u.s. history.

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mc015-1.jpg Which number on the map shows Cuba? 1 2 3 4


Which event happened before the Pacific Railroad Act was signed in 1862?

Asa Whitney asked for the right to build a transcontinental railroad.

What was one provision of the Homestead Act of 1862?

It gave one hundred sixty acres of land to participants for a small fee.

What hardship did both Central Pacific and Union Pacific workers face?

NOT a. attacks from american indians

How did the Homestead Act affect US expansion?

NOT b. The act gave homesteaders a reliable link to the East

In the 1920s, many rural banks failed because banks had speculated in stocks. farmers could not repay their loans. the stock market surged. consumers took their money out.


The dance that became popular during the Roaring Twenties was called the Charleston. the Jitterbug. the Lindy Hop. Tin Pan Alley.


What new weapon made Allied leaders worry about the cost of invading the Japanese mainland? kamikaze fighters machine guns atomic bombs warplanes


How did the federal government use land grants in the West in the 1860s?

The government gave them to railroad companies for development.

A result of the atomic bombs dropped by the US on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was that Japan surrendered within a few days. Japan continued to fight. Japan launched a counterattack. Japan repelled a US invasion.


According to Reagan's supply-side economics, the first step to triggering the cycle of growth was reducing taxes. raising taxes. regulating businesses. creating government programs.


At their meeting in January of 1942, what argument persuaded President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill to pursue a "Europe-first" strategy? It was felt that Germany posed a greater threat than Japan. The United States was preparing to fight Japan, the strongest Axis nation. Military leaders felt it was necessary to focus on Europe first. The Allies had to stop Germany from sending reinforcements to Japan.


Because of President Clinton's economic plan, in 1999, the federal budget had a surplus. the federal budget had not changed. the deficit had begun to decline. the deficit was higher than ever.


Besides jazz, the Harlem Renaissance was also known for African American literature. job growth. education. business growth.


Between 1915 and 1917, how did the strategies the Germans used at sea differ from those of the Allied Powers? Germany attacked nonmilitary ships and those of the United States, a country not involved in the war. Germany refused to stop their attacks despite complaints from the United States and other neutral countries. Germany included the use of submarines in the types of boats used to attack enemy ships. Germany used their submarines and other military ships for both commercial and military purposes.


Bush's invasion of Panama was successful because Noriega surrendered and went to prison in the US. unsuccessful because Noriega sent more drugs to the United States. successful because the United States won back the Panama Canal. unsuccessful because Noriega was able to close the Panama Canal.


Clara Bow impacted other 1920s-era women by representing the fashion and rebellion of the era. campaigning on the national stage for women's rights. becoming the first woman to star in movies with sound. mirroring the attitudes of the "lost generation" writers.


Communism spread to China and to which of the following countries during and immediately after World War II? Turkey, Egypt, Vietnam, and Indonesia Turkey, Vietnam, Japan, and India Vietnam, Iran, Israel, and Ethiopia Vietnam, Egypt, Indonesia, and Israel


During World War II, the United States was a member of the Allies. Axis. United Nations. League of Nations.


During World War II, which battle denied the Japanese the opportunity to attack Australia? Battle of the Coral Sea Battle of Midway Battle of Guadalcanal Battle of Iwo Jima


During the 1920s, people would buy stock on margin, which meant that they bought it on credit. paid cash for it. paid in installments. bought it on speculation.


During the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, how did the US government protect businesses? by breaking up a railroad trust by passing the Meat Inspection Act by ending child labor by passing the Newlands Reclamation Act


How did Henry Cabot Lodge respond to the end of World War I? He opposed the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations. He supported President Wilson and the League of Nations. He was against US involvement in World War I. He encouraged US involvement in world affairs.


How did President Clinton react when military leaders in Haiti overthrew Aristide? He threatened to invade Haiti if Aristide wasn't returned to power. He offered to extend American citizenship to Aristide. He immediately sent US troops to Haiti. He withdrew American troops from Haiti.


How did US leaders think people would respond to a military draft during World War I? They thought people would strongly oppose it. They thought people would welcome the chance to go to war. They thought people would leave the country because of it. They thought people would volunteer instead of being drafted.


How did confidence impact the presidential election of 1980? Many Americans felt that while Reagan was confident, Carter was not. Many Americans felt that while Carter was confident, Reagan was not. Many Americans were confident that President Carter would turn the economy around. Many Americans were confident that Reagan would establish more government programs.


How did people on the home front use liberty bonds to support the World War I effort? Liberty bonds helped the government pay for the war. Liberty bonds freed prisoners to fight in the war effort. Liberty bonds helped the government recruit soldiers. Liberty bonds saved resources for soldiers in the war.


How did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution lead to the escalation of US troop involvement in the Vietnam War? It gave the president the ability to send troops without specific approval of Congress. It declared war on North Vietnam, making commitment of US troops necessary. It barred South Vietnamese troops from the conflict, making it necessary for US troops to fight. It specifically committed the first US troops to fight and serve in the Vietnam War.


How did the Obama administration change US policy regarding Cuba? It eased restrictions on communication, travel, and exports. It imposed sanctions in response to nuclear testing. It created programs to help fight violence there. It intervened in an uprising to aid pro-democracy rebels.


How did the Second New Deal create a way for workers to exercise their rights in the workplace? through the passage of the 1935 National Labor Relations Act through the passage of the 1935 National Social Security Act through the establishment of the Works Progress Administration through the establishment of the National Recovery Administration


How did the environment in which Kennedy was assassinated contribute to its tragic impact? It happened outside in a public place, where many people had gathered to watch him drive by. It took place in an auditorium, where he was campaigning for fellow Democrats. It took place outside in the nation's capital, where many people had gathered to hear him speak. It happened in a northern state, where he and fellow Democrats were extremely popular.


How was the computer built by the United States able to help the war effort? It did complex calculations needed to build the atomic bomb. It did complex calculations that planned battle strategies. It decoded the German language. It decoded the Japanese language.


In 1987, Reagan and Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. What did the INF Treaty do? improved US-Soviet relations through reduction of arms increased Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union ended the Cold War and made the United States the world's only superpower angered many Americans, who did not favor compromise


In addition to Jews, a specific group that the Nazis systematically killed during the Holocaust was people who had disabilities. people who were intelligent. people who were blond-haired. people who were wealthy.


In the 1920s, the danger of buying stock on margin was that if the value of the stock dropped, borrowers had to make up the difference. lost ownership of the stock. could no longer speculate on stock. could no longer get credit.


In the consumer culture of the 1920s, people purchased nonessential goods on a regular basis. people purchased only essential goods on a regular basis. people reduced their purchasing of essential goods. people reduced their purchasing of nonessential goods.


In what manner did hundreds of thousands of Americans pay their respects to President Kennedy when he died? They visited the Capitol, where he lay in state. They visited the place of his birth. They joined the Peace Corps. They joined the civil rights movement.


Japanese aggression toward China and Russia in the 1930s is most closely related to the concept of Lebensraum. isolationism. Mein Kampf. appeasement.


Long after the Brown v. Board of Education decision, some states had not desegregated their schools because the Supreme Court had not set a deadline for doing so. they rejected the Supreme Court's decision by popular vote. the Supreme Court made desegregation voluntary. they decided to close down their schools rather than desegregate.


President Kennedy contributed to the civil rights movement by appointing African Americans to government positions. positions at universities. positions in the space program. positions in the Peace Corps.


President Wilson's proposal to form the League of Nations was most weakened by his illness while traveling to gain support. his shortage of campaign funds. his strong anti-German sentiment. his disagreement with Henry Cabot Lodge.


Reagan's plans for the Strategic Defense Initiative pressured the Soviets to build similar technologies. involved decreasing stocks of US nuclear weapons. resulted in a decisive end to the Cold War. provided opportunity for peace talks to begin.


Ronald Reagan's conservative message made him popular with many Americans. caused most people to question his leadership skills. made him unpopular with evangelical Christians. appealed to only a small group of Republicans.


Supporters of using the atomic bomb against Japan believed it would save American lives. end the war in Europe. improve relations with China. improve relations with Russia.


The 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy robbed anti-war Americans of their leading candidate. finally brought about an end to the Vietnam War. left Richard Nixon as the Democratic presidential candidate. caused the Democrats to cancel their national convention.


The Berlin Wall was viewed as a symbol of Communist oppression. economic strength. political freedom. democracy.


The Final Solution was Nazi Germany's plan to physically exterminate all Jews in Europe. control all of Europe. boycott Jewish businesses. boycott the League of Nations.


The Spanish-American War helped the United States become a strong leader in the Americas. increase control of South American countries. increase trade with countries that were enemies of Spain. prevent foreign expansion into the Americas.


The Supreme Court ruled in the Northern Securities Trust case that the monopoly was illegal and the trust should be broken up. monopoly was legal and could continue business. government should ignore trusts. government should encourage monopolies.


The country Japan fought and defeated during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 was China Korea the Philippines Taiwan


Under New Deal reforms, the biggest change to the traditional role of the federal government was a higher degree of government regulation of business and the economy. a lower degree of government regulation of business and the economy. decreased government support for private/public partnerships. increased government support of laissez-faire capitalism.


What White House Official provided additional testimony against Nixon, including tape recordings? Alexander Butterfield Archibald Cox John Dean Carl Bernstein


What did the People's Party believe would result from the government taking control of America's railroads and banks? Government control would prevent those industries from taking advantage of small farmers. Government control would force those industries to offer more jobs to the "common people." Government control would prompt banks and railroads to rely on gold coins instead of silver. Government control would end the inflation and rising costs caused by a shortage of currency.


What is consumerism? a pattern of wanting and buying new products a pattern of saving most of one's money a pattern of raising prices on store-bought goods a pattern of lowering prices on farm-produced goods


What made it increasingly difficult for President Roosevelt to stay neutral during World War II? Germany's growing power and Britain's desperate need Britain's growing power and China's desperate need Germany's growing power and Japan's desperate need Britain's growing power and Germany's desperate need


What precedents set by the New Deal have been put into play during periods of recession? Financial aid has been supplied to the jobless. Taxes on wealthy business owners have been lowered. More power has been given to the states to solve the problems. Social programs have been cut to save money.


What was an effect of the US increase in production during World War II? It gave the Allies the advantage to win the war. It gave the Axis the advantage to win the war. It led to increased powers for the federal government. It led to the development of the atomic bomb.


What was one of President Wilson's Fourteen Points? establishing a League of Nations imposing tariffs on trade restoring the alliance system maintaining a sea blockade on Germany


What was the main way that war mobilization helped to end the Great Depression? Many unemployed people went to work in war-related industries. Many unemployed men were forced to enlist as soldiers. Many people and businesses grew rich from new technologies. Many women went to work to replace the men who enlisted.


What were the financial effects of the September 11th attacks? The attacks caused a panic in the stock market, and stock prices fell. The attacks helped lift the nation out of a recession, and stock prices rose. The attacks led to a rise in stocks as consumers supported the economy. The attacks had little effect on the stock market or the US economy.


When World War I was beginning in Europe, the United States was trading profitably with the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. the Triple Entente and the Concert of Europe. the Triple Alliance and Concert of Europe. the Concert of Europe and the Central Powers.


When the Space Race began, the United States realized that the USSR could use rockets to carry nuclear weapons. the Soviets could get to the moon first. its technology would never be as good as the USSR's. civil rights were more important than space.


Which Allied nation controlled the Suez Canal in North Africa? Great Britain Egypt Japan the United States


Which best defines a "talkie" during the 1920s? a film with sound a radio broadcast of a speech a singer who performed at concerts a musical with lyrics


Which city had two newspapers that used yellow journalism to increase their popularity and call for war against Spain in Cuba? Chicago Miami Washington, DC New York


Which industry boosted consumerism in the 1920s, feeding economic growth? advertising electricity farming manufacturing


Which late 1940s event prompted the United States to take steps to protect itself from Soviet espionage? the detonation of a bomb on Russian soil the fall of China to communism the rise of the Soviet Union's military the conviction of Alger Hiss


Which of the following best describes President Nixon's policy of Vietnamization? It was a plan to bring US troops home gradually. It was a plan to stage a massive invasion of North Vietnam. It was a strategy to rescue American POWs from the Vietnamese Communists. It was a strategy to unite Vietnam under a Communist government.


Which of the following best describes the 1957 events at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas? Governor Faubus resisted the school's integration with National Guard troops, and President Eisenhower sent federal troops to enforce integration. Under Governor Faubus, Little Rock police first fought, then enforced, the order to integrate the school. President Eisenhower sent National Guard troops to resist the school's integration, but Governor Faubus obtained a court order to dismiss them. President Eisenhower and Governor Faubus worked together to make the integration process run as smoothly as possible.


Which of the following best describes the Americans who served as infantry soldiers in Vietnam? Most were young, working-class draftees. Most were young, working-class volunteers. Most were volunteers in their late twenties. Most were drafted while attending college.


Which of the following best describes why President Kennedy believed education was important? He believed that better education was key to civil rights and greater equality. He believed that a better-educated nation would beat Russia in the space race to the moon. He believed that better education would end disease and poverty. He believed that a better-educated nation would advocate more for the environment.


Which of the following correctly characterizes the different post-war goals of the United States and the Soviet Union? The United States wanted to promote democracy throughout the world, while the USSR wished to spread a single-party system. The United States wished to stay out of the affairs of other nations, while the USSR wanted to become a superpower. The United States wanted to create a buffer zone in Eastern Europe, while the USSR wished to stay out of its border nations. The United States pushed for government control of the economy worldwide, while the USSR promoted the free-market system.


Which of the following did the United States produce more of during World War II than Germany, Japan, and Italy combined? aircraft automobiles bombs uniforms


Which of the following is true of Great Britain's participation in World War II in 1940? Its Royal Air Force won the Battle of Britain. Its Royal Navy lost the Battle of the Atlantic. Its Royal Air Force lost the Battle of the Atlantic. Its land troops outmaneuvered Germany's.


Which of the following losses changed the Japanese plan to continue advancing and taking islands in the Pacific? Japan's loss of aircraft carriers in the Battle of Midway. Japan's loss of its naval base on the island of Midway. Japan's loss of its airfield on Guadalcanal. Japan's loss of ships and planes in the Coral Sea.


Which of the following names two pieces of domestic legislation passed during the Nixon administration? the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act the SALT I agreement and the Watergate Act the Water Quality Act and the SALT I agreement the Endangered Species Act and the CREEP Act


Which of the following upset the United States and moved it closer to entering the war? the Zimmerman Telegram restrictions on U-boat warfare the British blockade ammunition in the cargo of the Lusitania


Which of the following was a tactic used by the US during the Vietnam War? spreading Agent Orange disguising troops as the enemy fighting guerrilla warfare disguising troops as civilians


Which of the following was an important reason that Richard Nixon won the presidency in 1968? He promised to end the Vietnam War. He belonged to the same political party as Johnson. He had political views and strategies that were liberal. He had served as Johnson's vice president.


Which of the following would have most likely occurred if Franklin Roosevelt's judicial reform bill had become law? It would have concentrated power in the executive branch of the government. It would have restored balance among the three branches of government. It would have set a precedent for government intervention in the economy. It would have signaled an end to all the programs of Roosevelt's New Deal.


Which other member of the Triple Alliance first supported Austria-Hungary's invasion of Serbia? Germany Ottoman Empire Russia Great Britain


Which statement best explains how manufacturers contributed to the economic slowdown that led to the Great Depression? They were overproducing goods. They were not meeting consumer demands. They were charging high prices for their products. They were unable to pay back loans borrowed from banks.


Why did President Cleveland refuse to annex Hawaii? He felt annexation would be unjust and illegal. He thought the islands were too expensive to maintain. He considered Hawaii too far away to govern effectively. He believed Hawaii would not influence trade with Asia.


Why did President Johnson decide not to run for reelection in 1968? Public opposition to the Vietnam War had made him unpopular. Public support for the Vietnam War had made him unpopular. He had already served two terms as US president. His speech at the Democratic National Convention had prompted violence.


Why did students at Kent State University in Ohio protest the bombing of Cambodia? They thought it escalated a war that the United States was supposedly withdrawing from. It showed that the US government had been working secretly in Vietnam for years. They thought it would end the war too quickly. It showed that Vietnamization was effective.


Why was acquiring Guam important for the United States in the Spanish-American War? Acquiring Guam allowed the United States to have a naval base in the Pacific. Acquiring Guam allowed the United States to export Guam's raw materials. Acquiring Guam allowed the United States to sell goods to the people of Guam. Acquiring Guam gave the United States fishing rights in the Pacific Ocean.


Why were materials such as scrap iron, rubber, and aluminum recycled during the war? They were used to make ammunition and explosives. They were used to make American automobiles. They were used to make goods used in peacetime. They were used to make stoves and refrigerators


Women's suffrage in Arizona was granted by which reform measure? an initiative a recall a referendum a direct primary


mc015-1.jpg This map illustrates the countries occupied by Germany. the countries occupied by France. that Norway was not under German occupation. that Belgium was not under German occupation.


After taking office, President Ford resolved the lingering issue of Watergate by ordering Nixon's prosecution. pardoning Nixon. releasing the Watergate tapes. imprisoning Nixon


After the Korean War, the division of the Korean Peninsula at the 38th parallel was eliminated. remained in place. was moved north. was moved south.


As a result of Joseph McCarthy's accusations and his committee hearings, McCarthy was accused of falsifying documents and impeached. thousands were accused of being communist sympathizers. the anticommunist hysteria that gripped the nation quickly quieted down. relations between the United States and the Soviet Union improved.


At the time of his election, Ronald Reagan felt that the problems the United States was experiencing could be virtually eliminated by raising taxes. were the result of excessive government spending. had been caused by too little government intervention. had developed because there were too few social services.


Before Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, his book Mein Kampf called for a boycott of Jewish businesses. the removal of Jews from Germany. a holocaust of Jewish people. genocide of Jewish people.


During World War II, Germany was a member of the Allies. Axis. United Nations. League of Nations.


During World War II, which battle was the first significant US victory in the Pacific? Battle of the Coral Sea Battle of Midway Battle of Guadalcanal Battle of Iwo Jima


During the 1950s, Joseph McCarthy was a blacklisted actor in Hollywood. an outspoken senator from Wisconsin. a member of Truman's administration. a convicted spy from the Soviet Union.


Ernest Hemingway, part of the "lost generation," often wrote works related to the excesses of wealth. the futility of war. the conflict between classes. the hope of youth.


How did Admiral Chester Nimitz displease the US Congress during World War II? He insisted the US should focus on the Pacific rather than the European theater. He refused to take the US fleet into battle immediately after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. He did not want to drop the atomic bomb in order to convince the Japanese leadership to surrender. He promoted and implemented a "no surrender" policy among US troops in the Pacific.


How did European nations compete for power in the years before World War I? by invading each other by establishing overseas colonies by declaring war on the United States by drilling offshore for oil and natural gas


How did Henry Ford's Model T contribute to the culture of the Roaring Twenties? The Model T used traditional manufacturing methods and was expensive. The Model T stimulated an overall feeling of prosperity. The Model T encouraged mass production in other industries. The Model T was a symbol of the extreme wealth generated in this period.


How did Populists want the government to handle currency in the late 1800s? Populists wanted the government to make unlimited paper money. Populists wanted the government to make unlimited silver coins. Populists wanted the government to keep the gold standard. Populists wanted the government to limit the amount of paper money.


How did Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal help the environment? by ending federal irrigation projects by preserving the nation's forests by clearing and developing land by limiting working hours


How did consumers weaken the economy in the late 1920s? Consumers only bought a limited number of products. Consumers bought too many goods they could not afford. Consumers refused to pay high prices for goods. Consumers increased their spending and used only cash.


How did critics view the judicial reform bill under Roosevelt? They thought that it would weaken the presidency and strengthen the court. They felt that it was an attempt to gain influence on the Supreme Court. They viewed it as a way to take power away from the government and give it to the people. They thought that it would bring an end to the programs created by the New Deal.


How did the Destroyers for Bases agreement President Roosevelt signed help Britain and its allies? The agreement put US bases on Soviet territory. The agreement put US bases on British territory. The agreement put US destroyers in Soviet waters. The agreement put US destroyers in German waters.


How did the actions of Commodore Perry help Japan in 1854? Perry helped the Japanese create a strong naval defense. Perry helped the Japanese make contact with the outside world. Perry helped the Japanese defend themselves from invaders. Perry helped the Japanese start diplomatic relations with European countrie


How did the fall of the Soviet Union affect Cuba's economy? Cuba's economy became stronger Cuba's economy weakened. Cuba became the world's strongest economy. Cuba became dependent on the United States.


In 1945, what concern did the Allies have about invading the Japanese mainland with ground forces? They were worried they did not have enough soldiers. They were worried there would be too great a loss of life. They were worried the Japanese were developing an atomic bomb. They were worried the Japanese had a stronger fleet in mainland ports.


In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court ruled that Archibald Cox had overstepped his bounds in demanding the Watergate tapes. Nixon could not use executive privilege to withhold the Watergate tapes. Nixon could use executive privilege to withhold the Watergate tapes. Archibald Cox was required to end the Watergate investigation.


In his arguments in Brown v. Board of Education, the lawyer for Oliver and Linda Brown claimed that "separate but equal" public schools were neither separate nor equal. separate but not truly equal. equal but not truly separate. both separate and equal.


In the 1860s, the Homestead Act made it possible for many Americans to achieve the dream of becoming wealthy. owning a farm. buying a factory. moving to a big city.


In which order did groups from the United States first settle in Hawaii? military, government officials, businessmen missionaries, businessmen, military diplomats, military, businessmen military, businessmen, missionaries


Nixon's plan to end the Vietnam War through the strategy of Vietnamization proved successful within a surprisingly short period of time. did not appease most American citizens. assured his election as president in 1968. struck most Americans as the most sensible strategy.


Reagan's landslide victory in 1980 was proof that there were more Republicans than Democrats in the United States. Americans were ready for a change in leadership. people wanted the government to cut military spending. Americans did not cross party lines when they voted in national elections.


The Cotton Club was famous for which of the following? food music art poetry


The Jazz Age occurred during which decade? 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s


The Progressive movement of the 1800s promoted big business and minimal government involvement. social, economic, and political reforms. business trusts and monopolies. industrialization, urbanization, and government deregulation.


The Truman Doctrine and the containment policy were designed to rebuild Europe's economy. stop Communism. strengthen the USSR. boost the United Nations.


The US troop "surge" in Iraq in 2007 gradually increased violence. gradually decreased violence. quickly increased violence. quickly decreased violence.


The meaning of the Russian term glasnost in English is "freedom." "openness." "corruption." "power."


The new Japanese constitution after World War II contained a clause that promised that Japan would remain allies with the US. prevented Japan from having or using an army. required all citizens to vote in Japanese elections. stopped Japan from making special trade agreements.


The raw materials that the United States produced more of during World War II than any other country were guns and bombs. oil and steel. aluminum and iron. helmets and uniforms.


The unanimous Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education was written by Reverend Oliver Brown. Earl Warren. all nine Supreme Court justices. Thurgood Marshall.


US war bonds helped the war effort by raising money for people on the home front. loaning money to the government. paying taxes to the government. helping banks stay in business.


What did the Einstein-Szilard letter warn President Roosevelt about in 1939? that the US was secretly researching nuclear weapons that Germany was researching nuclear weapons that the US planned to use nuclear weapons against Japan that Germany planned to use nuclear weapons against Japan


What did the Social Security Act of 1935 do? paid employers for letting people retire set up a fund for retired Americans required retirees to continue to work encouraged the organization of labor unions


What effect did the use of credit have on the economy in the 1920s? It made the economy stronger. It made the economy weaker. It made parts of the economy stronger. It solved the problem of overproduction.


What was President Nixon's approach to easing tensions between the United States and other nations? investigation before action détente reconciliation a truce with all nations


What was the main reason that yellow journalism strongly affected American attitudes about Cuba and the Spanish-American War? Very few average Americans read newspapers, but most politicians did. People got most of their information about world events from newspapers. People trusted the information because the newspapers were careful to print only facts. Yellow journalism reports featured accurate information from reliable sources.


What was the nickname for President Reagan's plan to destroy Soviet nuclear missiles in space? Reaganomics "Star Wars" glasnost perestroika


When fighting in Vietnam, American soldiers used guerrilla warfare tactics to confuse the Viet Cong. destroyed huge jungle areas so the Viet Cong could not hide there. located and defeated the Viet Cong easily. set up hidden camps in villages and underground locations.


When the Nazi death camps were liberated, people around the world were most shocked by the existence of the camps. the size and scale of the camps. the secrecy of the camps. the locations of the camps.


When was the House Un-American Activities Committee formed? 1928 1938 1948 1958


Which Eastern European nation was the first to reject Communism between 1989 and 1991? Hungary Poland Bulgaria Albania


Which groups did Franklin Roosevelt specifically help during his first Hundred Days in office? farmers and the "brain trust" farmers and the unemployed businesses and farmers businesses and military veterans


Which of the following are legacies of Roosevelt's environmental policies? clean air and water national monuments bans on deforestation bans on hunting


Which of the following best describes the 1942 Allied strategy in North Africa? The Allies advanced on Axis troops in Libya from both east and west, trapping them in the middle. The Allies pushed Rommel's troops out of Egypt and trapped them against more Allied forces in the west. The Allies first fought Rommel in Morocco and Algeria, then moved eastward into Egypt. The Allies landed along the coast and eventually pushed Rommel's troops inland.


Which of the following best describes the protests at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago? Anti-war protestors beat Chicago police and attacked them with tear gas. Anti-war Democrats had no candidate, so they protested at the convention. Pro-war protestors beat Chicago police and attacked them with tear gas. Pro-civil rights Democrats had no candidate, so they protested at the convention.


Which of the following best explains how the United States acquired Alaska? The United States claimed Alaska after winning a war with Russia. The United States purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. The United States purchased Alaska from Canada for two cents an acre. The United States accepted Alaska's petition to become a US territory.


Which of the following best summarizes the status of World War II technologies today? They have improved slightly and are occasionally used today. They have continued to improve and are still used today. They are no longer used but are remembered for their role during the war. They are no longer used but can be found in a World War II museum.


Which of the following describes an effect of the Spanish-American War? Cuba became a US territory. Puerto Rico became a US territory. The Philippines was returned to Spanish control. The United States traded the Philippines for the island of Guam.


Which of the following industries did Progressives want to regulate to protect the health of consumers? manufacturing and agriculture food and drug ranching and mining construction and forestry


Which of the following names an NAACP member who became the first African American Supreme Court justice? Heman Sweatt Thurgood Marshall Branch Rickey Jackie Robinson


Which of the following statements best describes the state of the Korean Peninsula after World War II? South Korea became communist; North Korea became democratic. South Korea became democratic; North Korea became communist. Both South Korea and North Korea became democratic. Both South Korea and North Korea became communist.


Which of the following was a reason the US adopted a policy of isolationism before World War II? the large number of American casualties in the Spanish Civil War the large number of American casualties in World War I the desire to get Americans involved in world conflicts the desire to help Americans travel to foreign countries


Which of the following was a result of Joseph McCarthy's attacks on President Truman in the early 1950s? Truman defeated McCarthy in the election of 1952. Dwight Eisenhower became president in 1952. McCarthy decided not to run for reelection. Truman was revealed to be a communist.


Which statement best describes how the Fed's use of open market operations affects banks?


Which statement describes how borrowers will most likely benefit when the Fed reduces reserve requirements?


Which statement summarizes President Obama's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan during his first term? The Obama administration withdrew almost all American troops from both Iraq and Afghanistan. The Obama administration withdrew most troops from Iraq and prepared for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Obama administration withdrew most troops from Iraq and made no changes in Afghanistan. The Obama administration increased troop numbers in Iraq and withdrew most troops from Afghanistan.


Which two groups cooperated with the government to switch from peacetime to wartime production? state governments and armed forces labor and business the Allies and the Axis powers the president and Congress


While consumerism during the 1920s boosted the economy, it also led to more savings. higher debt. lower debt. fewer stocks.


Who made the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan in 1945? Allied leaders President Harry Truman President Franklin Roosevelt General Douglas MacArthur


Who was accused of firing the shots that killed President Kennedy? Jack Ruby Lee Harvey Oswald Lyndon Johnson Fidel Castro


Who was the engineer who asked Congress to pass the Transcontinental Railroad Act but died before the railroad was finished? Asa Whitney Theodore Judah Thomas Durant Abraham Lincoln


Why did US and coalition troops try to stop Iraq's invasion of Kuwait? The United Nations would fail without Kuwait's support. The world depended on Kuwait for oil. Stopping Iraq would remove Hussein from power. Stopping Iraq would ensure peace in the Middle East.


Why did a provision of the Interstate Commerce Act require railroads to make their rates public? so that railroad employees did not have to remember the rates so that railroad companies couldn't unfairly charge different rates so that railroads could operate more quickly and efficiently so that different railroad companies would know what to charge


Why did many European nations quickly join World War I following the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914? They were ready for war. They had pledged to fight with other countries. They wanted to prevent more assassinations. They were ordered to by the United States.


Zora Neale Hurston collected and wrote about African American jazz. folk tales. poetry. spirituals.


mc009-2.jpg During the Cold War, which country controlled the shaded nations? the United States the Soviet Union Germany Great Britain


ow did the acquisition of Guam in the Spanish-American War affect US trade? It allowed the US to increase exports from Hawaii. It allowed the US to increase trade with China. It allowed the US to increase trade with Japan. It allowed the US to increase trade with the Philippines.


"Out of every crisis, every tribulation, every disaster, mankind rises with some share of greater knowledge, of higher decency, of purer purpose." Which best explains what Roosevelt is promising the nation? that he will offer financial assistance to citizens to help repair the economy that he will keep the unemployed from placing burdens on the employed that he will lead the nation out of its current state and help America grow stronger that he will balance the federal budget by raising taxes on businesses


"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." Which of the following best describes Bryan's opinion about currency? Working people do not make as much gold as the wealthy. Free silver would ruin the economy of the United States. The gold standard hurts every worker in the United States. Workers would prefer to earn gold coins instead of silver.


After the United States withdrew from Vietnam in 1973, fighting in the region ended, and North Vietnam finally abandoned Communism. the fighting continued until Vietnam became united under a democratic government. the fighting continued until Vietnam became united under a Communist government. fighting in the region ended and South Vietnam remained a separate independent nation.


After writing Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler went on to become a wealthy industrialist. serve five years in jail. become Germany's chancellor. fight for Austria during World War I.


Approximately what percentage of all Jews living in Europe were killed during the Holocaust? about 25% about 50% about 60% about 90%


As a result of Japan's increasing use of suicide attacks in 1945, Allied leaders began decreasing the number of bombing raids on Japanese cities. developing more accurate and effective anti-aircraft weapons. thinking of a new strategy besides invading the Japanese mainland. weighing the pros and cons of surrendering to the Japanese.


At the end of the 1800s, why did people fear that China might be split into different imperialist colonies? China was losing a war with Japan and the United States. China was fighting an alliance of several European powers. China was too weak to prevent other nations from controlling parts of its territory. China was unable to stop revolts in various Chinese provinces.


Because of the activities of people like Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold, and David Greenglass, the 1940s and 1950s can be called an age of democracy. scientists. espionage. technology.


Before running for president in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt had no previous experience in government. had been vice president under Herbert Hoover. had been governor of the state of New York. had helped Hoover balance the federal budget.


Both Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald were successful playwrights. optimistic reporters. pessimistic novelists. unsuccessful artists.


During Franklin Roosevelt's 1932 presidential campaign, Roosevelt proposed a set of reforms called the Brain Trust. the Positive Outlook. the New Deal. the Balanced Budget.


During World War II, US naval forces were able to intercept the Japanese fleet before it reached Midway because US ships were on their way to Japan when they met the outbound fleet. US ships waited near the island to intercept inbound Japanese ships. US intelligence had deciphered messages laying out the Japanese plan. US warplanes on their way to Japan happened to spot the inbound fleet.


During World War II, the Battle of the Coral Sea was significant because it evened the naval strength of the Japanese and US fleets. was the first significant win for the Allies in the Pacific. denied the Japanese the chance to launch a direct attack on Australia. was the first sea battle in which warships directly confronted one another.


During World War II, which of the following was an Axis nation? China the Philippines Japan Egypt


During World War II, who was the commander-in-chief of the Pacific fleet? Dwight D. Eisenhower Douglas MacArthur Chester Nimitz George S. Patton


During the early years of World War I, which of the following did the Germans use to great advantage? the field telephone the machine gun the submarine the tank


During which decade did the US pursue a policy of isolationism? 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s


How did changes that the US made affect Japan's economy after World War II? Japan struggled to grow for many years. Japan changed to an agricultural economy. Japan became one of the world's strongest economies. Japan had to rely on the US for economic support.


How did creating the Department of Homeland Security address the concerns of the 9/11 Commission? Passengers would be better screened for explosives and weapons. "No-fly lists" would keep possible terrorists off airplanes. Agencies would be able to share critical information. Agencies would conduct more searches and seizures.


How did radar technology help soldiers fighting in World War II? It helped them fly faster. It helped them track and predict the weather. It helped them find enemy ships and planes. It helped them fly farther.


How did the Gross National Product (GNP) of the United States change between 1940 and 1944? It increased slightly. It stayed the same. It more than doubled. It dropped significantly.


How did the production of penicillin change during World War II? Different types of penicillin were developed. Stronger types of penicillin were developed. Larger quantities of penicillin were able to be made. Smaller quantities of penicillin were able to be made.


In 1998, two years after signing the Dayton Accords, Serbia united with Bosnia. welcomed NATO. resumed fighting. stopped fighting.


In the wake of the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Cuba placed Fulgencio Batista in power. formed an alliance with the United States. formed an alliance with the Soviet Union. built an economy based on capitalism.


One of President Clinton's goals to improve the economy was to have the states bear the burden of lowering the deficit. to make US citizens responsible for lowering the deficit. to share the responsibility for government debt reduction. to take all of the responsibility for government debt reduction.


President Franklin Roosevelt's judicial reform bill would have allowed him to reject a Supreme Court decision by protesting to Congress. decide which laws the Supreme Court could review. appoint as many as six additional Supreme Court justices. reapprove each of the nine current Supreme Court justices.


Read this quotation. "I think that it is high time that we remembered that the Constitution . . . speaks not only of the freedom of speech but also of trial by jury instead of trial by accusation. Whether it be a criminal prosecution in court or a character prosecution in the Senate, there is little practical distinction when the life of a person has been ruined." -Senator Margaret Chase Smith, 1950 Although Senator Smith does not name anyone in this quotation, she is most likely referring to Dwight Eisenhower. Joseph Welch. Joseph McCarthy. Ethel Rosenberg.


Reform elements such as the recall, the referendum, and the initiative were primarily designed to give power to trusts. political machines. voters. monopolies.


Senator McCarthy's influence might have died quickly following his 1950 accusations had it not been for the discovery of hundreds of communists in the administration. the defeat of President Truman in the election of 1956. the arrest of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage. the blacklisting of hundreds of people in the Hollywood community.


The Social Security Administration faces new challenges in the twenty-first century because there are more workers paying into the system. its services are no longer needed by American workers. there are a greater number of retirees in the system. its revenues are needed in other government programs.


The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, contained a clause that blamed the war on the United States government. the Aryans. the German government. the Nazi Party.


Unlike liberal critics of Roosevelt's New Deal, conservative critics thought New Deal programs did not do enough. largely supported New Deal programs as they were. thought New Deal programs expanded government too much. supported government expansion of New Deal programs.


What US action in 1941 angered the Japanese and resulted in the bombing of Pearl Harbor? The US signed the Destroyers for Bases agreement. The US aided Indochina against Japan. The US froze Japan's assets and exports. The US aided China in war against Japan.


What did President Reagan's new approach to the Cold War reveal about his foreign-policy strategy? He thought that aggressive military action would lead to peace. He favored peace talks, trade agreements, and negotiation. He wanted to work for peace from a position of military strength. He believed that cutting defense spending would improve US foreign relations.


What made Germany's invasions of Europe difficult to stop during World War II? Germany's bombs and torpedoes Germany's powerful U-boats Germany's air attacks and fast-moving ground troops Germany's fast-moving sea attacks and powerful navy


What was Germany's main goal after World War I? to help the United States develop the plan for the League of Nations to make France return all of the territory it had occupied during the war to remain a world power to become allies with the United Kingdom


What was a major concern of scientists who left Nazi Germany for the United States before World War II? They did not think Germany was paying attention to their work. They did not think Germany wanted to develop nuclear weapons. They feared Germany was trying to develop nuclear weapons. They feared Germany would pass the US in industrial production.


What was the link between the political situations in Iran and Nicaragua during the mid-1980s? US hostages taken by Nicaragua were set free after Iran funded their release. The US government sent money to both countries to support radical regimes. Profits from the arms sold to Iran were used to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Both countries fought the USSR with weapons supplied by the United States.


What was the main result of Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare during World War I? It limited the number of countries that became involved in the war. It weakened the German effort by overextending their resources. It helped push the United States into entering the war on the Allied side. It convinced the Allied Powers that they could not win the war.


What was the result of the Trinity Test in 1945? Scientists persuaded the US to use the bomb on Germany. Japan was convinced to surrender to the Allies. Scientists realized how powerful the nuclear bomb was. The US government shut down the Manhattan Project.


When did the Bay of Pigs invasion into Cuba occur? in 1948 in 1959 in 1961 in 1989


When the construction of the transcontinental railroad was completed, it was primarily used to ship raw materials and finished goods. it made long-distance travel too expensive for most Americans. it made travel time shorter between the East and West. it helped make living on the Plains safer for white settlers.


Which European country did Japan fight and defeat during a war from 1904-1905? France Germany Russia the Netherlands


Which did Irving Berlin write? The Age of Innocence The Sun Also Rises "White Christmas" "It Girl"


Which is the best example of an effect of the Harlem Renaissance on music? It brought ragtime to a wider American audience. It brought spirituals to many African American churches. It brought jazz to a wider American audience. It brought the blues to many African American churches.


Which issue helped determine the outcome of the 2008 presidential race? worry about campaign financing anger over health-care reform opposition to the war in Iraq concern about an oil spill


Which military action led to the start of World War I? Germany's invasion of France Russia's invasion of Germany Austria-Hungary's invasion of Serbia Italy's invasion of Bosnia


Which of the following arguments decided the debate over using the atomic bomb against Japan in 1945? Using the bomb would destroy the armaments still available to Japanese forces in Japan. Using the bomb would demonstrate the power of the United States to the entire world. Using the bomb would shorten the war and avoid heavy casualties among invading troops. Using the bomb would enable Allied forces to invade and take over the Japanese mainland.


Which of the following best describes a belief held by President Truman that led to the establishment of the Truman Doctrine? The United States should expand its ability to trade with all possible nations. The United States should promote a single-party government system globally. The United States should help free nations resist the spread of Communism. The United States should work to keep capitalism contained within Europe.


Which of the following best describes how Branch Rickey and Jackie Robinson affected American culture? They were the first African American players in Major League Baseball. Their efforts led to the integration of US public schools. They showed the country that integration could be successful. Their actions led to the segregation in most American sports.


Which of the following best describes the US economy in 1998 during President Clinton's term? It was in a recession. It was in a depression. The federal budget was balanced. The deficit was somewhat lowered.


Which of the following best describes the state of the US economy at the end of World War II? It was starting to come out of the Great Depression. It was deep into the second Great Depression. It was experiencing steady growth from wartime production. It was entering yet another recession.


Which of the following best explains how the overproduction of goods in the 1920s affected consumer prices and the economy? Prices fell as consumer demand increased, and the economy grew. Prices increased along with consumer demand, and businesses prospered. Prices fell as consumer demand decreased, and the economy slowed down. Prices increased but consumer demand decreased, and the economy grew.


Which of the following describes the importance of the University of Michigan to the 1960s antiwar movement? The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed there. It was the location of a three-day counterculture music festival. It was where the Students for a Democratic Society was established. Students from that university wrote Catch-22.


Which of the following did President Nixon support during his first term? the elimination of the EPA a cancellation of SALT I the creation of the EPA an end to détente


Which of the following events was considered the end of the Cold War? the election of George H. W. Bush the speech by President Reagan at the Berlin Wall the signing of a mutual nonaggression pact in 1990 the coup against Gorbachev in 1991


Which of the following explains why the Munich Agreement is an example of appeasement? It resulted in the German invasion of other European countries. It resulted in the German invasion of Italy. The participants gave Hitler something valuable in exchange for peace. The participants denied Hitler permission to take the Sudetenland.


Which of the following is one of the terms often applied the members of the counterculture? hawks guerrillas hippies eagles


Which of the following is the best evidence that Cold War fears affected American civil liberties during the 1950s? the Soviet explosion of an atomic bomb the election of Dwight Eisenhower the arrest of Soviet spies the McCarthy Senate hearings


Which of the following issues caused Roosevelt to seek a "square deal" for the environment in 1900? conditions at meat-packing plants swamp land deforestation political corruption in farm areas


Which of the following occurred after Allied forces invaded the Italian mainland in September 1943? German forces retreated from Italy. Axis forces repelled the Allies. Italian forces quickly surrendered. Allied forces declared victory in Europe.


Which of the following pieces of legislation was also known as the Wagner Act? the National Recovery Act the Social Security Act the National Labor Relations Act the Work Progress Act


Which of the following statements best characterizes the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s? The House Un-American Activities Committee ended the era of espionage. The House Un-American Activities Committee kept the United States out of war. The House Un-American Activities Committee wrongly accused many people. The House Un-American Activities Committee questioned only private citizens.


Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the United States and South Korea today? The two countries are bitter enemies. The two countries are neutral toward one another. The two countries are strong trading partners. The two countries are allied together against Russia


Which of the following statements best describes why President Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur in 1951? North Korea had won the war by 1951, so Truman fired MacArthur to save face. Because the war ended in a stalemate, MacArthur had not done the job he was assigned to do. MacArthur had publicly criticized Truman's approach to the war. Truman wanted to invade China, but MacArthur had refused to lead his troops on such a dangerous mission.


Which of the following was made possible by the end of the Cold War? the formation of NATO the breakup of Hungary the reunification of Germany the election of George H. W. Bush


Which of the following was true before the Social Security Act of 1935? Most retired Americans were provided for by the government. Very few retired Americans needed financial help. Very few retired Americans had a guaranteed income. Most retired Americans lived on pensions from their former employers.


Which practice is sometimes characterized by extreme nationalism? spiritualism communism fascism liberalism


Which provision of the Treaty of Versailles had the greatest economic impact on Germany? Germany had to spend money to rebuild its military. Germany had to buy back lands claimed by the Allies. Germany had to pay huge reparations for the damages it caused. Germany had to pay large fees to join the League of Nations.


Which statement describes how the United States reacted to Rwanda's genocide of the Tutsi people? The United States withdrew troops from Rwanda before they could be effective. The United States threatened to invade Rwanda if the genocide did not stop. The United States failed to get involved in Rwanda when Tutsi people were being killed. The United States killed Tutsi people while trying to stop the conflict.


Which was a New Deal program instituted by Franklin Roosevelt? the deregulation of banks and businesses the collection of "hardship payments" federal relief for the unemployed federal relief for speculators


Who was Branch Rickey? an African American athlete and baseball team owner an African American who organized baseball's first professional league a baseball team's manager who opposed segregation in the sport a white baseball player who defended segregation in the sport


Whom did Nixon refer to as the "silent majority"? opponents of the Vietnam War the Kent State protestors supporters of the Vietnam War those who had voted for him in 1968


Whom did President Nixon choose as his national security adviser? Rachel Carson Leonid Brezhnev Henry Kissinger Gerald Ford


Why did Franklin Roosevelt launch new programs during his first hundred days in office? to strengthen public services and deregulate businesses to encourage businesses to invest in construction to help people immediately and provide them with jobs to help people make more money at their jobs


Why did Franklin Roosevelt's Federal Emergency Relief Administration give grants to states, even though it cost more than giving money to individuals? It was easier for the federal government to let individual states distribute the grants to individuals. It was easier to identify impoverished states than it was to identify impoverished individuals. States used the money to create jobs, which was better for morale than simply receiving money. States could use part of the money to pay state officials and pass the rest to individuals.


Why did President Reagan order the CIA to recruit the Contras? He wanted to use the Contras to help free US hostages being held by terrorists. He thought they could help the United States sell arms to countries fighting Communism. He thought they were necessary to oust a Communist-leaning government in Nicaragua. He felt that it would prompt Congress to change its stand on US involvement in Latin America.


Why did Progressives seek to eliminate government corruption? Government officials were concerned that it was hurting the tax system. Government officials were concerned that it was hurting the banking system. Government officials were using bribes and violence to get votes. Government officials were using bribes to get women the vote.


Why did the United States sell arms to Iran in the 1980s? to oust Iran's Communist government from power to prevent the Soviets from winning control of Iran to obtain the release of the hostages to get revenge for the bombing of American marine barracks


Why were tanks developed during World War I? to provide shelter from poison gas to carry heavy anti-aircraft guns to protect soldiers when they attacked trenches to be advance scouts for infantry


Women were asked to work in factories during World War I because most women could be paid less than men. most men refused to do factory work. most men were away fighting in the war. most women did not want to stay at home.


_______________ monetary policy involves decreasing the money supply.


The Homestead Act of 1862 impacted American Indians by

creating a drain on the food supply for native americans

A goal of the Defense Plant Corporation was to coordinate wartime business and labor. to oversee wartime production. to prepare the US for war. to give money to businesses to fund war production.


A major change women experienced during the post-World War I era was that they started wearing longer hemlines. dancing and drinking alcohol. driving cars and trucks. working outside the home.


A major theme of F. Scott Fitzgerald's work was the idea that the post-war world presented chances to become wealthy. needed new inventions to fix problems. presented chances for adventure. was empty and meaningless.


A result of jazz's development during the 1920s and 1930s was that many people began performing spirituals. claimed credit for jazz. rejected the ragtime sound. embraced jazz music.


A similarity between the Battle of Midway and the Battle of the Coral Sea is that both were good examples of the "island-hopping" strategy. significantly reduced Japan's naval strength. were significant victories for the Allies. were fought by warplanes from aircraft carriers.


A strong economy depends on many investors speculating. many banks giving many people loans. most consumers buying on credit. most people's confidence in the economy.


According to Reagan's model for supply-side economics, how would average Americans be affected? Tax increases for business owners would reduce the income of the wealthy, so the average person would have more. Tax cuts would mean that businesses would become more efficient and workers would lose their jobs. Tax increases would mean that businesses would have less wealth and would produce less for consumers. Tax cuts would stimulate business growth, which would grow the economy and benefit everyone.


After World War II, Stalin said that the Soviet Union needed a "buffer zone" to protect it from attack. This idea resulted in the USSR expanding its control into Northern Africa. Western Europe. the Middle East. Eastern Europe.


After World War II, why did the USSR want to control countries in Eastern Europe? The USSR mostly needed the region's raw materials for its own economy. The USSR primarily wanted to unite all of the people under one religion. The USSR had controlled most of these countries before the war. The USSR needed to protect its borders from future attacks.


After the fall of the Berlin Wall, which nation broke up into many independent states? Hungary Romania Poland Yugoslavia


By 1938, Jews in Nazi Germany were not allowed to work in the government or carry identification. live near other Jews. attend synagogues. attend schools and colleges.


By instituting government oversight on banks and investments, Franklin Roosevelt reinforced the policies of Herbert Hoover. hoped to create jobs and get reelected. prompted Americans to take their money out of banks. hoped to avoid another stock market crash.


Charles Lindbergh was known as a heroic soldier. a popular radio announcer. a popular baseball player. a heroic pilot.


Citizens in Berlin began to tear down the Berlin Wall soon after Boris Yeltsin became the leader of Russia. Romania rejected Communism. the Soviet Union officially dissolved. East Germany opened its borders.


Concentration camps built by Nazis in 1933 initially held Jehovah's Witnesses. gypsies. socialists. political prisoners.


During World War II, the battle that turned the tide of war against Germany on the eastern front was the Battle of the Bulge. Battle of Sicily. Battle of the Atlantic. Battle of Stalingrad.


During his campaign for president in 1932, Franklin Roosevelt promised to continue many of the policies of Herbert Hoover. strengthen many of the policies of Herbert Hoover. study many of the policies of Herbert Hoover. reverse many of the policies of Herbert Hoover.


During the Cold War, how were the policy of containment and the domino theory related? The policy of containment helped the USSR establish a number of buffer zones, or "dominoes." The United States believed that containment would make it easier for countries to fall to Communism like dominoes. The policy of containment and the domino theory had no direct connection to one another. The United States thought that if Communism could not be contained, then countries would fall to Communism like dominoes.


During the US occupation of Japan after World War II, Japan's military was used to help rebuild cities. retrained by the US military. used to help build a police force. dismantled by the US military.


During the early 1900s, the European nation whose increase in military forces and equipment alarmed other European nations was Russia. Italy. France. Germany.


Following the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Saddam Hussein escaped from the country. weapons of mass destruction were found. the Taliban gained strength in the country. the capital city of Baghdad fell quickly.


Franklin Roosevelt's approach to economic reform threatened which of the following? public/private partnerships the National Recovery Administration banking reform laissez-faire capitalism


Gerald Ford's presidency was marked by massive popular demand that Nixon return to office. popular support for his foreign policy. a strong economic recovery. severe economic issues.


How did many Americans view President Wilson's goal of establishing an international peacekeeping organization after World War I? They supported it because they wanted the United States to get more involved in world affairs. They opposed it because they feared that Wilson had made too many compromises in the Senate to get it passed. They supported it because they believed it would give the United States more prestige around the world. They opposed it because isolationist sentiment was growing, and many people feared American involvement in another war.


How did most of the nation react to President Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre? Many people applauded his termination of disloyal staff members. Many people lost interest in the Watergate scandal. Many people staged protests in support of executive privilege. Many people called for him to be impeached.


How did the Allies' point of view affect Germany during the peace process after World War I? Germans were anxious to join forces with the Allies to help prevent future conflict. Germans were grateful for being allowed to rebuild their economy. Germans felt threatened by the formation of the League of Nations. Germans were angry about their harsh punishment.


How did the Treaty of Versailles affect lands controlled by Germany? Germany lost colonies in Europe and Asia. Germany gained lands in France and Italy. Germany gained lands in Austria and Russia. Germany lost colonies in Asia and Africa.


How did the US change the government of Japan after World War II? It allowed the emperor to gain more power. It put Japan's military in charge. It barred former soldiers from voting. It created a democratic government.


How did the killing of Osama bin Laden affect US foreign relations? It made Pakistan feel more secure. It destroyed the al-Qaeda network. It ended the war in Afghanistan. It strained US-Pakistan relations.


How was the United States' policy of containment related to the Marshall Plan? If the United States could contain the USSR and stop it from trading with other nations, the Marshall Plan would be successful. By containing the economic growth of the USSR, the United States could use the Marshall Plan to stop the spread of capitalism. The USSR could only be contained by military force, so the Marshall Plan built up the military of the United States. The United States believed that the economic aid provided by the Marshall Plan would help contain the spread of Communism.


In 1914, Americans believed that the Monroe Doctrine encouraged them to follow a policy of frequent warfare. trade restrictions. moral diplomacy. neutrality.


In 1941, who commanded US troops in Europe? Douglas MacArthur George Patton Franklin Roosevelt Dwight D. Eisenhower


In the 1920s, how did manufacturers make products faster and more cheaply? They reused old designs and models. They offered a smaller range of goods. They saved on costs by not advertising as much. They adopted Henry Ford's manufacturing techniques.


In the Lochner v. New York case of 1905, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not pass labor laws to protect women. increase protections for children. pass laws concerning workplace safety. regulate working hours.


In the years following World War II, the United States established a policy of containment to keep the countries of Eastern Europe from becoming communist. ensure that communism was contained to the Soviet Union only. eliminate all communist governments throughout the world. prevent the spread of communism outside of Eastern Europe.


In what year did China become a communist nation? 1929 1939 1949 1959


Liberal leaders wanted to change New Deal programs by making them smaller and less expensive. making the states responsible for them. lowering the taxes that funded them. building onto and expanding them.


Materials that had to be shipped to Central Pacific workers included coal and oil. silver and machinery. oil and iron. iron and machinery.


New Deal regulation of the banking industry resulted in the creation of the National Recovery Administration. the Civilian Conservation Corps. the Public Works Administration. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.


Overall, the US economy prior to the 1980 presidential election can best be described as improving. static. strong. weak.


President Bush's approval rating fell at the end of his presidency in part because he lost the Persian Gulf War. sent US troops to Panama. failed to stop the Oklahoma City bombing. broke his promise not to raise new taxes.


The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorized the president to begin diplomatic negotiations with North Vietnam. provided for further military aid to North Vietnam. provided for the commitment of French troops to fight the Viet Cong. authorized the president to deal with threats in Southeast Asia as he saw fit.


The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago was the target of protests by pro-war Republicans. pro-war Democrats. anti-war Republicans. anti-war Democrats.


The American counterculture that emerged in the mid-1960s was marked by respect for traditional authority. a desire to own property. support of the Vietnam War. opposition to traditional values.


The Twenty-Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified during the Vietnam War, resulted in the removal of US troops from Vietnam. limited the power of the president to commit US forces. repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. lowered the voting age to eighteen.


The aspects of a specific location that make people want to move away are called opportunities. pull factors. migrations. push factors.


The cease-fire that ended the Vietnam War resulted in the withdrawal of all US assistance to South Vietnam. the withdrawal of both US and North Vietnamese troops from South Vietnam. the withdrawal of all US assistance to North Vietnam. the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam and the release of American POWs.


The economic situation at the beginning of Ronald Reagan's first term in which unemployment and inflation were both high was referred to as Reaganomics. trickle-down economics. the Strategic Initiative. stagflation.


The term impeachment refers to a type of hidden listening device. the right of a president to maintain privacy. bringing charges against a government official for wrongdoing. the process of removing a government official from his office.


Totalitarian governments are characterized by extreme nationalism, or the belief that all nations should belong to an international organization. all nations are of equal importance. one's country is inferior to other countries. one's country is superior to other countries.


What was one unintended result of glasnost? Communism became more, rather than less, popular. The Soviet government became more corrupt. People discovered they had more political freedom. More citizens protested against the Soviet government.


What was one way Progressives wanted to protect the rights of children? by increasing their freedom by eliminating child labor by decreasing school hours by restricting child labor


What was seen by many Americans as an escalation of the Vietnam War? the Pentagon Papers the surrender of South Vietnam the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution the 1970 bombing of Cambodia


What was the guiding principle of Roosevelt's Square Deal? Roosevelt would make sure Americans could afford three meals a day. Roosevelt would keep Americans free from tax increases. Roosevelt would make sure Americans received additional federal services. Roosevelt would treat Americans with fairness and respect.


What was the main accomplishment of the Manhattan Project during World War II? the discovery of the uses of radar the mobilization of the labor force the passage of the Selective Service Act the development of the atomic bomb


What was the main similarity between the Teller Amendment of 1898 and the Platt Amendment of 1901? They both concerned the rights of the US Navy in the Caribbean. They both supported the Cuban constitution. They both limited Cuba's trading rights with Spain. They both were concerned with the rights of Cuba.


What was the ultimate result of the Final Solution? Large numbers of people were forced to immigrate. Jewish businesses were closed in Germany. Russia was conquered. Millions of European Jews were murdered.


When WWII began, which country controled Korea? France England China Japan


When it first entered World War II, why did the United States commit most of its resources to the war in Europe? Stalin assured Roosevelt that the Soviet Union could deal with Japan. Roosevelt felt the other thirty percent was needed to defend the US mainland. Roosevelt did not feel the United States needed to engage Japan. Roosevelt felt that Germany was more of a threat than Japan.


Which best describes a central bank's primary role?


Which best describes how the Great Migration affected Northern cities? Northern cities changed very little as African Americans moved in. Northern cities became as segregated as the Southern cities. Northern cities forced African Americans into segregated neighborhoods. Northern cities grew more diverse as African Americans shared their culture.


Which best describes the public/private partnerships created under Roosevelt's New Deal reforms? The government took ownership of large private businesses. The government put management of large companies up for a public vote. The government hired individuals to provide private goods and services. The government hired companies to provide public goods and services.


Which country was a member of the Central Powers? Russia Serbia Italy Ottoman Empire


Which describes a domestic policy for which President Nixon was responsible? the reduction of tension between the Democrats and Republicans the establishment of the Second Frontier the reduction of tension between the United States and China the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency


Which of the following best describes Adolf Hitler's regime? fascism marked by individual civil liberties democracy marked by a single, elected ruler communism marked by one-party rule totalitarianism marked by a belief in Aryan superiority


Which of the following best describes how the Boxer Rebellion ended? The Boxers negotiated a peace treaty with the empress of China. The Boxers set up a government in Beijing and refused to trade with foreigners. The Boxers took over the capital city and attacked foreign churches and businesses. The Boxers were defeated by an international army, which allowed foreign occupation to continue.


Which of the following best describes the "domino theory," which was used as a justification for US involvement in Vietnam? If the US can defeat one Communist country, it can defeat all of them. If one section of a country is taken over, the rest of the country will also fall. If an aggressor nation invades one country successfully, it will invade another. If a country falls to Communism, then its neighbors are also likely to do so.


Which of the following best describes the United States' policy of containment following World War II? The United States would invade the USSR whenever that nation seemed likely to stage a Communist takeover. The United States would only provide diplomatic assistance to countries fighting a Communist takeover. The United States would only go to the United Nations on behalf of nations resisting a Communist takeover. The United States would use economic and military measures to prevent the spread of Communism.


Which of the following best describes the connection between the United States, China, and the SALT I agreement? Nixon used the new US closeness to China to negotiate the agreement with the Soviet Union. Brezhnev negotiated the treaty with the United States as part of an alliance against China. Nixon used the new US closeness to the Soviet Union to negotiate the agreement with China. Brezhnev negotiated the treaty with China as part of an alliance against the United States.


Which of the following best explains what happens when consumers think the economy is struggling? People spend more, businesses produce less, and unemployment rises. People spend more, businesses produce a lot, and unemployment is low. People spend less, businesses produce too much, and unemployment is low. People spend less, businesses produce less, and unemployment rises.


Which of the following best summarizes how Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany? Hitler was elected on a promise to continue economic prosperity in Germany. Hitler was elected on a promise to manufacture military equipment for other nations. Hitler was elected as part of a requirement in the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler was elected as a strong leader by Germans who felt angry following the Treaty of Versailles.


Which of the following did Emma Hart Willard accomplish in 1826? She persuaded Oberlin College to admit women. She persuaded the courts to legalize contraception. She organized the Seneca Falls Convention. She founded the first all-girls high school in the US.


Which of the following did Progressives believe would improve government? passing measures in support of monopolies passing measures to limit states' involvement passing measures to limit immigration passing measures to increase citizen participation


Which of the following encouraged the NAACP to become involved with Reverend Oliver Brown's lawsuit against a board of education in Kansas? the Southern Manifesto against desegregation the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson the election of Senator Harry Byrd to the US Senate the Supreme Court's decision in Sweatt v. Painter


Which of the following helped make the reunification of Germany possible? the influence of pro-Western military alliances ethnic tensions in former Soviet states celebrations in many other countries the end of the Cold War


Which of the following is a characteristic of fascism but not of democracy? government control of the military the existence of several political parties freedom to criticize the government a lack of individual civil liberties


Which of the following names a piece of legislation that was passed at the beginning of the Vietnam War and repealed before its end? the Vietnamization Act the War Powers Resolution the 1973 cease-fire the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


Which of the following oversaw the Federal One project in the 1930s? the Social Security Administration the National Labor Relations Board the National Youth Administration the Works Progress Administration


Which of the following was considered unpatriotic in the United States during World War I? offering jobs to women rationing food and fuel discriminating against Germans criticizing the government


Which of the following weapons helped continue the stalemate on battlefields during World War I? the tank the submarine the fighter plane the machine gun


Which piece of Roosevelt's legislation, passed in 1941, stirred up the most controversy? the cash-and-carry amendment the Neutrality Acts the Destroyers for Bases agreement the Lend-Lease Act


Which scientist is often called the "father of the atomic bomb" because of his work as the head of the Manhattan Project? Enrico Fermi Albert Einstein Edward Teller Robert Oppenheimer


Which statement best describes the relationship between the programs of the New Deal and the end of the Great Depression? The Great Depression came to an end solely because of Roosevelt's New Deal. The New Deal had no effect on the ending of the Great Depression. The Great Depression continued to worsen partly because of the New Deal. The New Deal had some impact on bringing about an end to the Great Depression.


Which statement best explains how farming affected the economic slowdown that led to the Great Depression? High demand was met with high output. Produce prices were constantly rising. Large machines made farms more efficient. Even though prices and demand were falling, production increased.


Which statement best summarizes how Reagan's economic policies affected the US economy? There was a decline in unemployment, but people made less money and paid higher taxes. There was a significant rise in prosperity triggered by a reduction in federal spending and the national debt. There was an increase in defense spending because of tax increases and the elimination of the national debt. There was overall prosperity, but federal spending and the national debt also increased.


Who was the leader of an Allied nation during the war in Europe? Adolf Hitler George Patton Benito Mussolini Joseph Stalin


Why did supporters of using the atomic bomb reject the idea of dropping one on a deserted island? They thought the radioactive fallout was too dangerous. They thought it would make Japan fight even harder. They did not want other nations to know about the bomb. They did not want to waste one of the remaining bombs.


Which statement best describes how the Fed responds to high inflation?

decreases money supply

Which statement best explains why the transcontinental railroad took several years to build?

digging through mountains and harsh weather

President Nixon claimed that _______________ allowed him to keep phone calls secret.

executive privilege

The ____________ rate is the interest rate banks charge each other for borrowing or storing money.

federal funds

When inflation is ________, the Fed aims to slow the economy.


The _____________ line that separated Communist countries from free countries in Europe was called "the Iron Curtain."


What is a potential negative effect of an expansionary policy?

increased inflation

Which statement best describes how the Fed responds to recessions?

increases money supply

If the domino effect occurs as a result of changes in the money supply, what will most likely happen as an immediate result of banks having more money to lend?

interest rates will decrease

President Nixon claimed that he had the right to protect the privacy of conversations, which led to a constitutional conflict over taping phone conversations. congressional privilege. presidential powers. special prosecutors.

no b

Which caused the US Army to take over atomic research in the early 1940s? the first atomic bomb test a letter from Albert Einstein Japan's research into atomic bombs the US entry into World War II

not B

Which statement best describes the Manhattan Project during World War II? It was a large project that employed many people at several sites across the United States. It was a large project that only employed a small number of people at two different sites. It was a small project that employed a few people at one site in New York City. It was a small project that employed a few people at many sites across the Untied States.

not B

Critics called President Reagan's economic plan "trickle-down economics." The term described his plan to cut taxes, allowing money to trickle down from consumers to investors. the wealthy to the poor. businesses to consumers. the wealthy to the government.

not a

During which period did the Great Migration mainly occur? 1920-1940 1910-1930 1890-1910 1880-1900

not a

Hitler gained support for anti-Jewish policies in Germany by blaming Jews for causing World War I. crediting Jews with helping Germany win World War I. forcing Jews to pay German war reparations. blaming Jews for the economic depression after World War I.

not a

In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court's ruling made it clear that the executive branch is the most powerful branch, but the president must still obey the law. impeachment is not desirable and is an option only in the most extreme cases. the executive branch should not have more power than other branches of government. impeachment may be used to remove a president from office, but only with congressional approval.

not a

Look at the political cartoon below. mc009-1.jpg In this political cartoon, "The Open Road," the people symbolize wealthy citizens of that era. improvements brought about by urbanization. types of people causing social injustices. urban problems of that time.

not a

Which of the following called upon states to desegregate public schools "with all deliberate speed"? Brown v. Board of Education the Southern Manifesto Brown II Plessy v. Ferguson

not a

Which of the following is a true statement about George H. W. Bush? He served as President Reagan's Secretary of State. He had little experience in foreign affairs. He became president in 1993. He trusted Gorbachev more than Reagan did.

not a

Why did Clinton agree to the revisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade? to increase taxes on services moving between the United States, Mexico, and Canada to reduce international tariffs on industrial goods by forty percent to increase US tariffs on agricultural products by forty percent to end many taxes on goods traded among the United States, Mexico, and Canada

not a

A strategy President Truman and his advisers considered to end World War II was assassinating the Japanese emperor. seeking an immediate peace treaty. continuing to fight the war the same way. sending most US troops to Europe.

not a or b

According to the Open Door policy, China's ability to tax trade inspired some countries to levy their own taxes. discouraged some nations from trading there. angered Japan and Russia. encouraged fair trade for all countries.

not b

By 1970, Nixon and those who supported him believed that the Vietnam War would soon end in a US victory. the Vietnam War had become dangerous and unjustified. a swift US withdrawal would leave the South Vietnamese floundering. a gradual US withdrawal would simply prolong a war that the United States could not win.

not b

The collapse of the USSR had a strong negative effect on which of the following nations? Cuba the United States Germany Montenegro

not b

What main tactic did the NAACP use to fight for African American equality? asking for "separate but equal" facilities asking African Americans to become lawyers establishing its own graduate school arguing legal cases in court

not b

What was the connection between President Wilson's Fourteen Points and Germany's surrender? The Fourteen Points were based on the terms of the surrender. The Fourteen Points were unilaterally accepted by Germany's adversaries, leading to Germany's surrender The Fourteen Points established the terms for Germany's surrender. The Fourteen Points were developed in consultation with Germany's leaders.

not b

Which statement best describes how machine guns were used during World War I? to attack tanks to defend soldiers attacking trenches to attack aircraft to defend territory

not b

As a result of Supreme Court rulings during the Progressive era, most reforms were upheld and implemented by businesses. many reforms were overturned when the court sided with business owners. most laws concerning business practices were declared unconstitutional. few laws concerning business practices were declared constitutional.

not c

Changes made by the United States after World War II affected the agricultural system in Japan by encouraging farmers to form labor unions. allowing farmers to buy the land they farmed. putting farms under government control. causing crop production to decrease.

not c

During the first battle of the Korean War in June of 1950, the United Nations pledged to come to the aid of North Korea. South Koreans crossed the 38th parallel and continued into North Korea. the Soviet Union marched on South Korea and captured it within days. North Koreans took control of the South Korean capital of Seoul.

not c

How did actions of the Spanish during the Cuban Revolution affect American attitudes? Americans opposed the brutal tactics of the Spanish. Americans felt the Spanish were taking a reasonable approach to the Cuban Revolution. Americans were happy when the Spanish accepted help to settle the conflict. Americans thought the Spanish should have negotiated with the rebel leader Martí sooner.

not c

President Kennedy signed education laws to help students of technology. students with disabilities. students in space programs. students in the Peace Corps.

not c

What did most Americans understand before their country entered World War I? that the war would not last long that the war would cost American lives that the war would help the US economy that the war could be won by the US alone

not c

Which of the following best describes the relationship between President Wilson's Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles? The Fourteen Points formed the basis for the Treaty of Versailles. The Fourteen Points added the League of Nations to the Treaty of Versailles. The Fourteen Points rejected the basis for the Treaty of Versailles. The Fourteen Points had no connection to the Treaty of Versailles.

not c

Which of the following was a tactic used by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War? spreading Agent Orange disguising troops as civilians bombing enemy supply lines disguising troops as the enemy

not c

Which two cities were the most popular destinations during the Great Migration? New York and Chicago Atlanta and New York Detroit and Chicago Chicago and Atlanta

not c

Many struggling businesses made large profits during World War II through war contracts with factory workers. the government. the Allies. oil producers.

not c (try b)

A goal of the Obama administration in the US was to ease air-pollution regulations to help businesses. train people to work in green industries. open more rivers for industrial development. increase imports of petroleum and natural gas.

not d

As a result of wartime production, people needed government aid to survive. more women volunteered for noncombat groups. the average work week for people increased. the government borrowed money from citizens.

not d

How did the New Deal policy of loaning money to farmers help create higher prices for farm goods? It permitted farmers to buy land, thus raising prices on crops grown there. It permitted farmers to invest money, thus relieving them of the need to work. It permitted farmers to produce fewer farm goods, thus raising prices. It permitted farmers to produce more farm goods, thus raising prices.

not d

In order to oversee airport security, the government created the Patriot Act. the 9/11 Commission. the Transportation Security Administration. the Department of Homeland Security.

not d

What action broke off US negotiations with Japan? Japan's war with China Japan's invasion of Indochina Japan's pact with Germany and Italy Japan's pact with Indochina

not d

Which best describes the purpose of President Kennedy's Peace Corps program? to send volunteers interstate to learn about regions of the United States to help developing nations improve health care, agriculture, and other areas to work with other nations to promote peace between space programs to help keep democratic regimes in power in different parts of the world

not d

Which contributed to Hitler's rise to power in Germany? Hitler scapegoated German Jews by blaming them for Germany's bad economy and defeat in World War I. Hitler named several prominent German Jews to office to demonstrate his willingness to work with the opposition. Hitler agreed that all Jewish citizens of Germany could move to Palestine, removing many of his opponents from the political scene. Hitler received the votes of most German Jews, who welcomed his promise to restore the nation to its former greatness.

not d

Which of the following best characterizes Japan in the early 1940s? It was a natural enemy of Hitler's Germany. It was a small, isolated power. It controlled a large empire. It had a military government.

not d

The Bush administration helped bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union by

supporting gorbachevs reforms

In the 1840s, Congress's main argument over the transcontinental railroad concerned

the places the railroads should run through.

In the West, the completion of the transcontinental railroad greatly benefited

the ranching industry.

Who was the engineer who asked Congress to pass the Transcontinental Railroad Act but died before the railroad was finished

theodore judah

The form of government in Germany under Adolf Hitler can best be described as


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