US History, progressives-new deal

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The Jungle directly contributed to the passage of the

Meat inspection act

What sector of the progressive movement is this above sector associated with?


Which of the following during WWI proved the most direct threat to the perspective on civil rights in this excerpt?

The Espionage and Sedition Acts

which of the following pieces of legislation raised the most similar concerns about the violation of the civil rights as did WWI?

The sedition act of 1798?

which of the following groups from the 1920s most likely would have supported the perspective of this excerpt?

democrats and republicans who supported progressive reforms?

during wwi the government propaganda such as the poster shown above most likely contributed to which of the following?

increased fear of foreigners and immigrants

which of the following developments in the 1920s would most directly support the author's sentiments in the excerpt? (women)

liberalized divorce laws

eleanor roosevelt expressed the most independance from president FDR and his advisors in her

opposition to racial discrimination

which of the following groups of politicians from between 1865 and 1900 most closely resemble the politicians during the harding administration?

politicians who took shares of railroad stock in return for government subsidies.

which of he following most influenced the thinking about sexual behavior in the 1920s?

popuralization of sigmund freud

how were progressives exclusionary

progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans

the excerpt suggests that eleanor roosevelt knew that her position could most harm her husband's standing with which of the following groups?

southern democrats

which of the following progressive reforms directly promoted active citizenship?

the direct election of senators

which of the following from the 1920s most clearly challenges the interpretation expressed in the excerpt

the disarmament agreement among the great powers to limit warships and aggression

which of the following interpretations of progressivism would support this excerpt?

the progressives were a diverse group who supported various reforms

the issues of freedom of the seas in wwi most closely resembles the cause of which of the following conflicts?

war of 1812

what does the author imply by the phrase "not one of the rights that the citizens of this country are called upon to surrender in the time of war"?

citizens do not lose their freedom of speech during war

the jungle was primarily concerned about working conditions, which if the following most directly helped organized labor?

clayton anti trust act

which of the following new deal policies most clearly addressed "job security" for workers?

collect funds for retirement

who among the following individuals or groups would most directly oppose the philosophy of the New Deal as explained in the excerpt?

consumers who depended on banking system

when the zimmerman message was made public, most people in the USA

expressed nationalist anger against Germany

which of the following most directly supports the author's analysis?

farm income fell from $11.4 billion in 1929 to $6.3 billion in 1932

which of the following groups faced the most difficult economic conditions during the 1920s?

farmers and many rural areas

which of the following does this excerpt support as the primary cause of the war in april 1917

germany's violations of US neutral rights

which of the following new deal policies most directly addressed security for capitalists

regulations to curtail fraud in investment banking and the stock market

many historians criticize the economy that developed during the 1920's, which of the following statements best supports that point of view?

the boom was based on speculation and borrowed money

during the war, a government agency named the committee of public information headed by george creel was

the producer of a vast number of posters, pamphlets, and films

which of the following trends of the 1920s is most clearly portrayed in this advertisement?

the use of extended payment plans to purchase consumer goods

which of the following would most likely support the belief that the government was "against the common people"

treatment of the bonus marchers

which of the following was most directly related to the phrase in the testimony "the necessity for relief for our suffering fellow citizens"?

twenty five percent of the workforce was unemployed

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