, womens suffrage

required the president to get senate approval before removing someone from office

tenure of office act

Johnsons plan for reconstruction required...

the ratification of the 13th amendment and a draft of a state constitution abolishing slavery

1873- restricted the scope of the 14th amendment stating it was not the business of the federal government to determine how individual states upheld amendments

the slaughterhouse cases

land having to due with a.a

they get land as reparations (4o acres and a mule)

why did radical republicans reject 10% plan

they insisted the confederacy had committed crimes by enslaving african americans and starting civil war

describe the impact of reconstruction on women

they take a backseat and women's suffrage failed

how did southern states rejoin?

wade-davis bill

requires the majority of voters to swear loyalty to the union before restoration of the south begins; guranteed a.a equality; lincoln kills bill with pocket veto by waiting to make a desciosn then lincoln creates freedmens bureau

wade-davis bill

stole millions of dollars from city treasury convicted and imprisoned (1873)

william boss tweed

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