U.S. History Part 2 Quiz 2

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Presidents in the late nineteenth century had mostly a symbolic importance, but many sought their jobs because of the distribution of patronage appointments to friends and supporters


For southern whites after the Civil War, freedom meant...

No interference from the federal government. And A continuation of white supremacy. And A restoration of society to its antebellum form.

Utah was denied statehood until it abandoned


Albert Bierstadt and Thomas Moran were painters from the what school who celebrated the West in their art.

Rocky Mountain School

In 1851, the new reservation policy, known as what replaced the idea that large numbers of tribes could live in one great enclave.


The nation's most popular amusement park at the turn of the century was

Coney Island

Without the support of black voters in 1868, Ulysses S. Grant would have had only a minority of the popular vote.


The 1920 census revealed that

a majority of Americans now lived in "urban" areas.

Congressional plans for Reconstruction...

Deployed the military in the defeated South.

The first economic boom in the Far West came in what industry?


What movement of artists was among the first in America to appreciate expressionism and abstraction.


The Spanish-American War began primarily because of events in


During the presidency of Grover Cleveland, kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown by sugar planters and forcibly annexed as a Territory of the United States


Incomes during the industrialization era rose only for the most well-to-do Americans


Populists raised one of the most overt and powerful supports of the era to the direction in which American industrial capitalism was moving.


President James Garfield was a political Stalwart who supported civil service reform.


President Lincoln favored a radical Reconstruction policy that included disenfranchising large numbers of Southern whites.


Scalawags were primarily northern, white, Union army veterans


The Panic of 1893 reflected the lack of economic interconnection between the various parts of the American economy.


The United States led Europe in establishing an empire in the late nineteenth century.


Why was Andrew Johnson impeached in 1868?...

He upset Radical Republicans who saw him as an impediment to their reconstruction plans.

The most famous writer of the success story in the late nineteenth century was

Horatio Alger

Lincoln's 10 percent plan referred to...

How many whites needed to take loyalty oaths.

The most widespread Native American groups in the American West were

The Plains Indians

When the first tenements were built in 1850, they were viewed as a great improvement in housing for the poor


"Muckrakers" were crusading journalists who began to direct public attention toward social, economic, and political injustices.


After the Civil War, the development of a network of female colleges significantly advanced the cause of women's education.


Before he became President of the United States, William McKinley was governor of Ohio


Hull House in Chicago was a "settlement house" that opened from the efforts of Jane Addams.


Reconstruction did not provide African Americans with either the legal protections or the material resources to assure them with real equality.


The assimilation process of the late nineteenth century was aided by the public schools.


The most striking feature of late-nineteenth-century politics was the remarkable stability of the party system


The stories of Hispanic California and Texas saw Mexicans and Mexican Americans increasingly impoverished.


The Supreme Court decision of Plessy V. Ferguson (1896)...

Upheld racial sgregation

What was one of the few entertainment media open to black performers at the turn of the century


The 1890 massacre at where signaled the end of the western wars against the Native Americans.

Wounded Knee

Booker T. Washington...

a. Essentially accepted the ideology of the "new South creed." b. Favored industrial over classical education.

Support for Reconstruction was undermined by...

a. The adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment. b. Democrats. c. The Panic of 1873

In the final days of the Civil War, President Lincoln...

a. continued to insist that the Confederacy was illegal.

Late-nineteenth-century leisure activities tended to be divided by

a. gender. b. class. c. race

Champions of expansionism argued that

a. nations, like biological species, were engaged in a constant struggle to survive. b. the laws of nature suggested that strong nations should dominate weak ones.

In "The Significance of the Frontier in American History," Frederick Jackson Turner claimed...

a. the frontier had made Americans distinctive people. b. the frontier had closed.

The Dawes Act

a. was designed to end traditional Indian culture. b. gave US citizenship to landowning Native adults. c. was viewed by the federal government as a plan to save the Indians

The Fourteenth Amendment (1866)...

a. was rejected by all but one of the former Confederate states. And b. declared everyone born in the United States was an American citizen. c. placed the federal government in a powerful position in relation to the states.

By the end of the nineteenth century

consolidation allowed one percent of corporations to control more than one-third of manufacturing.

The Black Codes were...

designed to give whites control over freedmen.

Ulysses S. Grant ...

entered the white House with no political experience.

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

prevented Chinese already in the United States from becoming naturalized American citizens.

While progressivism has many meanings, it tended to be based on the central assumption

that society was capable of improvement.

Compared economically to white southerners at the end of the Civil War, southern blacks...

were worse off

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