US History Chapter 7

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General ___ was the hero of the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Supposedly his ghosts still haunt the first place he was buried

Anthony Wayne

42) The intention of the Naturalization Law was to A) help immigrants assimilate into society. B) allow the government to deport undesirable aliens. C) allow the Federalists to maintain political control. D) create a heterogeneous society for America. E) keep out eastern European immigrants.


36) The Whiskey Rebellion took place in A) Massachusetts. B) South Carolina. C) Kentucky. D) Rhode Island. E) Pennsylvania.


T/F: Thomas Jefferson tended to emphasize the importance of industrial development when forecasting the future of the United States.


1) For many Americans, George Washington was A) a symbol of the new republic. B) a routine, typical political leader. C) not a popular leader. D) a threat to proclaim himself king. E) a good general, but not necessarily a good politician.


29) Jay's Treaty succeeded in A) getting British troops to withdraw from the northwest forts. B) opening New Orleans to U.S. commerce. C) pacifying southerners who had lost slaves during the war. D) humiliating the French. E) calming Washington's anxieties.


51) The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution A) changed the process of electing the president and vice president. B) decreased presidential power. C) heightened the potential for further political conflict. D) stopped the African slave trade. E) dealt with the judicial power of the United States.


21) By the end of Washington's first term of office, A) political harmony had unified the cabinet. B) political squabbling threatened to divide the government. C) political parties appeared in the campaigning. D) the machinery of government had been brought to a standstill. E) politicians understood the force of public opinion.


16) Which of the following would Alexander Hamilton have proposed? A) strong diplomatic ties with France B) the purchase of western lands C) giving the common man the vote D) providing government subsidies to manufacturers E) modeling the banking system on the German model


34) Which of the following was responsible for changing the nation's political life? A) newspapers B) political clubs C) officially sponsored debates D) A and B E) B and C


Jay's Treaty

remove British forts from US territory , payment for ships taken in West Indies,improve commercial relations, accept neutral rights

Thomas Jefferson

secretary of star 3rd President of the United States , He was a delegate from Virginia at the Second Continental Congress and wrote the Declaration of Independence. He later served as the third President of the United States.


secretary of treasury Us will flourish as an industrial nation balance economy of ag., trade, finance, manufacturing New York support English alliance

T/F: Hamilton's political faction was known as the High Federalists.


T/F:Alexander Hamilton favored low tariffs, a national bank, and funding of the national debt.


T/F:Hamilton and Jefferson disagreed over whether Great Britain or France should be America's closest European ally.


T/F:Jay's Treaty accomplished little of what John Jay had hoped to achieve when he began his negotiations with the British.


T/F:Jay's Treaty was extremely unpopular with the American public.


T/F:The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the federal judicial system, including the Supreme Court.



wealthy southerner, plantation owner farmers, properly educated, can govern themselves strict interpretation of Cons. Secretary of State obligation to help france feared strong central government, power in states agriculture society

Naturalization Act

Alexander Hamilton's foolish electoral schemes were the major reason for the decline in Federalist fortunes in 1800.

Alien Enemy Act

Alien Enemy Act, which allowed for the arrest and deportation of citizens of countries at was with the US;

Any member of a radical group that carried out France's "reign of terror."


Virginia Resolution

Madison urged the states to defend the rights of the American people, but he resisted the notion that a single star-legislature could or should have the authority to over throw federal law


Nullification- said that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and said that they had the right not to follow them

Alexander Hamilton

Secretary of treasury 1789-1795; First Secretary of the Treasury. He advocated creation of a national bank, assumption of state debts by the federal government, and a tariff system to pay off the national debt.

Sedition Act

Sedition Act, which made it illegal to publish defamatory statements about the federal government or its officials.

Alien and Sedition Act

These consist of four laws passed by the Federalist Congress and signed by President Adams in 1798: Alien Act, which empowered the president to arrest and deport dangerous aliens; the and the The first 3 were enacted in response to the XYZ Affair, and were aimed at French and Irish immigrants, who were considered subversives. The Sedition Act was an attempt to stifle Democratic-Republican opposition, although only 25 people were ever arrested, and only 10 convicted, under the law. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which initiated the concept of "nullification" of federal laws were written in response to the Acts.

14) Opposition to Hamilton's proposed national bank A) was led by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. B) reflected the fears of private bankers. C) was justified because his plans so clearly favored a few "monied interests." D) generally did not involve the general public. E) resented that the enterprise would be wholly private, with no real ties to the federal government.


22) During Washington's second term in office, A) foreign affairs became a much more important focus. B) relations with Great Britain and France improved dramatically. C) Hamilton and Jefferson resolved their differences over domestic policy. D) Hamilton ceased to be a force in American politics. E) the European war unified American officials in support of France.


31) Why did Spain agree to the terms of the Pinckney Treaty? A) It mistook Jay's Treaty for an Anglo-American alliance. B) It needed the additional sources of revenue. C) It needed protection on its southwest borders. D) The United States threatened direct military action. E) It thought there was a secret agreement between the United States and France to take Spain's North American possessions.


44) Why did the Sedition Act distress many Americans? A) It threatened their political rights. B) It kept the Federalists in power. C) It suspended free elections. D) It expanded the powers of Congress. E) It allowed libel convictions without a jury trial.


49) In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson almost lost to A) Aaron Burr. B) Thomas Knox. C) Henry Adams. D) George Washington. E) Alexander Hamilton.


7) As secretary of state, Thomas Jefferson organized the federal census with a staff of A) 5. B) 50. C) 75. D) 100. E) 125.


8) Which of the following did Hamilton and Jefferson have in common? A) faith in a republican society B) belief that the national government should be strong C) faith in the common man D) fears of the effect of the French Revolution on American society E) great respect for the purity of the British constitution


12) Hamilton's Report On The Public Credit recommended A) the renunciation of all old government debts. B) that the federal government assume remaining state debts. C) that the states fund most government activities. D) that bankers be restricted in their dealings with the federal government. E) that the federal government offer its creditors 80 percent of the face value of its obligations.


3) According to the first census, the population of the United States in 1790 was approximately A) 2.5 million. B) 3.9 million. C) 7.5 million. D) 10 million. E) 13.7 million.


30) As a result of the Battle of Fallen Timbers, A) Great Britain continued to dominate the western frontier. B) the United States asserted its authority on the western frontier. C) the Indians scored a decisive victory. D) the inadequacy of the American army was made evident. E) the British encouraged Native Americans in the Northwest Territory to give up their land without further violence.


35) Washington believed that the Whiskey Rebellion A) was not something with which to be concerned. B) presented a direct threat to the nation. C) should have been dealt with by the state of Pennsylvania. D) indicated the importance of repealing the excise tax. E) was the result of a legitimate complaint on the part of distillers.


39) John Adams's presidency was made much more difficult by A) his lack of experience with government. B) the interference of Alexander Hamilton. C) Jefferson's refusal to cooperate with a Federalist president. D) continued problems with the British on the seas. E) his inability to communicate with Jefferson.


4) The passage of which act created the federal court system? A) Judiciary Act of 1800 B) Judiciary Act of 1789 C) Holmes Act of 1792 D) Franklin-Marshall Act of 1796 E) Ellsworth Act of 1789


45) In 1798, the Federalists sponsored a military buildup with the intention of A) taking the French West Indies. B) suppressing internal political dissent. C) conquering Canada. D) pacifying the Indian tribes of the Ohio Valley. E) pumping federal dollars into a sagging economy.


46) In the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, Jefferson and Madison called for a restoration of A) a strong central government. B) states' rights. C) the Articles of Confederation. D) the Bill of Rights. E) a standardized currency.


47) According to the Kentucky Resolutions, A) ultimate power always remained with the federal government. B) states had the right to nullify federal law under certain circumstances. C) the Sedition Act was worthy of enforcement by the states. D) the state of Kentucky chose to remain neutral in the contest between Hamilton and Jefferson. E) the "general welfare" of the nation should be the guiding principle in state decisions.


48) As a result of the actions taken by John Adams while president, A) he was overwhelmingly reelected in 1800. B) the United States had harmony with France. C) the Federalist Party remained the major party. D) France compensated the United States for ships taken. E) the French added even more restrictions on U.S. commerce.


5) Which of the following individuals was not a member of George Washington's first cabinet? A) Thomas Jefferson B) William Simmons C) Edmund Randolph D) Alexander Hamilton E) Henry Knox


11) The greatest challenge facing the first Washington administration was A) foreign affairs. B) war with Native Americans. C) financial. D) territorial expansion. E) interstate trade.


13) James Madison opposed Hamilton's proposal for the public debt because A) he feared Hamilton's growing political power. B) the powers of state government would be reduced. C) he believed only a chosen few would benefit. D) it did not foster the government of the Revolution. E) many soldiers had lost the old loan certificates that entitled them to payment.


17) The Bank of the United States was based on the doctrine of A) strict construction. B) states' rights. C) implied powers. D) judicial review. E) checks and balances.


18) The Report On Manufacturers suggested A) low tariffs on imported goods. B) congressional taxes on industrial goods. C) protective tariffs. D) strict laissez faire. E) a fluctuating tariff schedule.


2) President Washington considered his role as first president to include A) having his own face put on the new one-dollar bill. B) publishing a series of "hearthside chats" in which he addressed the people directly. C) personally demonstrating the existence of a strong republic. D) transforming the White House into a national symbol. E) enlarging the U.S. Army and building military bases in every state.


23) In the early 1790s, British actions toward the United States indicated A) respect for the status of the new nation. B) a desire to recruit the United States as a close ally. C) disdain for American rights. D) a willingness to join the French in taking advantage of the new country. E) the need for American resources to feed and clothe British troops.


25) When war broke out in Europe, Washington A) used the war to foster new economic ties. B) upheld the Treaty of 1778 and supported France. C) steered a path of neutrality for the nation. D) placed an embargo on all goods to Europe. E) doubled the budget for the navy.


28) Working behind the scenes to inform the British of John Jay's intentions in treaty negotiations was A) Thomas Jefferson. B) Edmund Genet. C) Alexander Hamilton. D) John Adams. E) Ben Franklin.


32) Which treaty gave the United States access to the Mississippi River and New Orleans for trade? A) Grenville's Treaty B) Saratoga Treaty C) Pinckney's Treaty D) Jay's Treaty E) Jefferson's Treaty


38) The election of 1796 was complicated by A) changes in the nation's voting laws. B) interference from British diplomats. C) behind-the-scenes manipulations by Alexander Hamilton. D) Washington's refusal to stay out of politics. E) confusion over the differences between Federalists and Republicans.


40) During the Adams administration, A) Great Britain continued to pose problems for the nation. B) domestic problems occupied the president's full attention. C) France reacted negatively to the terms of Jay's Treaty. D) few Americans seemed concerned with foreign affairs. E) France became a closer ally thanks to the terms of Jay's Treaty.


50) Each of the following is true of the election of 1800 EXCEPT A) Alexander Hamilton intrigued to keep his own party's candidate from winning. B) the Federalist Party was hopelessly split. C) the electoral college chose Thomas Jefferson to be the third president. D) John Adams refused to attend Jefferson's inauguration. E) it led to changes in the presidential electoral process.


6) The first chief justice of the United States Supreme Court was A) Alexander Hamilton. B) Oliver Ellsworth. C) John Jay. D) Edmund Randolph. E) Benjamin Franklin.


9) Which of the following was NOT a Hamiltonian idea? A) The government should try to foster commercial and industrial development. B) The new central government would survive if the wealthiest people supported it. C) France was the United States' most important ally. D) A national bank was necessary for the country's economic health. E) The development of cities was key to the success of the nation.


20) Alexander Hamilton failed to achieve his economic policy objectives in his attempt to secure A) funding of the national debt. B) assumption of the state debts. C) creation of a national bank. D) passage of a protective tariff. E) approval of a standardized currency schedule.


24) Members of the Federalist Party A) advocated states' rights. B) supported the French Revolution. C) wanted Thomas Jefferson to be president. D) supported a strong national government. E) despised centralized economic planning.


26) Thomas Jefferson felt it was important that the new government A) foster strong ties with Great Britain. B) support business and industrial development. C) decrease the role agriculture played in the American economy. D) lean toward France in the event it clashed with Britain. E) expand the franchise.


33) The emergence of political parties in the 1790s A) created a harmonious atmosphere for political debate. B) was a totally negative experience in the history of the time. C) led to closer relations between the factions that had appeared during Washington's administration. D) had both good and bad consequences for the nation at that time. E) meant one of George Washington's goals for the new government was realized.


37) Washington's Farewell Address A) warned against creating a strong military. B) attempted to bring harmony to the political system. C) supported the political ideology of Jefferson and Madison. D) advised against permanent alliances with nations that weren't interested in promoting American security. E) wholeheartedly endorsed the two-party system.


27) The Genet affair involved A) American interference in French-British relations. B) American assistance offered to the French during their revolution. C) America's refusal to repay debts incurred as a result of the French-American alliance. D) France's use of American ships as privateers, in violation of the United States' pledge of neutrality. E) a secret arms agreement with the French foreign minister.


10) Federalists were very enthusiastic about capitalism but A) doubted the United States would ever become a great commercial power. B) admitted that the Jeffersonians probably had stronger public appeal. C) would only be successful in the United States if the franchise was expanded. D) were afraid power would become concentrated in cities. E) did not trust the people or local government to make good decisions about financial matters.


15) One criticism of Hamilton's assumption program was that states like ________, which had sloppy financial systems, would be rewarded for nonpayment of debt. A) New York B) New Jersey C) Connecticut D) Georgia E) Massachusetts


19) Jeffersonians' fear of strong financial institutions was based on A) the fact that most were simple farmers who did not understand banking policy. B) their resentment of Federalists, who tended to have more money. C) religious beliefs about the sin of greed. D) anti-Semitism, because they thought banks were controlled by Jewish interests. E) their belief that they were the root of corruption in the British government.


41) One consequence of the XYZ affair was that A) Adams declared war with France. B) France suffered diplomatic humiliation. C) Adams supported the idea of a strong army. D) Adams and Jefferson reached a political impasse. E) High Federalists used the tensions it created as an excuse for military expansion.


T/F:The Alien and Sedition Acts posed no real threat to civil liberties in the United States.


Kentucky Resolution

written by jefferson; introduced nullification; states have right to judge laws made and if be, declare laws null and void

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