US History II Chapter 28 Vocabulary

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bay of pigs invasion

1961 failed invasion of Cuba by a CIA-led force of Cuban exiles

Cuban Missile Crisis

1962 conflict between the US and the SU resulting from the Soviet installation of nuclear missiles in Cuba

Equal Pay Act

1963 law that required both men and women to receive equal pay for equal work

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

1963 nuclear-weapons agreement which banned above ground nuclear tests

peace corps

American government organization that sends volunteers to provide technical, educational, and medical services in developing countries

Great Society

President Johnson's goals in the areas of health care, education, the environment, discrimination, and poverty

War on Poverty

President Johnson's programs aimed at aiding the country's poor through education, job training, proper health care, and nutrition

New Frontier

President Kennedy's plan aimed at improving the economy, fighting racial discrimination, and exploring space

Alliance for Progress

President Kennedy's program which gave economic aid to Latin America

Nikita Khrushchev

Soviet premier that Kennedy blamed for causing a "reckless and provocative threat to world peace"

Warren Court

Supreme Court of the 1960s under Chief Justice Earl Warren whose decisions supported Civil Rights

Lyndon B. Johnson

born in Stonewall, Texas; 1st experience with segregation-seeing it in a Mexican-American school; signed the civil rights act of 1964 into law and the voting rights act of 1965. he had a war on poverty in his agenda. in an attempt to win, he set a few goals, including the great society, the economic opportunity act, and other programs that provided food stamps and welfare to needy famillies. he also created a department of housing and urban development. his most important legislation was probably medicare and medicaid

Warren Commission

committee that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy

flexible response

defense policy allowing for the appropriate action in any type of conflict

John F. Kennedy

democrat in the 1960 presidential election; served in navy during WWII; elected to Congress in 1946 and the senate in the 1950s


direct telephone line between the White House and the Kremlin set up after the Cuban Missile Crisis

Berlin Wall

dividing wall built by East Germany in 1961 to isolate West Berlin from communist-controlled East Berlin


federal program created in 1965 to provide basic hospital insurance to most Americans over the age of 65


federal program created in 1965 to provide low-cost health insurance to poor Americans of any age

Economic Opportunity Act

law passed in 1964 creating anti-poverty programs

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

law that changed the national quota system to limits of 170,000 immigrants per year from the Eastern Hemisphere and 120,000 per year from the Western Hemisphere

Fidel Castro

leader of new communist regime in Cuba

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination in public places and employment based on race, religion, or natural origin

deficit spending

practice of a nation paying out more money than it is receiving in revenues

Richard M. Nixon

republican in the 1960 presidential election; served in navy during WWII; elected to Congress in 1946 and the senate in the 1950s

space race

the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop the technology to successfully land on the moon

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